Pokemon Azure Platinum Trainers Information

Pokemon Azure Platinum
  • Author: memoryz57
  • All Documentation: click here
  • Language: English

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Pokemon Azure Platinum All Trainers Information

Pokemon Azure Platinum makes you rediscover the Sinnoh Region while incorporating elements of the anime series and by making the game harder to give a bigger challenge to the player. So knowing about the trainers you’ll be facing can help you in your journey.


  • Every trainer has a modified team.
  • Every trainer has an increased number of Pokemon.
  • Every trainer uses the best IA.
  • Every Pokemon has personalized movesets.
  • Every Pokemon holds a useful item.
  • Every Pokemon possesses its best ability.
  • Every Pokemon has perfect or near-perfect IVs.
  • Every Pokemon has a beneficial nature.
  • Trainers don’t use healing items anymore.
  • Every Pokemon has 0 EVs in every stat.
  • Every battle is played is set mode.
  • The player cannot use healing items in battle.
  • A hard level cap prevents the player from overleveling certain bosses.
  • Some battles introduce new conditions (weather, double battle, …).

Trainers not separated by a space in this document are battled together.
If a Pokémon’s form is not specified, it is in base form (Deoxys, Rotom, Giratina, Shaymin)


The initial level cap is 6.

—-ROUTE 201—-

[PK][MN] Trainer Rival (if TURTWIG is chosen) :
CHIMCHAR (Lv. 5) @ None / Calm / Blaze / IVs: 0

[PK][MN] Trainer Rival (if CHIMCHAR is chosen) :
PIPLUP (Lv. 5) @ None / Bashful / Torrent / IVs: 0

[PK][MN] Trainer Rival (if PIPLUP is chosen) :
TURTWIG (Lv. 5) @ None / Docile / Overgrow / IVs: 0

The level cap increases to 7.


[PK][MN] Trainer Paul :
STARLY (Lv. 6) @ None / Naughty / Reckless / IVs: 0
STARLY (Lv. 6) @ None / Naughty / Reckless / IVs: 0
STARLY (Lv. 6) @ None / Naughty / Reckless / IVs: 0

The level cap increases to 10.

—-ROUTE 202—-

Youngster Tristan :
BIDOOF (Lv. 6) @ Silk Scarf / Adamant / Unaware / IVs: 29 / Tackle, -, -, –
PIDGEY (Lv. 6) @ Pecha Berry / Adamant / Keen Eye / IVs: 27 / Tackle, -, -, –
RATTATA (Lv. 6) @ Oran Berry / Adamant / Guts / IVs: 27 / Tackle, Quick Attack, -, –

Lass Natalie :
SENTRET (Lv. 7) @ Silk Scarf / Adamant / Keen Eye / IVs: 29 / Quick Attack, -, -, –
NIDORAN♀ (Lv. 7) @ Oran Berry / Adamant / Poison Point / IVs: 30 / Scratch, -, -, –

Youngster Logan :
ZIGZAGOON (Lv. 7) @ Silk Scarf / Jolly / Quick Feet / IVs: 30 / Tackle, -, -, –
POOCHYENA (Lv. 7) @ Oran Berry / Jolly / Quick Feet / IVs: 30 / Tackle, Howl, -, –
SHINX (Lv. 7) @ Salac Berry / Adamant / Guts / IVs: 28 / Tackle, Leer, -, –


Lass Sarah :
BUDEW (Lv. 7) @ Big Root / Modest / Poison Point / IVs: 31 / Absorb, Growth, -, –
SKITTY (Lv. 7) @ Silk Scarf / Adamant / Cute Charm / IVs: 28 / Tackle, Fake Out, -, –
PSYDUCK (Lv. 7) @ Rindo Berry / Jolly / Swift Swim / IVs: 30 / Scratch, Water Sport, -, –

Lass Samantha :
MEOWTH (Lv. 8) @ Silk Scarf / Jolly / Technician / IVs: 26 / Scratch, Bite, -, –
VULPIX (Lv. 8) @ Charcoal / Modest / Flash Fire / IVs: 28 / Ember, Roar, -, –
TOGEPI (Lv. 8) @ Oran Berry / Bold / Serene Grace / IVs: 29 / Charm, Metronome, -, –

Youngster Tyler :
SHROOMISH (Lv. 9) @ Big Root / Relaxed / Poison Heal / IVs: 29 / Absorb, Stun Spore, Tackle, –
NIDORAN♂ (Lv. 9) @ Black Belt / Jolly / Poison Point / IVs: 28 / Peck, Double Kick, Leer, –


School Kid Harrison :
MAKUHITA (Lv. 9) @ Black Belt / Impish / Guts / IVs: 31 / Arm Thrust, Tackle, ThunderPunch, –
PORYGON (Lv. 9) @ TwistedSpoon / Modest / Trace / IVs: 29 / Psybeam, Conversion, -, –

School Kid Christine :
BUTTERFREE (Lv. 10) @ Wise Glasses / Modest / Compoundeyes / IVs: 29 / Confusion, Hidden Power, -, –

[PK][MN] Trainer Conway :
ARON (Lv. 10) @ Oran Berry / Relaxed / Rock Head / IVs: 30 / Rock Tomb, Tackle, Mud-Slap, Stealth Rock
SLOWPOKE (Lv. 10) @ Mystic Water / Naive / Own Tempo / IVs: 30 / Tackle, Yawn, Mud-Slap, Dive
DUSKULL (Lv. 10) @ Lum Berry / Adamant / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Astonish, Disable, Recover, Faint Attack

—-ROUTE 203—-

[PK][MN] Trainer Rival (if TURTWIG is chosen) :
STARLY (Lv. 10) @ Sharp Beak / Brave / Reckless / IVs: 28 / Wing Attack, Tackle, Quick Attack, –
RIOLU (Lv. 10) @ Oran Berry / Naive / Inner Focus / IVs: 30 / Vacuum Wave, Reversal, Quick Attack, Endure
CHIMCHAR (Lv. 10) @ Charcoal / Hasty / Blaze / IVs: 26 / Ember, Scratch, -, –

[PK][MN] Trainer Rival (if CHIMCHAR is chosen) :
STARLY (Lv. 10) @ Sharp Beak / Brave / Reckless / IVs: 29 / Wing Attack, Tackle, Quick Attack, –
RIOLU (Lv. 10) @ Oran Berry / Naive / Inner Focus / IVs: 30 / Vacuum Wave, Reversal, Quick Attack, Endure
PIPLUP (Lv. 10) @ Mystic Water / Hasty / Torrent / IVs: 25 / Bubble, Pound, -, –

[PK][MN] Trainer Rival (if PIPLUP is chosen) :
STARLY (Lv. 10) @ Sharp Beak / Brave / Reckless / IVs: 30 / Wing Attack, Tackle, Quick Attack, –
RIOLU (Lv. 10) @ Oran Berry / Naive / Inner Focus / IVs: 31 / Vacuum Wave, Reversal, Quick Attack, Endure
TURTWIG (Lv. 10) @ Miracle Seed / Quiet / Overgrow / IVs: 31 / Absorb, Tackle, Withdraw, –

The level cap increases to 16.

Youngster Michael :
KRICKETOT (Lv. 10) @ Oran Berry / Bold / Shed Skin / IVs: 30 / Bide, Endeavor, Mud-Slap, –
ZUBAT (Lv. 10) @ SilverPowder / Jolly / Inner Focus / IVs: 30 / Astonish, Leech Life, Supersonic, –

Youngster Dallas :
MACHOP (Lv. 11) @ Black Belt / Adamant / No Guard / IVs: 30 / Karate Chop, Low Kick, Leer, –
GROWLITHE (Lv. 11) @ Charcoal / Lonely / Intimidate / IVs: 29 / Ember, Bite, Thunder Fang, –

Youngster Sebastian :
NINCADA (Lv. 11) @ Big Root / Adamant / Compoundeyes / IVs: 30 / Leech Life, Scratch, Sand-Attack, –
MANKEY (Lv. 11) @ Coba Berry / Adamant / Vital Spirit / IVs: 29 / Fury Swipes, Low Kick, Leer, –
WOOPER (Lv. 11) @ Rindo Berry / Timid / Water Absorb / IVs: 30 / Water Gun, Mud Shot, Icy Wind, –

Lass Kaitlin :
COMBEE (Lv. 12) @ Sharp Beak / Timid / Honey Gather / IVs: 30 / Gust, -, -, –
GOLDEEN (Lv. 12) @ Wacan Berry / Hasty / Swift Swim / IVs: 30 / Horn Attack, Peck, Supersonic, Icy Wind
EEVEE (Lv. 12) @ Silk Scarf / Brave / Adaptability / IVs: 30 / Tackle, Quick Attack, -, –
ODDISH (Lv. 12) @ Big Root / Sassy / Chlorophyll / IVs: 31 / Absorb, Acid, Synthesis, Charm

Lass Madeline :
RALTS (Lv. 13) @ TwistedSpoon / Timid / Synchronize / IVs: 30 / Confusion, -, -, –
CHERUBI (Lv. 13) @ Big Root / Relaxed / Chlorophyll / IVs: 31 / Giga Drain, Leech Seed, Tackle, Growth


Camper Curtis :
CORPHISH (Lv. 13) @ Rindo Berry / Adamant / Adaptability / IVs: 30 / ViceGrip, Leer, Bubble, –
SANDSHREW (Lv. 13) @ Oran Berry / Adamant / Hyper Cutter / IVs: 28 / Scratch, Poison Sting, Sand-Attack, –
HOUNDOUR (Lv. 13) @ Charcoal / Hasty / Flash Fire / IVs: 30 / Ember, Smog, Thunder Fang, –

Picnicker Diana :
SWABLU (Lv. 13) @ Wide Lens / Impish / Natural Cure / IVs: 28 / Sing, Peck, Astonish, Fury Attack
PACHIRISU (Lv. 13) @ Sitrus Berry / Impish / Volt Absorb / IVs: 30 / Spark, Charm, Quick Attack, –
SHELLOS (Lv. 13) @ Rindo Berry / Modest / Storm Drain / IVs: 30 / Water Pulse, Hidden Power, Mud-Slap, Icy Wind


Worker Colin :
BRONZOR (Lv. 14) @ Occa Berry / Sassy / Levitate / IVs: 29 / Confusion, Confuse Ray, Hypnosis, Tackle
DIGLETT (Lv. 14) @ Soft Sand / Adamant / Arena Trap / IVs: 30 / Magnitude, Scratch, Astonish, –
RHYHORN (Lv. 14) @ Muscle Band / Jolly / Rock Head / IVs: 28 / Rock Tomb, Fury Attack, Thunder Fang, Fire Fang

Worker Mason :
GEODUDE (Lv. 14) @ Passho Berry / Jolly / Rock Head / IVs: 29 / Rock Tomb, Fire Punch, ThunderPunch, Sucker Punch
SHUPPET (Lv. 14) @ Colbur Berry / Impish / Insomnia / IVs: 27 / Night Shade, Knock Off, Screech, Protect
ONIX (Lv. 14) @ Rindo Berry / Sassy / Rock Head / IVs: 31 / Rock Tomb, Screech, Payback, Rock Smash


Hunter ??? :
SKORUPI (Lv. 14) @ Occa Berry / Adamant / Sniper / IVs: 28 / Bug Bite, Aqua Tail, Bite, Pursuit
DRIFLOON (Lv. 14) @ Sitrus Berry / Relaxed / Unburden / IVs: 29 / Ominous Wind, Hypnosis, Air Cutter, Knock Off
HOUNDOUR (Lv. 14) @ Focus Sash / Hasty / Flash Fire / IVs: 28 / Fire Fang, Will-O-Wisp, Thunder Fang, Pursuit
BAGON (Lv. 14) @ King’s Rock / Lonely / Rock Head / IVs: 30 / Rock Smash, Bite, Dragon Dance, Fire Fang

—-OREBURGH GYM (Sandstorm)—-

Youngster Jonathon :
ANORITH (Lv. 15) @ Passho Berry / Jolly / Swift Swim / IVs: 28 / Rock Tomb, Knock Off, Aerial Ace, Rock Smash
KABUTO (Lv. 15) @ Rindo Berry / Naive / Swift Swim / IVs: 30 / Rock Tomb, Knock Off, Aerial Ace, BubbleBeam
Youngster Darius :
LILEEP (Lv. 15) @ Big Root / Relaxed / Storm Drain / IVs: 30 / Mega Drain, Stealth Rock, Rock Tomb, Protect
OMANYTE (Lv. 15) @ Expert Belt / Rash / Swift Swim / IVs: 29 / Water Gun, Icy Wind, Bite, Rock Smash

Leader Roark :
NOSEPASS (Lv. 16) @ Sitrus Berry / Impish / Magnet Pull / IVs: 29 / Rock Tomb, Stealth Rock, Thunder Wave, Protect
LARVITAR (Lv. 16) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Guts / IVs: 29 / Rock Slide, Dragon Dance, Pursuit, Stomp
RHYHORN (Lv. 16) @ Muscle Band / Jolly / Rock Head / IVs: 29 / Rock Tomb, Bulldoze, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang
LUNATONE (Lv. 16) @ Lum Berry / Calm / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Confusion, Hypnosis, Signal Beam, Calm Mind
SUDOWOODO (Lv. 16) @ Miracle Seed / Adamant / Rock Head / IVs: 28 / Rock Throw, Wood Hammer, Sucker Punch, ThunderPunch
CRANIDOS (Lv. 16) @ Expert Belt / Adamant / Mold Breaker / IVs: 30 / Rock Tomb, Fire Punch, ThunderPunch, Zen Headbutt

The level cap increases to 20.


[PK][MN] Trainer Lucas (ally – if TURTWIG is chosen – if the player is a girl) :
PRINPLUP (Lv. 16) @ Mystic Water / Hasty / Torrent / IVs: 31 / Bubble, Metal Claw, Peck, –
KADABRA (Lv. 16) @ Sitrus Berry / Hasty / Magic Guard / IVs: 31 / Confusion, -, -, –

[PK][MN] Trainer Lucas (ally – if CHIMCHAR is chosen – if the player is a girl) :
GROTLE (Lv. 16) @ Miracle Seed / Hasty / Overgrow / IVs: 31 / Razor Leaf, Tackle, -, –
KADABRA (Lv. 16) @ Sitrus Berry / Hasty / Magic Guard / IVs: 31 / Confusion, -, -, –

[PK][MN] Trainer Lucas (ally – if PIPLUP is chosen – if the player is a girl) :
MONFERNO (Lv. 16) @ Charcoal / Hasty / Blaze / IVs: 31 / Ember, Fury Swipes, Mach Punch, –
KADABRA (Lv. 16) @ Sitrus Berry / Hasty / Magic Guard / IVs: 31 / Confusion, -, -, –

[PK][MN] Trainer Dawn (ally – if TURTWIG is chosen – if the player is a boy) :
PRINPLUP (Lv. 16) @ Mystic Water / Hasty / Torrent / IVs: 30 / Bubble, Metal Claw, Peck, –
CLEFAIRY (Lv. 16) @ Sitrus Berry / Impish / Magic Guard / IVs: 29 / Follow Me, Wake-Up Slap, Sing, Encore

[PK][MN] Trainer Dawn (ally – if CHIMCHAR is chosen – if the player is boy) :
GROTLE (Lv. 16) @ Miracle Seed / Adamant / Overgrow / IVs: 31 / Razor Leaf, Tackle, -, –
CLEFAIRY (Lv. 16) @ Sitrus Berry / Impish / Magic Guard / IVs: 29 / Follow Me, Wake-Up Slap, Sing, Encore

[PK][MN] Trainer Dawn (ally – if PIPLUP is chosen – if the player is a boy) :
MONFERNO (Lv. 16) @ Charcoal / Hasty / Blaze / IVs: 31 / Ember, Fury Swipes, Mach Punch, –
CLEFAIRY (Lv. 16) @ Sitrus Berry / Impish / Magic Guard / IVs: 29 / Follow Me, Wake-Up Slap, Sing, Encore

Galactic Grunt :
KOFFING (Lv. 16) @ Sitrus Berry / Sassy / Levitate / IVs: 29 / Psybeam, Will-O-Wisp, Poison Gas, Payback
NIDORINO (Lv. 16) @ Shell Bell / Adamant / Poison Point / IVs: 29 / Take Down, Double Kick, Sucker Punch, Poison Sting
Galactic Grunt :
EKANS (Lv. 16) @ Black Sludge / Adamant / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Bite, Glare, Wrap, Poison Tail
NIDORINA (Lv. 16) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Poison Point / IVs: 30 / Take Down, Pursuit, Double Kick, Charm


Aroma Lady Taylor :
CHERUBI (Lv. 16) @ Big Root / Relaxed / Chlorophyll / IVs: 30 / Giga Drain, Leech Seed, Tackle, –
SUNFLORA (Lv. 16) @ Miracle Seed / Timid / Chlorophyll / IVs: 27 / Giga Drain, GrassWhistle, Synthesis, Growth
BAYLEEF (Lv. 16) @ Lum Berry / Careful / Overgrow / IVs: 28 / Seed Bomb, Synthesis, PoisonPowder, Body Slam

Bug Catcher Brandon :
NINCADA (Lv. 17) @ Big Root / Adamant / Compoundeyes / IVs: 27 / Fury Swipes, Faint Attack, Leech Life, Aerial Ace
LEDIAN (Lv. 17) @ Expert Belt / Brave / Swarm / IVs: 30 / Aerial Ace, Mach Punch, ThunderPunch, Knock Off
VENONAT (Lv. 17) @ Black Sludge / Calm / Tinted Lens / IVs: 30 / Confusion, PoisonPowder, Disable, Giga Drain

Twins Liv & Liz (Double Battle) :
VOLBEAT (Lv. 17) @ Expert Belt / Brave / Swarm / IVs: 30 / ThunderPunch, Moonlight, Ice Punch, Aerial Ace
ILLUMISE (Lv. 17) @ Sitrus Berry / Calm / Tinted Lens / IVs: 30 / Bug Buzz, Moonlight, Swift, Charm


[PK][MN] Trainer Nando :
ROSELIA (Lv. 18) @ Big Root / Bold / Poison Point / IVs: 30 / Giga Drain, Sleep Powder, Leech Seed, Mud-Slap
SWABLU (Lv. 18) @ Wide Lens / Calm / Natural Cure / IVs: 30 / Air Cutter, Sing, Swift, Twister
LOPUNNY (Lv. 18) @ Silk Scarf / Adamant / Limber / IVs: 25 / Headbutt, Fake Out, Fire Punch, ThunderPunch
KRICKETUNE (Lv. 18) @ Focus Sash / Adamant / Technician / IVs: 28 / Leech Life, Swords Dance, Cut, Rock Smash


Galactic Grunt :
MIGHTYENA (Lv. 18) @ Focus Sash / Brave / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Bite, Thunder Fang, Fire Fang, Ice Fang


Galactic Grunt :
STUNKY (Lv. 17) @ Black Sludge / Jolly / Aftermath / IVs: 29 / Fury Swipes, Toxic, Pursuit, Screech
ELECTRIKE (Lv. 17) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Lightningrod / IVs: 28 / Thunder Fang, Fire Fang, Ice Fang, Quick Attack

Galactic Grunt :
BRONZOR (Lv. 17) @ Sitrus Berry / Sassy / Levitate / IVs: 28 / Confusion, Hypnosis, Confuse Ray, AncientPower
SNEASEL (Lv. 17) @ Focus Sash / Adamant / Inner Focus / IVs: 30 / Ice Punch, Screech, Pursuit, Quick Attack


Galactic Grunt :
CARVANHA (Lv. 18) @ Mystic Water / Brave / Speed Boost / IVs: 30 / Flip Turn, Ice Fang, Bite, Zen Headbutt
BEEDRILL (Lv. 18) @ Lum Berry / Jolly / Swarm / IVs: 30 / Aerial Ace, Knock Off, Rock Smash, Roost

Galactic Grunt :
HOUNDOUR (Lv. 19) @ Magnet / Jolly / Flash Fire / IVs: 29 / Bite, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, Will-O-Wisp
SABLEYE (Lv. 19) @ Lum Berry / Careful / Keen Eye / IVs: 31 / Fury Swipes, Fake Out, Astonish, Recover

Commander Mars :
YANMA (Lv. 20) @ Zoom Lens / Modest / Speed Boost / IVs: 29 / Silver Wind, Protect, Air Cutter, Baton Pass
TORKOAL (Lv. 20) @ Sitrus Berry / Sassy / Shell Armor / IVs: 29 / Fire Spin, Yawn, Bulldoze, Gyro Ball
SOLROCK (Lv. 20) @ Lum Berry / Timid / Levitate / IVs: 29 / AncientPower, Stealth Rock, Confusion, Fire Spin
PURUGLY (Lv. 20) @ Chople Berry / Jolly / Thick Fat / IVs: 30 / Headbutt, Faint Attack, Aerial Ace, Bulldoze

The level cap increases to 24.


Camper Jacob :
PONYTA (Lv. 20) @ Charti Berry / Adamant / Flash Fire / IVs: 29 / Flame Wheel, Hypnosis, Horsepower, Quick Attack
MARILL (Lv. 20) @ Sitrus Berry / Adamant / Huge Power / IVs: 31 / Aqua Jet, Belly Drum, Ice Punch, Superpower
LUXIO (Lv. 20) @ Expert Belt / Jolly / Guts / IVs: 30 / Thunder Fang, Fire Fang, Ice Fang, Night Slash

Hiker Daniel :
NOSEPASS (Lv. 21) @ Sitrus Berry / Sassy / Magnet Pull / IVs: 30 / AncientPower, Thunder Wave, ThunderPunch, Fire Punch
PHANPY (Lv. 21) @ Shell Bell / Brave / Rock Head / IVs: 30 / Take Down, Ice Shard, Horsepower, Seed Bomb
STANTLER (Lv. 21) @ Chople Berry / Brave / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Stomp, Hypnosis, Zen Headbutt, Double Kick

Aroma Lady Elizabeth :
ROSELIA (Lv. 21) @ Black Sludge / Bold / Poison Point / IVs: 29 / Energy Ball, Sleep Powder, Extrasensory, Synthesis
SKIPLOOM (Lv. 21) @ Lum Berry / Calm / Chlorophyll / IVs: 31 / Energy Ball, Sleep Powder, Substitute, Synthesis
LILEEP (Lv. 21) @ Big Root / Calm / Storm Drain / IVs: 28 / Giga Drain, Sludge Bomb, AncientPower, Earth Power

Camper Zackary :
AIPOM (Lv. 22) @ Scope Lens / Brave / Skill Link / IVs: 31 / Fury Swipes, Fake Out, Seed Bomb, ThunderPunch
SEEL (Lv. 22) @ Soft Sand / Jolly / Thick Fat / IVs: 30 / Aqua Tail, Ice Shard, Drill Run, Fake Out
WYNAUT (Lv. 22) @ Sitrus Berry / Bold / Shadow Tag / IVs: 28 / Counter, Mirror Coat, Encore, –

Hiker Nicholas :
TEDDIURSA (Lv. 20) @ Shell Bell / Brave / Quick Feet / IVs: 30 / Double-Edge, Superpower, Horsepower, Aerial Ace
NUMEL (Lv. 20) @ Passho Berry / Sassy / Simple / IVs: 27 / Flamethrower, Earth Power, AncientPower, Yawn
SHUCKLE (Lv. 20) @ Sitrus Berry / Relaxed / Gluttony / IVs: 30 / Infestation, Protect, AncientPower, Encore

Picnicker Siena :
FLAAFFY (Lv. 22) @ Shuca Berry / Bold / Static / IVs: 31 / Volt Switch, Thunder Wave, Signal Beam, Swift
MEDITITE (Lv. 22) @ Expert Belt / Jolly / Pure Power / IVs: 30 / Psycho Cut, Bullet Punch, Fire Punch, ThunderPunch
PIDGEOTTO (Lv. 22) @ Wacan Berry / Jolly / Keen Eye / IVs: 30 / Aerial Ace, Steel Wing, Pursuit, Roost

Battle Girl Kelsey :
KIRLIA (Lv. 23) @ TwistedSpoon / Timid / Synchronize / IVs: 29 / Confusion, Hidden Power, Swift, MysticalFire
BUIZEL (Lv. 23) @ Focus Sash / Adamant / Swift Swim / IVs: 29 / Aqua Jet, Ice Punch, Brick Break, Slash
COMBUSKEN (Lv. 23) @ Liechi Berry / Jolly / Speed Boost / IVs: 30 / Fire Punch, Protect, ThunderPunch, Night Slash

Picnicker Karina :
PRINPLUP (Lv. 23) @ Wacan Berry / Modest / Torrent / IVs: 29 / Bubble, Signal Beam, Mud-Slap, Icy Wind
NOCTOWL (Lv. 23) @ Charti Berry / Jolly / Tinted Lens / IVs: 27 / Wing Attack, Hypnosis, Zen Headbutt, Roost
DELCATTY (Lv. 23) @ Chople Berry / Adamant / Cute Charm / IVs: 28 / Swift, Fake Out, Zen Headbutt, Wish


[PK][MN] Trainer Cheryl :
VESPIQUEN (Lv. 24) @ Charti Berry / Sassy / Pressure / IVs: 29 / Power Gem, Defend Order, Signal Beam, Roost
WAILMER (Lv. 24) @ Lum Berry / Impish / Pressure / IVs: 29 / Dive, Aqua Ring, Bulldoze, Toxic
LEAFEON (Lv. 24) @ Focus Sash / Lonely / Leaf Guard / IVs: 30 / Razor Leaf, Swords Dance, Aerial Ace, Knock Off
CHANSEY (Lv. 24) @ Leftovers / Bold / Natural Cure / IVs: 29 / Seismic Toss, Softboiled, Thunder Wave, Heal Bell

The level cap increases to 30.

[PK][MN] Trainer Cheryl (ally) :
CHANSEY (Lv. 25) @ Leftovers / Calm / Natural Cure / IVs: 30 / Seismic Toss, Softboiled, Thunder Wave, Heal Bell
LEAFEON (Lv. 25) @ Focus Sash / Adamant / Leaf Guard / IVs: 29 / Razor Leaf, Swords Dance, Aerial Ace, Knock Off
WAILMER (Lv. 25) @ Lum Berry / Careful / Pressure / IVs: 30 / Dive, Toxic, Aqua Ring, Headbutt

Bug Catcher Jack :
BEEDRILL (Lv. 24) @ Focus Sash / Lonely / Swarm / IVs: 31 / Aerial Ace, Knock Off, Brick Break, Roost
VENONAT (Lv. 24) @ Black Sludge / Mild / Tinted Lens / IVs: 30 / Confusion, Signal Beam, Giga Drain, Disable
DUSTOX (Lv. 24) @ Light Clay / Bold / Shield Dust / IVs: 29 / Psybeam, Light Screen, Signal Beam, Moonlight
Lass Briana :
BUTTERFREE (Lv. 24) @ Sitrus Berry / Timid / Compoundeyes / IVs: 29 / Psybeam, Sleep Powder, Twister, Energy Ball
WORMADAM (Lv. 24) @ Occa Berry / Calm / Anticipation / IVs: 29 / Earth Power, Synthesis, Signal Beam, Shadow Ball
BEAUTIFLY (Lv. 24) @ Wise Glasses / Timid / Swarm / IVs: 28 / Signal Beam, Ominous Wind, Energy Ball, Shadow Ball

Psychic Elijah :
BRONZOR (Lv. 25) @ Light Clay / Relaxed / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Extrasensory, Reflect, Hypnosis, Light Screen
MURKROW (Lv. 25) @ Sharp Beak / Jolly / Super Luck / IVs: 30 / Wing Attack, Pursuit, Screech, Roost
KADABRA (Lv. 25) @ TwistedSpoon / Modest / Magic Guard / IVs: 29 / Confusion, Hidden Power, Thunder Wave, Grass Knot
Psychic Lindsey :
MISDREAVUS (Lv. 25) @ Sitrus Berry / Bold / Levitate / IVs: 29 / Ominous Wind, Thunder Wave, Psybeam, Confuse Ray
TANGELA (Lv. 25) @ Lum Berry / Careful / Chlorophyll / IVs: 30 / Seed Bomb, Sleep Powder, AncientPower, Protect
KIRLIA (Lv. 25) @ Expert Belt / Timid / Synchronize / IVs: 30 / Confusion, Icy Wind, Signal Beam, MysticalFire

Bug Catcher Phillip :
MASQUERAIN (Lv. 25) @ Damp Rock / Naive / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / BubbleBeam, Rain Dance, Ominous Wind, Icy Wind
PARASECT (Lv. 25) @ Coba Berry / Jolly / Dry Skin / IVs: 28 / Seed Bomb, Spore, X-Scissor, Cross Poison
MOTHIM (Lv. 25) @ Charti Berry / Modest / Swarm / IVs: 27 / Signal Beam, Confusion, Energy Ball, Shadow Ball
Bug Catcher Donald :
ARIADOS (Lv. 25) @ Black Sludge / Naughty / Sniper / IVs: 30 / Leech Life, Toxic Spikes, Pursuit, Shadow Sneak
VESPIQUEN (Lv. 25) @ Leftovers / Bold / Pressure / IVs: 31 / Power Gem, Defend Order, Silver Wind, Heal Order
SHUCKLE (Lv. 25) @ Lum Berry / Sassy / Gluttony / IVs: 30 / Infestation, Rock Tomb, Knock Off, Encore

Psychic Kody :
MEDITITE (Lv. 26) @ Shell Bell / Adamant / Pure Power / IVs: 29 / PowerUpPunch, Fire Punch, Fake Out, Ice Punch
HAUNTER (Lv. 26) @ Black Sludge / Careful / Levitate / IVs: 28 / Knock Off, Hypnosis, Confuse Ray, Spite
MR. MIME (Lv. 26) @ Colbur Berry / Bold / Filter / IVs: 30 / Psybeam, Nasty Plot, Signal Beam, Thunderbolt
Psychic Rachael :
CHIMECHO (Lv. 26) @ Colbur Berry / Bold / Levitate / IVs: 29 / Confusion, Hypnosis, Signal Beam, Icy Wind
ROSELIA (Lv. 26) @ Expert Belt / Timid / Poison Point / IVs: 29 / Energy Ball, Sleep Powder, Sludge Bomb, Extrasensory
XATU (Lv. 26) @ Lum Berry / Impish / Synchronize / IVs: 30 / Zen Headbutt, Roost, Drill Peck, Steel Wing


Fisherman Joseph :
TENTACOOL (Lv. 26) @ Black Sludge / Calm / Clear Body / IVs: 29 / Sludge Bomb, Toxic Spikes, Water Pulse, Aurora Beam
POLIWHIRL (Lv. 26) @ Wacan Berry / Adamant / Water Absorb / IVs: 30 / Body Slam, Hypnosis, PowerUpPunch, Ice Punch
CROCONAW (Lv. 26) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Torrent / IVs: 29 / Aqua Tail, Ice Fang, Crunch, Dragon Dance

Fisherman Andrew :
CORPHISH (Lv. 26) @ Scope Lens / Adamant / Adaptability / IVs: 30 / Brick Break, Knock Off, Dragon Dance, X-Scissor
MARILL (Lv. 26) @ Sitrus Berry / Adamant / Huge Power / IVs: 30 / Aqua Jet, Ice Punch, Brick Break, Belly Drum
LOMBRE (Lv. 26) @ Big Root / Naive / Swift Swim / IVs: 30 / Water Pulse, Giga Drain, Fake Out, Icy Wind
WAILMER (Lv. 26) @ Leftovers / Careful / Pressure / IVs: 30 / Dive, Protect, Bulldoze, Toxic

Fisherman Zachary :
GOLDEEN (Lv. 27) @ Wacan Berry / Jolly / Swift Swim / IVs: 28 / Aqua Tail, Drill Run, Poison Jab, Body Slam
STARYU (Lv. 27) @ Expert Belt / Timid / Natural Cure / IVs: 30 / Water Pulse, Recover, Signal Beam, Icy Wind
WARTORTLE (Lv. 27) @ Sitrus Berry / Jolly / Rain Dish / IVs: 30 / Aqua Jet, Ice Punch, Aqua Tail, Brick Break
MARSHTOMP (Lv. 27) @ Rindo Berry / Bold / Torrent / IVs: 30 / Water Pulse, Earth Power, Icy Wind, AncientPower


Ninja Boy Zach :
SKORUPI (Lv. 26) @ Scope Lens / Jolly / Sniper / IVs: 28 / X-Scissor, Aqua Tail, Night Slash, Brick Break
KOFFING (Lv. 26) @ Black Sludge / Sassy / Levitate / IVs: 29 / Sludge Bomb, Selfdestruct, Flamethrower, Will-O-Wisp
NINJASK (Lv. 26) @ Liechi Berry / Adamant / Speed Boost / IVs: 30 / Leech Life, Protect, DualWingbeat, Night Slash
SNEASEL (Lv. 26) @ Focus Sash / Lonely / Inner Focus / IVs: 28 / Ice Punch, Swords Dance, Aerial Ace, Pursuit

Hiker Louis :
SLUGMA (Lv. 27) @ Passho Berry / Calm / Flame Body / IVs: 30 / Heat Wave, Recover, Scorch Sands, AncientPower
GRAVELER (Lv. 27) @ Silk Scarf / Lonely / Rock Head / IVs: 29 / Bulldoze, Selfdestruct, Rock Slide, ThunderPunch
STANTLER (Lv. 27) @ Shell Bell / Hardy / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Body Slam, Horsepower, Megahorn, Zen Headbutt

Bird Keeper Alexandra :
STARAVIA (Lv. 27) @ Sharp Beak / Lonely / Reckless / IVs: 29 / Wing Attack, Steel Wing, U-turn, Roost
COMBUSKEN (Lv. 27) @ Shell Bell / Hasty / Speed Boost / IVs: 30 / Fire Punch, ThunderPunch, PowerUpPunch, Protect
NOCTOWL (Lv. 27) @ Wide Lens / Modest / Tinted Lens / IVs: 28 / Air Cutter, Hypnosis, Confusion, Heat Wave


Lass Caroline :
TANGELA (Lv. 27) @ Sitrus Berry / Impish / Chlorophyll / IVs: 30 / Seed Bomb, Sleep Powder, Knock Off, Body Slam
GLOOM (Lv. 27) @ Black Sludge / Calm / Chlorophyll / IVs: 30 / Giga Drain, Sleep Powder, Sludge Bomb, Substitute
SUNFLORA (Lv. 27) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Chlorophyll / IVs: 30 / Seed Bomb, Swords Dance, Double-Edge, GrassWhistle
LILEEP (Lv. 27) @ Leftovers / Calm / Storm Drain / IVs: 30 / AncientPower, Recover, Earth Power, Protect

Aroma Lady Jenna :
BAYLEEF (Lv. 28) @ Light Clay / Modest / Overgrow / IVs: 29 / Energy Ball, Reflect, AncientPower, Light Screen
BELLOSSOM (Lv. 28) @ Big Root / Jolly / Chlorophyll / IVs: 29 / Seed Bomb, Drain Punch, Sleep Powder, Swords Dance
ROSELIA (Lv. 28) @ Black Sludge / Timid / Poison Point / IVs: 28 / Energy Ball, Sleep Powder, Sludge Bomb, Extrasensory
CHERRIM (Lv. 28) @ Wide Lens / Calm / Flower Gift / IVs: 29 / Weather Ball, Energy Ball, Attract, GrassWhistle

Aroma Lady Angela :
IVYSAUR (Lv. 28) @ Black Sludge / Calm / Chlorophyll / IVs: 29 / Sludge Bomb, Sleep Powder, Energy Ball, Protect
VICTREEBEL (Lv. 28) @ Coba Berry / Adamant / Chlorophyll / IVs: 29 / Seed Bomb, Swords Dance, Knock Off, Body Slam
EXEGGUTOR (Lv. 28) @ Wide Lens / Timid / Chlorophyll / IVs: 30 / Confusion, Hypnosis, Energy Ball, AncientPower
GROVYLE (Lv. 28) @ Focus Sash / Adamant / Unburden / IVs: 29 / Leaf Blade, Swords Dance, Rock Slide, ThunderPunch

Leader Gardenia :
GROTLE (Lv. 30) @ Sitrus Berry / Relaxed / Overgrow / IVs: 29 / Seed Bomb, Strength, Bulldoze, Stealth Rock
TANGROWTH (Lv. 30) @ Coba Berry / Quiet / Chlorophyll / IVs: 29 / Grass Knot, AncientPower, Shock Wave, Sleep Powder
JUMPLUFF (Lv. 30) @ Big Root / Timid / Chlorophyll / IVs: 29 / Giga Drain, Leech Seed, Substitute, Sleep Powder
BRELOOM (Lv. 30) @ Toxic Orb / Jolly / Poison Heal / IVs: 30 / Seed Bomb, Strength, Drain Punch, Mach Punch
TROPIUS (Lv. 30) @ Lum Berry / Adamant / Chlorophyll / IVs: 29 / Leaf Blade, Dragon Dance, DualWingbeat, Roost
ROSERADE (Lv. 30) @ Black Sludge / Timid / Poison Point / IVs: 29 / Grass Knot, Weather Ball, Toxic Spikes, Extrasensory

The level cap increases to 32.


Galactic Grunt :
GOLBAT (Lv. 29) @ Black Sludge / Jolly / Inner Focus / IVs: 29 / DualWingbeat, Leech Life, Pursuit, Super Fang
CROAGUNK (Lv. 29) @ Black Belt / Jolly / Dry Skin / IVs: 29 / PowerUpPunch, Fake Out, Pursuit, Ice Punch
SABLEYE (Lv. 29) @ Lum Berry / Adamant / Keen Eye / IVs: 29 / Pursuit, Will-O-Wisp, Shadow Claw, Recover
RATICATE (Lv. 29) @ Chople Berry / Adamant / Guts / IVs: 30 / Super Fang, Zen Headbutt, Double-Edge, Dig

Galactic Grunt :
WEEPINBELL (Lv. 30) @ Wide Lens / Calm / Chlorophyll / IVs: 30 / Energy Ball, Sleep Powder, Sludge Bomb, Synthesis
NIDORINA (Lv. 30) @ Black Sludge / Jolly / Poison Point / IVs: 28 / Shadow Claw, Toxic Spikes, Super Fang, Protect
MAWILE (Lv. 30) @ King’s Rock / Adamant / Intimidate / IVs: 29 / Iron Head, Super Fang, Rock Slide, Ice Fang
GASTRODON (Lv. 30) @ Rindo Berry / Calm / Storm Drain / IVs: 28 / Water Pulse, Icy Wind, Earth Power, Recover

Galactic Grunt :
KINGLER (Lv. 30) @ Wacan Berry / Jolly / Hyper Cutter / IVs: 29 / Brick Break, Knock Off, X-Scissor, Swords Dance
HARIYAMA (Lv. 30) @ Sitrus Berry / Adamant / Guts / IVs: 29 / PowerUpPunch, Fake Out, Fire Punch, Rock Slide
SCYTHER (Lv. 30) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Technician / IVs: 27 / Aerial Ace, Bug Bite, Swords Dance, Knock Off

Galactic Grunt :
LUVDISC (Lv. 31) @ Wacan Berry / Modest / Swift Swim / IVs: 28 / Scald, Ice Beam, Swift, Attract
VOLBEAT (Lv. 31) @ Expert Belt / Careful / Swarm / IVs: 30 / Brick Break, Ice Punch, Zen Headbutt, Roost
MILTANK (Lv. 31) @ Leftovers / Careful / Thick Fat / IVs: 30 / Headbutt, Milk Drink, Toxic, Protect

Galactic Grunt :
SPINDA (Lv. 30) @ Chople Berry / Impish / Own Tempo / IVs: 28 / Mega Kick, Hypnosis, Sucker Punch, Psycho Cut
DUSTOX (Lv. 30) @ Black Sludge / Calm / Shield Dust / IVs: 30 / Ominous Wind, Silver Wind, Shadow Ball, Roost
DRIFBLIM (Lv. 30) @ Petaya Berry / Bold / Unburden / IVs: 31 / Ominous Wind, Hypnosis, Thunderbolt, Roost
GRANBULL (Lv. 30) @ Shell Bell / Adamant / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Double-Edge, Horsepower, Ice Fang, Super Fang

Scientist Travon :
PORYGON2 (Lv. 31) @ Wise Glasses / Modest / Trace / IVs: 28 / Ice Beam, Recover, Shock Wave, Psybeam
MAGNETON (Lv. 31) @ Magnet / Timid / Magnet Pull / IVs: 30 / Thunderbolt, Tri Attack, Signal Beam, Thunder Wave
HYPNO (Lv. 31) @ Big Root / Bold / Insomnia / IVs: 28 / Signal Beam, Hypnosis, Grass Knot, Dream Eater

Commander Jupiter :
GOLBAT (Lv. 32) @ Black Sludge / Impish / Inner Focus / IVs: 28 / Fly, Toxic, Super Fang, Roost
MISMAGIUS (Lv. 32) @ Colbur Berry / Bold / Levitate / IVs: 28 / Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt, Nasty Plot, Energy Ball
LUNATONE (Lv. 32) @ Sitrus Berry / Calm / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Hypnosis, Earth Power, AncientPower
SKUNTANK (Lv. 32) @ Scope Lens / Adamant / Aftermath / IVs: 28 / Night Slash, Poison Jab, Flamethrower, Cut

The level cap increases to 36.

—-ROUTE 206—-

Cyclist Axel :
PIKACHU (Lv. 31) @ Light Ball / Naive / Lightningrod / IVs: 28 / Thunderbolt, Fake Out, Signal Beam, Surf
FEAROW (Lv. 31) @ Sharp Beak / Jolly / Sniper / IVs: 30 / DualWingbeat, Roost, Pursuit, U-turn
FURRET (Lv. 31) @ Chople Berry / Adamant / Keen Eye / IVs: 28 / Double-Edge, Super Fang, Shadow Claw, Fire Punch
GABITE (Lv. 31) @ Sitrus Berry / Adamant / Rough Skin / IVs: 29 / Take Down, Bulldoze, DragonBreath, Strength

Cyclist Megan :
STARAVIA (Lv. 32) @ Wacan Berry / Jolly / Reckless / IVs: 30 / DualWingbeat, U-turn, Steel Wing, Roost
MANECTRIC (Lv. 32) @ Shuca Berry / Adamant / Lightningrod / IVs: 29 / Spark, Crunch, Body Slam, Fire Fang
HITMONCHAN (Lv. 32) @ Expert Belt / Jolly / Iron Fist / IVs: 30 / Brick Break, ThunderPunch, Fire Punch, Mach Punch
PONYTA (Lv. 32) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Flash Fire / IVs: 30 / Flame Wheel, Drill Run, Horn Drill, Hypnosis

Cyclist James :
YANMA (Lv. 32) @ Focus Sash / Modest / Speed Boost / IVs: 29 / Signal Beam, Hypnosis, Psychic, Protect
VIGOROTH (Lv. 32) @ Scope Lens / Adamant / Vital Spirit / IVs: 30 / Slash, Brick Break, Night Slash, ThunderPunch
MAGMAR (Lv. 32) @ Sitrus Berry / Jolly / Flame Body / IVs: 30 / Fire Punch, Mach Punch, ThunderPunch, Belly Drum
FLOATZEL (Lv. 32) @ Liechi Berry / Adamant / Swift Swim / IVs: 28 / Aqua Tail, Crunch, Ice Fang, Aqua Jet

Cyclist Nicole :
AZUMARILL (Lv. 32) @ Sitrus Berry / Adamant / Huge Power / IVs: 29 / Aqua Jet, Belly Drum, Brick Break, Ice Punch
DONPHAN (Lv. 32) @ Rindo Berry / Jolly / Rock Head / IVs: 29 / Horsepower, Ice Shard, Thunder Fang, Rock Slide
GROVYLE (Lv. 32) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Unburden / IVs: 29 / Leaf Blade, ThunderPunch, Crush Claw, Swords Dance
WIGGLYTUFF (Lv. 32) @ Lum Berry / Bold / Cute Charm / IVs: 28 / Flamethrower, Disable, Wish, Protect

Cyclist John :
GOLDUCK (Lv. 33) @ Mystic Water / Timid / Swift Swim / IVs: 30 / Water Pulse, Icy Wind, Psybeam, Disable
COMBUSKEN (Lv. 33) @ Expert Belt / Adamant / Speed Boost / IVs: 29 / Fire Punch, Shadow Claw, ThunderPunch, Brick Break
MIGHTYENA (Lv. 33) @ Focus Sash / Adamant / Intimidate / IVs: 28 / Sucker Punch, Super Fang, Thunder Fang, Fire Fang
SANDSLASH (Lv. 33) @ Soft Sand / Adamant / Hyper Cutter / IVs: 29 / Drill Run, Rock Slide, Night Slash, Super Fang

Cyclist Ryan :
FLAAFFY (Lv. 33) @ Sitrus Berry / Bold / Static / IVs: 30 / Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Signal Beam, Substitute
ARBOK (Lv. 33) @ Expert Belt / Adamant / Intimidate / IVs: 29 / Thunder Fang, Glare, Fire Fang, Ice Fang
PERSIAN (Lv. 33) @ Silk Scarf / Adamant / Technician / IVs: 30 / Double-Edge, Seed Bomb, Knock Off, Fake Out
PILOSWINE (Lv. 33) @ Lum Berry / Adamant / Thick Fat / IVs: 29 / Bulldoze, Ice Fang, Take Down, Rock Slide

Cyclist Rachel :
MASQUERAIN (Lv. 33) @ Damp Rock / Timid / Intimidate / IVs: 29 / Signal Beam, Icy Wind, Water Pulse, Rain Dance
BELLOSSOM (Lv. 33) @ Coba Berry / Adamant / Chlorophyll / IVs: 29 / Seed Bomb, Sleep Powder, Drain Punch, Swords Dance
LANTURN (Lv. 33) @ Sitrus Berry / Calm / Volt Absorb / IVs: 31 / BubbleBeam, Icy Wind, Thunderbolt, Signal Beam
JYNX (Lv. 33) @ Wide Lens / Timid / Dry Skin / IVs: 29 / Shadow Ball, Lovely Kiss, Signal Beam, Nasty Plot

Cyclist Kayla :
DELCATTY (Lv. 33) @ Chople Berry / Adamant / Cute Charm / IVs: 29 / Double-Edge, Fake Out, Charm, Thunder Wave
GOREBYSS (Lv. 33) @ Expert Belt / Modest / Swift Swim / IVs: 28 / Muddy Water, Signal Beam, Icy Wind, Shadow Ball
LOPUNNY (Lv. 33) @ Silk Scarf / Adamant / Limber / IVs: 30 / Giga Impact, Fake Out, Fire Punch, ThunderPunch
XATU (Lv. 33) @ Leftovers / Calm / Synchronize / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Wish, U-turn, Protect

Hiker Theodore :
PUPITAR (Lv. 34) @ Muscle Band / Hardy / Shed Skin / IVs: 31 / Rock Slide, Superpower, Earthquake, Outrage
GLIGAR (Lv. 34) @ Leftovers / Naive / Immunity / IVs: 31 / DualWingbeat, Roost, Substitute, Knock Off
STANTLER (Lv. 34) @ Wise Glasses / Timid / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Thunderbolt, Extrasensory, Shadow Ball, Signal Beam

—-ROUTE 207—-

Hiker Justin :
URSARING (Lv. 34) @ Scope Lens / Brave / Guts / IVs: 29 / Slash, Superpower, Ice Punch, Night Slash
MACHOKE (Lv. 34) @ Lum Berry / Brave / No Guard / IVs: 30 / Close Combat, ThunderPunch, Ice Punch, Bullet Punch
DUGTRIO (Lv. 34) @ Soft Sand / Jolly / Arena Trap / IVs: 26 / Earthquake, Shadow Claw, Rock Slide, Sucker Punch

Camper Anthony :
DODRIO (Lv. 34) @ Sharp Beak / Jolly / Early Bird / IVs: 28 / DualWingbeat, Knock Off, Body Slam, U-turn
HITMONLEE (Lv. 34) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Reckless / IVs: 30 / Hi Jump Kick, Bullet Punch, Rock Slide, Knock Off
WHISCASH (Lv. 34) @ Rindo Berry / Jolly / Hydration / IVs: 30 / Aqua Tail, Dragon Dance, Zen Headbutt, Rock Slide
Picnicker Lauren :
NINETALES (Lv. 34) @ Charti Berry / Timid / Flash Fire / IVs: 28 / Energy Ball, Nasty Plot, Extrasensory, MysticalFire
LEAFEON (Lv. 34) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Leaf Guard / IVs: 30 / Razor Leaf, Knock Off, X-Scissor, Aerial Ace
POLITOED (Lv. 34) @ Wacan Berry / Timid / Water Absorb / IVs: 28 / BubbleBeam, Hypnosis, Mud Bomb, Icy Wind

Hiker Kevin :
BIBAREL (Lv. 35) @ Silk Scarf / Lonely / Unaware / IVs: 31 / Double-Edge, Super Fang, Aqua Tail, Superpower
LOUDRED (Lv. 35) @ Chople Berry / Brave / Scrappy / IVs: 29 / Double-Edge, Fire Punch, Zen Headbutt, Ice Punch
HARIYAMA (Lv. 35) @ Sitrus Berry / Brave / Guts / IVs: 29 / PowerUpPunch, Fake Out, Rock Slide, Bullet Punch
PROBOPASS (Lv. 35) @ Expert Belt / Docile / Magnet Pull / IVs: 30 / Rock Slide, Fire Punch, ThunderPunch, Ice Punch

Youngster Austin :
CLOYSTER (Lv. 34) @ Leftovers / Impish / Skill Link / IVs: 29 / Dive, Icicle Spear, Toxic Spikes, Protect
AMBIPOM (Lv. 34) @ Expert Belt / Brave / Technician / IVs: 29 / Knock Off, Fake Out, Seed Bomb, Fire Punch
LUXRAY (Lv. 34) @ Shuca Berry / Jolly / Guts / IVs: 30 / Spark, Ice Fang, Night Slash, Superpower

Battle Girl Helen :
ELECTABUZZ (Lv. 35) @ Expert Belt / Jolly / Static / IVs: 29 / ThunderPunch, Ice Punch, Fire Punch, Cross Chop
PRIMEAPE (Lv. 35) @ Shell Bell / Jolly / Vital Spirit / IVs: 30 / Cross Chop, ThunderPunch, Ice Punch, U-turn
HERACROSS (Lv. 35) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Guts / IVs: 30 / Brick Break, Night Slash, Rock Slide, Aerial Ace


Hiker Reginald :
BALTOY (Lv. 34) @ Light Clay / Calm / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Earth Power, Light Screen, Psybeam, Reflect
LAIRON (Lv. 34) @ Shell Bell / Naughty / Rock Head / IVs: 30 / Iron Head, Rock Slide, Aerial Ace, Superpower
Hiker Lorenzo :
RHYHORN (Lv. 34) @ Muscle Band / Lonely / Rock Head / IVs: 30 / Rock Slide, Take Down, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang
MAROWAK (Lv. 34) @ Thick Club / Lonely / Rock Head / IVs: 28 / Bonemerang, Rock Slide, ThunderPunch, Fire Punch

Camper Diego :
NUZLEAF (Lv. 34) @ Sitrus Berry / Impish / Chlorophyll / IVs: 30 / Seed Bomb, Fake Out, Substitute, Toxic
JOLTEON (Lv. 34) @ Focus Sash / Timid / Volt Absorb / IVs: 28 / Discharge, Shadow Ball, Signal Beam, Protect
Picnicker Tori :
PACHIRISU (Lv. 34) @ Shuca Berry / Impish / Volt Absorb / IVs: 29 / Spark, Thunder Wave, Encore, Charm
MARSHTOMP (Lv. 34) @ Rindo Berry / Timid / Torrent / IVs: 30 / Scald, Icy Wind, Earth Power, Protect

Youngster Wayne :
SEALEO (Lv. 34) @ Wacan Berry / Bold / Ice Body / IVs: 29 / Aurora Beam, Icy Wind, Yawn, Super Fang
CACTURNE (Lv. 34) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Water Absorb / IVs: 29 / Seed Bomb, Sucker Punch, ThunderPunch, Brick Break
Lass Cassidy :
SEADRA (Lv. 34) @ Rindo Berry / Modest / Poison Point / IVs: 30 / Brine, Icy Wind, DragonBreath, Signal Beam
FLAREON (Lv. 34) @ Leftovers / Careful / Flash Fire / IVs: 30 / Superpower, Charm, Protect, Wish

Picnicker Ana :
MAWILE (Lv. 35) @ Muscle Band / Brave / Intimidate / IVs: 29 / Iron Head, Super Fang, Rock Slide, Ice Fang
VESPIQUEN (Lv. 35) @ Lum Berry / Bold / Pressure / IVs: 29 / Signal Beam, Defend Order, Toxic, Heal Order
Camper Parker :
PELIPPER (Lv. 35) @ Wacan Berry / Calm / Rain Dish / IVs: 30 / Water Pulse, Ominous Wind, Icy Wind, Tailwind
GIRAFARIG (Lv. 35) @ Colbur Berry / Naive / Inner Focus / IVs: 30 / Double-Edge, Zen Headbutt, Energy Ball, Thunderbolt

Collector Terry :
SHELGON (Lv. 35) @ Sitrus Berry / Brave / Rock Head / IVs: 30 / Dragon Rush, Fire Fang, Zen Headbutt, Protect
DRAGONAIR (Lv. 35) @ Yache Berry / Hasty / Shed Skin / IVs: 30 / Twister, Aqua Tail, Icy Wind, Thunder Wave
METANG (Lv. 35) @ Shuca Berry / Adamant / Clear Body / IVs: 29 / Zen Headbutt, Bullet Punch, Ice Punch, Pursuit
Ruin Maniac Gerald :
RELICANTH (Lv. 35) @ Rindo Berry / Brave / Swift Swim / IVs: 30 / Aqua Tail, Stealth Rock, Strength, Icy Wind
PARASECT (Lv. 35) @ Occa Berry / Jolly / Dry Skin / IVs: 28 / X-Scissor, Spore, Seed Bomb, Protect
RAMPARDOS (Lv. 35) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Mold Breaker / IVs: 29 / Strength, Fire Punch, Zen Headbutt, ThunderPunch

[PK][MN] Trainer Mira :
ROSERADE (Lv. 36) @ Black Sludge / Bold / Poison Point / IVs: 30 / Energy Ball, Sleep Powder, Toxic Spikes, Sludge Bomb
PORYGON2 (Lv. 36) @ Chople Berry / Modest / Trace / IVs: 31 / Swift, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Recover
TOGEKISS (Lv. 36) @ Lum Berry / Rash / Serene Grace / IVs: 30 / Air Slash, Aura Sphere, Roost, ExtremeSpeed
GLACEON (Lv. 36) @ Leftovers / Bold / Ice Body / IVs: 28 / Icy Wind, Wish, Water Pulse, Protect
KADABRA (Lv. 36) @ Wise Glasses / Modest / Magic Guard / IVs: 28 / Psychic, Recover, Energy Ball, Signal Beam

[PK][MN] Trainer Mira (ally) :
KADABRA (Lv. 36) @ Wise Glasses / Timid / Magic Guard / IVs: 31 / Psychic, Recover, Energy Ball, Signal Beam
PORYGON2 (Lv. 36) @ Chople Berry / Modest / Trace / IVs: 28 / Swift, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Recover
TOGEKISS (Lv. 36) @ Lum Berry / Naive / Serene Grace / IVs: 29 / Air Slash, ExtremeSpeed, Roost, Aura Sphere

—-ROUTE 207—-

[PK][MN] Trainer Lucas (if TURTWIG is chosen – if the player is a girl) :
MOTHIM (Lv. 36) @ Focus Sash / Hasty / Swarm / IVs: 31 / Signal Beam, Energy Ball, Psychic, Roost
GALLADE (Lv. 36) @ Scope Lens / Hasty / Steadfast / IVs: 31 / Psycho Cut, Swords Dance, Leaf Blade, Night Slash
CLEFABLE (Lv. 36) @ Chople Berry / Hasty / Magic Guard / IVs: 31 / Ice Beam, Wish, Thunderbolt, Protect
EMPOLEON (Lv. 36) @ Wacan Berry / Hasty / Torrent / IVs: 31 / Brine, Icy Wind, Grass Knot, Signal Beam

[PK][MN] Trainer Lucas (if CHIMCHAR is chosen – if the player is a girl) :
MOTHIM (Lv. 36) @ Focus Sash / Hasty / Swarm / IVs: 31 / Signal Beam, Energy Ball, Psychic, Roost
GALLADE (Lv. 36) @ Scope Lens / Hasty / Steadfast / IVs: 31 / Psycho Cut, Swords Dance, Leaf Blade, Night Slash
CLEFABLE (Lv. 36) @ Chople Berry / Hasty / Magic Guard / IVs: 31 / Ice Beam, Wish, Thunderbolt, Protect
TORTERRA (Lv. 36) @ Occa Berry / Hasty / Overgrow / IVs: 31 / Seed Bomb, Strength, Earthquake, Stealth Rock

[PK][MN] Trainer Lucas (if PIPLUP is chosen – if the player is a girl) :
MOTHIM (Lv. 36) @ Focus Sash / Hasty / Swarm / IVs: 31 / Signal Beam, Energy Ball, Psychic, Roost
GALLADE (Lv. 36) @ Scope Lens / Hasty / Steadfast / IVs: 31 / Psycho Cut, Swords Dance, Leaf Blade, Night Slash
CLEFABLE (Lv. 36) @ Chople Berry / Hasty / Magic Guard / IVs: 31 / Ice Beam, Wish, Thunderbolt, Protect
INFERNAPE (Lv. 36) @ Passho Berry / Hasty / Blaze / IVs: 31 / Blaze Kick, Fake Out, Close Combat, ThunderPunch

[PK][MN] Trainer Dawn (if TURTWIG is chosen – if the player is a boy) :
WORMADAM (Lv. 36) @ Focus Sash / Calm / Anticipation / IVs: 29 / Energy Ball, Psychic, Earth Power, Shadow Ball
GARDEVOIR (Lv. 36) @ Leftovers / Modest / Synchronize / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Wish, Signal Beam, Protect
TOGEKISS (Lv. 36) @ Lum Berry / Timid / Serene Grace / IVs: 30 / Air Slash, Roost, Aura Sphere, ExtremeSpeed
EMPOLEON (Lv. 36) @ Wacan Berry / Modest / Torrent / IVs: 30 / Brine, Icy Wind, Grass Knot, Signal Beam

[PK][MN] Trainer Dawn (if CHIMCHAR is chosen – if the player is a boy) :
WORMADAM (Lv. 36) @ Focus Sash / Calm / Anticipation / IVs: 30 / Energy Ball, Psychic, Earth Power, Shadow Ball
GARDEVOIR (Lv. 36) @ Leftovers / Modest / Synchronize / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Wish, Signal Beam, Protect
TOGEKISS (Lv. 36) @ Lum Berry / Timid / Serene Grace / IVs: 30 / Air Slash, Roost, Aura Sphere, ExtremeSpeed
TORTERRA (Lv. 36) @ Occa Berry / Adamant / Overgrow / IVs: 29 / Seed Bomb, Strength, Earthquake, Stealth Rock

[PK][MN] Trainer Dawn (if PIPLUP is chosen – if the player is a boy) :
WORMADAM (Lv. 36) @ Focus Sash / Calm / Anticipation / IVs: 30 / Energy Ball, Psychic, Earth Power, Shadow Ball
GARDEVOIR (Lv. 36) @ Leftovers / Modest / Synchronize / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Wish, Signal Beam, Protect
TOGEKISS (Lv. 36) @ Lum Berry / Timid / Serene Grace / IVs: 29 / Air Slash, Roost, Aura Sphere, ExtremeSpeed
INFERNAPE (Lv. 36) @ Passho Berry / Jolly / Blaze / IVs: 30 / Blaze Kick, ThunderPunch, Close Combat, Fake Out

The level cap increases to 40.

—-ROUTE 208—-

Hiker Jonathan :
FORRETRESS (Lv. 36) @ Occa Berry / Sassy / Shell Armor / IVs: 29 / Bug Bite, Toxic Spikes, Volt Switch, Spikes
DUNSPARCE (Lv. 36) @ King’s Rock / Brave / Serene Grace / IVs: 29 / Headbutt, Glare, Zen Headbutt, Rock Slide
SABLEYE (Lv. 36) @ Lum Berry / Relaxed / Keen Eye / IVs: 27 / Shadow Claw, Will-O-Wisp, Knock Off, Recover

Black Belt Kyle :
FARFETCH’D (Lv. 36) @ Stick / Jolly / Inner Focus / IVs: 30 / Night Slash, Swords Dance, Leaf Blade, Roost
HITMONTOP (Lv. 36) @ Sitrus Berry / Jolly / Technician / IVs: 30 / Hi Jump Kick, Fake Out, Bullet Punch, Rock Slide
NIDOKING (Lv. 36) @ Expert Belt / Adamant / Poison Point / IVs: 30 / Poison Jab, Ice Punch, Megahorn, ThunderPunch

Hiker Robert :
HIPPOWDON (Lv. 36) @ Leftovers / Docile / Battle Armor / IVs: 31 / Bulldoze, Ice Fang, Crunch, Thunder Fang
SOLROCK (Lv. 36) @ Sitrus Berry / Mild / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Flamethrower, Psychic, Signal Beam, Earth Power
SWALOT (Lv. 36) @ Black Sludge / Sassy / Sticky Hold / IVs: 28 / Sludge Bomb, Encore, Shadow Ball, Protect
STEELIX (Lv. 36) @ Muscle Band / Brave / Rock Head / IVs: 29 / Iron Head, Ice Fang, Bulldoze, Thunder Fang

Aroma Lady Hannah :
VILEPLUME (Lv. 37) @ Big Root / Jolly / Chlorophyll / IVs: 31 / Seed Bomb, Swords Dance, Leech Seed, Drain Punch
ILLUMISE (Lv. 37) @ Lum Berry / Impish / Tinted Lens / IVs: 29 / Bug Buzz, Wish, ThunderPunch, Toxic
MEGANIUM (Lv. 37) @ Leftovers / Impish / Overgrow / IVs: 30 / Seed Bomb, Sleep Powder, Earthquake, Protect

Artist William :
SMEARGLE (Lv. 37) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Own Tempo / IVs: 30 / Explosion, Spore, Substitute, Baton Pass
SUDOWOODO (Lv. 37) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Rock Head / IVs: 31 / Rock Slide, Wood Hammer, Sucker Punch, Brick Break
MR. MIME (Lv. 37) @ Light Clay / Timid / Filter / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Reflect, Signal Beam, Light Screen


[PK][MN] Trainer Paul (ally – if TURTWIG is chosen) :
PIPLUP (Lv. 35) @ Life Orb / Timid / Torrent / IVs: 30 / Hydro Pump, Signal Beam, Icy Wind, Agility
HONCHKROW (Lv. 45) @ Scope Lens / Adamant / Super Luck / IVs: 29 / Brave Bird, Roost, Night Slash, Superpower
URSARING (Lv. 45) @ Flame Orb / Adamant / Guts / IVs: 30 / Slash, Night Slash, Close Combat, ThunderPunch

[PK][MN] Trainer Paul (ally – if CHIMCHAR is chosen) :
TURTWIG (Lv. 35) @ Life Orb / Impish / Overgrow / IVs: 29 / Seed Bomb, Body Slam, Superpower, Amnesia
HONCHKROW (Lv. 45) @ Scope Lens / Adamant / Super Luck / IVs: 29 / Brave Bird, Roost, Night Slash, Superpower
URSARING (Lv. 45) @ Flame Orb / Adamant / Guts / IVs: 30 / Slash, Night Slash, Close Combat, ThunderPunch

[PK][MN] Trainer Paul (ally – if PIPLUP is chosen) :
CHIMCHAR (Lv. 35) @ Life Orb / Hasty / Blaze / IVs: 28 / Heat Wave, ThunderPunch, Nasty Plot, Fake Out
HONCHKROW (Lv. 45) @ Scope Lens / Adamant / Super Luck / IVs: 29 / Brave Bird, Roost, Night Slash, Superpower
URSARING (Lv. 45) @ Flame Orb / Adamant / Guts / IVs: 30 / Slash, Night Slash, Close Combat, ThunderPunch

Picnicker Leila :
ILLUMISE (Lv. 37) @ Wise Glasses / Timid / Tinted Lens / IVs: 28 / Bug Buzz, Ominous Wind, Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball
CHANSEY (Lv. 37) @ Chople Berry / Calm / Natural Cure / IVs: 30 / Seismic Toss, Softboiled, Icy Wind, Thunder Wave
AZUMARILL (Lv. 37) @ Muscle Band / Jolly / Huge Power / IVs: 29 / Aqua Tail, Superpower, Ice Punch, Aqua Jet
Camper Luke :
VOLBEAT (Lv. 37) @ Expert Belt / Adamant / Swarm / IVs: 29 / Zen Headbutt, ThunderPunch, Brick Break, Ice Punch
SANDSLASH (Lv. 37) @ Scope Lens / Jolly / Hyper Cutter / IVs: 28 / Drill Run, Super Fang, Brick Break, Shadow Claw
AMPHAROS (Lv. 37) @ Shuca Berry / Naive / Static / IVs: 30 / Thunderbolt, Fire Punch, Brick Break, Signal Beam

Black Belt Sakai :
ZANGOOSE (Lv. 38) @ Scope Lens / Jolly / Immunity / IVs: 30 / Slash, Night Slash, Brick Break, X-Scissor
GOLEM (Lv. 38) @ Muscle Band / Jolly / Rock Head / IVs: 29 / Rock Slide, Fire Punch, Superpower, ThunderPunch
HARIYAMA (Lv. 38) @ Flame Orb / Brave / Guts / IVs: 27 / Cross Chop, Fake Out, Ice Punch, Rock Slide
Psychic Diavolo :
SEVIPER (Lv. 38) @ Payapa Berry / Adamant / Shed Skin / IVs: 31 / Poison Jab, Crunch, Aqua Tail, Glare
CLAYDOL (Lv. 38) @ Light Clay / Calm / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Earth Power, Light Screen, Psychic, Reflect
DRIFBLIM (Lv. 38) @ Sitrus Berry / Timid / Unburden / IVs: 30 / Shadow Ball, Calm Mind, Thunderbolt, Tailwind

[PK][MN] Trainer Nando :
VAPOREON (Lv. 39) @ Leftovers / Timid / Water Absorb / IVs: 29 / Scald, Signal Beam, Aurora Beam, Protect
ALTARIA (Lv. 39) @ Lum Berry / Adamant / Natural Cure / IVs: 27 / Dragon Claw, Roost, Dragon Dance, DualWingbeat
KRICKETUNE (Lv. 39) @ Focus Sash / Naive / Technician / IVs: 30 / X-Scissor, Knock Off, Swords Dance, Brick Break
Aroma Lady Rose :
CASTFORM (Lv. 38) @ Damp Rock / Bold / Forecast / IVs: 28 / Weather Ball, Thunder Wave, Icy Wind, Rain Dance
PARASECT (Lv. 38) @ Coba Berry / Jolly / Dry Skin / IVs: 28 / Seed Bomb, Brick Break, Spore, Cross Poison
CHERRIM (Lv. 38) @ Sitrus Berry / Timid / Flower Gift / IVs: 30 / Energy Ball, Helping Hand, Weather Ball, Substitute

[PK][MN] Trainer Paul (ally) :
DRAPION (Lv. 45) @ Life Orb / Impish / Sniper / IVs: 30 / Crunch, Ice Fang, Aqua Tail, Toxic Spikes
HONCHKROW (Lv. 45) @ Scope Lens / Jolly / Super Luck / IVs: 30 / Brave Bird, Roost, Night Slash, Superpower
URSARING (Lv. 45) @ Flame Orb / Adamant / Guts / IVs: 28 / Slash, Night Slash, Close Combat, ThunderPunch

[PK][MN] Trainer Rival :
STARAPTOR (Lv. 40) @ Wacan Berry / Adamant / Reckless / IVs: 29 / DualWingbeat, Close Combat, Take Down, Roost
HERACROSS (Lv. 40) @ Flame Orb / Jolly / Guts / IVs: 30 / Close Combat, Night Slash, Rock Slide, Aerial Ace
SNORLAX (Lv. 40) @ Leftovers / Adamant / Thick Fat / IVs: 30 / Body Slam, Horsepower, Zen Headbutt, Brick Break
[PK][MN] Trainer Conway :
SLOWKING (Lv. 39) @ Wise Glasses / Timid / Own Tempo / IVs: 28 / Psychic, Flamethrower, Nasty Plot, Ice Beam
DUSCLOPS (Lv. 39) @ Lagging Tail / Impish / Pressure / IVs: 30 / Shadow Sneak, Payback, Will-O-Wisp, Disable
TANGROWTH (Lv. 39) @ Sitrus Berry / Adamant / Chlorophyll / IVs: 30 / Seed Bomb, Knock Off, Sleep Powder, Rock Slide

The level cap increases to 42.


Lass Molly :
MISDREAVUS (Lv. 39) @ Colbur Berry / Calm / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Shadow Ball, Mean Look, Icy Wind, Will-O-Wisp
STARMIE (Lv. 39) @ Life Orb / Timid / Natural Cure / IVs: 29 / Ice Beam, Psychic, Scald, Shadow Ball
Youngster Donny :
HAUNTER (Lv. 39) @ Payapa Berry / Hasty / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Shadow Ball, Hypnosis, Dark Pulse, Energy Ball
DUSCLOPS (Lv. 39) @ Expert Belt / Impish / Pressure / IVs: 31 / Shadow Punch, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, ThunderPunch

School Kid Mackenzie :
SABLEYE (Lv. 40) @ Lum Berry / Adamant / Keen Eye / IVs: 31 / Shadow Claw, Will-O-Wisp, Fake Out, Payback
SHEDINJA (Lv. 40) @ Focus Sash / Brave / Wonder Guard / IVs: 30 / Shadow Sneak, Swords Dance, X-Scissor, Night Slash
XATU (Lv. 40) @ Leftovers / Bold / Synchronize / IVs: 29 / Psychic, Tailwind, Shadow Ball, Roost
School Kid Chance :
BANETTE (Lv. 40) @ Colbur Berry / Brave / Insomnia / IVs: 31 / Shadow Claw, Body Slam, Payback, Sucker Punch
PRIMEAPE (Lv. 40) @ Coba Berry / Jolly / Vital Spirit / IVs: 29 / Brick Break, Rock Slide, U-turn, Seed Bomb
MISMAGIUS (Lv. 40) @ Sitrus Berry / Bold / Levitate / IVs: 28 / Shadow Ball, Substitute, MysticalFire, Thunder Wave

Ace Trainer Catherine :
ROTOM (Lv. 41) @ Light Clay / Calm / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Shadow Ball, Reflect, Volt Switch, Light Screen
DRIFBLIM (Lv. 41) @ Sitrus Berry / Timid / Unburden / IVs: 30 / Shadow Ball, Tailwind, Thunderbolt, Will-O-Wisp
EXPLOUD (Lv. 41) @ Chople Berry / Modest / Scrappy / IVs: 29 / Hyper Beam, Shadow Ball, Flamethrower, Focus Blast
Ace Trainer Allen :
ARCANINE (Lv. 41) @ Passho Berry / Adamant / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Flare Blitz, ExtremeSpeed, Crunch, Wild Charge
HARIYAMA (Lv. 41) @ Leftovers / Brave / Guts / IVs: 30 / Superpower, ThunderPunch, Rock Slide, Protect
GENGAR (Lv. 41) @ Black Sludge / Calm / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Shadow Ball, Confuse Ray, Curse, Mean Look

Leader Fantina :
SPIRITOMB (Lv. 42) @ Wide Lens / Bold / Pressure / IVs: 31 / Dark Pulse, Shadow Ball, Nasty Plot, Hypnosis
DRIFBLIM (Lv. 42) @ Petaya Berry / Bold / Unburden / IVs: 31 / Shadow Ball, Hypnosis, Thunderbolt, Psychic
FROSLASS (Lv. 42) @ Sitrus Berry / Timid / Ice Body / IVs: 30 / Ice Beam, Substitute, Thunder Wave, Shadow Ball
GENGAR (Lv. 42) @ Black Sludge / Timid / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Shadow Ball, Focus Blast, Hypnosis, Thunderbolt
DUSKNOIR (Lv. 42) @ Leftovers / Brave / Pressure / IVs: 30 / Shadow Sneak, Earthquake, Will-O-Wisp, Ice Punch
MISMAGIUS (Lv. 42) @ Life Orb / Modest / Levitate / IVs: 28 / Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt, Nasty Plot, Energy Ball

The level cap increases to 45.

—-ROUTE 209—-

[PK][MN] Breeder Albert :
FURRET (Lv. 40) @ Shell Bell / Adamant / Keen Eye / IVs: 30 / Double-Edge, Fire Punch, Aqua Tail, Shadow Claw
SUDOWOODO (Lv. 40) @ Wise Glasses / Adamant / Rock Head / IVs: 31 / Rock Slide, Sucker Punch, Explosion, ThunderPunch
RAICHU (Lv. 40) @ Expert Belt / Timid / Lightningrod / IVs: 30 / Thunderbolt, Surf, Focus Blast, Grass Knot
JYNX (Lv. 40) @ Wide Lens / Timid / Dry Skin / IVs: 29 / Ice Beam, Lovely Kiss, Nasty Plot, Dream Eater

Jogger Richard :
ELECTABUZZ (Lv. 42) @ Expert Belt / Naive / Static / IVs: 31 / Thunderbolt, Psychic, Signal Beam, Light Screen
HOUNDOOM (Lv. 42) @ Focus Sash / Mild / Flash Fire / IVs: 30 / Flamethrower, Sludge Bomb, Thunder Fang, Will-O-Wisp

Twins Emma & Lil (Double Battle) :
WIGGLYTUFF (Lv. 41) @ Expert Belt / Bold / Cute Charm / IVs: 30 / Shadow Ball, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Flamethrower
CLEFABLE (Lv. 41) @ Chople Berry / Careful / Magic Guard / IVs: 30 / Knock Off, Thunder Wave, Softboiled, Stealth Rock
ESPEON (Lv. 41) @ Leftovers / Calm / Synchronize / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Shadow Ball, Signal Beam, Protect
UMBREON (Lv. 41) @ Sitrus Berry / Sassy / Synchronize / IVs: 30 / Pursuit, Body Slam, Iron Tail, Protect

Poké Kid Danielle :
PACHIRISU (Lv. 42) @ Leftovers / Relaxed / Volt Absorb / IVs: 29 / Super Fang, Wild Charge, Protect, Grass Knot
AZUMARILL (Lv. 42) @ Sitrus Berry / Jolly / Huge Power / IVs: 31 / Liquidation, Belly Drum, Ice Punch, Aqua Jet

Jogger Raul :
SHIFTRY (Lv. 43) @ Life Orb / Modest / Chlorophyll / IVs: 29 / Leaf Storm, Nasty Plot, Dark Pulse, Shadow Ball
SWELLOW (Lv. 43) @ Flame Orb / Bashful / Guts / IVs: 30 / Facade, Roost, Brave Bird, U-turn
FLOATZEL (Lv. 43) @ Wacan Berry / Jolly / Swift Swim / IVs: 29 / Liquidation, Ice Punch, Crunch, Aqua Jet

[PK][MN] Breeder Jennifer :
FLAREON (Lv. 43) @ Life Orb / Lonely / Flash Fire / IVs: 30 / Fire Fang, Giga Impact, Superpower, Iron Tail
VAPOREON (Lv. 43) @ Leftovers / Bold / Water Absorb / IVs: 29 / Scald, Ice Beam, Wish, Protect
JOLTEON (Lv. 43) @ Focus Sash / Modest / Volt Absorb / IVs: 30 / Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, Hyper Beam, Signal Beam

Cowgirl Shelley :
RAPIDASH (Lv. 43) @ Shuca Berry / Naughty / Flash Fire / IVs: 30 / Megahorn, Drill Run, Fire Blast, Horn Drill
GIRAFARIG (Lv. 43) @ Wise Glasses / Timid / Inner Focus / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Thunderbolt, Signal Beam, Grass Knot
HIPPOWDON (Lv. 43) @ Sitrus Berry / Careful / Battle Armor / IVs: 29 / Earthquake, Ice Fang, Slack Off, Thunder Fang

Young Couple Ty & Sue (Double Battle) :
STEELIX (Lv. 44) @ Muscle Band / Brave / Rock Head / IVs: 30 / Iron Tail, Stone Edge, Horsepower, Thunder Fang
CLOYSTER (Lv. 44) @ Sitrus Berry / Impish / Skill Link / IVs: 29 / Liquidation, Poison Jab, Icicle Crash, Ice Shard


Youngster Oliver :
SHUCKLE (Lv. 43) @ Smooth Rock / Calm / Gluttony / IVs: 28 / Infestation, Sandstorm, Protect, Toxic
WHISCASH (Lv. 43) @ Rindo Berry / Naughty / Hydration / IVs: 30 / Aqua Tail, Earthquake, Zen Headbutt, Stone Edge
MAGNETON (Lv. 43) @ Focus Sash / Mild / Magnet Pull / IVs: 30 / Thunderbolt, Flash Cannon, Tri Attack, Magnet Rise

Roughneck Kirby :
LUVDISC (Lv. 44) @ Leftovers / Careful / Swift Swim / IVs: 29 / Dive, Toxic, Aqua Jet, Protect

Pokéfan Leonard :
HITMONTOP (Lv. 43) @ Sitrus Berry / Careful / Technician / IVs: 30 / Hi Jump Kick, Fake Out, Sucker Punch, Stone Edge
ARCANINE (Lv. 43) @ Shell Bell / Hasty / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Flare Blitz, ExtremeSpeed, Thunder Fang, Crunch
GARDEVOIR (Lv. 43) @ Life Orb / Rash / Synchronize / IVs: 29 / Psychic, Shadow Ball, Energy Ball, Thunderbolt

Pokéfan Rebekah :
VESPIQUEN (Lv. 44) @ Lum Berry / Sassy / Pressure / IVs: 31 / Attack Order, Defend Order, Toxic, Roost
NINETALES (Lv. 44) @ Focus Sash / Timid / Flash Fire / IVs: 29 / Flamethrower, Extrasensory, Energy Ball, Nasty Plot

Belle & Pa Beth & Bob (Double Battle) :
TAUROS (Lv. 44) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Intimidate / IVs: 31 / Giga Impact, Zen Headbutt, Horsepower, Iron Head
MILTANK (Lv. 44) @ Leftovers / Careful / Thick Fat / IVs: 29 / Body Slam, Zen Headbutt, Milk Drink, Heal Bell

Young Couple Mike & Nat (Double Battle) :
HONCHKROW (Lv. 44) @ Shell Bell / Adamant / Super Luck / IVs: 29 / Brave Bird, Superpower, Giga Impact, U-turn
MISMAGIUS (Lv. 44) @ Expert Belt / Timid / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt, Psychic, Icy Wind
NIDOKING (Lv. 44) @ Black Sludge / Adamant / Poison Point / IVs: 30 / Poison Jab, Drill Run, ThunderPunch, Superpower
NIDOQUEEN (Lv. 44) @ Leftovers / Modest / Poison Point / IVs: 30 / Sludge Bomb, Flamethrower, Ice Beam, Shadow Ball

—-SOLACEON RUINS (5 turns Trick Room)—-

Ruin Maniac Karl :
BASTIODON (Lv. 44) @ Sitrus Berry / Sassy / Soundproof / IVs: 30 / Stone Edge, Toxic, Stealth Rock, Protect
DUGTRIO (Lv. 44) @ Focus Sash / Adamant / Arena Trap / IVs: 29 / Earthquake, Stone Edge, Night Slash, Aerial Ace
TANGROWTH (Lv. 44) @ Muscle Band / Naughty / Chlorophyll / IVs: 30 / Seed Bomb, Knock Off, Earthquake, Rock Slide
DUSKNOIR (Lv. 44) @ Leftovers / Careful / Pressure / IVs: 30 / Shadow Sneak, Will-O-Wisp, Earthquake, Protect

Hunter J :
SHELGON (Lv. 45) @ Sitrus Berry / Relaxed / Rock Head / IVs: 30 / Dragon Rush, Zen Headbutt, Fire Fang, Shadow Claw
CRADILY (Lv. 45) @ Leftovers / Sassy / Storm Drain / IVs: 31 / AncientPower, Stockpile, Earth Power, Recover
DRAPION (Lv. 45) @ Shuca Berry / Naughty / Sniper / IVs: 29 / Night Slash, Swords Dance, Ice Fang, Earthquake
DRIFBLIM (Lv. 45) @ Salac Berry / Rash / Unburden / IVs: 30 / Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt, Explosion, Will-O-Wisp
GARDEVOIR (Lv. 45) @ Life Orb / Timid / Synchronize / IVs: 29 / Psychic, Energy Ball, Calm Mind, Focus Blast
HOUNDOOM (Lv. 45) @ Focus Sash / Quiet / Flash Fire / IVs: 29 / Dark Pulse, Nasty Plot, Fire Blast, Sludge Bomb


[PK][MN] Trainer Rival (if TURTWIG is chosen) :
STARAPTOR (Lv. 45) @ Shell Bell / Jolly / Reckless / IVs: 29 / Giga Impact, Close Combat, Aerial Ace, U-turn
UMBREON (Lv. 45) @ Lum Berry / Calm / Synchronize / IVs: 29 / Dark Pulse, Wish, Toxic, Protect
LUXRAY (Lv. 45) @ Shuca Berry / Jolly / Guts / IVs: 29 / Wild Charge, Crunch, Ice Fang, Superpower
HERACROSS (Lv. 45) @ Flame Orb / Naive / Guts / IVs: 30 / Close Combat, Night Slash, Rock Slide, Aerial Ace
SNORLAX (Lv. 45) @ Leftovers / Impish / Thick Fat / IVs: 30 / Body Slam, Crunch, Curse, Rest
INFERNAPE (Lv. 45) @ Life Orb / Hasty / Blaze / IVs: 28 / Close Combat, ThunderPunch, Flamethrower, Fake Out

[PK][MN] Trainer Rival (if CHIMCHAR is chosen) :
STARAPTOR (Lv. 45) @ Shell Bell / Jolly / Reckless / IVs: 29 / Giga Impact, Close Combat, Aerial Ace, U-turn
UMBREON (Lv. 45) @ Lum Berry / Calm / Synchronize / IVs: 29 / Dark Pulse, Wish, Toxic, Protect
LUXRAY (Lv. 45) @ Shuca Berry / Jolly / Guts / IVs: 28 / Wild Charge, Crunch, Ice Fang, Superpower
HERACROSS (Lv. 45) @ Flame Orb / Naive / Guts / IVs: 30 / Close Combat, Night Slash, Rock Slide, Aerial Ace
SNORLAX (Lv. 45) @ Leftovers / Impish / Thick Fat / IVs: 30 / Body Slam, Crunch, Curse, Rest
EMPOLEON (Lv. 45) @ Life Orb / Rash / Torrent / IVs: 30 / Surf, Grass Knot, Icy Wind, Aqua Jet

[PK][MN] Trainer Rival (if PIPLUP is chosen) :
STARAPTOR (Lv. 45) @ Shell Bell / Jolly / Reckless / IVs: 30 / Giga Impact, Close Combat, Aerial Ace, U-turn
UMBREON (Lv. 45) @ Lum Berry / Calm / Synchronize / IVs: 29 / Dark Pulse, Wish, Toxic, Protect
LUXRAY (Lv. 45) @ Shuca Berry / Jolly / Guts / IVs: 29 / Wild Charge, Crunch, Ice Fang, Superpower
HERACROSS (Lv. 45) @ Flame Orb / Naive / Guts / IVs: 29 / Close Combat, Night Slash, Rock Slide, Aerial Ace
SNORLAX (Lv. 45) @ Leftovers / Impish / Thick Fat / IVs: 30 / Body Slam, Crunch, Curse, Rest
TORTERRA (Lv. 45) @ Sitrus Berry / Careful / Overgrow / IVs: 29 / Earthquake, Wood Hammer, Superpower, Rock Slide

The level cap increases to 50.


Rancher Marco :
MIGHTYENA (Lv. 44) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Super Fang, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang
BEEDRILL (Lv. 44) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Swarm / IVs: 30 / X-Scissor, Knock Off, Swords Dance, Drill Run
GOLDUCK (Lv. 44) @ Wacan Berry / Modest / Swift Swim / IVs: 31 / Scald, Ice Beam, Focus Blast, Psychic
KANGASKHAN (Lv. 44) @ Silk Scarf / Adamant / Scrappy / IVs: 30 / Giga Impact, Fake Out, Earthquake, ThunderPunch

Jogger Wyatt :
NINJASK (Lv. 44) @ Focus Sash / Quirky / Speed Boost / IVs: 30 / Night Slash, Protect, DualWingbeat, Swords Dance
MANECTRIC (Lv. 44) @ Shuca Berry / Hasty / Lightningrod / IVs: 30 / Thunderbolt, Signal Beam, Overheat, Magnet Rise
STARMIE (Lv. 44) @ Life Orb / Naive / Natural Cure / IVs: 30 / Scald, Thunderbolt, Psychic, Ice Beam
HITMONLEE (Lv. 44) @ Wide Lens / Hasty / Reckless / IVs: 31 / Blaze Kick, Stone Edge, Hi Jump Kick, Sucker Punch

Belle & Pa Ava & Matt (Double Battle) :
TYPHLOSION (Lv. 45) @ Life Orb / Rash / Blaze / IVs: 30 / Blast Burn, Focus Blast, Shadow Claw, Extrasensory
POLITOED (Lv. 45) @ Focus Sash / Timid / Water Absorb / IVs: 30 / Scald, Ice Beam, Focus Blast, Psychic
GRUMPIG (Lv. 45) @ Expert Belt / Quiet / Thick Fat / IVs: 29 / Psychic, Focus Blast, Shadow Ball, Energy Ball
JUMPLUFF (Lv. 45) @ Leftovers / Timid / Chlorophyll / IVs: 29 / Giga Drain, Reflect, Protect, Aromatherapy

[PK][MN] Breeder Kahlil :
LICKILICKY (Lv. 45) @ Chople Berry / Adamant / Own Tempo / IVs: 30 / Giga Impact, Knock Off, Hammer Arm, Fire Punch
BRELOOM (Lv. 45) @ Toxic Orb / Jolly / Poison Heal / IVs: 28 / Seed Bomb, Spore, Sky Uppercut, Substitute
VENOMOTH (Lv. 45) @ Life Orb / Timid / Tinted Lens / IVs: 29 / Signal Beam, Sludge Bomb, Energy Ball, Psychic
CRAWDAUNT (Lv. 45) @ Muscle Band / Jolly / Adaptability / IVs: 28 / Liquidation, Dragon Dance, Superpower, Night Slash

Twins Teri & Tia (Double Battle) :
PURUGLY (Lv. 45) @ Silk Scarf / Jolly / Thick Fat / IVs: 29 / Giga Impact, Fake Out, Shadow Claw, U-turn
MR. MIME (Lv. 45) @ Light Clay / Calm / Filter / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Reflect, Focus Blast, Light Screen
DEWGONG (Lv. 45) @ Life Orb / Naughty / Thick Fat / IVs: 30 / Liquidation, Horn Drill, Drill Run, Ice Beam
MEGANIUM (Lv. 45) @ Shell Bell / Sassy / Overgrow / IVs: 30 / Frenzy Plant, AncientPower, Protect, Giga Impact

[PK][MN] Breeder Amber :
SMEARGLE (Lv. 45) @ Focus Sash / Hasty / Own Tempo / IVs: 31 / Spore, Stealth Rock, Toxic Spikes, U-turn
MANTINE (Lv. 45) @ Wacan Berry / Impish / Swift Swim / IVs: 30 / Dive, Toxic, Aqua Ring, Protect
CHANSEY (Lv. 45) @ Leftovers / Careful / Natural Cure / IVs: 31 / Seismic Toss, Toxic, Softboiled, Protect
WOBBUFFET (Lv. 45) @ Sitrus Berry / Careful / Shadow Tag / IVs: 29 / Counter, -, Mirror Coat, –
MAGCARGO (Lv. 45) @ Lum Berry / Sassy / Flame Body / IVs: 30 / Heat Wave, Recover, Earth Power, AncientPower


Collector Fernando :
DRAGONAIR (Lv. 45) @ Life Orb / Jolly / Shed Skin / IVs: 30 / Outrage, Dragon Dance, Aqua Tail, ExtremeSpeed
GABITE (Lv. 45) @ Yache Berry / Adamant / Rough Skin / IVs: 30 / Dragon Claw, Earthquake, Shadow Claw, Rock Slide
SHELGON (Lv. 45) @ Leftovers / Impish / Rock Head / IVs: 30 / Dragon Rush, Toxic, Fire Fang, Protect

Collector Edwin :
PORYGON2 (Lv. 45) @ Chople Berry / Modest / Trace / IVs: 30 / Hyper Beam, Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, Ice Beam
PINSIR (Lv. 45) @ Life Orb / Adamant / Hyper Cutter / IVs: 30 / X-Scissor, Swords Dance, Close Combat, Stone Edge
MILOTIC (Lv. 45) @ Leftovers / Bold / Marvel Scale / IVs: 29 / Surf, Toxic, Ice Beam, Recover

Waitress Kati :
LOPUNNY (Lv. 45) @ Silk Scarf / Jolly / Limber / IVs: 29 / Giga Impact, ThunderPunch, Fire Punch, Fake Out
VAPOREON (Lv. 45) @ Leftovers / Bold / Water Absorb / IVs: 29 / Surf, Toxic, Wish, Protect
GARDEVOIR (Lv. 45) @ Life Orb / Modest / Synchronize / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Wish, Calm Mind, Focus Blast

—-ROUTE 215 (Rain)—-

Ruin Maniac Calvin :
BRONZONG (Lv. 45) @ Light Clay / Sassy / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Gyro Ball, Light Screen, Toxic, Reflect
CRADILY (Lv. 45) @ Leftovers / Careful / Storm Drain / IVs: 30 / Rock Slide, Amnesia, Earthquake, Recover
KABUTOPS (Lv. 45) @ Focus Sash / Adamant / Swift Swim / IVs: 30 / Liquidation, Swords Dance, Stone Edge, X-Scissor

Jogger Craig :
CACTURNE (Lv. 45) @ Focus Sash / Impish / Water Absorb / IVs: 29 / Seed Bomb, Swords Dance, ThunderPunch, Payback
SLOWBRO (Lv. 45) @ Leftovers / Bold / Own Tempo / IVs: 30 / Scald, Calm Mind, Ice Beam, Slack Off
TOXICROAK (Lv. 45) @ Black Sludge / Adamant / Dry Skin / IVs: 31 / Poison Jab, Gunk Shot, Cross Chop, X-Scissor
ELECTRODE (Lv. 45) @ Magnet / Naive / Static / IVs: 30 / Thunder, Magnet Rise, Signal Beam, Hyper Beam

Black Belt Derek :
FORRETRESS (Lv. 46) @ Occa Berry / Relaxed / Shell Armor / IVs: 30 / Volt Switch, Toxic Spikes, Explosion, Stealth Rock
POLIWRATH (Lv. 46) @ Wide Lens / Adamant / Water Absorb / IVs: 30 / Liquidation, Hypnosis, Ice Punch, DynamicPunch
DODRIO (Lv. 46) @ Shell Bell / Adamant / Early Bird / IVs: 29 / Brave Bird, Knock Off, Giga Impact, Roost

Black Belt Gregory :
GLALIE (Lv. 46) @ Sitrus Berry / Careful / Ice Body / IVs: 29 / Icicle Crash, Earthquake, Crunch, Spikes
VICTREEBEL (Lv. 46) @ Scope Lens / Adamant / Chlorophyll / IVs: 29 / Leaf Blade, Giga Impact, Swords Dance, Sucker Punch
HARIYAMA (Lv. 46) @ Flame Orb / Adamant / Guts / IVs: 30 / Cross Chop, Fake Out, ThunderPunch, Knock Off
FERALIGATR (Lv. 46) @ Life Orb / Jolly / Torrent / IVs: 31 / Liquidation, Dragon Dance, Earthquake, Ice Punch

Black Belt Nathaniel :
AMBIPOM (Lv. 46) @ Silk Scarf / Jolly / Technician / IVs: 29 / Giga Impact, Fake Out, Knock Off, U-turn
MEDICHAM (Lv. 46) @ Expert Belt / Adamant / Pure Power / IVs: 29 / Zen Headbutt, Hi Jump Kick, Ice Punch, ThunderPunch
WAILORD (Lv. 46) @ Leftovers / Impish / Pressure / IVs: 29 / Dive, Toxic, Earthquake, Protect
WEAVILE (Lv. 46) @ Focus Sash / Adamant / Pressure / IVs: 29 / Icicle Crash, Swords Dance, Night Slash, Aerial Ace

Jogger Scott :
PARASECT (Lv. 46) @ Leftovers / Impish / Dry Skin / IVs: 28 / X-Scissor, Spore, Swords Dance, Pursuit
JOLTEON (Lv. 46) @ Magnet / Timid / Volt Absorb / IVs: 30 / Thunder, Signal Beam, Charm, Shadow Ball
PERSIAN (Lv. 46) @ Silk Scarf / Naive / Technician / IVs: 31 / Giga Impact, Fake Out, Knock Off, Aerial Ace
OMASTAR (Lv. 46) @ Sitrus Berry / Timid / Swift Swim / IVs: 29 / Scald, AncientPower, Ice Beam, Earth Power
GENGAR (Lv. 46) @ Life Orb / Naive / Levitate / IVs: 26 / Shadow Ball, Thunder, Energy Ball, Focus Blast

Ace Trainer Maya :
MISMAGIUS (Lv. 47) @ Kasib Berry / Timid / Levitate / IVs: 31 / Shadow Ball, Thunder, Icy Wind, Energy Ball
SKARMORY (Lv. 47) @ Leftovers / Impish / Keen Eye / IVs: 30 / Drill Peck, Rock Slide, Pursuit, X-Scissor
ALTARIA (Lv. 47) @ Sharp Beak / Modest / Natural Cure / IVs: 31 / Hurricane, Draco Meteor, Ice Beam, Protect
Ace Trainer Dennis :
GYARADOS (Lv. 47) @ Wacan Berry / Jolly / Intimidate / IVs: 29 / Waterfall, Dragon Dance, Ice Fang, Earthquake
SCEPTILE (Lv. 47) @ King’s Rock / Jolly / Unburden / IVs: 31 / Leaf Blade, Crunch, ThunderPunch, Rock Slide
MAGNEZONE (Lv. 47) @ Magnet / Modest / Magnet Pull / IVs: 29 / Thunder, Flash Cannon, Hyper Beam, Signal Beam


Black Belt Darren :
HITMONTOP (Lv. 47) @ Payapa Berry / Impish / Technician / IVs: 30 / PowerUpPunch, Fake Out, Bullet Punch, Stone Edge
HITMONLEE (Lv. 47) @ Coba Berry / Jolly / Reckless / IVs: 29 / Hi Jump Kick, Knock Off, Blaze Kick, Stone Edge
HITMONCHAN (Lv. 47) @ Expert Belt / Jolly / Iron Fist / IVs: 29 / Fire Punch, Ice Punch, ThunderPunch, Mach Punch
PRIMEAPE (Lv. 47) @ Scope Lens / Lonely / Vital Spirit / IVs: 30 / Cross Chop, U-turn, Stone Edge, ThunderPunch
POLIWRATH (Lv. 47) @ Sitrus Berry / Jolly / Water Absorb / IVs: 30 / Liquidation, Ice Punch, PowerUpPunch, Hypnosis

Black Belt Rafael :
TOXICROAK (Lv. 47) @ Focus Sash / Timid / Dry Skin / IVs: 30 / Sludge Wave, Nasty Plot, Focus Blast, Dark Pulse
WEAVILE (Lv. 47) @ NeverMeltIce / Jolly / Pressure / IVs: 29 / Pursuit, Icicle Crash, Brick Break, Ice Shard
HARIYAMA (Lv. 47) @ Flame Orb / Brave / Guts / IVs: 29 / Cross Chop, Facade, Fire Punch, Ice Punch
MEDICHAM (Lv. 47) @ Muscle Band / Lonely / Pure Power / IVs: 30 / Hi Jump Kick, Fake Out, Zen Headbutt, Ice Punch
RAMPARDOS (Lv. 47) @ Hard Stone / Adamant / Mold Breaker / IVs: 30 / Stone Edge, Superpower, Zen Headbutt, ThunderPunch

Black Belt Jeffery :
HERACROSS (Lv. 48) @ Salac Berry / Jolly / Guts / IVs: 30 / Close Combat, Reversal, Stone Edge, Endure
BRELOOM (Lv. 48) @ Toxic Orb / Adamant / Poison Heal / IVs: 30 / Seed Bomb, Spore, Mach Punch, Swords Dance
BLAZIKEN (Lv. 48) @ Life Orb / Adamant / Speed Boost / IVs: 29 / Blaze Kick, Earthquake, Protect, Superpower
AGGRON (Lv. 48) @ Muscle Band / Brave / Rock Head / IVs: 30 / Head Smash, ThunderPunch, Superpower, Earthquake
ABSOL (Lv. 48) @ Scope Lens / Jolly / Super Luck / IVs: 29 / Superpower, Megahorn, Sucker Punch, Zen Headbutt

Black Belt Colby :
MACHAMP (Lv. 49) @ Payapa Berry / Sassy / No Guard / IVs: 30 / DynamicPunch, ThunderPunch, Stone Edge, Payback
DUSKNOIR (Lv. 49) @ Leftovers / Impish / Pressure / IVs: 30 / Shadow Sneak, Will-O-Wisp, PowerUpPunch, Earthquake
GALLADE (Lv. 49) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Steadfast / IVs: 30 / Zen Headbutt, Swords Dance, Ice Punch, Drain Punch
RHYPERIOR (Lv. 49) @ Muscle Band / Sassy / Solid Rock / IVs: 30 / Stone Edge, Superpower, Earthquake, Avalanche
ELECTIVIRE (Lv. 49) @ Shuca Berry / Jolly / Motor Drive / IVs: 29 / Wild Charge, Ice Punch, Earthquake, Cross Chop
INFERNAPE (Lv. 49) @ Life Orb / Modest / Blaze / IVs: 29 / Blast Burn, Grass Knot, Focus Blast, Vacuum Wave

Leader Maylene :
INFERNAPE (Lv. 50) @ Life Orb / Hasty / Blaze / IVs: 28 / Blast Burn, Stealth Rock, Close Combat, U-turn
MACHAMP (Lv. 50) @ Lum Berry / Relaxed / No Guard / IVs: 29 / DynamicPunch, Stone Edge, ThunderPunch, Payback
HERACROSS (Lv. 50) @ Flame Orb / Jolly / Guts / IVs: 29 / Close Combat, Stone Edge, Night Slash, Facade
GALLADE (Lv. 50) @ Focus Sash / Adamant / Steadfast / IVs: 31 / Zen Headbutt, Ice Punch, Swords Dance, Shadow Sneak
BRELOOM (Lv. 50) @ Toxic Orb / Jolly / Poison Heal / IVs: 30 / Stone Edge, Spore, Seed Bomb, Substitute
LUCARIO (Lv. 50) @ Focus Sash / Timid / Inner Focus / IVs: 28 / Focus Blast, Dragon Pulse, Shadow Ball, Psychic

The level cap increases to 51.


[PK][MN] Trainer Lucas (ally – if TURTWIG is chosen – if the player is a girl) :
CLEFABLE (Lv. 48) @ Leftovers / Hasty / Magic Guard / IVs: 31 / Psychic, Thunder Wave, Shadow Ball, Softboiled
GALLADE (Lv. 48) @ Focus Sash / Hasty / Steadfast / IVs: 31 / Psycho Cut, Swords Dance, Shadow Sneak, Ice Punch
EMPOLEON (Lv. 48) @ Life Orb / Hasty / Torrent / IVs: 31 / Hydro Cannon, Grass Knot, Ice Beam, Flash Cannon

[PK][MN] Trainer Lucas (ally – if CHIMCHAR is chosen – if the player is a girl) :
CLEFABLE (Lv. 48) @ Leftovers / Hasty / Magic Guard / IVs: 31 / Psychic, Thunder Wave, Shadow Ball, Softboiled
GALLADE (Lv. 48) @ Focus Sash / Hasty / Steadfast / IVs: 31 / Psycho Cut, Swords Dance, Shadow Sneak, Ice Punch
TORTERRA (Lv. 48) @ Sitrus Berry / Hasty / Overgrow / IVs: 31 / Frenzy Plant, Crunch, Stone Edge, Superpower

[PK][MN] Trainer Lucas (ally – if PIPLUP is chosen – if the player is a girl) :
CLEFABLE (Lv. 48) @ Leftovers / Hasty / Magic Guard / IVs: 31 / Psychic, Thunder Wave, Shadow Ball, Softboiled
GALLADE (Lv. 48) @ Focus Sash / Hasty / Steadfast / IVs: 31 / Psycho Cut, Swords Dance, Shadow Sneak, Ice Punch
INFERNAPE (Lv. 48) @ Life Orb / Hasty / Blaze / IVs: 31 / Blast Burn, ThunderPunch, Close Combat, U-turn

[PK][MN] Trainer Dawn (ally – if TURTWIG is chosen – if the player is a boy) :
TOGEKISS (Lv. 48) @ Leftovers / Timid / Serene Grace / IVs: 30 / Air Slash, ExtremeSpeed, Thunder Wave, Aura Sphere
GARDEVOIR (Lv. 48) @ Focus Sash / Modest / Synchronize / IVs: 28 / Psychic, Calm Mind, Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt
EMPOLEON (Lv. 48) @ Life Orb / Modest / Torrent / IVs: 30 / Hydro Cannon, Grass Knot, Ice Beam, Flash Cannon

[PK][MN] Trainer Dawn (ally – if CHIMCHAR is chosen – if the player is a boy) :
TOGEKISS (Lv. 48) @ Leftovers / Timid / Serene Grace / IVs: 29 / Air Slash, ExtremeSpeed, Thunder Wave, Aura Sphere
GARDEVOIR (Lv. 48) @ Focus Sash / Modest / Synchronize / IVs: 28 / Psychic, Calm Mind, Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt
TORTERRA (Lv. 48) @ Sitrus Berry / Relaxed / Overgrow / IVs: 30 / Frenzy Plant, Crunch, Stone Edge, Superpower

[PK][MN] Trainer Dawn (ally – if PIPLUP is chosen – if the player is a boy) :
TOGEKISS (Lv. 48) @ Leftovers / Timid / Serene Grace / IVs: 29 / Air Slash, ExtremeSpeed, Thunder Wave, Aura Sphere
GARDEVOIR (Lv. 48) @ Focus Sash / Modest / Synchronize / IVs: 28 / Psychic, Calm Mind, Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt
INFERNAPE (Lv. 48) @ Life Orb / Naive / Blaze / IVs: 31 / Blast Burn, ThunderPunch, Close Combat, U-turn

Galactic Grunt :
WEEZING (Lv. 47) @ Payapa Berry / Modest / Levitate / IVs: 29 / Sludge Bomb, Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, Dark Pulse
EXPLOUD (Lv. 47) @ Chople Berry / Quiet / Scrappy / IVs: 28 / Hyper Beam, Extrasensory, Overheat, Shadow Ball
Galactic Grunt :
SHARPEDO (Lv. 47) @ Muscle Band / Jolly / Speed Boost / IVs: 31 / Liquidation, Protect, Earthquake, Crunch
GLISCOR (Lv. 47) @ Toxic Orb / Careful / Poison Heal / IVs: 30 / Swords Dance, Fire Fang, Guillotine, Stone Edge

[PK][MN] Trainer Reggie (Double Battle) :
BIBAREL (Lv. 51) @ Silk Scarf / Adamant / Unaware / IVs: 30 / Giga Impact, Aqua Jet, Superpower, Liquidation
MANECTRIC (Lv. 51) @ Wise Glasses / Modest / Lightningrod / IVs: 30 / Thunderbolt, Overheat, Hyper Beam, Signal Beam
ABSOL (Lv. 51) @ Scope Lens / Jolly / Super Luck / IVs: 29 / Night Slash, Superpower, Zen Headbutt, Megahorn
AZUMARILL (Lv. 51) @ Sitrus Berry / Adamant / Huge Power / IVs: 29 / Aqua Jet, Ice Punch, Belly Drum, Superpower
ARCANINE (Lv. 51) @ Leftovers / Impish / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Flare Blitz, Wild Charge, ExtremeSpeed, Morning Sun
STARAPTOR (Lv. 51) @ Shell Bell / Adamant / Reckless / IVs: 30 / Brave Bird, Giga Impact, Close Combat, U-turn

The level cap increases to 53.

—-ROUTE 214—-

Psychic Abigail :
SLOWBRO (Lv. 48) @ Leftovers / Calm / Own Tempo / IVs: 30 / Surf, Toxic, Protect, Slack Off
BUTTERFREE (Lv. 48) @ SilverPowder / Bold / Compoundeyes / IVs: 30 / Bug Buzz, Sleep Powder, Substitute, Roost
STANTLER (Lv. 48) @ Chople Berry / Naughty / Intimidate / IVs: 31 / Giga Impact, Earthquake, Zen Headbutt, Hypnosis
TANGROWTH (Lv. 48) @ Sitrus Berry / Impish / Chlorophyll / IVs: 30 / Seed Bomb, Knock Off, Rock Slide, Earthquake

PI Carlos :
FORRETRESS (Lv. 49) @ Occa Berry / Relaxed / Shell Armor / IVs: 28 / Explosion, Stealth Rock, Volt Switch, Toxic Spikes
PERSIAN (Lv. 49) @ Silk Scarf / Adamant / Technician / IVs: 31 / Giga Impact, Knock Off, Fake Out, U-turn
KINGDRA (Lv. 49) @ Haban Berry / Timid / Swift Swim / IVs: 30 / Hydro Pump, Dragon Pulse, Signal Beam, Ice Beam
LUXRAY (Lv. 49) @ Shuca Berry / Adamant / Guts / IVs: 29 / Wild Charge, Superpower, PsychicFangs, Ice Fang
HONCHKROW (Lv. 49) @ Life Orb / Adamant / Super Luck / IVs: 30 / Brave Bird, Roost, Superpower, Night Slash

Ruin Maniac Bryan :
SPIRITOMB (Lv. 50) @ Zoom Lens / Modest / Pressure / IVs: 29 / Dark Pulse, Hypnosis, Dream Eater, Nasty Plot
LUNATONE (Lv. 50) @ Leftovers / Quiet / Levitate / IVs: 29 / Toxic, Ice Beam, Protect, Explosion
EXPLOUD (Lv. 50) @ Life Orb / Naughty / Scrappy / IVs: 29 / Giga Impact, Earthquake, Shadow Ball, Fire Blast
MAMOSWINE (Lv. 50) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Thick Fat / IVs: 29 / Earthquake, Icicle Crash, Stone Edge, Ice Shard

Collector Brady :
DUSCLOPS (Lv. 50) @ Leftovers / Careful / Pressure / IVs: 29 / Ice Punch, Will-O-Wisp, Protect, Shadow Sneak
ELECTABUZZ (Lv. 50) @ Wise Glasses / Timid / Static / IVs: 30 / Thunder, Focus Blast, Psychic, Signal Beam
RHYDON (Lv. 50) @ Focus Sash / Brave / Rock Head / IVs: 30 / Stone Edge, Earthquake, ThunderPunch, Avalanche
MAGMAR (Lv. 50) @ Life Orb / Modest / Flame Body / IVs: 29 / Overheat, Psychic, Focus Blast, ThunderPunch
PORYGON2 (Lv. 50) @ Silk Scarf / Modest / Trace / IVs: 30 / Hyper Beam, Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, Ice Beam
JYNX (Lv. 50) @ Wide Lens / Timid / Dry Skin / IVs: 30 / Blizzard, Lovely Kiss, Dream Eater, Nasty Plot

Collector Jamal :
DITTO (Lv. 50) @ Quick Powder / Hasty / Limber / IVs: 31 / Transform, -, -, –
FLYGON (Lv. 50) @ Life Orb / Jolly / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Dragon Claw, Stone Edge, Earthquake, U-turn
WALREIN (Lv. 50) @ Sitrus Berry / Adamant / Ice Body / IVs: 29 / Liquidation, Earthquake, Icicle Crash, Curse
BLISSEY (Lv. 50) @ Leftovers / Bold / Natural Cure / IVs: 29 / Seismic Toss, Softboiled, Protect, Toxic
LUCARIO (Lv. 50) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Inner Focus / IVs: 30 / Close Combat, Ice Punch, Crunch, Swords Dance

Beauty Devon :
LUMINEON (Lv. 51) @ Leftovers / Sassy / Swift Swim / IVs: 27 / Flip Turn, Toxic, Bounce, Protect
GLACEON (Lv. 51) @ Life Orb / Timid / Ice Body / IVs: 29 / Blizzard, Shadow Ball, Signal Beam, Water Pulse
TOGEKISS (Lv. 51) @ King’s Rock / Timid / Serene Grace / IVs: 30 / Air Slash, Aura Sphere, Thunder Wave, Roost
ROSERADE (Lv. 51) @ Black Sludge / Calm / Poison Point / IVs: 30 / Energy Ball, Sludge Bomb, Extrasensory, Shadow Ball

Psychic Mitchell :
KECLEON (Lv. 51) @ Chople Berry / Brave / Color Change / IVs: 28 / Giga Impact, Sucker Punch, Shadow Claw, Counter
SABLEYE (Lv. 51) @ Leftovers / Impish / Keen Eye / IVs: 29 / Shadow Claw, Fake Out, Will-O-Wisp, Protect
GASTRODON (Lv. 51) @ Rindo Berry / Bold / Storm Drain / IVs: 30 / Scald, Recover, Ice Beam, Earth Power
MR. MIME (Lv. 51) @ Light Clay / Calm / Filter / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Reflect, Focus Blast, Light Screen

Ruin Maniac Ronald :
RELICANTH (Lv. 51) @ Rindo Berry / Adamant / Swift Swim / IVs: 30 / Liquidation, Stone Edge, Earthquake, Stealth Rock
TORKOAL (Lv. 51) @ Leftovers / Relaxed / Shell Armor / IVs: 30 / Fire Blast, Will-O-Wisp, Protect, Explosion
MAROWAK (Lv. 51) @ Thick Club / Adamant / Rock Head / IVs: 30 / Earthquake, Fire Punch, Swords Dance, Stone Edge
ALAKAZAM (Lv. 51) @ Focus Sash / Hasty / Magic Guard / IVs: 28 / Psychic, Calm Mind, Focus Blast, Energy Ball
AGGRON (Lv. 51) @ Muscle Band / Relaxed / Rock Head / IVs: 30 / Head Smash, Earthquake, Dragon Claw, Superpower

Collector Douglas :
CROBAT (Lv. 51) @ Black Sludge / Hasty / Inner Focus / IVs: 28 / Brave Bird, Super Fang, Roost, U-turn
HITMONTOP (Lv. 51) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Technician / IVs: 30 / Close Combat, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Bullet Punch
LICKILICKY (Lv. 51) @ Wise Glasses / Modest / Own Tempo / IVs: 29 / Hyper Beam, Shadow Ball, Flamethrower, Focus Blast
EMPOLEON (Lv. 51) @ Life Orb / Timid / Torrent / IVs: 30 / Hydro Cannon, Ice Beam, Grass Knot, Flash Cannon
AERODACTYL (Lv. 51) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Rock Head / IVs: 30 / Stone Edge, Earthquake, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang


Artist Ismael :
SMEARGLE (Lv. 52) @ Light Clay / Jolly / Own Tempo / IVs: 28 / U-turn, Reflect, Safeguard, Light Screen
SMEARGLE (Lv. 52) @ Wise Glasses / Modest / Own Tempo / IVs: 29 / Hyper Beam, Blast Burn, Hydro Cannon, Frenzy Plant
Beauty Harley :
RAPIDASH (Lv. 52) @ Wide Lens / Hasty / Flash Fire / IVs: 30 / Fire Blast, Megahorn, Horsepower, Horn Drill
MAWILE (Lv. 52) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Iron Head, Swords Dance, Ice Punch, PsychicFangs

Scientist Emilio :
FORRETRESS (Lv. 52) @ Occa Berry / Relaxed / Shell Armor / IVs: 30 / Gyro Ball, Stealth Rock, Volt Switch, Toxic Spikes
CLAYDOL (Lv. 52) @ Light Clay / Bold / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Earth Power, Reflect, Psychic, Light Screen
ROTOM-HEAT (Lv. 52) @ Leftovers / Modest / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Overheat, Thunderbolt, Will-O-Wisp, Shadow Ball
[PK][MN] Breeder Kaylee :
MILOTIC (Lv. 52) @ Leftovers / Calm / Marvel Scale / IVs: 30 / Scald, Recover, Ice Beam, Mirror Coat
CROBAT (Lv. 52) @ Sharp Beak / Jolly / Inner Focus / IVs: 29 / Brave Bird, Roost, U-turn, Super Fang
SNORLAX (Lv. 52) @ Lum Berry / Impish / Thick Fat / IVs: 30 / Giga Impact, Crunch, Curse, Rest

Cameraman Darryl :
MR. MIME (Lv. 52) @ Light Clay / Bold / Filter / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Light Screen, Focus Blast, Reflect
MAGNEZONE (Lv. 52) @ Shuca Berry / Modest / Magnet Pull / IVs: 31 / Thunderbolt, Signal Beam, Flash Cannon, Tri Attack
PIDGEOT (Lv. 52) @ Shell Bell / Jolly / Keen Eye / IVs: 30 / Brave Bird, Giga Impact, U-turn, Roost
Reporter Valerie :
EXPLOUD (Lv. 52) @ Chople Berry / Naughty / Scrappy / IVs: 29 / Giga Impact, Zen Headbutt, Hammer Arm, Fire Punch
POLITOED (Lv. 52) @ Wise Glasses / Mild / Water Absorb / IVs: 29 / Scald, Ice Beam, Hyper Voice, Hypnosis
KRICKETUNE (Lv. 52) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Technician / IVs: 29 / X-Scissor, Night Slash, Swords Dance, Knock Off

Collector Eugene :
KECLEON (Lv. 52) @ Scope Lens / Docile / Color Change / IVs: 30 / Slash, Fake Out, Shadow Claw, Fire Punch
RAMPARDOS (Lv. 52) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Mold Breaker / IVs: 29 / Head Smash, Horsepower, Zen Headbutt, ThunderPunch
WOBBUFFET (Lv. 52) @ Leftovers / Careful / Shadow Tag / IVs: 29 / Counter, Destiny Bond, Mirror Coat, Encore
Aroma Lady Alison :
VILEPLUME (Lv. 52) @ Black Sludge / Bold / Chlorophyll / IVs: 30 / Sludge Bomb, Energy Ball, Hyper Beam, Protect
BEAUTIFLY (Lv. 52) @ Focus Sash / Modest / Swarm / IVs: 30 / Bug Buzz, Shadow Ball, Energy Ball, Psychic
CRADILY (Lv. 52) @ Lum Berry / Adamant / Storm Drain / IVs: 29 / Stone Edge, Recover, Seed Bomb, Swords Dance

School Kid Esteban :
RATICATE (Lv. 52) @ Silk Scarf / Lonely / Guts / IVs: 30 / Giga Impact, Swords Dance, Zen Headbutt, Sucker Punch
LEDIAN (Lv. 52) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Swarm / IVs: 30 / Ice Punch, Mach Punch, ThunderPunch, Swords Dance
Pokéfan Meredith :
LUVDISC (Lv. 52) @ Damp Rock / Timid / Swift Swim / IVs: 30 / Scald, Icy Wind, Protect, Rain Dance
NIDOQUEEN (Lv. 52) @ Black Sludge / Adamant / Poison Point / IVs: 29 / Poison Jab, Horsepower, Superpower, ThunderPunch
RAICHU (Lv. 52) @ Shuca Berry / Modest / Lightningrod / IVs: 30 / Thunder, Grass Knot, Focus Blast, Nasty Plot

PI Kendrick :
ZANGOOSE (Lv. 52) @ Scope Lens / Adamant / Immunity / IVs: 31 / Slash, Shadow Claw, Knock Off, Fire Punch
GENGAR (Lv. 52) @ Black Sludge / Timid / Levitate / IVs: 29 / Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt, Focus Blast, Energy Ball
RHYPERIOR (Lv. 52) @ Muscle Band / Brave / Solid Rock / IVs: 28 / Stone Edge, Avalanche, Megahorn, Horsepower
Beauty Gabriella :
BELLOSSOM (Lv. 52) @ Wide Lens / Hasty / Chlorophyll / IVs: 30 / Energy Ball, Sleep Powder, Sludge Bomb, Synthesis
ESPEON (Lv. 52) @ Leftovers / Bold / Synchronize / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Wish, Shadow Ball, Protect
VESPIQUEN (Lv. 52) @ Lum Berry / Sassy / Pressure / IVs: 30 / Attack Order, Defend Order, Toxic, Heal Order

Gentleman Leonardo :
CHATOT (Lv. 52) @ Silk Scarf / Mild / Keen Eye / IVs: 30 / Hyper Voice, Roost, Heat Wave, U-turn
LUXRAY (Lv. 52) @ Shuca Berry / Adamant / Guts / IVs: 30 / Wild Charge, Ice Fang, PsychicFangs, Superpower
ARCANINE (Lv. 52) @ Leftovers / Adamant / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Flare Blitz, ExtremeSpeed, Protect, Thunder Fang
Socialite Rebecca :
STARMIE (Lv. 52) @ Expert Belt / Hasty / Natural Cure / IVs: 30 / Scald, Psychic, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam
ALTARIA (Lv. 52) @ Yache Berry / Modest / Natural Cure / IVs: 30 / Ice Beam, Dragon Pulse, Roost, Flamethrower
KANGASKHAN (Lv. 52) @ Muscle Band / Naughty / Scrappy / IVs: 30 / Giga Impact, Crunch, Fake Out, Hammer Arm

Veteran Emanuel :
NIDOKING (Lv. 52) @ Expert Belt / Jolly / Poison Point / IVs: 29 / Poison Jab, Superpower, Ice Punch, Horsepower
SHIFTRY (Lv. 52) @ Focus Sash / Modest / Chlorophyll / IVs: 30 / Leaf Storm, Dark Pulse, Hurricane, Nasty Plot
MACHAMP (Lv. 52) @ Lum Berry / Adamant / No Guard / IVs: 31 / DynamicPunch, Ice Punch, Stone Edge, Bullet Punch
Lass Blythe :
WIGGLYTUFF (Lv. 52) @ Silk Scarf / Quiet / Cute Charm / IVs: 30 / Hyper Voice, Flamethrower, Focus Blast, Psychic
DEWGONG (Lv. 52) @ Sitrus Berry / Adamant / Thick Fat / IVs: 30 / Liquidation, Drill Run, Icicle Crash, Fake Out

Rich Boy Roman :
PERSIAN (Lv. 52) @ Chople Berry / Adamant / Technician / IVs: 30 / Giga Impact, Shadow Claw, Knock Off, Seed Bomb
KINGDRA (Lv. 52) @ Haban Berry / Modest / Swift Swim / IVs: 29 / Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Dragon Pulse, Signal Beam
HONCHKROW (Lv. 52) @ Scope Lens / Jolly / Super Luck / IVs: 30 / Night Slash, Roost, Brave Bird, Superpower
Lady Kylie :
AMPHAROS (Lv. 52) @ Shuca Berry / Hasty / Static / IVs: 30 / Thunderbolt, Fire Punch, Signal Beam, Focus Blast
SEAKING (Lv. 52) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Swift Swim / IVs: 30 / Waterfall, Drill Run, Horn Drill, Poison Jab

—-ROUTE 213—-

Tuber Chelsea :
WIGGLYTUFF (Lv. 52) @ Zoom Lens / Timid / Cute Charm / IVs: 30 / Hyper Beam, Thunder, Focus Blast, Fire Blast
SANDSLASH (Lv. 52) @ Life Orb / Jolly / Hyper Cutter / IVs: 30 / Earthquake, Stone Edge, Swords Dance, X-Scissor
SEAKING (Lv. 52) @ Rindo Berry / Jolly / Swift Swim / IVs: 30 / Horn Drill, Waterfall, Poison Jab, Knock Off
DRIFBLIM (Lv. 52) @ Salac Berry / Modest / Unburden / IVs: 31 / Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt, Will-O-Wisp, MysticalFire

Tuber Jared :
DELIBIRD (Lv. 52) @ Charti Berry / Hasty / Vital Spirit / IVs: 30 / Blizzard, Toxic, Signal Beam, Fake Out
MANECTRIC (Lv. 52) @ Focus Sash / Naive / Lightningrod / IVs: 28 / Thunderbolt, Signal Beam, Overheat, Hyper Beam
CRAWDAUNT (Lv. 52) @ Scope Lens / Jolly / Adaptability / IVs: 28 / Liquidation, Dragon Dance, Night Slash, Superpower
SWELLOW (Lv. 52) @ Flame Orb / Naughty / Guts / IVs: 30 / Facade, Roost, Brave Bird, U-turn

Fisherman Kenneth :
TROPIUS (Lv. 53) @ Yache Berry / Adamant / Chlorophyll / IVs: 30 / Leaf Blade, Dragon Dance, Earthquake, Outrage
SWALOT (Lv. 53) @ Black Sludge / Careful / Sticky Hold / IVs: 30 / Gunk Shot, Earthquake, Explosion, Protect
SLAKING (Lv. 53) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Truant / IVs: 29 / Giga Impact, Earthquake, Fire Punch, Shadow Claw
OCTILLERY (Lv. 53) @ None / Modest / Sniper / IVs: 30 / Scald, Flamethrower, Ice Beam, Energy Ball

Beauty Cyndy :
DELCATTY (Lv. 53) @ King’s Rock / Jolly / Cute Charm / IVs: 30 / Headbutt, Fake Out, Thunder Wave, Zen Headbutt
NINETALES (Lv. 53) @ Life Orb / Timid / Flash Fire / IVs: 30 / Fire Blast, Extrasensory, Energy Ball, Dark Pulse
LEAFEON (Lv. 53) @ Focus Sash / Adamant / Leaf Guard / IVs: 28 / Seed Bomb, X-Scissor, Swords Dance, Knock Off
FROSLASS (Lv. 53) @ Expert Belt / Hasty / Ice Body / IVs: 30 / Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, Psychic
MILOTIC (Lv. 53) @ Leftovers / Bold / Marvel Scale / IVs: 30 / Scald, Protect, Recover, Ice Beam


[PK][MN] Trainer Conway :
SLOWKING (Lv. 53) @ Life Orb / Quiet / Own Tempo / IVs: 29 / Scald, Nasty Plot, Psychic, Trick Room
SUDOWOODO (Lv. 53) @ Muscle Band / Brave / Rock Head / IVs: 30 / Stone Edge, Sucker Punch, Wood Hammer, Explosion
LICKILICKY (Lv. 53) @ Wise Glasses / Modest / Own Tempo / IVs: 30 / Hyper Beam, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Shadow Ball
AGGRON (Lv. 53) @ Shuca Berry / Brave / Rock Head / IVs: 31 / Head Smash, Aqua Tail, Low Kick, Ice Punch
TANGROWTH (Lv. 53) @ Leftovers / Adamant / Chlorophyll / IVs: 30 / Seed Bomb, Earthquake, Sleep Powder, Rock Slide
DUSKNOIR (Lv. 53) @ Expert Belt / Brave / Pressure / IVs: 30 / Earthquake, ThunderPunch, Shadow Sneak, Trick Room

The level cap increases to 56.


Fisherman Walter :
PELIPPER (Lv. 52) @ Wacan Berry / Mild / Rain Dish / IVs: 28 / Scald, Hurricane, Ice Beam, U-turn
PARASECT (Lv. 52) @ Leftovers / Jolly / Dry Skin / IVs: 29 / X-Scissor, Swords Dance, Spore, Substitute
LANTURN (Lv. 52) @ Rindo Berry / Modest / Volt Absorb / IVs: 29 / Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Thunder, Signal Beam
KINGLER (Lv. 52) @ Scope Lens / Adamant / Hyper Cutter / IVs: 29 / Liquidation, Swords Dance, Superpower, X-Scissor
SHARPEDO (Lv. 52) @ Life Orb / Adamant / Speed Boost / IVs: 30 / Liquidation, Protect, Crunch, Earthquake

Sailor Damian :
SLOWBRO (Lv. 53) @ Lum Berry / Bold / Own Tempo / IVs: 28 / Scald, Protect, Ice Beam, Slack Off
BRONZONG (Lv. 53) @ Lagging Tail / Relaxed / Levitate / IVs: 31 / Gyro Ball, Stealth Rock, Earthquake, Explosion
ABOMASNOW (Lv. 53) @ Occa Berry / Adamant / Soundproof / IVs: 29 / Icicle Crash, Earthquake, Wood Hammer, Ice Shard
VAPOREON (Lv. 53) @ Leftovers / Calm / Water Absorb / IVs: 30 / Scald, Protect, Wish, Ice Beam
AZUMARILL (Lv. 53) @ Sitrus Berry / Adamant / Huge Power / IVs: 29 / Aqua Jet, Ice Punch, Belly Drum, Superpower

Tuber Jacky :
HUNTAIL (Lv. 53) @ Wacan Berry / Adamant / Swift Swim / IVs: 30 / Liquidation, Crunch, Ice Fang, PsychicFangs
POLIWRATH (Lv. 53) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Water Absorb / IVs: 30 / Liquidation, Ice Punch, PowerUpPunch, Drain Punch
KABUTOPS (Lv. 53) @ Focus Sash / Lonely / Swift Swim / IVs: 30 / Liquidation, Swords Dance, Stone Edge, X-Scissor
Tuber Caitlyn :
GOREBYSS (Lv. 53) @ Rindo Berry / Timid / Swift Swim / IVs: 30 / Hydro Pump, Shadow Ball, Ice Beam, Psychic
POLITOED (Lv. 53) @ Wise Glasses / Naive / Water Absorb / IVs: 30 / Hydro Pump, Focus Blast, Hyper Voice, Psychic
OMASTAR (Lv. 53) @ Life Orb / Timid / Swift Swim / IVs: 29 / Scald, Earth Power, Ice Beam, AncientPower

Fisherman Erick :
TENTACRUEL (Lv. 54) @ Leftovers / Bold / Clear Body / IVs: 30 / Hydro Pump, Toxic Spikes, Giga Drain, Sludge Wave
GASTRODON (Lv. 54) @ Rindo Berry / Calm / Storm Drain / IVs: 30 / Earth Power, Ice Beam, Recover, Surf
MAGNEZONE (Lv. 54) @ Focus Sash / Rash / Magnet Pull / IVs: 30 / Thunder, Explosion, Flash Cannon, Signal Beam
LAPRAS (Lv. 54) @ Expert Belt / Modest / Hydration / IVs: 30 / Hydro Pump, Thunder, Ice Beam, Psychic
BLASTOISE (Lv. 54) @ Life Orb / Timid / Rain Dish / IVs: 29 / Hydro Cannon, Focus Blast, Ice Beam, Mirror Coat

Sailor Samson :
QWILFISH (Lv. 54) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Swift Swim / IVs: 30 / Liquidation, Swords Dance, Poison Jab, Explosion
TOXICROAK (Lv. 54) @ Black Sludge / Timid / Dry Skin / IVs: 30 / Sludge Wave, Dark Pulse, Nasty Plot, Focus Blast
STARMIE (Lv. 54) @ Expert Belt / Modest / Natural Cure / IVs: 31 / Hydro Pump, Thunder, Ice Beam, Psychic
ELECTRODE (Lv. 54) @ Magnet / Mild / Static / IVs: 30 / Thunder, Signal Beam, Magnet Rise, Explosion
SCIZOR (Lv. 54) @ Occa Berry / Adamant / Technician / IVs: 29 / Bullet Punch, Swords Dance, Bug Bite, Pursuit
FERALIGATR (Lv. 54) @ Life Orb / Jolly / Torrent / IVs: 29 / Liquidation, Ice Punch, Dragon Dance, Superpower

Leader Wake (Double Battle) :
GYARADOS (Lv. 56) @ Wacan Berry / Jolly / Intimidate / IVs: 29 / Waterfall, Ice Fang, Earthquake, Stone Edge
QUAGSIRE (Lv. 56) @ Rindo Berry / Bold / Water Absorb / IVs: 28 / Scald, Encore, Icy Wind, Earth Power
LUDICOLO (Lv. 56) @ Focus Sash / Timid / Swift Swim / IVs: 30 / Hydro Pump, Focus Blast, Energy Ball, Ice Beam
KINGDRA (Lv. 56) @ Haban Berry / Timid / Swift Swim / IVs: 30 / Draco Meteor, Ice Beam, Hydro Pump, Hyper Beam
EMPOLEON (Lv. 56) @ Life Orb / Hasty / Torrent / IVs: 30 / Hydro Cannon, Earthquake, Grass Knot, Ice Beam
FLOATZEL (Lv. 56) @ Expert Belt / Adamant / Swift Swim / IVs: 30 / Liquidation, Icicle Crash, Crunch, Brick Break

The level cap increases to 58.


Galactic Grunt :
SKUNTANK (Lv. 55) @ Shuca Berry / Modest / Aftermath / IVs: 30 / Sludge Bomb, Dark Pulse, Flamethrower, Explosion
CARNIVINE (Lv. 55) @ Muscle Band / Jolly / Levitate / IVs: 31 / Power Whip, Knock Off, Swords Dance, Giga Impact
DODRIO (Lv. 55) @ Silk Scarf / Brave / Early Bird / IVs: 30 / Brave Bird, Knock Off, Giga Impact, Roost
BANETTE (Lv. 55) @ Sitrus Berry / Brave / Insomnia / IVs: 30 / Shadow Sneak, Will-O-Wisp, Knock Off, Destiny Bond
WEEZING (Lv. 55) @ Payapa Berry / Timid / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Sludge Bomb, Explosion, Dark Pulse, Thunderbolt
HOUNDOOM (Lv. 55) @ Focus Sash / Modest / Flash Fire / IVs: 30 / Dark Pulse, Nasty Plot, Shadow Ball, Flamethrower


[PK][MN] Trainer Paul :
DRAPION (Lv. 60) @ Scope Lens / Relaxed / Sniper / IVs: 30 / Night Slash, Toxic Spikes, Ice Fang, Cross Poison
URSARING (Lv. 60) @ Flame Orb / Adamant / Guts / IVs: 29 / Facade, ThunderPunch, Earthquake, Close Combat
HONCHKROW (Lv. 60) @ Sharp Beak / Adamant / Super Luck / IVs: 31 / Brave Bird, Roost, Superpower, U-turn
GLISCOR (Lv. 60) @ Toxic Orb / Adamant / Poison Heal / IVs: 31 / Earthquake, Fire Fang, Roost, Thunder Fang
METAGROSS (Lv. 60) @ Life Orb / Jolly / Clear Body / IVs: 30 / Meteor Mash, Zen Headbutt, Earthquake, Ice Punch
ELECTIVIRE (Lv. 60) @ Shuca Berry / Jolly / Motor Drive / IVs: 30 / Wild Charge, Ice Punch, Earthquake, Cross Chop


[PK][MN] Ranger Taylor :
CASTFORM (Lv. 54) @ Sitrus Berry / Hasty / Forecast / IVs: 31 / Weather Ball, Icy Wind, Thunder, Thunder Wave
BRELOOM (Lv. 54) @ Toxic Orb / Jolly / Poison Heal / IVs: 30 / Seed Bomb, Spore, Focus Punch, Stone Edge
POLITOED (Lv. 54) @ Wide Lens / Timid / Water Absorb / IVs: 30 / Hydro Pump, Hypnosis, Ice Beam, Focus Blast
JOLTEON (Lv. 54) @ Focus Sash / Timid / Volt Absorb / IVs: 28 / Thunder, Signal Beam, Shadow Ball, Hyper Beam

Scientist Shaun :
BRONZONG (Lv. 54) @ Leftovers / Impish / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Gyro Ball, Zen Headbutt, Stealth Rock, Explosion
ELECTRODE (Lv. 54) @ Magnet / Naive / Static / IVs: 30 / Thunder, Explosion, Signal Beam, Magnet Rise
HYPNO (Lv. 54) @ Zoom Lens / Timid / Insomnia / IVs: 30 / Focus Blast, Hypnosis, Nasty Plot, Dream Eater
VENOMOTH (Lv. 54) @ Black Sludge / Modest / Tinted Lens / IVs: 30 / Signal Beam, Sleep Powder, Sludge Bomb, Giga Drain

Parasol Lady Sabrina :
MASQUERAIN (Lv. 55) @ Life Orb / Timid / Intimidate / IVs: 29 / Signal Beam, Air Slash, Energy Ball, Hydro Pump
ROSERADE (Lv. 55) @ Expert Belt / Modest / Poison Point / IVs: 30 / Energy Ball, Extrasensory, Sludge Bomb, Weather Ball
GARDEVOIR (Lv. 55) @ Leftovers / Bold / Synchronize / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Focus Blast, Calm Mind, Wish
LUMINEON (Lv. 55) @ Sitrus Berry / Hasty / Swift Swim / IVs: 31 / Surf, Ominous Wind, Ice Beam, U-turn

Parasol Lady Alexa :
JYNX (Lv. 55) @ Leftovers / Timid / Dry Skin / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Ice Beam, Nasty Plot, Protect
MANTINE (Lv. 55) @ Wacan Berry / Bold / Swift Swim / IVs: 30 / Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Mirror Coat, Signal Beam
VILEPLUME (Lv. 55) @ Black Sludge / Bold / Chlorophyll / IVs: 30 / Energy Ball, Sleep Powder, Sludge Wave, Protect

Fisherman Juan :
SWALOT (Lv. 55) @ Black Sludge / Careful / Sticky Hold / IVs: 29 / Gunk Shot, Explosion, Ice Punch, Earthquake
DUNSPARCE (Lv. 55) @ King’s Rock / Jolly / Serene Grace / IVs: 30 / Headbutt, Roost, Glare, Rock Slide
GYARADOS (Lv. 55) @ Wacan Berry / Adamant / Intimidate / IVs: 29 / Waterfall, Stone Edge, Dragon Dance, Earthquake

Fisherman Josh :
CLOYSTER (Lv. 55) @ Sitrus Berry / Brave / Skill Link / IVs: 31 / Liquidation, Toxic Spikes, Explosion, Spikes
MUK (Lv. 55) @ Black Sludge / Jolly / Sticky Hold / IVs: 30 / Gunk Shot, Shadow Sneak, Explosion, Ice Punch
POLIWRATH (Lv. 55) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Water Absorb / IVs: 30 / Liquidation, Poison Jab, PowerUpPunch, Earthquake
PARASECT (Lv. 55) @ Leftovers / Jolly / Dry Skin / IVs: 30 / Leech Life, Spore, Knock Off, Swords Dance

Fisherman Travis :
TOXICROAK (Lv. 55) @ Focus Sash / Naive / Dry Skin / IVs: 31 / Gunk Shot, Ice Punch, Sucker Punch, Swords Dance
TENTACRUEL (Lv. 55) @ Black Sludge / Sassy / Clear Body / IVs: 30 / Hydro Pump, Toxic Spikes, Knock Off, Ice Beam
VICTREEBEL (Lv. 55) @ Miracle Seed / Adamant / Chlorophyll / IVs: 28 / Seed Bomb, Sleep Powder, Knock Off, Swords Dance
SCIZOR (Lv. 55) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Technician / IVs: 30 / Pursuit, Swords Dance, Bullet Punch, Bug Bite

Collector Dean :
ELECTIVIRE (Lv. 56) @ Shuca Berry / Hasty / Motor Drive / IVs: 30 / Thunder, Focus Blast, Ice Punch, Cross Chop
ARMALDO (Lv. 56) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Swift Swim / IVs: 30 / Stone Edge, Liquidation, X-Scissor, Swords Dance
CRADILY (Lv. 56) @ Leftovers / Careful / Storm Drain / IVs: 31 / Stone Edge, Recover, Earthquake, Toxic
WALREIN (Lv. 56) @ Lum Berry / Brave / Ice Body / IVs: 28 / Liquidation, Earthquake, Rest, Icicle Crash

Policeman Danny :
HARIYAMA (Lv. 56) @ Flame Orb / Brave / Guts / IVs: 29 / Close Combat, Stone Edge, Earthquake, Payback
ZANGOOSE (Lv. 56) @ Muscle Band / Jolly / Immunity / IVs: 30 / Double-Edge, Close Combat, Knock Off, Swords Dance
LUXRAY (Lv. 56) @ Shell Bell / Jolly / Guts / IVs: 29 / Wild Charge, Ice Fang, Superpower, PsychicFangs

Scientist Stefano :
ROTOM-WASH (Lv. 57) @ Leftovers / Timid / Levitate / IVs: 31 / Hydro Pump, Thunder, Shadow Ball, Will-O-Wisp
PORYGON-Z (Lv. 57) @ Life Orb / Naive / Adaptability / IVs: 30 / Hyper Beam, Thunder, Shadow Ball, Ice Beam
ALAKAZAM (Lv. 57) @ Expert Belt / Naive / Magic Guard / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Energy Ball, Shadow Ball, Focus Blast

[PK][MN] Ranger Jeffrey :
PINSIR (Lv. 57) @ Muscle Band / Jolly / Hyper Cutter / IVs: 30 / X-Scissor, Guillotine, Horsepower, Superpower
LUCARIO (Lv. 57) @ Focus Sash / Adamant / Inner Focus / IVs: 30 / Close Combat, Crunch, ThunderPunch, ExtremeSpeed
AMPHAROS (Lv. 57) @ Shuca Berry / Timid / Static / IVs: 30 / Thunder, Signal Beam, Focus Blast, Hyper Beam
[PK][MN] Ranger Allison :
VAPOREON (Lv. 57) @ Leftovers / Bold / Water Absorb / IVs: 31 / Scald, Protect, Icy Wind, Shadow Ball
FROSLASS (Lv. 57) @ Sitrus Berry / Calm / Ice Body / IVs: 29 / Ice Beam, Thunder, Shadow Ball, Substitute
MEGANIUM (Lv. 57) @ Lum Berry / Calm / Overgrow / IVs: 28 / Frenzy Plant, Reflect, Rest, Light Screen


Socialite Reina :
MISMAGIUS (Lv. 56) @ Colbur Berry / Modest / Levitate / IVs: 29 / Shadow Ball, Psychic, Thunderbolt, MysticalFire
UMBREON (Lv. 56) @ Leftovers / Careful / Synchronize / IVs: 30 / Knock Off, Wish, Toxic, Protect
GASTRODON (Lv. 56) @ Rindo Berry / Bold / Storm Drain / IVs: 30 / Scald, Recover, Earth Power, Ice Beam

Rich Boy Jason :
PURUGLY (Lv. 57) @ Silk Scarf / Adamant / Thick Fat / IVs: 29 / Giga Impact, Fake Out, Knock Off, Horsepower
MANECTRIC (Lv. 57) @ Wise Glasses / Modest / Lightningrod / IVs: 30 / Thunderbolt, Signal Beam, Overheat, Hyper Beam
EMPOLEON (Lv. 57) @ Life Orb / Timid / Torrent / IVs: 31 / Hydro Cannon, Flash Cannon, Ice Beam, Grass Knot
Lady Melissa :
ESPEON (Lv. 57) @ Leftovers / Bold / Synchronize / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Protect, Signal Beam, Grass Knot
DRIFBLIM (Lv. 57) @ Petaya Berry / Modest / Unburden / IVs: 30 / Shadow Ball, Psychic, Thunderbolt, MysticalFire
NIDOQUEEN (Lv. 57) @ Black Sludge / Adamant / Poison Point / IVs: 31 / Poison Jab, Superpower, Ice Punch, ThunderPunch

Policeman Dylan :
CHIMECHO (Lv. 56) @ Sitrus Berry / Timid / Levitate / IVs: 28 / Psychic, Thunder Wave, Grass Knot, Wish
TOXICROAK (Lv. 56) @ Focus Sash / Adamant / Dry Skin / IVs: 30 / Gunk Shot, Swords Dance, Ice Punch, Sucker Punch
DUSKNOIR (Lv. 56) @ Muscle Band / Brave / Pressure / IVs: 31 / Shadow Sneak, Ice Punch, Earthquake, Will-O-Wisp

Policeman Caleb :
NOCTOWL (Lv. 56) @ Big Root / Timid / Tinted Lens / IVs: 29 / Dream Eater, Hypnosis, Air Slash, Shadow Ball
HOUNDOOM (Lv. 56) @ Focus Sash / Modest / Flash Fire / IVs: 29 / Fire Blast, Nasty Plot, Dark Pulse, Sludge Bomb
HIPPOWDON (Lv. 56) @ Leftovers / Brave / Battle Armor / IVs: 30 / Earthquake, Slack Off, Thunder Fang, Stone Edge

Gentleman Jeremy :
STARAPTOR (Lv. 57) @ Shell Bell / Jolly / Reckless / IVs: 30 / Brave Bird, U-turn, Close Combat, Giga Impact
FLAREON (Lv. 57) @ Charcoal / Hasty / Flash Fire / IVs: 30 / Fire Blast, Superpower, Giga Impact, Will-O-Wisp
KINGDRA (Lv. 57) @ Life Orb / Timid / Swift Swim / IVs: 29 / Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Draco Meteor, Signal Beam
URSARING (Lv. 57) @ Flame Orb / Hasty / Guts / IVs: 30 / Giga Impact, Crunch, Close Combat, Fire Punch
NIDOKING (Lv. 57) @ Expert Belt / Modest / Poison Point / IVs: 29 / Sludge Wave, Earth Power, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt

Policeman Alex :
DONPHAN (Lv. 56) @ Muscle Band / Relaxed / Rock Head / IVs: 30 / Earthquake, Ice Shard, Stealth Rock, Stone Edge
YANMEGA (Lv. 56) @ Focus Sash / Timid / Speed Boost / IVs: 30 / Air Slash, Protect, Hypnosis, Signal Beam
LICKILICKY (Lv. 56) @ Wise Glasses / Modest / Own Tempo / IVs: 30 / Hyper Beam, Shadow Ball, Focus Blast, Thunderbolt
MACHAMP (Lv. 56) @ Lum Berry / Adamant / No Guard / IVs: 30 / DynamicPunch, Stone Edge, Payback, Ice Punch

Policeman Bobby :
PROBOPASS (Lv. 57) @ Silk Scarf / Impish / Magnet Pull / IVs: 30 / Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Thunder Wave, Explosion
RAICHU (Lv. 57) @ Life Orb / Hasty / Lightningrod / IVs: 31 / Thunder, Surf, Focus Blast, Nasty Plot
GALLADE (Lv. 57) @ Focus Sash / Adamant / Steadfast / IVs: 30 / Close Combat, Swords Dance, Zen Headbutt, Shadow Sneak

[PK][MN] Trainer Nando :
LOPUNNY (Lv. 58) @ Silk Scarf / Adamant / Limber / IVs: 30 / Giga Impact, Fire Punch, Sky Uppercut, Fake Out
VAPOREON (Lv. 58) @ Leftovers / Bold / Water Absorb / IVs: 30 / Scald, Wish, Ice Beam, Protect
GARDEVOIR (Lv. 58) @ Life Orb / Timid / Synchronize / IVs: 28 / Psychic, Thunderbolt, Focus Blast, Shadow Ball
ROSERADE (Lv. 58) @ Black Sludge / Calm / Poison Point / IVs: 31 / Energy Ball, Sleep Powder, Toxic Spikes, Extrasensory
ALTARIA (Lv. 58) @ Yache Berry / Docile / Natural Cure / IVs: 31 / Outrage, Dragon Dance, Earthquake, Roost
KRICKETUNE (Lv. 58) @ Focus Sash / Adamant / Technician / IVs: 30 / Bug Bite, Swords Dance, Knock Off, Brick Break

The level cap increases to 61.


Maid Belinda :
CLEFFA (Lv. 50) @ Focus Sash / Relaxed / Magic Guard / IVs: 30 / Metronome, Protect, Sing, Swagger

Maid Sophie :
CLEFAIRY (Lv. 55) @ Chople Berry / Quirky / Magic Guard / IVs: 27 / Metronome, Softboiled, Knock Off, Protect

Maid Emily :
CLEFAIRY (Lv. 55) @ Lum Berry / Serious / Magic Guard / IVs: 31 / Metronome, Rest, Thunder Wave, Sleep Talk

Maid Elena :
CLEFAIRY (Lv. 55) @ Sitrus Berry / Serious / Magic Guard / IVs: 31 / Metronome, Protect, Attract, Endure

Maid Clare :
CLEFABLE (Lv. 60) @ Leftovers / Serious / Magic Guard / IVs: 30 / Metronome, Softboiled, Thunder Wave, Protect

Rich Boy Liam :
BLISSEY (Lv. 60) @ Leftovers / Hardy / Natural Cure / IVs: 31 / Seismic Toss, Softboiled, Aromatherapy, Thunder Wave

Lady Celeste :
BLISSEY (Lv. 60) @ Leftovers / Docile / Natural Cure / IVs: 31 / Seismic Toss, Softboiled, Aromatherapy, Thunder Wave


Ninja Boy Fabian :
SUDOWOODO (Lv. 56) @ Muscle Band / Jolly / Rock Head / IVs: 30 / Stone Edge, ThunderPunch, Explosion, Fire Punch
CROBAT (Lv. 56) @ Black Sludge / Jolly / Inner Focus / IVs: 30 / Brave Bird, Roost, U-turn, Super Fang
EXEGGUTOR (Lv. 56) @ Life Orb / Rash / Chlorophyll / IVs: 29 / Leaf Storm, Explosion, Psychic, Sludge Bomb
AMBIPOM (Lv. 56) @ Silk Scarf / Adamant / Technician / IVs: 30 / Giga Impact, Fake Out, Knock Off, Fire Punch

Ninja Boy Brennan :
NINJASK (Lv. 56) @ Focus Sash / Lonely / Speed Boost / IVs: 30 / Leech Life, Protect, Swords Dance, Baton Pass
SKUNTANK (Lv. 56) @ Muscle Band / Naughty / Aftermath / IVs: 27 / Poison Jab, Crunch, Explosion, Fire Blast
CRAWDAUNT (Lv. 56) @ Scope Lens / Naive / Adaptability / IVs: 30 / Liquidation, Superpower, Night Slash, Rock Slide
GLISCOR (Lv. 56) @ Toxic Orb / Impish / Poison Heal / IVs: 30 / Earthquake, Roost, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang

Ninja Boy Bruce :
ARIADOS (Lv. 56) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Sniper / IVs: 30 / Poison Jab, Spider Web, Disable, Toxic Spikes
SABLEYE (Lv. 56) @ Leftovers / Impish / Keen Eye / IVs: 30 / Recover, Will-O-Wisp, Shadow Sneak, Knock Off
GASTRODON (Lv. 56) @ Rindo Berry / Calm / Storm Drain / IVs: 30 / Scald, Toxic, Recover, Earth Power
FLYGON (Lv. 56) @ Yache Berry / Naive / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Outrage, Earthquake, Stone Edge, U-turn


Ninja Boy Joel :
FEAROW (Lv. 57) @ Muscle Band / Naive / Sniper / IVs: 31 / Giga Impact, U-turn, DualWingbeat, Roost
DUGTRIO (Lv. 57) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Arena Trap / IVs: 30 / Fissure, Stone Edge, Night Slash, Aerial Ace
WEEZING (Lv. 57) @ Life Orb / Rash / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Sludge Wave, Flamethrower, Dark Pulse, Explosion
DRAPION (Lv. 57) @ Expert Belt / Adamant / Sniper / IVs: 30 / Crunch, Ice Fang, Thunder Fang, Fire Fang

Ace Trainer Alyssa :
NINETALES (Lv. 57) @ Focus Sash / Timid / Flash Fire / IVs: 29 / Fire Blast, Energy Ball, Nasty Plot, Extrasensory
LAPRAS (Lv. 57) @ Sitrus Berry / Modest / Hydration / IVs: 28 / Hydro Pump, Thunderbolt, Sheer Cold, Psychic
TORTERRA (Lv. 57) @ Yache Berry / Adamant / Overgrow / IVs: 30 / Wood Hammer, Stone Edge, Earthquake, Crunch

Double Team Zac & Jen (Double Battle) :
ABOMASNOW (Lv. 57) @ Occa Berry / Timid / Soundproof / IVs: 29 / Blizzard, Shadow Ball, Energy Ball, Focus Blast
MAROWAK (Lv. 57) @ Thick Club / Naive / Rock Head / IVs: 30 / Earthquake, Fire Punch, Stone Edge, ThunderPunch
LANTURN (Lv. 57) @ Rindo Berry / Modest / Volt Absorb / IVs: 30 / Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Protect
MILTANK (Lv. 57) @ Leftovers / Adamant / Thick Fat / IVs: 29 / Giga Impact, Curse, Milk Drink, ThunderPunch
AGGRON (Lv. 57) @ Muscle Band / Brave / Rock Head / IVs: 31 / Iron Head, Superpower, Stone Edge, Ice Punch
HONCHKROW (Lv. 57) @ Scope Lens / Adamant / Super Luck / IVs: 28 / Brave Bird, Roost, Night Slash, Superpower

Ace Trainer Ernest :
PIDGEOT (Lv. 57) @ Sharp Beak / Adamant / Keen Eye / IVs: 30 / Brave Bird, Roost, Giga Impact, U-turn
FLOATZEL (Lv. 57) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Swift Swim / IVs: 29 / Liquidation, Crunch, Ice Punch, Brick Break
GENGAR (Lv. 57) @ Life Orb / Naive / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Shadow Ball, Explosion, Sludge Wave, Focus Blast
TAUROS (Lv. 57) @ Muscle Band / Jolly / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Giga Impact, Zen Headbutt, Earthquake, Stone Edge
TYPHLOSION (Lv. 57) @ Charcoal / Naughty / Blaze / IVs: 28 / Eruption, Earthquake, Focus Blast, ThunderPunch

Ninja Boy Davido :
MOTHIM (Lv. 58) @ Wise Glasses / Modest / Swarm / IVs: 29 / Bug Buzz, Shadow Ball, Psychic, Energy Ball
ARBOK (Lv. 58) @ Black Sludge / Naive / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Gunk Shot, Crunch, Aqua Tail, Glare
SHARPEDO (Lv. 58) @ Expert Belt / Adamant / Speed Boost / IVs: 29 / Liquidation, Ice Fang, Earthquake, PsychicFangs
SCEPTILE (Lv. 58) @ Life Orb / Naive / Unburden / IVs: 29 / Frenzy Plant, Focus Blast, Earthquake, Dragon Pulse

Black Belt Adam :
EXPLOUD (Lv. 59) @ Chople Berry / Timid / Scrappy / IVs: 29 / Hyper Beam, Shadow Ball, Fire Blast, Focus Blast
STEELIX (Lv. 59) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Rock Head / IVs: 30 / Earthquake, Stone Edge, Iron Head, Explosion
HITMONLEE (Lv. 59) @ Expert Belt / Adamant / Reckless / IVs: 30 / Close Combat, Bullet Punch, Stone Edge, Ice Punch

Ninja Boy Nathan :
MR. MIME (Lv. 58) @ Light Clay / Calm / Filter / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Light Screen, Focus Blast, Reflect
DITTO (Lv. 58) @ Quick Powder / Hasty / Limber / IVs: 30 / Transform, -, -, –
QWILFISH (Lv. 58) @ Black Sludge / Naive / Swift Swim / IVs: 30 / Liquidation, Swords Dance, Poison Jab, Explosion
SCIZOR (Lv. 58) @ Muscle Band / Naive / Technician / IVs: 30 / Superpower, Swords Dance, Pursuit, Bullet Punch

Bird Keeper Brianna :
SKARMORY (Lv. 59) @ Leftovers / Impish / Keen Eye / IVs: 31 / Brave Bird, Stealth Rock, Roost, Whirlwind
ALTARIA (Lv. 59) @ Yache Berry / Mild / Natural Cure / IVs: 29 / Draco Meteor, Fire Blast, Earthquake, Roost
JUMPLUFF (Lv. 59) @ Big Root / Timid / Chlorophyll / IVs: 29 / Giga Drain, Sleep Powder, Substitute, Leech Seed
PELIPPER (Lv. 59) @ Wacan Berry / Modest / Rain Dish / IVs: 30 / Hydro Pump, Roost, Knock Off, U-turn
TOGEKISS (Lv. 59) @ King’s Rock / Hardy / Serene Grace / IVs: 30 / Air Slash, Roost, Thunder Wave, Aura Sphere

Veteran Brian :
FORRETRESS (Lv. 60) @ Occa Berry / Careful / Shell Armor / IVs: 30 / Volt Switch, Stealth Rock, Toxic Spikes, Explosion
SLAKING (Lv. 60) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Truant / IVs: 29 / Giga Impact, Night Slash, Earthquake, ThunderPunch
SLOWKING (Lv. 60) @ Leftovers / Timid / Own Tempo / IVs: 29 / Scald, Focus Blast, Psychic, Flamethrower
MAGMORTAR (Lv. 60) @ Life Orb / Mild / Flame Body / IVs: 30 / Fire Blast, Thunderbolt, Focus Blast, Psychic
TYRANITAR (Lv. 60) @ Lum Berry / Brave / Intimidate / IVs: 29 / Stone Edge, Earthquake, Pursuit, Superpower


Galactic Grunt :
GOLEM (Lv. 59) @ Muscle Band / Careful / Rock Head / IVs: 30 / Stone Edge, Earthquake, Explosion, Stealth Rock
MANECTRIC (Lv. 59) @ Wise Glasses / Modest / Lightningrod / IVs: 31 / Thunder, Signal Beam, Overheat, Hyper Beam
CAMERUPT (Lv. 59) @ Passho Berry / Rash / Solid Rock / IVs: 30 / Overheat, Stone Edge, Earth Power, Explosion
SHEDINJA (Lv. 59) @ Focus Sash / Hasty / Wonder Guard / IVs: 31 / Shadow Sneak, Swords Dance, X-Scissor, Will-O-Wisp
SLOWBRO (Lv. 59) @ Leftovers / Calm / Own Tempo / IVs: 30 / Scald, Ice Beam, Slack Off, Psychic

Galactic Boss Cyrus :
CROBAT (Lv. 61) @ Sharp Beak / Adamant / Inner Focus / IVs: 30 / Brave Bird, Roost, Super Fang, U-turn
GYARADOS (Lv. 61) @ Wacan Berry / Jolly / Intimidate / IVs: 28 / Waterfall, Earthquake, Dragon Dance, Stone Edge
HONCHKROW (Lv. 61) @ Scope Lens / Lonely / Super Luck / IVs: 30 / Brave Bird, Roost, Superpower, U-turn
HOUNDOOM (Lv. 61) @ Life Orb / Timid / Flash Fire / IVs: 30 / Dark Pulse, Nasty Plot, Fire Blast, Sludge Bomb
MAGNEZONE (Lv. 61) @ Wise Glasses / Modest / Magnet Pull / IVs: 29 / Thunder, Signal Beam, Hyper Beam, Flash Cannon
WEAVILE (Lv. 61) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Pressure / IVs: 30 / Icicle Crash, Pursuit, Swords Dance, Ice Shard

The level cap increases to 62.


Black Belt Sean :
HITMONTOP (Lv. 59) @ Leftovers / Adamant / Technician / IVs: 30 / Close Combat, Stone Edge, Fake Out, ThunderPunch
GRANBULL (Lv. 59) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Intimidate / IVs: 31 / Giga Impact, Earthquake, Close Combat, ThunderPunch
MAGCARGO (Lv. 59) @ Focus Sash / Relaxed / Flame Body / IVs: 30 / Fire Blast, Will-O-Wisp, AncientPower, Explosion
MEDICHAM (Lv. 59) @ Expert Belt / Jolly / Pure Power / IVs: 29 / Hi Jump Kick, ThunderPunch, Zen Headbutt, Ice Punch

Ninja Boy Nick :
SEVIPER (Lv. 59) @ King’s Rock / Lonely / Shed Skin / IVs: 30 / Crunch, Glare, Earthquake, Poison Jab
LUNATONE (Lv. 59) @ Leftovers / Quiet / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Ice Beam, Earth Power, Explosion
KANGASKHAN (Lv. 59) @ Muscle Band / Brave / Scrappy / IVs: 31 / Giga Impact, Knock Off, Earthquake, Ice Punch
OCTILLERY (Lv. 59) @ Expert Belt / Modest / Sniper / IVs: 29 / Scald, Flamethrower, Ice Beam, Sludge Bomb

Ruin Maniac Harry :
BASTIODON (Lv. 60) @ Sitrus Berry / Sassy / Soundproof / IVs: 30 / Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Metal Burst, Toxic
WAILORD (Lv. 60) @ Leftovers / Impish / Pressure / IVs: 30 / Dive, Toxic, Earthquake, Protect
SPIRITOMB (Lv. 60) @ Lum Berry / Calm / Pressure / IVs: 30 / Dark Pulse, Dream Eater, Hypnosis, Nasty Plot
TANGROWTH (Lv. 60) @ Muscle Band / Brave / Chlorophyll / IVs: 30 / Power Whip, Rock Slide, Earthquake, Knock Off

Bird Keeper Katherine :
AERODACTYL (Lv. 60) @ Power Herb / Adamant / Rock Head / IVs: 29 / Stone Edge, Sky Attack, Thunder Fang, Earthquake
DRAGONITE (Lv. 60) @ Lum Berry / Jolly / Inner Focus / IVs: 30 / Outrage, Earthquake, Dragon Dance, Roost
CHARIZARD (Lv. 60) @ Life Orb / Rash / Solar Power / IVs: 29 / Blast Burn, Dragon Pulse, Focus Blast, Earthquake
GYARADOS (Lv. 60) @ Wacan Berry / Adamant / Intimidate / IVs: 31 / Waterfall, Dragon Dance, Earthquake, Stone Edge

—-ROUTE 219—-

Tuber Trenton :
SANDSLASH (Lv. 58) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Hyper Cutter / IVs: 30 / Earthquake, Knock Off, Swords Dance, Stone Edge
RAICHU (Lv. 58) @ Life Orb / Modest / Lightningrod / IVs: 28 / Thunderbolt, Surf, Focus Blast, Grass Knot
PELIPPER (Lv. 58) @ Wacan Berry / Timid / Rain Dish / IVs: 30 / Hydro Pump, Hurricane, Ice Beam, U-turn

Tuber Mariel :
DRIFBLIM (Lv. 58) @ Salac Berry / Hasty / Unburden / IVs: 28 / Shadow Ball, Explosion, Icy Wind, Will-O-Wisp
WIGGLYTUFF (Lv. 58) @ Chople Berry / Modest / Cute Charm / IVs: 28 / Hyper Beam, Shadow Ball, Psychic, Fire Blast
AZUMARILL (Lv. 58) @ Sitrus Berry / Adamant / Huge Power / IVs: 31 / Liquidation, Ice Punch, Belly Drum, Superpower

—-ROUTE 220—-

Swimmer♀ Erica :
ALTARIA (Lv. 58) @ Yache Berry / Timid / Natural Cure / IVs: 30 / Draco Meteor, Roost, Fire Blast, Ice Beam
SEAKING (Lv. 58) @ Muscle Band / Jolly / Swift Swim / IVs: 31 / Waterfall, Drill Run, Knock Off, Poison Jab
NIDOQUEEN (Lv. 58) @ Black Sludge / Adamant / Poison Point / IVs: 29 / Poison Jab, Superpower, Earthquake, Ice Punch
NINETALES (Lv. 58) @ Focus Sash / Modest / Flash Fire / IVs: 29 / Fire Blast, Nasty Plot, Energy Ball, Extrasensory

Swimmer♂ Adrian :
GRUMPIG (Lv. 58) @ Expert Belt / Modest / Thick Fat / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Focus Blast, Shadow Ball, Energy Ball
LICKILICKY (Lv. 58) @ Muscle Band / Naughty / Own Tempo / IVs: 28 / Giga Impact, Knock Off, Earthquake, Zen Headbutt
OCTILLERY (Lv. 58) @ Wise Glasses / Modest / Sniper / IVs: 30 / Water Spout, Ice Beam, Hyper Beam, Fire Blast
SUNFLORA (Lv. 58) @ Wide Lens / Modest / Chlorophyll / IVs: 30 / Leaf Storm, GrassWhistle, Sludge Bomb, Synthesis

Swimmer♀ Jessica :
DEWGONG (Lv. 59) @ Lum Berry / Adamant / Thick Fat / IVs: 27 / Liquidation, Horn Drill, Icicle Crash, Rest
MASQUERAIN (Lv. 59) @ Expert Belt / Modest / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Signal Beam, Air Slash, Hydro Pump, Energy Ball

Swimmer♀ Katelyn :
MEDICHAM (Lv. 59) @ Shell Bell / Adamant / Pure Power / IVs: 30 / Hi Jump Kick, ThunderPunch, Ice Punch, Fire Punch
MAWILE (Lv. 59) @ King’s Rock / Adamant / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Confusion, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Rock Slide

Swimmer♂ Vincent :
BIBAREL (Lv. 59) @ Shell Bell / Adamant / Unaware / IVs: 31 / Liquidation, Super Fang, Giga Impact, Superpower
CHATOT (Lv. 59) @ Silk Scarf / Timid / Keen Eye / IVs: 29 / Hyper Voice, Nasty Plot, Roost, Heat Wave
WALREIN (Lv. 59) @ Lum Berry / Careful / Ice Body / IVs: 29 / Icicle Crash, Rest, Liquidation, Rock Slide

Swimmer♀ Claire :
GIRAFARIG (Lv. 59) @ Expert Belt / Mild / Inner Focus / IVs: 31 / Psychic, Energy Ball, Signal Beam, Thunderbolt
CRADILY (Lv. 59) @ Leftovers / Relaxed / Storm Drain / IVs: 30 / Stone Edge, Recover, Seed Bomb, Swords Dance

Swimmer♂ Erik :
TENTACRUEL (Lv. 59) @ Black Sludge / Sassy / Clear Body / IVs: 29 / Hydro Pump, Giga Drain, Sludge Bomb, Knock Off
EXEGGUTOR (Lv. 59) @ Wide Lens / Mild / Chlorophyll / IVs: 30 / Leaf Storm, Psychic, Hypnosis, Explosion
ELECTRODE (Lv. 59) @ Focus Sash / Rash / Static / IVs: 28 / Thunder, Signal Beam, Explosion, Magnet Rise

—-ROUTE 221—-

Swimmer♂ Dillon :
WAILORD (Lv. 60) @ Leftovers / Bold / Pressure / IVs: 29 / Water Spout, Ice Beam, Protect, Toxic
HARIYAMA (Lv. 60) @ Flame Orb / Adamant / Guts / IVs: 30 / Close Combat, Knock Off, ThunderPunch, Fire Punch
HYPNO (Lv. 60) @ Wise Glasses / Modest / Insomnia / IVs: 29 / Psychic, Reflect, Focus Blast, Grass Knot
Swimmer♀ Vanessa :
RAPIDASH (Lv. 60) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Flash Fire / IVs: 28 / Flare Blitz, Horsepower, Horn Drill, Poison Jab
JOLTEON (Lv. 60) @ Focus Sash / Naive / Volt Absorb / IVs: 28 / Thunder, Shadow Ball, Signal Beam, Thunder Wave
CORSOLA (Lv. 60) @ Lum Berry / Bold / Natural Cure / IVs: 29 / Scald, Recover, Icy Wind, Stealth Rock

Fisherman Cory :
MAGCARGO (Lv. 60) @ Focus Sash / Calm / Flame Body / IVs: 31 / Fire Blast, Recover, AncientPower, Earth Power
MUK (Lv. 60) @ Black Sludge / Adamant / Sticky Hold / IVs: 30 / Gunk Shot, Ice Punch, Explosion, Shadow Sneak
MAGNEZONE (Lv. 60) @ Wise Glasses / Mild / Magnet Pull / IVs: 28 / Thunderbolt, Flash Cannon, Signal Beam, Explosion
GYARADOS (Lv. 60) @ Wacan Berry / Adamant / Intimidate / IVs: 31 / Waterfall, Ice Fang, Earthquake, Stone Edge

Ace Trainer Shannon :
ROSERADE (Lv. 60) @ Focus Sash / Timid / Poison Point / IVs: 29 / Energy Ball, Toxic Spikes, Extrasensory, Sleep Powder
LANTURN (Lv. 60) @ Lum Berry / Calm / Volt Absorb / IVs: 29 / Scald, Rest, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam
KANGASKHAN (Lv. 60) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Scrappy / IVs: 28 / Giga Impact, Rock Slide, Earthquake, Fire Punch
UMBREON (Lv. 60) @ Leftovers / Bold / Synchronize / IVs: 30 / Dark Pulse, Wish, Toxic, Protect
GARDEVOIR (Lv. 60) @ Life Orb / Modest / Synchronize / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Calm Mind, Focus Blast, Thunderbolt

Collector Ivan :
CLOYSTER (Lv. 61) @ Sitrus Berry / Impish / Skill Link / IVs: 29 / Icicle Spear, Toxic Spikes, Explosion, Spikes
ARCANINE (Lv. 61) @ Leftovers / Jolly / Intimidate / IVs: 28 / Flare Blitz, Wild Charge, ExtremeSpeed, Will-O-Wisp
DITTO (Lv. 61) @ Quick Powder / Naive / Limber / IVs: 30 / Transform, -, -, –
WOBBUFFET (Lv. 61) @ Lum Berry / Quirky / Shadow Tag / IVs: 31 / Counter, Mirror Coat, Destiny Bond, Encore
FLYGON (Lv. 61) @ Yache Berry / Adamant / Levitate / IVs: 29 / Outrage, Stone Edge, Earthquake, U-turn
TOGEKISS (Lv. 61) @ King’s Rock / Timid / Serene Grace / IVs: 30 / Air Slash, Roost, Thunder Wave, Aura Sphere

Ace Trainer Jake :
STARAPTOR (Lv. 61) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Reckless / IVs: 30 / Brave Bird, Close Combat, Giga Impact, U-turn
QUAGSIRE (Lv. 61) @ Leftovers / Bold / Water Absorb / IVs: 30 / Scald, Recover, Ice Beam, Earth Power
CLAYDOL (Lv. 61) @ Light Clay / Impish / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Earthquake, Explosion, Reflect, Light Screen
SCIZOR (Lv. 61) @ Focus Sash / Adamant / Technician / IVs: 30 / Bullet Punch, Bug Bite, Swords Dance, Knock Off
AMPHAROS (Lv. 61) @ Shuca Berry / Modest / Static / IVs: 29 / Thunderbolt, Signal Beam, Focus Blast, Hyper Beam
INFERNAPE (Lv. 61) @ Life Orb / Naive / Blaze / IVs: 28 / Blast Burn, U-turn, Close Combat, Grass Knot


Veteran Grant :
XATU (Lv. 60) @ Light Clay / Relaxed / Synchronize / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Reflect, U-turn, Light Screen
RELICANTH (Lv. 60) @ Rindo Berry / Adamant / Swift Swim / IVs: 30 / Liquidation, Stone Edge, Earthquake, Stealth Rock
ARCANINE (Lv. 60) @ Leftovers / Brave / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Flare Blitz, ExtremeSpeed, Wild Charge, Morning Sun
HERACROSS (Lv. 60) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Guts / IVs: 30 / Close Combat, Night Slash, Swords Dance, Stone Edge
RHYPERIOR (Lv. 60) @ Muscle Band / Brave / Solid Rock / IVs: 29 / Stone Edge, Megahorn, Earthquake, Avalanche


Worker Dillan :
TORKOAL (Lv. 59) @ Sitrus Berry / Sassy / Shell Armor / IVs: 29 / Overheat, Toxic, Explosion, Stealth Rock
SHIFTRY (Lv. 59) @ Focus Sash / Timid / Chlorophyll / IVs: 30 / SolarBeam, Dark Pulse, Nasty Plot, Focus Blast
CLAYDOL (Lv. 59) @ Leftovers / Sassy / Levitate / IVs: 29 / Earth Power, Explosion, Psychic, Toxic
RAPIDASH (Lv. 59) @ Muscle Band / Jolly / Flash Fire / IVs: 28 / Flare Blitz, Solar Blade, Horn Drill, Horsepower

Worker Holden :
NINETALES (Lv. 60) @ Focus Sash / Timid / Flash Fire / IVs: 31 / Fire Blast, SolarBeam, Extrasensory, Nasty Plot
SUDOWOODO (Lv. 60) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Rock Head / IVs: 30 / Stone Edge, Explosion, Earthquake, Fire Punch
WEEZING (Lv. 60) @ Black Sludge / Serious / Levitate / IVs: 31 / Sludge Wave, Explosion, Dark Pulse, Fire Blast
EXEGGUTOR (Lv. 60) @ Life Orb / Docile / Chlorophyll / IVs: 30 / Psychic, SolarBeam, Moonlight, Explosion
HOUNDOOM (Lv. 60) @ Wise Glasses / Modest / Flash Fire / IVs: 29 / Fire Blast, SolarBeam, Dark Pulse, Sludge Bomb

Worker Conrad :
DONPHAN (Lv. 61) @ Sitrus Berry / Careful / Rock Head / IVs: 29 / Earthquake, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Ice Shard
JUMPLUFF (Lv. 61) @ Wide Lens / Timid / Chlorophyll / IVs: 30 / SolarBeam, Sleep Powder, Substitute, Synthesis
ARCANINE (Lv. 61) @ Leftovers / Jolly / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Flare Blitz, ExtremeSpeed, Wild Charge, Morning Sun
VICTREEBEL (Lv. 61) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Chlorophyll / IVs: 29 / Solar Blade, Knock Off, Swords Dance, Sleep Powder
SNORLAX (Lv. 61) @ Lum Berry / Careful / Thick Fat / IVs: 30 / Giga Impact, Rest, Curse, Crunch
MAGMORTAR (Lv. 61) @ Life Orb / Modest / Flame Body / IVs: 30 / Fire Blast, Focus Blast, SolarBeam, Psychic

—-ROUTE 213—-

Swimmer♂ Sheltin :
MANTINE (Lv. 59) @ Leftovers / Sassy / Swift Swim / IVs: 29 / Hydro Pump, Toxic, Ice Beam, Protect
HITMONLEE (Lv. 59) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Reckless / IVs: 30 / Close Combat, Bullet Punch, Stone Edge, Knock Off
BANETTE (Lv. 59) @ Sitrus Berry / Jolly / Insomnia / IVs: 28 / Shadow Claw, Will-O-Wisp, Knock Off, Shadow Sneak

Swimmer♀ Haley :
BUTTERFREE (Lv. 59) @ Focus Sash / Timid / Compoundeyes / IVs: 30 / Bug Buzz, Sleep Powder, Psychic, Shadow Ball
CLEFABLE (Lv. 59) @ Leftovers / Bold / Magic Guard / IVs: 30 / Seismic Toss, Softboiled, Toxic, Protect
GOREBYSS (Lv. 59) @ Life Orb / Modest / Swift Swim / IVs: 29 / Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Psychic, Shadow Ball

Sailor Paul :
STEELIX (Lv. 59) @ Focus Sash / Adamant / Rock Head / IVs: 29 / Iron Tail, Stone Edge, Earthquake, Stealth Rock
TAUROS (Lv. 59) @ Silk Scarf / Jolly / Intimidate / IVs: 28 / Giga Impact, Zen Headbutt, Earthquake, Pursuit
SLOWBRO (Lv. 59) @ Leftovers / Bold / Own Tempo / IVs: 30 / Scald, Slack Off, Ice Beam, Protect
PRIMEAPE (Lv. 59) @ Muscle Band / Jolly / Vital Spirit / IVs: 30 / Close Combat, U-turn, Stone Edge, Earthquake

Swimmer♀ Mary :
LEDIAN (Lv. 60) @ Focus Sash / Timid / Swarm / IVs: 29 / Bug Buzz, Ominous Wind, Knock Off, Tailwind
GOLDUCK (Lv. 60) @ Life Orb / Naive / Swift Swim / IVs: 28 / Hydro Pump, Psychic, Ice Beam, Focus Blast
JUMPLUFF (Lv. 60) @ Big Root / Naive / Chlorophyll / IVs: 28 / Giga Drain, Sleep Powder, Substitute, Leech Seed

Swimmer♂ Evan :
ARIADOS (Lv. 60) @ Focus Sash / Lonely / Sniper / IVs: 29 / Poison Jab, Shadow Sneak, Pursuit, Toxic Spikes
SOLROCK (Lv. 60) @ Muscle Band / Jolly / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Stone Edge, Zen Headbutt, Explosion, Rock Polish
ABSOL (Lv. 60) @ Scope Lens / Adamant / Super Luck / IVs: 30 / Night Slash, Superpower, Psycho Cut, Megahorn

—-ROUTE 218—-

Guitarist Tony :
KRICKETUNE (Lv. 59) @ Focus Sash / Adamant / Technician / IVs: 31 / Bug Bite, Knock Off, Swords Dance, Aerial Ace
CHATOT (Lv. 59) @ Silk Scarf / Timid / Keen Eye / IVs: 30 / Hyper Voice, Heat Wave, Nasty Plot, Ominous Wind
POLITOED (Lv. 59) @ Wise Glasses / Timid / Water Absorb / IVs: 30 / Scald, Ice Beam, Focus Blast, Hyper Voice
EXPLOUD (Lv. 59) @ Life Orb / Lonely / Scrappy / IVs: 30 / Giga Impact, Fire Blast, Earthquake, Extrasensory

Sailor Skyler :
GOLEM (Lv. 59) @ Focus Sash / Adamant / Rock Head / IVs: 30 / Stone Edge, Explosion, Earthquake, Stealth Rock
WAILORD (Lv. 59) @ Leftovers / Impish / Pressure / IVs: 29 / Liquidation, Sleep Talk, Rest, Earthquake
FEAROW (Lv. 59) @ Sharp Beak / Jolly / Sniper / IVs: 30 / DualWingbeat, U-turn, Giga Impact, Roost
MACHAMP (Lv. 59) @ Lum Berry / Adamant / No Guard / IVs: 31 / DynamicPunch, Stone Edge, Ice Punch, Earthquake

Fisherman Miguel :
TENTACRUEL (Lv. 60) @ Black Sludge / Calm / Clear Body / IVs: 28 / Hydro Pump, Toxic Spikes, Ice Beam, Knock Off
EXEGGUTOR (Lv. 60) @ Life Orb / Naive / Chlorophyll / IVs: 30 / Leaf Storm, Sludge Bomb, Psychic, Explosion
PORYGON-Z (Lv. 60) @ Silk Scarf / Modest / Adaptability / IVs: 30 / Hyper Beam, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Shadow Ball

Fisherman Luc :
CRADILY (Lv. 60) @ Leftovers / Impish / Storm Drain / IVs: 30 / Stone Edge, Recover, Protect, Toxic
CRAWDAUNT (Lv. 60) @ Muscle Band / Jolly / Adaptability / IVs: 30 / Liquidation, Dragon Dance, Superpower, Knock Off
XATU (Lv. 60) @ Petaya Berry / Calm / Synchronize / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Roost, Shadow Ball, U-turn


[PK][MN] Trainer Rival (if TURTWIG is chosen) :
STARAPTOR (Lv. 62) @ Shell Bell / Naughty / Reckless / IVs: 30 / Brave Bird, Giga Impact, Close Combat, U-turn
LUCARIO (Lv. 62) @ Focus Sash / Naive / Inner Focus / IVs: 30 / Close Combat, Swords Dance, Ice Punch, ExtremeSpeed
ALAKAZAM (Lv. 62) @ Expert Belt / Modest / Magic Guard / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Shadow Ball, Focus Blast, Energy Ball
FLYGON (Lv. 62) @ Yache Berry / Jolly / Levitate / IVs: 31 / Outrage, Stone Edge, Earthquake, U-turn
SNORLAX (Lv. 62) @ Leftovers / Impish / Thick Fat / IVs: 30 / Giga Impact, Curse, Crunch, Rest
INFERNAPE (Lv. 62) @ Life Orb / Rash / Blaze / IVs: 30 / Blast Burn, Stone Edge, Close Combat, Grass Knot

[PK][MN] Trainer Rival (if CHIMCHAR is chosen) :
STARAPTOR (Lv. 62) @ Shell Bell / Naughty / Reckless / IVs: 30 / Brave Bird, Giga Impact, Close Combat, U-turn
LUCARIO (Lv. 62) @ Focus Sash / Naive / Inner Focus / IVs: 30 / Close Combat, Swords Dance, Ice Punch, ExtremeSpeed
ALAKAZAM (Lv. 62) @ Expert Belt / Modest / Magic Guard / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Shadow Ball, Focus Blast, Energy Ball
FLYGON (Lv. 62) @ Yache Berry / Jolly / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Outrage, Stone Edge, Earthquake, U-turn
SNORLAX (Lv. 62) @ Leftovers / Impish / Thick Fat / IVs: 30 / Giga Impact, Curse, Crunch, Rest
EMPOLEON (Lv. 62) @ Life Orb / Timid / Torrent / IVs: 30 / Hydro Cannon, Flash Cannon, Ice Beam, Grass Knot

[PK][MN] Trainer Rival (if PIPLUP is chosen) :
STARAPTOR (Lv. 62) @ Shell Bell / Naughty / Reckless / IVs: 30 / Brave Bird, Giga Impact, Close Combat, U-turn
LUCARIO (Lv. 62) @ Focus Sash / Naive / Inner Focus / IVs: 30 / Close Combat, Swords Dance, Ice Punch, ExtremeSpeed
ALAKAZAM (Lv. 62) @ Expert Belt / Modest / Magic Guard / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Shadow Ball, Focus Blast, Energy Ball
FLYGON (Lv. 62) @ Yache Berry / Jolly / Levitate / IVs: 29 / Outrage, Stone Edge, Earthquake, U-turn
SNORLAX (Lv. 62) @ Leftovers / Impish / Thick Fat / IVs: 31 / Giga Impact, Curse, Crunch, Rest
TORTERRA (Lv. 62) @ Sitrus Berry / Brave / Overgrow / IVs: 30 / Wood Hammer, Stone Edge, Earthquake, Crunch

The level cap increases to 64.


[PK][MN] Trainer Riley :
URSARING (Lv. 64) @ Flame Orb / Adamant / Guts / IVs: 30 / Facade, Earthquake, Close Combat, Ice Punch
GYARADOS (Lv. 64) @ Lum Berry / Jolly / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Waterfall, Dragon Dance, Earthquake, Ice Fang
ABSOL (Lv. 64) @ Scope Lens / Adamant / Super Luck / IVs: 29 / Night Slash, Superpower, Psycho Cut, Megahorn
MAMOSWINE (Lv. 64) @ Life Orb / Adamant / Thick Fat / IVs: 30 / Earthquake, Icicle Crash, Stone Edge, Ice Shard
SALAMENCE (Lv. 64) @ Yache Berry / Naughty / Intimidate / IVs: 29 / Outrage, Dragon Dance, Fire Blast, Earthquake
LUCARIO (Lv. 64) @ Focus Sash / Naive / Inner Focus / IVs: 29 / Close Combat, Ice Punch, Swords Dance, ExtremeSpeed

The level cap increases to 66.

Camper Lawrence :
SANDSLASH (Lv. 62) @ Scope Lens / Adamant / Hyper Cutter / IVs: 29 / Earthquake, Knock Off, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock
POLIWRATH (Lv. 62) @ Wide Lens / Jolly / Water Absorb / IVs: 30 / Liquidation, PowerUpPunch, Ice Punch, Hypnosis
DODRIO (Lv. 62) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Early Bird / IVs: 30 / Brave Bird, Roost, Giga Impact, Knock Off
GIRAFARIG (Lv. 62) @ Expert Belt / Modest / Inner Focus / IVs: 28 / Thunderbolt, Psychic, Signal Beam, Shadow Ball

Picnicker Summer :
AMPHAROS (Lv. 62) @ Wise Glasses / Modest / Static / IVs: 29 / Thunder, Focus Blast, Hyper Beam, Signal Beam
MANTINE (Lv. 62) @ Leftovers / Mild / Swift Swim / IVs: 29 / Hydro Pump, Toxic, Ice Beam, Protect
MEDICHAM (Lv. 62) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Pure Power / IVs: 28 / Hi Jump Kick, Zen Headbutt, Ice Punch, ThunderPunch
ALTARIA (Lv. 62) @ Yache Berry / Timid / Natural Cure / IVs: 29 / Draco Meteor, Fire Blast, Roost, Ice Beam
ROSERADE (Lv. 62) @ Life Orb / Modest / Poison Point / IVs: 31 / Energy Ball, Extrasensory, Sludge Bomb, Shadow Ball

Worker Noel :
PROBOPASS (Lv. 63) @ Focus Sash / Relaxed / Magnet Pull / IVs: 28 / Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Thunder Wave, Explosion
MANECTRIC (Lv. 63) @ Life Orb / Modest / Lightningrod / IVs: 30 / Thunder, Overheat, Signal Beam, Hyper Beam
DUGTRIO (Lv. 63) @ Soft Sand / Jolly / Arena Trap / IVs: 30 / Fissure, Shadow Claw, Stone Edge, Night Slash
TORKOAL (Lv. 63) @ Leftovers / Sassy / Shell Armor / IVs: 30 / Fire Blast, Protect, Explosion, Toxic

Worker Braden :
DONPHAN (Lv. 63) @ Sitrus Berry / Jolly / Rock Head / IVs: 29 / Earthquake, Ice Shard, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock
HOUNDOOM (Lv. 63) @ Focus Sash / Modest / Flash Fire / IVs: 30 / Fire Blast, Nasty Plot, Sludge Bomb, Dark Pulse
WEEZING (Lv. 63) @ Payapa Berry / Docile / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Sludge Wave, Flamethrower, Shadow Ball, Explosion
FERALIGATR (Lv. 63) @ Life Orb / Jolly / Torrent / IVs: 29 / Liquidation, Ice Punch, Dragon Dance, Earthquake

[PK][MN] Trainer Riley (ally) :
LUCARIO (Lv. 63) @ Focus Sash / Hasty / Inner Focus / IVs: 30 / Close Combat, Ice Punch, ExtremeSpeed, Swords Dance
SALAMENCE (Lv. 63) @ Yache Berry / Naughty / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Dragon Claw, Fire Blast, Dragon Dance, Aqua Tail
URSARING (Lv. 63) @ Flame Orb / Adamant / Guts / IVs: 31 / Facade, Horsepower, Close Combat, Ice Punch

Hiker Damon :
BASTIODON (Lv. 62) @ Focus Sash / Quirky / Soundproof / IVs: 30 / Iron Head, Metal Burst, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock
LICKILICKY (Lv. 62) @ Silk Scarf / Rash / Own Tempo / IVs: 31 / Hyper Beam, Shadow Ball, Flamethrower, Focus Blast
WEAVILE (Lv. 62) @ Scope Lens / Naughty / Pressure / IVs: 30 / Night Slash, Icicle Crash, X-Scissor, Ice Shard
Hiker Maurice :
RAMPARDOS (Lv. 62) @ Muscle Band / Naughty / Mold Breaker / IVs: 31 / Head Smash, Superpower, Zen Headbutt, ThunderPunch
TANGROWTH (Lv. 62) @ Sitrus Berry / Naughty / Chlorophyll / IVs: 30 / Power Whip, Rock Slide, Knock Off, Reflect
HONCHKROW (Lv. 62) @ Shell Bell / Naughty / Super Luck / IVs: 30 / Brave Bird, Superpower, Night Slash, Perish Song

Black Belt Kendal :
BRELOOM (Lv. 62) @ Toxic Orb / Naive / Poison Heal / IVs: 30 / Seed Bomb, Spore, Superpower, Stone Edge
STEELIX (Lv. 62) @ Expert Belt / Naughty / Rock Head / IVs: 29 / Iron Tail, Thunder Fang, Stone Edge, Ice Fang
ZANGOOSE (Lv. 62) @ Scope Lens / Naughty / Immunity / IVs: 31 / Crush Claw, Night Slash, Close Combat, Fire Punch
Battle Girl Tyler :
AZUMARILL (Lv. 62) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Huge Power / IVs: 30 / Liquidation, Superpower, Ice Punch, Aqua Jet
FARFETCH’D (Lv. 62) @ Stick / Adamant / Inner Focus / IVs: 29 / DualWingbeat, Knock Off, Poison Jab, Leaf Blade
BLAZIKEN (Lv. 62) @ Focus Sash / Modest / Speed Boost / IVs: 28 / Fire Blast, Protect, Focus Blast, Will-O-Wisp

Worker Brendon :
LUNATONE (Lv. 63) @ Expert Belt / Calm / Levitate / IVs: 29 / Psychic, Ice Beam, Shadow Ball, Grass Knot
WHISCASH (Lv. 63) @ Rindo Berry / Adamant / Hydration / IVs: 29 / Liquidation, Zen Headbutt, Dragon Dance, Stone Edge
AMBIPOM (Lv. 63) @ Silk Scarf / Naughty / Technician / IVs: 31 / Giga Impact, Knock Off, Brick Break, U-turn
Worker Quentin :
SOLROCK (Lv. 63) @ Light Clay / Brave / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Stone Edge, Reflect, Fire Blast, Light Screen
HITMONTOP (Lv. 63) @ Sitrus Berry / Jolly / Technician / IVs: 28 / Close Combat, Stone Edge, Bullet Punch, Body Slam
FLAREON (Lv. 63) @ Charcoal / Jolly / Flash Fire / IVs: 30 / Fire Fang, Will-O-Wisp, Superpower, Giga Impact

Ace Trainer Brenda :
LEAFEON (Lv. 63) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Leaf Guard / IVs: 29 / Seed Bomb, X-Scissor, Knock Off, Iron Tail
LAPRAS (Lv. 63) @ Expert Belt / Modest / Hydration / IVs: 29 / Hydro Pump, Psychic, Sheer Cold, Thunderbolt
FROSLASS (Lv. 63) @ Sitrus Berry / Bold / Ice Body / IVs: 30 / Ice Beam, Thunder Wave, Shadow Ball, Psychic
Ace Trainer Jonah :
HIPPOWDON (Lv. 63) @ Leftovers / Careful / Battle Armor / IVs: 29 / Stone Edge, Ice Fang, Fissure, Thunder Fang
STARAPTOR (Lv. 63) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Reckless / IVs: 30 / Brave Bird, Roost, Close Combat, Giga Impact
MAGMORTAR (Lv. 63) @ Life Orb / Modest / Flame Body / IVs: 28 / Fire Blast, Psychic, Thunderbolt, Focus Blast

Galactic Grunt :
CROBAT (Lv. 63) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Inner Focus / IVs: 31 / Brave Bird, Zen Headbutt, X-Scissor, Pursuit
HARIYAMA (Lv. 63) @ Flame Orb / Brave / Guts / IVs: 30 / Close Combat, Facade, Stone Edge, Ice Punch
GLISCOR (Lv. 63) @ Toxic Orb / Careful / Poison Heal / IVs: 30 / Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, Roost
Galactic Grunt :
MIGHTYENA (Lv. 63) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Intimidate / IVs: 29 / Crunch, Super Fang, Fire Fang, Ice Fang
STARMIE (Lv. 63) @ Life Orb / Timid / Natural Cure / IVs: 30 / Scald, Psychic, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt
DUSKNOIR (Lv. 63) @ Leftovers / Naughty / Pressure / IVs: 29 / Shadow Sneak, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, ThunderPunch

—-CANALAVE CITY GYM (Sandstorm)—-

Black Belt Ricky :
DONPHAN (Lv. 62) @ Leftovers / Adamant / Rock Head / IVs: 30 / Earthquake, Stealth Rock, Stone Edge, Ice Shard
SWELLOW (Lv. 62) @ Flame Orb / Adamant / Guts / IVs: 29 / Facade, Brave Bird, Roost, U-turn
MAROWAK (Lv. 62) @ Thick Club / Jolly / Rock Head / IVs: 29 / Earthquake, ThunderPunch, Outrage, Stone Edge
TANGROWTH (Lv. 62) @ Life Orb / Jolly / Chlorophyll / IVs: 29 / Power Whip, Earthquake, Swords Dance, Rock Slide
AGGRON (Lv. 62) @ Focus Sash / Brave / Rock Head / IVs: 28 / Metal Burst, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Dragon Claw

Worker Gary :
CLAYDOL (Lv. 63) @ Light Clay / Careful / Levitate / IVs: 29 / Earthquake, Reflect, Explosion, Light Screen
MAWILE (Lv. 63) @ King’s Rock / Jolly / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Iron Head, Ice Fang, Body Slam, Thunder Fang
LUXRAY (Lv. 63) @ Expert Belt / Jolly / Guts / IVs: 29 / Wild Charge, Ice Fang, PsychicFangs, Superpower
YANMEGA (Lv. 63) @ SilverPowder / Timid / Speed Boost / IVs: 29 / Bug Buzz, AncientPower, Air Slash, Protect
STEELIX (Lv. 63) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Rock Head / IVs: 29 / Iron Tail, Stone Edge, Earthquake, Explosion

Worker Jackson :
BASTIODON (Lv. 62) @ Focus Sash / Sassy / Soundproof / IVs: 30 / Metal Burst, Stealth Rock, Stone Edge, Toxic
SHUCKLE (Lv. 62) @ Leftovers / Bold / Gluttony / IVs: 28 / Infestation, Protect, Knock Off, Toxic
LANTURN (Lv. 62) @ Lum Berry / Modest / Volt Absorb / IVs: 29 / Scald, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Rest
ABOMASNOW (Lv. 62) @ Wise Glasses / Docile / Soundproof / IVs: 30 / Energy Ball, Sheer Cold, Earthquake, Focus Blast
GLISCOR (Lv. 62) @ Toxic Orb / Jolly / Poison Heal / IVs: 30 / Earthquake, Roost, Swords Dance, Thunder Fang

Ace Trainer Cesar :
FORRETRESS (Lv. 63) @ Occa Berry / Relaxed / Shell Armor / IVs: 30 / Volt Switch, Stealth Rock, Explosion, Toxic Spikes
TAUROS (Lv. 63) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Giga Impact, Zen Headbutt, Earthquake, Stone Edge
HIPPOWDON (Lv. 63) @ Leftovers / Impish / Battle Armor / IVs: 29 / Fissure, Roar, Slack Off, Thunder Fang
TENTACRUEL (Lv. 63) @ Black Sludge / Calm / Clear Body / IVs: 30 / Hydro Pump, Recover, Ice Beam, Knock Off
ARCANINE (Lv. 63) @ Life Orb / Jolly / Intimidate / IVs: 29 / Flare Blitz, Wild Charge, ExtremeSpeed, Iron Head
TORTERRA (Lv. 63) @ Yache Berry / Brave / Overgrow / IVs: 30 / Wood Hammer, Superpower, Earthquake, Stone Edge

Worker Gerardo :
PROBOPASS (Lv. 63) @ Sitrus Berry / Careful / Magnet Pull / IVs: 30 / Iron Head, Stealth Rock, Thunder Wave, Explosion
DUGTRIO (Lv. 63) @ Focus Sash / Naive / Arena Trap / IVs: 28 / Fissure, Night Slash, Stone Edge, Aerial Ace
STARMIE (Lv. 63) @ Expert Belt / Modest / Natural Cure / IVs: 30 / Hydro Pump, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Shadow Ball
MAMOSWINE (Lv. 63) @ Life Orb / Adamant / Thick Fat / IVs: 30 / Earthquake, Stone Edge, Icicle Crash, Ice Shard
GENGAR (Lv. 63) @ Black Sludge / Timid / Levitate / IVs: 29 / Shadow Ball, Dream Eater, Hypnosis, Focus Blast
SCIZOR (Lv. 63) @ Muscle Band / Jolly / Technician / IVs: 29 / Bullet Punch, Pursuit, Swords Dance, Superpower

Black Belt David :
TYRANITAR (Lv. 64) @ Lum Berry / Brave / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Stone Edge, Pursuit, Stealth Rock, Earthquake
NIDOKING (Lv. 64) @ Expert Belt / Jolly / Poison Point / IVs: 29 / Earthquake, Megahorn, Sucker Punch, Fire Punch
GYARADOS (Lv. 64) @ Wacan Berry / Jolly / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Waterfall, Stone Edge, Dragon Dance, Ice Fang
ELECTIVIRE (Lv. 64) @ Life Orb / Adamant / Motor Drive / IVs: 31 / Wild Charge, Cross Chop, Ice Punch, Earthquake
RHYPERIOR (Lv. 64) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Solid Rock / IVs: 30 / Rock Wrecker, Avalanche, Earthquake, Megahorn
LUCARIO (Lv. 64) @ Focus Sash / Modest / Inner Focus / IVs: 30 / Focus Blast, Dragon Pulse, Dark Pulse, Vacuum Wave

Ace Trainer Breanna :
CRADILY (Lv. 64) @ Lum Berry / Impish / Storm Drain / IVs: 30 / Stone Edge, Rest, Stealth Rock, Toxic
BLISSEY (Lv. 64) @ Leftovers / Calm / Natural Cure / IVs: 29 / Seismic Toss, Softboiled, Toxic, Aromatherapy
NIDOQUEEN (Lv. 64) @ Black Sludge / Adamant / Poison Point / IVs: 30 / Earthquake, Superpower, Super Fang, ThunderPunch
MAGNEZONE (Lv. 64) @ Wise Glasses / Modest / Magnet Pull / IVs: 31 / Thunderbolt, Signal Beam, Flash Cannon, Explosion
ALAKAZAM (Lv. 64) @ Expert Belt / Timid / Magic Guard / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Energy Ball, Focus Blast, Shadow Ball
EMPOLEON (Lv. 64) @ Life Orb / Modest / Torrent / IVs: 31 / Hydro Cannon, Flash Cannon, Ice Beam, Grass Knot

Leader Byron (Double Battle) :
SWAMPERT (Lv. 66) @ Rindo Berry / Careful / Torrent / IVs: 28 / Liquidation, Icicle Crash, Horsepower, Superpower
SKARMORY (Lv. 66) @ Sharp Beak / Impish / Keen Eye / IVs: 31 / Brave Bird, Rock Slide, Stealth Rock, Pursuit
AERODACTYL (Lv. 66) @ King’s Rock / Adamant / Rock Head / IVs: 28 / Rock Slide, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Iron Head
BRONZONG (Lv. 66) @ Light Clay / Sassy / Levitate / IVs: 28 / Zen Headbutt, Reflect, Gyro Ball, Light Screen
FLYGON (Lv. 66) @ Life Orb / Timid / Levitate / IVs: 29 / Draco Meteor, Fire Blast, Earth Power, Giga Drain
METAGROSS (Lv. 66) @ Shuca Berry / Adamant / Clear Body / IVs: 29 / Meteor Mash, Ice Punch, Zen Headbutt, ThunderPunch

The level cap increases to 67.

—-LAKE VALOR (Rain)—-

Galactic Grunt :
PARASECT (Lv. 64) @ Focus Sash / Adamant / Dry Skin / IVs: 30 / Seed Bomb, Spore, X-Scissor, Swords Dance
HUNTAIL (Lv. 64) @ King’s Rock / Naive / Swift Swim / IVs: 29 / Liquidation, Crunch, PsychicFangs, Ice Fang
MANECTRIC (Lv. 64) @ Life Orb / Modest / Lightningrod / IVs: 30 / Thunder, Hyper Beam, Signal Beam, Thunder Wave
ZANGOOSE (Lv. 64) @ Scope Lens / Jolly / Immunity / IVs: 30 / Slash, Swords Dance, Night Slash, Brick Break

Galactic Grunt :
FORRETRESS (Lv. 65) @ Occa Berry / Sassy / Shell Armor / IVs: 29 / Volt Switch, Stealth Rock, Explosion, Toxic Spikes
QWILFISH (Lv. 65) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Swift Swim / IVs: 29 / Liquidation, Poison Jab, Swords Dance, Aqua Jet
DRIFBLIM (Lv. 65) @ Salac Berry / Mild / Unburden / IVs: 29 / Shadow Ball, Weather Ball, Explosion, Thunder
CHERRIM (Lv. 65) @ Leftovers / Bold / Flower Gift / IVs: 30 / Giga Drain, Weather Ball, Substitute, Toxic

Galactic Grunt :
PINSIR (Lv. 65) @ Muscle Band / Jolly / Hyper Cutter / IVs: 29 / Stone Edge, Guillotine, Earthquake, Close Combat
VICTREEBEL (Lv. 65) @ Life Orb / Timid / Chlorophyll / IVs: 29 / Leaf Storm, Weather Ball, Sleep Powder, Sludge Bomb
KABUTOPS (Lv. 65) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Swift Swim / IVs: 28 / Stone Edge, Swords Dance, Liquidation, X-Scissor
NIDOKING (Lv. 65) @ Expert Belt / Modest / Poison Point / IVs: 30 / Sludge Wave, Thunder, Earth Power, Ice Beam
TAUROS (Lv. 65) @ Silk Scarf / Jolly / Intimidate / IVs: 29 / Giga Impact, Stone Edge, Earthquake, Zen Headbutt

Commander Saturn :
BRONZONG (Lv. 67) @ Light Clay / Bold / Levitate / IVs: 28 / Psychic, Weather Ball, Reflect, Light Screen
GLALIE (Lv. 67) @ Muscle Band / Brave / Ice Body / IVs: 30 / Icicle Crash, Earthquake, Crunch, Explosion
MAGNEZONE (Lv. 67) @ Magnet / Mild / Magnet Pull / IVs: 30 / Thunder, Flash Cannon, Explosion, Signal Beam
PORYGON-Z (Lv. 67) @ Wise Glasses / Modest / Adaptability / IVs: 29 / Hyper Beam, Shadow Ball, Thunder, Ice Beam
BLASTOISE (Lv. 67) @ Life Orb / Naive / Rain Dish / IVs: 30 / Hydro Cannon, Focus Blast, Ice Beam, Earthquake
TOXICROAK (Lv. 67) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Dry Skin / IVs: 30 / Cross Chop, Swords Dance, Knock Off, Ice Punch


Galactic Grunt :
GOLEM (Lv. 64) @ Muscle Band / Jolly / Rock Head / IVs: 28 / Stone Edge, Fire Punch, Horsepower, ThunderPunch
EXPLOUD (Lv. 64) @ Wise Glasses / Modest / Scrappy / IVs: 31 / Hyper Voice, SolarBeam, Focus Blast, Fire Blast
URSARING (Lv. 64) @ Flame Orb / Hasty / Guts / IVs: 30 / Facade, Fire Punch, Horsepower, Close Combat
Galactic Grunt :
VILEPLUME (Lv. 64) @ Black Sludge / Timid / Chlorophyll / IVs: 28 / SolarBeam, Sleep Powder, Sludge Bomb, Protect
ESPEON (Lv. 64) @ Light Clay / Calm / Synchronize / IVs: 29 / Psychic, Reflect, Shadow Ball, Light Screen
HOUNDOOM (Lv. 64) @ Focus Sash / Timid / Flash Fire / IVs: 28 / Fire Blast, SolarBeam, Dark Pulse, Nasty Plot

Galactic Grunt :
CLAYDOL (Lv. 65) @ Light Clay / Relaxed / Levitate / IVs: 29 / SolarBeam, Reflect, Explosion, Light Screen
LICKILICKY (Lv. 65) @ Sitrus Berry / Jolly / Own Tempo / IVs: 30 / Giga Impact, Belly Drum, Fire Punch, Explosion
TYPHLOSION (Lv. 65) @ Life Orb / Modest / Blaze / IVs: 31 / Eruption, SolarBeam, Focus Blast, Extrasensory
TROPIUS (Lv. 65) @ Yache Berry / Naive / Chlorophyll / IVs: 30 / Seed Bomb, Swords Dance, Earthquake, DualWingbeat

Galactic Grunt :
BANETTE (Lv. 65) @ Leftovers / Adamant / Insomnia / IVs: 30 / Shadow Claw, Will-O-Wisp, Knock Off, Protect
NINETALES (Lv. 65) @ Focus Sash / Timid / Flash Fire / IVs: 29 / Fire Blast, Nasty Plot, SolarBeam, Extrasensory
BELLOSSOM (Lv. 65) @ Big Root / Jolly / Chlorophyll / IVs: 29 / Solar Blade, Swords Dance, Drain Punch, Sleep Powder
NIDOQUEEN (Lv. 65) @ Expert Belt / Modest / Poison Point / IVs: 30 / Sludge Wave, Flamethrower, Focus Blast, Thunderbolt

Commander Mars :
YANMEGA (Lv. 67) @ Focus Sash / Modest / Speed Boost / IVs: 31 / Bug Buzz, Protect, Air Slash, AncientPower
SOLROCK (Lv. 67) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Levitate / IVs: 28 / Stone Edge, Earthquake, Zen Headbutt, Explosion
MEDICHAM (Lv. 67) @ Expert Belt / Adamant / Pure Power / IVs: 30 / Zen Headbutt, ThunderPunch, Hi Jump Kick, Ice Punch
TANGROWTH (Lv. 67) @ Sitrus Berry / Lonely / Chlorophyll / IVs: 30 / Power Whip, Rock Slide, Earthquake, Swords Dance
CHARIZARD (Lv. 67) @ Life Orb / Modest / Solar Power / IVs: 30 / Blast Burn, Focus Blast, SolarBeam, Dragon Pulse
PURUGLY (Lv. 67) @ Silk Scarf / Naughty / Thick Fat / IVs: 30 / Giga Impact, Horsepower, Fake Out, Knock Off

The level cap increases to 74.

—-ROUTE 216 (Hail)—-

Ace Trainer Blake :
AMBIPOM (Lv. 65) @ Scope Lens / Lonely / Technician / IVs: 30 / Giga Impact, Fake Out, Shadow Claw, Seed Bomb
ABOMASNOW (Lv. 65) @ Occa Berry / Mild / Soundproof / IVs: 30 / Blizzard, Earthquake, Energy Ball, Focus Blast
FLOATZEL (Lv. 65) @ Life Orb / Adamant / Swift Swim / IVs: 29 / Liquidation, Crunch, Ice Punch, Aqua Jet
AMPHAROS (Lv. 65) @ Wise Glasses / Modest / Static / IVs: 30 / Thunderbolt, Signal Beam, Focus Blast, Hyper Beam

Skier Andrea :
SKUNTANK (Lv. 66) @ Life Orb / Jolly / Aftermath / IVs: 30 / Poison Jab, Explosion, Crunch, Shadow Claw
DEWGONG (Lv. 66) @ Muscle Band / Jolly / Thick Fat / IVs: 28 / Liquidation, Horn Drill, Drill Run, Icicle Crash
MILTANK (Lv. 66) @ Leftovers / Careful / Thick Fat / IVs: 28 / Giga Impact, Milk Drink, Zen Headbutt, Curse

Skier Bradley :
CLOYSTER (Lv. 66) @ Leftovers / Careful / Skill Link / IVs: 30 / Icicle Spear, Toxic Spikes, Explosion, Spikes
GRUMPIG (Lv. 66) @ Life Orb / Calm / Thick Fat / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Focus Blast, Shadow Ball, Energy Ball
AGGRON (Lv. 66) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Rock Head / IVs: 30 / Stone Edge, Earthquake, Iron Head, Superpower

Ace Trainer Laura :
CLEFABLE (Lv. 66) @ Leftovers / Calm / Magic Guard / IVs: 29 / Blizzard, Stealth Rock, Softboiled, Toxic
JYNX (Lv. 66) @ Life Orb / Modest / Dry Skin / IVs: 30 / Blizzard, Lovely Kiss, Focus Blast, Dream Eater
AZUMARILL (Lv. 66) @ Sitrus Berry / Brave / Huge Power / IVs: 30 / Aqua Jet, Ice Punch, Belly Drum, Superpower
MISMAGIUS (Lv. 66) @ Colbur Berry / Mild / Levitate / IVs: 31 / Shadow Ball, Energy Ball, Thunderbolt, Destiny Bond

Ace Trainer Maria :
TENTACRUEL (Lv. 66) @ Black Sludge / Sassy / Clear Body / IVs: 29 / Hydro Pump, Knock Off, Blizzard, Toxic Spikes
MEDICHAM (Lv. 66) @ Muscle Band / Jolly / Pure Power / IVs: 30 / Hi Jump Kick, Ice Punch, Zen Headbutt, ThunderPunch
PACHIRISU (Lv. 66) @ Sitrus Berry / Impish / Volt Absorb / IVs: 31 / ThunderPunch, Charm, Super Fang, Thunder Wave
FLYGON (Lv. 66) @ Life Orb / Jolly / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Outrage, Stone Edge, Dragon Dance, U-turn

Skier Edward :
HITMONLEE (Lv. 66) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Reckless / IVs: 29 / Close Combat, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Knock Off
WEAVILE (Lv. 66) @ Focus Sash / Adamant / Pressure / IVs: 29 / Icicle Crash, Aerial Ace, Swords Dance, Night Slash
JOLTEON (Lv. 66) @ Wise Glasses / Rash / Volt Absorb / IVs: 29 / Thunderbolt, Signal Beam, Shadow Ball, Hyper Beam
WHISCASH (Lv. 66) @ Life Orb / Adamant / Hydration / IVs: 29 / Liquidation, Dragon Dance, Icicle Crash, Earthquake

Black Belt Philip :
ARMALDO (Lv. 67) @ Life Orb / Brave / Swift Swim / IVs: 29 / Stone Edge, Swords Dance, Earthquake, Liquidation
CAMERUPT (Lv. 67) @ Soft Sand / Adamant / Solid Rock / IVs: 30 / Fissure, Stone Edge, Explosion, Stealth Rock
SLAKING (Lv. 67) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Truant / IVs: 30 / Giga Impact, Earthquake, Shadow Claw, Rock Slide
SLOWBRO (Lv. 67) @ Leftovers / Bold / Own Tempo / IVs: 29 / Scald, Slack Off, Blizzard, Toxic
MACHAMP (Lv. 67) @ Lum Berry / Adamant / No Guard / IVs: 29 / DynamicPunch, Earthquake, Ice Punch, Payback

Ace Trainer Garrett :
FURRET (Lv. 67) @ Silk Scarf / Adamant / Keen Eye / IVs: 30 / Giga Impact, Ice Punch, Knock Off, Aqua Tail
VENOMOTH (Lv. 67) @ Wise Glasses / Modest / Tinted Lens / IVs: 30 / Bug Buzz, Sludge Bomb, Energy Ball, Psychic
BRELOOM (Lv. 67) @ Toxic Orb / Adamant / Poison Heal / IVs: 28 / Seed Bomb, Spore, Superpower, Substitute
MAGMORTAR (Lv. 67) @ Life Orb / Modest / Flame Body / IVs: 29 / Fire Blast, Psychic, Thunderbolt, Focus Blast
MAMOSWINE (Lv. 67) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Thick Fat / IVs: 29 / Earthquake, Stone Edge, Icicle Crash, Ice Shard

—-ROUTE 217 (Hail)—-

Ace Trainer Dalton :
HIPPOWDON (Lv. 68) @ Sitrus Berry / Impish / Battle Armor / IVs: 30 / Horsepower, Stone Edge, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang
SCIZOR (Lv. 68) @ Muscle Band / Lonely / Technician / IVs: 30 / Bullet Punch, Bug Bite, Superpower, Knock Off
VENUSAUR (Lv. 68) @ Black Sludge / Calm / Chlorophyll / IVs: 28 / Frenzy Plant, Weather Ball, Sludge Bomb, Sleep Powder
Ace Trainer Olivia :
STARMIE (Lv. 68) @ Expert Belt / Modest / Natural Cure / IVs: 29 / Hydro Pump, Psychic, Blizzard, Thunderbolt
BLAZIKEN (Lv. 68) @ Shell Bell / Adamant / Speed Boost / IVs: 30 / Flare Blitz, Protect, Superpower, ThunderPunch
FROSLASS (Lv. 68) @ Leftovers / Timid / Ice Body / IVs: 29 / Blizzard, Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, Substitute

Ninja Boy Matthew :
MIGHTYENA (Lv. 69) @ Expert Belt / Brave / Intimidate / IVs: 28 / Crunch, Ice Fang, Super Fang, Fire Fang
HITMONTOP (Lv. 69) @ Leftovers / Adamant / Technician / IVs: 28 / Close Combat, Bullet Punch, Stone Edge, Fake Out
KINGDRA (Lv. 69) @ Haban Berry / Timid / Swift Swim / IVs: 30 / Hydro Pump, Draco Meteor, Blizzard, Hyper Beam

Ninja Boy Ethan :
ARBOK (Lv. 69) @ Black Sludge / Adamant / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Gunk Shot, Glare, Aqua Tail, Ice Fang
DUGTRIO (Lv. 69) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Arena Trap / IVs: 29 / Fissure, Stone Edge, Night Slash, Aerial Ace
WEAVILE (Lv. 69) @ Focus Sash / Lonely / Pressure / IVs: 29 / Icicle Crash, Ice Shard, Night Slash, Aerial Ace

Skier Madison :
WIGGLYTUFF (Lv. 69) @ Wise Glasses / Timid / Cute Charm / IVs: 29 / Hyper Voice, Shadow Ball, Blizzard, Focus Blast
DODRIO (Lv. 69) @ Sharp Beak / Adamant / Early Bird / IVs: 30 / Brave Bird, Roost, Giga Impact, Knock Off
LAPRAS (Lv. 69) @ Lum Berry / Calm / Hydration / IVs: 30 / Hydro Pump, Rest, Blizzard, Thunderbolt

Skier Shawn :
BRONZONG (Lv. 69) @ Light Clay / Relaxed / Levitate / IVs: 29 / Psychic, Reflect, Flash Cannon, Light Screen
HITMONCHAN (Lv. 69) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Iron Fist / IVs: 30 / Close Combat, Stone Edge, Ice Punch, Bullet Punch
SHARPEDO (Lv. 69) @ Life Orb / Adamant / Speed Boost / IVs: 29 / Liquidation, Protect, Crunch, Ice Fang

Skier Bjorn :
CROBAT (Lv. 69) @ Sharp Beak / Jolly / Inner Focus / IVs: 31 / Brave Bird, Pursuit, Roost, U-turn
GALLADE (Lv. 69) @ Expert Belt / Adamant / Steadfast / IVs: 28 / Close Combat, Zen Headbutt, Ice Punch, Shadow Sneak
LUXRAY (Lv. 69) @ Life Orb / Jolly / Guts / IVs: 31 / Wild Charge, Superpower, PsychicFangs, Ice Fang
ABSOL (Lv. 69) @ Scope Lens / Naive / Super Luck / IVs: 29 / Night Slash, X-Scissor, Psycho Cut, Swords Dance
WALREIN (Lv. 69) @ Lum Berry / Careful / Ice Body / IVs: 30 / Liquidation, Curse, Earthquake, Rest

Skier Lexie :
GARDEVOIR (Lv. 69) @ Life Orb / Timid / Synchronize / IVs: 29 / Psychic, Focus Blast, Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt
GLACEON (Lv. 69) @ Lum Berry / Bold / Ice Body / IVs: 30 / Blizzard, Signal Beam, Shadow Ball, Wish
RAPIDASH (Lv. 69) @ Shell Bell / Jolly / Flash Fire / IVs: 28 / Flare Blitz, Drill Run, Horn Drill, Giga Impact
TOGEKISS (Lv. 69) @ King’s Rock / Timid / Serene Grace / IVs: 29 / Air Slash, Thunder Wave, Aura Sphere, Roost
MILOTIC (Lv. 69) @ Leftovers / Calm / Marvel Scale / IVs: 29 / Scald, Recover, Blizzard, Toxic

Black Belt Luke :
WEEZING (Lv. 70) @ Black Sludge / Mild / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Sludge Wave, Fire Blast, Dark Pulse, Explosion
GLALIE (Lv. 70) @ Wise Glasses / Mild / Ice Body / IVs: 30 / Blizzard, Dark Pulse, Shadow Ball, Hyper Beam
SUDOWOODO (Lv. 70) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Rock Head / IVs: 28 / Stone Edge, Wood Hammer, Ice Punch, Sucker Punch
SNORLAX (Lv. 70) @ Lum Berry / Impish / Thick Fat / IVs: 29 / Giga Impact, Rest, Crunch, Earthquake
DUSKNOIR (Lv. 70) @ Leftovers / Sassy / Pressure / IVs: 29 / Shadow Sneak, Ice Punch, Earthquake, Will-O-Wisp
LUCARIO (Lv. 70) @ Life Orb / Adamant / Inner Focus / IVs: 28 / Close Combat, ExtremeSpeed, Ice Punch, Swords Dance


Ace Trainer Savannah :
DEWGONG (Lv. 71) @ Muscle Band / Jolly / Thick Fat / IVs: 29 / Liquidation, Drill Run, Icicle Crash, Horn Drill
BLISSEY (Lv. 71) @ Leftovers / Calm / Natural Cure / IVs: 30 / Seismic Toss, Aromatherapy, Softboiled, Toxic
JYNX (Lv. 71) @ Wide Lens / Modest / Dry Skin / IVs: 29 / Blizzard, Lovely Kiss, Dream Eater, Focus Blast
HOUNDOOM (Lv. 71) @ Charcoal / Modest / Flash Fire / IVs: 30 / Dark Pulse, Sludge Bomb, Overheat, Shadow Ball
JOLTEON (Lv. 71) @ Magnet / Naive / Volt Absorb / IVs: 30 / Thunderbolt, Signal Beam, Hyper Beam, Shadow Ball
GENGAR (Lv. 71) @ Life Orb / Timid / Levitate / IVs: 27 / Shadow Ball, Explosion, Focus Blast, Thunderbolt

Ace Trainer Anton :
CLOYSTER (Lv. 71) @ Sitrus Berry / Impish / Skill Link / IVs: 30 / Icicle Spear, Toxic Spikes, Explosion, Spikes
HYPNO (Lv. 71) @ Life Orb / Timid / Insomnia / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Nasty Plot, Focus Blast, Hypnosis
HERACROSS (Lv. 71) @ Muscle Band / Jolly / Guts / IVs: 30 / Close Combat, Stone Edge, Megahorn, Pursuit
SKUNTANK (Lv. 71) @ Shuca Berry / Mild / Aftermath / IVs: 30 / Sludge Bomb, Flamethrower, Dark Pulse, Explosion
ROTOM-HEAT (Lv. 71) @ Leftovers / Calm / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Thunderbolt, Will-O-Wisp, Overheat, Pain Split
DELIBIRD (Lv. 71) @ Focus Sash / Hasty / Vital Spirit / IVs: 31 / Blizzard, Signal Beam, Fake Out, Water Pulse

Ace Trainer Isaiah :
AGGRON (Lv. 72) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Rock Head / IVs: 29 / Stone Edge, Iron Head, Earthquake, Ice Punch
GLALIE (Lv. 72) @ Life Orb / Adamant / Ice Body / IVs: 29 / Icicle Crash, Earthquake, Explosion, Crunch
EXPLOUD (Lv. 72) @ Wise Glasses / Modest / Scrappy / IVs: 30 / Hyper Beam, Focus Blast, Blizzard, Shadow Ball
MACHAMP (Lv. 72) @ Black Belt / Adamant / No Guard / IVs: 28 / DynamicPunch, Payback, Ice Punch, Stone Edge
ALAKAZAM (Lv. 72) @ Focus Sash / Timid / Magic Guard / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Energy Ball, Focus Blast, Calm Mind
WALREIN (Lv. 72) @ Lum Berry / Careful / Ice Body / IVs: 29 / Icicle Crash, Curse, Earthquake, Rest

Ace Trainer Alicia :
MANTINE (Lv. 71) @ Leftovers / Calm / Swift Swim / IVs: 30 / Scald, Blizzard, Protect, Mirror Coat
GIRAFARIG (Lv. 71) @ Silk Scarf / Jolly / Inner Focus / IVs: 28 / Zen Headbutt, Earthquake, Giga Impact, Crunch
PRIMEAPE (Lv. 71) @ Muscle Band / Jolly / Vital Spirit / IVs: 30 / Close Combat, Stone Edge, U-turn, Ice Punch
AMPHAROS (Lv. 71) @ Life Orb / Rash / Static / IVs: 30 / Thunderbolt, Hyper Beam, Focus Blast, Signal Beam
VENUSAUR (Lv. 71) @ Black Sludge / Calm / Chlorophyll / IVs: 30 / Sleep Powder, Sludge Bomb, Leaf Storm, Weather Ball
GLACEON (Lv. 71) @ Lum Berry / Modest / Ice Body / IVs: 31 / Blizzard, Wish, Shadow Ball, Protect

Ace Trainer Sergio :
ABOMASNOW (Lv. 71) @ Focus Sash / Relaxed / Soundproof / IVs: 30 / Blizzard, Earthquake, Energy Ball, Shadow Ball
DUGTRIO (Lv. 71) @ Soft Sand / Adamant / Arena Trap / IVs: 29 / Fissure, Stone Edge, Night Slash, Aerial Ace
TOXICROAK (Lv. 71) @ Black Sludge / Timid / Dry Skin / IVs: 30 / Sludge Bomb, Dark Pulse, Focus Blast, Nasty Plot
ARCANINE (Lv. 71) @ Shell Bell / Adamant / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Flare Blitz, ExtremeSpeed, Wild Charge, Crunch
METAGROSS (Lv. 71) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Clear Body / IVs: 30 / Zen Headbutt, Ice Punch, Earthquake, Bullet Punch
FERALIGATR (Lv. 71) @ Life Orb / Adamant / Torrent / IVs: 29 / Liquidation, Earthquake, Dragon Dance, Ice Punch

Ace Trainer Brenna :
CRADILY (Lv. 72) @ Lum Berry / Sassy / Storm Drain / IVs: 28 / AncientPower, Stealth Rock, Earth Power, Recover
KANGASKHAN (Lv. 72) @ Silk Scarf / Adamant / Scrappy / IVs: 28 / Giga Impact, Knock Off, Earthquake, Ice Punch
UMBREON (Lv. 72) @ Leftovers / Calm / Synchronize / IVs: 29 / Dark Pulse, Wish, Toxic, Protect
NINETALES (Lv. 72) @ Life Orb / Modest / Flash Fire / IVs: 29 / Overheat, Extrasensory, Energy Ball, Dark Pulse
MISMAGIUS (Lv. 72) @ Colbur Berry / Modest / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt, Calm Mind, Energy Ball
LAPRAS (Lv. 72) @ Expert Belt / Bold / Hydration / IVs: 29 / Blizzard, Thunderbolt, Hydro Pump, Psychic

Leader Candice (Double Battle) :
STARMIE (Lv. 74) @ Expert Belt / Timid / Natural Cure / IVs: 30 / Hydro Pump, Blizzard, Psychic, Grass Knot
MAMOSWINE (Lv. 74) @ Life Orb / Naive / Thick Fat / IVs: 30 / Horsepower, Stone Edge, Icicle Crash, Superpower
CLEFABLE (Lv. 74) @ Chople Berry / Bold / Magic Guard / IVs: 30 / Blizzard, Softboiled, Flamethrower, Psychic
GALLADE (Lv. 74) @ Muscle Band / Naive / Steadfast / IVs: 30 / Zen Headbutt, Ice Punch, Close Combat, ThunderPunch
WEAVILE (Lv. 74) @ Focus Sash / Lonely / Pressure / IVs: 28 / Icicle Crash, Aerial Ace, Night Slash, Low Kick
FROSLASS (Lv. 74) @ Leftovers / Timid / Ice Body / IVs: 30 / Blizzard, Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, Psychic

The level cap increases to 75.


Ace Trainer Aran :
GLALIE (Lv. 72) @ Muscle Band / Naughty / Ice Body / IVs: 30 / Icicle Crash, Explosion, Crunch, Super Fang
DRAGONITE (Lv. 72) @ Lum Berry / Jolly / Inner Focus / IVs: 29 / Outrage, ThunderPunch, ExtremeSpeed, DualWingbeat
EMPOLEON (Lv. 72) @ Life Orb / Modest / Torrent / IVs: 29 / Hydro Cannon, Blizzard, Flash Cannon, Grass Knot
Ace Trainer Nephenee :
FROSLASS (Lv. 72) @ Leftovers / Timid / Ice Body / IVs: 31 / Blizzard, Substitute, Shadow Ball, Thunder Wave
ROSERADE (Lv. 72) @ Black Sludge / Hasty / Poison Point / IVs: 31 / Energy Ball, Sleep Powder, Weather Ball, Sludge Bomb
INFERNAPE (Lv. 72) @ Expert Belt / Naughty / Blaze / IVs: 28 / Blast Burn, ThunderPunch, Close Combat, Grass Knot


Hunter J :
DRAPION (Lv. 75) @ Black Sludge / Docile / Sniper / IVs: 30 / Night Slash, Toxic Spikes, Earthquake, Ice Fang
CRADILY (Lv. 75) @ Leftovers / Careful / Storm Drain / IVs: 31 / Stone Edge, Recover, Earthquake, Stockpile
DRIFBLIM (Lv. 75) @ Sitrus Berry / Quirky / Unburden / IVs: 30 / Shadow Ball, Explosion, Thunderbolt, Will-O-Wisp
HOUNDOOM (Lv. 75) @ Focus Sash / Naive / Flash Fire / IVs: 31 / Fire Blast, Nasty Plot, Dark Pulse, Sludge Bomb
GARDEVOIR (Lv. 75) @ Life Orb / Timid / Synchronize / IVs: 31 / Psychic, Focus Blast, Calm Mind, Shadow Ball
SALAMENCE (Lv. 75) @ Lum Berry / Adamant / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Outrage, Earthquake, Dragon Dance, Thunder Fang

The level cap increases to 78.


[PK][MN] Trainer Paul :
FROSLASS (Lv. 80) @ Leftovers / Timid / Ice Body / IVs: 30 / Blizzard, Substitute, Thunder Wave, Spikes
GASTRODON (Lv. 80) @ Rindo Berry / Calm / Storm Drain / IVs: 30 / Scald, Recover, Blizzard, Earth Power
GYARADOS (Lv. 80) @ Wacan Berry / Jolly / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Waterfall, Earthquake, Dragon Dance, Ice Fang
WEAVILE (Lv. 80) @ Focus Sash / Adamant / Pressure / IVs: 28 / Icicle Crash, Swords Dance, Night Slash, Low Kick
MAGMORTAR (Lv. 80) @ Expert Belt / Modest / Flame Body / IVs: 30 / Fire Blast, Thunderbolt, Focus Blast, Psychic
ELECTIVIRE (Lv. 80) @ Life Orb / Jolly / Motor Drive / IVs: 30 / Wild Charge, Ice Punch, Earthquake, Cross Chop

—-ROUTE 208—-

Hiker Alexander :
AERODACTYL (Lv. 72) @ Expert Belt / Hasty / Rock Head / IVs: 30 / Stone Edge, Earthquake, DualWingbeat, Thunder Fang
URSARING (Lv. 72) @ Flame Orb / Hasty / Guts / IVs: 31 / Facade, Close Combat, Earthquake, Night Slash
ARCANINE (Lv. 72) @ Leftovers / Brave / Intimidate / IVs: 29 / Flare Blitz, Wild Charge, ExtremeSpeed, Morning Sun
FLYGON (Lv. 72) @ Life Orb / Hasty / Levitate / IVs: 31 / Draco Meteor, Fire Blast, Earth Power, U-turn


Dragon Tamer Patrick :
GYARADOS (Lv. 72) @ Wacan Berry / Adamant / Intimidate / IVs: 28 / Waterfall, Earthquake, Dragon Dance, Ice Fang
TYRANITAR (Lv. 72) @ Muscle Band / Naughty / Intimidate / IVs: 31 / Stone Edge, Earthquake, Pursuit, Superpower
ALTARIA (Lv. 72) @ Yache Berry / Hasty / Natural Cure / IVs: 29 / Outrage, Roost, Earthquake, Dragon Dance
SCEPTILE (Lv. 72) @ None / Rash / Unburden / IVs: 29 / Frenzy Plant, Hyper Beam, Dragon Pulse, Focus Blast
SALAMENCE (Lv. 72) @ Life Orb / Naughty / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Outrage, Earthquake, Fire Blast, Dragon Dance

—-ROUTE 216 (Hail)—-

Skier Kaitlyn :
ROSERADE (Lv. 73) @ Black Sludge / Timid / Poison Point / IVs: 29 / Energy Ball, Toxic Spikes, Sleep Powder, Sludge Bomb
LANTURN (Lv. 73) @ Lum Berry / Calm / Volt Absorb / IVs: 29 / Scald, Rest, Thunderbolt, Blizzard
TOGEKISS (Lv. 73) @ King’s Rock / Timid / Serene Grace / IVs: 29 / Air Slash, Roost, Aura Sphere, Thunder Wave
GLACEON (Lv. 73) @ Leftovers / Bold / Ice Body / IVs: 30 / Blizzard, Signal Beam, Shadow Ball, Wish
BLAZIKEN (Lv. 73) @ Life Orb / Jolly / Speed Boost / IVs: 29 / Flare Blitz, Protect, Swords Dance, Superpower


Galactic Grunt :
MIGHTYENA (Lv. 72) @ Expert Belt / Lonely / Intimidate / IVs: 28 / Crunch, PsychicFangs, Super Fang, Fire Fang
RATICATE (Lv. 72) @ Flame Orb / Adamant / Guts / IVs: 29 / Facade, Zen Headbutt, Sucker Punch, Super Fang
SOLROCK (Lv. 72) @ Muscle Band / Impish / Levitate / IVs: 29 / Stone Edge, Zen Headbutt, Explosion, Earthquake
BANETTE (Lv. 72) @ Sitrus Berry / Adamant / Insomnia / IVs: 30 / Shadow Sneak, Knock Off, Will-O-Wisp, Disable

Galactic Grunt :
WEEZING (Lv. 72) @ Payapa Berry / Mild / Levitate / IVs: 28 / Sludge Bomb, Explosion, Dark Pulse, Fire Blast
MAROWAK (Lv. 72) @ Thick Club / Jolly / Rock Head / IVs: 29 / Earthquake, Fire Punch, Stone Edge, ThunderPunch
MANECTRIC (Lv. 72) @ Shuca Berry / Timid / Lightningrod / IVs: 30 / Thunder, Hyper Beam, Overheat, Signal Beam
EXEGGUTOR (Lv. 72) @ Wide Lens / Timid / Chlorophyll / IVs: 30 / Leaf Storm, Sleep Powder, Psychic, Explosion

Galactic Grunt :
PURUGLY (Lv. 73) @ Silk Scarf / Adamant / Thick Fat / IVs: 29 / Giga Impact, Knock Off, Horsepower, Fake Out
ARBOK (Lv. 73) @ Black Sludge / Adamant / Intimidate / IVs: 28 / Gunk Shot, Glare, Aqua Tail, Crunch
JYNX (Lv. 73) @ Wide Lens / Modest / Dry Skin / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Focus Blast, Lovely Kiss, Ice Beam
LANTURN (Lv. 73) @ Lum Berry / Calm / Volt Absorb / IVs: 28 / Scald, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Rest

Galactic Grunt :
LINOONE (Lv. 73) @ Salac Berry / Naive / Quick Feet / IVs: 29 / ExtremeSpeed, Belly Drum, Shadow Claw, Iron Tail
XATU (Lv. 73) @ Light Clay / Calm / Synchronize / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Light Screen, Roost, Reflect
SABLEYE (Lv. 73) @ Leftovers / Relaxed / Keen Eye / IVs: 30 / Pursuit, Will-O-Wisp, Protect, Recover
KINGLER (Lv. 73) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Hyper Cutter / IVs: 28 / Crabhammer, Guillotine, Swords Dance, Superpower

Scientist Fredrick :
PROBOPASS (Lv. 73) @ Sitrus Berry / Sassy / Magnet Pull / IVs: 30 / Flash Cannon, Stealth Rock, Thunder Wave, Explosion
HYPNO (Lv. 73) @ Zoom Lens / Hasty / Insomnia / IVs: 30 / Focus Blast, Hypnosis, Dream Eater, Nasty Plot
ROTOM-MOW (Lv. 73) @ Leftovers / Calm / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Leaf Storm, Will-O-Wisp, Volt Switch, Ominous Wind
GLALIE (Lv. 73) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Ice Body / IVs: 28 / Icicle Crash, Earthquake, Explosion, Crunch
OCTILLERY (Lv. 73) @ Expert Belt / Timid / Sniper / IVs: 31 / Water Spout, Fire Blast, Energy Ball, Blizzard

Galactic Grunt :
SMEARGLE (Lv. 73) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Own Tempo / IVs: 30 / Explosion, Spore, Stealth Rock, Toxic Spikes
BIBAREL (Lv. 73) @ Lum Berry / Brave / Unaware / IVs: 30 / Giga Impact, Rest, Curse, Liquidation
UNOWN (Lv. 73) @ Wise Glasses / Naive / Levitate / IVs: 28 / Hidden Power, -, -, –
MACHAMP (Lv. 73) @ Lum Berry / Quirky / No Guard / IVs: 29 / DynamicPunch, Stone Edge, Ice Punch, Payback
CHARIZARD (Lv. 73) @ Sitrus Berry / Adamant / Solar Power / IVs: 31 / Flare Blitz, Belly Drum, Earthquake, Dragon Claw

Galactic Grunt :
GOLEM (Lv. 72) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Rock Head / IVs: 30 / Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Explosion, Fire Punch
FARFETCH’D (Lv. 72) @ Stick / Adamant / Inner Focus / IVs: 30 / DualWingbeat, Swords Dance, Night Slash, Knock Off
DEWGONG (Lv. 72) @ Expert Belt / Adamant / Thick Fat / IVs: 29 / Liquidation, Icicle Crash, Drill Run, Horn Drill
ELECTRODE (Lv. 72) @ Wise Glasses / Timid / Static / IVs: 29 / Thunder, Signal Beam, Hyper Beam, Magnet Rise
WEEZING (Lv. 72) @ Life Orb / Timid / Levitate / IVs: 28 / Sludge Bomb, Fire Blast, Dark Pulse, Thunderbolt

Galactic Grunt :
GRUMPIG (Lv. 74) @ Life Orb / Quiet / Thick Fat / IVs: 29 / Psychic, Energy Ball, Focus Blast, Shadow Ball
CAMERUPT (Lv. 74) @ Focus Sash / Quiet / Solid Rock / IVs: 28 / Earthquake, Fire Blast, Explosion, Stone Edge
KECLEON (Lv. 74) @ Chople Berry / Adamant / Color Change / IVs: 30 / PowerUpPunch, Fake Out, Knock Off, Drain Punch
SPIRITOMB (Lv. 74) @ Leftovers / Calm / Pressure / IVs: 30 / Dark Pulse, Nasty Plot, Hypnosis, Substitute

Galactic Grunt :
CARNIVINE (Lv. 74) @ Focus Sash / Adamant / Levitate / IVs: 29 / Seed Bomb, Swords Dance, Knock Off, Giga Impact
CHATOT (Lv. 74) @ Silk Scarf / Timid / Keen Eye / IVs: 28 / Hyper Voice, Roost, Nasty Plot, Heat Wave
LUMINEON (Lv. 74) @ Leftovers / Rash / Swift Swim / IVs: 29 / Scald, U-turn, Ice Beam, Protect
MISMAGIUS (Lv. 74) @ Life Orb / Timid / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Shadow Ball, Energy Ball, Calm Mind, Thunderbolt
NIDOQUEEN (Lv. 74) @ Black Sludge / Modest / Poison Point / IVs: 28 / Earth Power, Thunderbolt, Fire Blast, Shadow Ball
GRANBULL (Lv. 74) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Giga Impact, Close Combat, Earthquake, Crunch

Scientist Darrius :
FORRETRESS (Lv. 74) @ Occa Berry / Careful / Shell Armor / IVs: 29 / Gyro Ball, Stealth Rock, Toxic Spikes, Explosion
CLAYDOL (Lv. 74) @ Leftovers / Quiet / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Earth Power, Protect, Psychic, Explosion
URSARING (Lv. 74) @ Flame Orb / Adamant / Guts / IVs: 30 / Facade, Close Combat, Crunch, Swords Dance
DUSKNOIR (Lv. 74) @ Muscle Band / Brave / Pressure / IVs: 31 / Earthquake, Will-O-Wisp, Ice Punch, Shadow Sneak
AMPHAROS (Lv. 74) @ Life Orb / Modest / Static / IVs: 29 / Thunder, Hyper Beam, Focus Blast, Signal Beam

Galactic Grunt :
JUMPLUFF (Lv. 74) @ Big Root / Timid / Chlorophyll / IVs: 29 / Giga Drain, Sleep Powder, Substitute, Leech Seed
SKUNTANK (Lv. 74) @ Life Orb / Adamant / Aftermath / IVs: 29 / Night Slash, Giga Impact, Poison Jab, Explosion
CORSOLA (Lv. 74) @ Leftovers / Quiet / Natural Cure / IVs: 30 / Earth Power, Toxic, Explosion, Protect
DODRIO (Lv. 74) @ Muscle Band / Jolly / Early Bird / IVs: 29 / Brave Bird, Knock Off, Roost, Giga Impact
MAWILE (Lv. 74) @ Expert Belt / Adamant / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Iron Head, PsychicFangs, Swords Dance, Ice Fang

Galactic Grunt :
LUNATONE (Lv. 75) @ Sitrus Berry / Serious / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Ice Beam, Earth Power, Explosion
SHARPEDO (Lv. 75) @ Muscle Band / Hasty / Speed Boost / IVs: 30 / Liquidation, Ice Fang, Earthquake, PsychicFangs
ZANGOOSE (Lv. 75) @ Scope Lens / Hasty / Immunity / IVs: 28 / Slash, Close Combat, Swords Dance, Night Slash
TORKOAL (Lv. 75) @ Leftovers / Quiet / Shell Armor / IVs: 28 / Eruption, Toxic, Protect, Explosion
MAGMORTAR (Lv. 75) @ Life Orb / Modest / Flame Body / IVs: 31 / Fire Blast, Thunderbolt, Focus Blast, Psychic

Galactic Boss Cyrus (Double Battle) :
GYARADOS (Lv. 78) @ Wacan Berry / Jolly / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Waterfall, Ice Fang, Dragon Dance, Stone Edge
RHYPERIOR (Lv. 78) @ Muscle Band / Brave / Solid Rock / IVs: 29 / Rock Wrecker, Horsepower, Horn Drill, ThunderPunch
ALAKAZAM (Lv. 78) @ Expert Belt / Timid / Magic Guard / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Shadow Ball, Focus Blast, Energy Ball
MAGNEZONE (Lv. 78) @ Wise Glasses / Modest / Magnet Pull / IVs: 28 / Thunder, Hyper Beam, Flash Cannon, Signal Beam
GENGAR (Lv. 78) @ Life Orb / Modest / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Shadow Ball, Substitute, Focus Blast, Energy Ball
WEAVILE (Lv. 78) @ Focus Sash / Naive / Pressure / IVs: 30 / Icicle Crash, Ice Shard, Night Slash, Swords Dance

Commander Saturn :
BRONZONG (Lv. 77) @ Occa Berry / Relaxed / Levitate / IVs: 28 / Psychic, Explosion, Reflect, Light Screen
ROTOM-FROST (Lv. 77) @ Leftovers / Calm / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Blizzard, Will-O-Wisp, Volt Switch, Shadow Ball
MAGNEZONE (Lv. 77) @ Magnet / Quiet / Magnet Pull / IVs: 30 / Thunder, Flash Cannon, Explosion, Signal Beam
PORYGON-Z (Lv. 77) @ Wise Glasses / Timid / Adaptability / IVs: 29 / Hyper Beam, Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam
BLASTOISE (Lv. 77) @ Life Orb / Mild / Rain Dish / IVs: 30 / Hydro Cannon, Focus Blast, Ice Beam, Earthquake
TOXICROAK (Lv. 77) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Dry Skin / IVs: 29 / Cross Chop, Swords Dance, Knock Off, Ice Punch

The level cap increases to 80.


Galactic Grunt :
LOPUNNY (Lv. 75) @ Silk Scarf / Adamant / Limber / IVs: 30 / Giga Impact, Fire Punch, Fake Out, ThunderPunch
GASTRODON (Lv. 75) @ Rindo Berry / Calm / Storm Drain / IVs: 28 / Scald, Ice Beam, Recover, Earth Power
HONCHKROW (Lv. 75) @ Shell Bell / Adamant / Super Luck / IVs: 30 / Brave Bird, U-turn, Night Slash, Roost
VICTREEBEL (Lv. 75) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Chlorophyll / IVs: 30 / Seed Bomb, Sleep Powder, Knock Off, Swords Dance
SKARMORY (Lv. 75) @ Leftovers / Impish / Keen Eye / IVs: 29 / Brave Bird, Stealth Rock, Roost, Whirlwind

Galactic Grunt :
DONPHAN (Lv. 75) @ Sitrus Berry / Relaxed / Rock Head / IVs: 30 / Earthquake, Ice Shard, Stealth Rock, Stone Edge
STANTLER (Lv. 75) @ Muscle Band / Jolly / Intimidate / IVs: 29 / Giga Impact, Earthquake, Zen Headbutt, Megahorn
LUDICOLO (Lv. 75) @ Life Orb / Modest / Swift Swim / IVs: 29 / Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Energy Ball, Focus Blast
PIDGEOT (Lv. 75) @ Sharp Beak / Jolly / Keen Eye / IVs: 30 / Brave Bird, U-turn, Giga Impact, Roost
LUXRAY (Lv. 75) @ Shell Bell / Adamant / Guts / IVs: 31 / Wild Charge, Superpower, PsychicFangs, Ice Fang


Galactic Grunt :
BEEDRILL (Lv. 76) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Swarm / IVs: 30 / Poison Jab, Toxic Spikes, Swords Dance, X-Scissor
SANDSLASH (Lv. 76) @ Muscle Band / Lonely / Hyper Cutter / IVs: 30 / Earthquake, Knock Off, Swords Dance, X-Scissor
PERSIAN (Lv. 76) @ Silk Scarf / Hasty / Technician / IVs: 29 / Giga Impact, Fake Out, Knock Off, Dig
GOLDUCK (Lv. 76) @ Life Orb / Modest / Swift Swim / IVs: 30 / Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Hypnosis, Focus Blast
SWELLOW (Lv. 76) @ Flame Orb / Adamant / Guts / IVs: 30 / Facade, Brave Bird, U-turn, Roost

Galactic Grunt :
SWALOT (Lv. 76) @ Black Sludge / Impish / Sticky Hold / IVs: 30 / Gunk Shot, Toxic, Explosion, Protect
WAILORD (Lv. 76) @ Leftovers / Impish / Pressure / IVs: 29 / Dive, Fissure, Protect, Toxic
KANGASKHAN (Lv. 76) @ Chople Berry / Brave / Scrappy / IVs: 30 / Giga Impact, Crunch, Earthquake, Fake Out
FLAREON (Lv. 76) @ Life Orb / Hardy / Flash Fire / IVs: 30 / Fire Blast, Wish, Superpower, Protect
RAMPARDOS (Lv. 76) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Mold Breaker / IVs: 31 / Head Smash, Fire Punch, Earthquake, ThunderPunch


Galactic Grunt :
ARIADOS (Lv. 77) @ Big Root / Adamant / Sniper / IVs: 30 / Leech Life, Toxic Spikes, Disable, Shadow Sneak
OMASTAR (Lv. 77) @ Life Orb / Timid / Swift Swim / IVs: 28 / Hydro Pump, Earth Power, Ice Beam, AncientPower
DELCATTY (Lv. 77) @ Focus Sash / Adamant / Cute Charm / IVs: 29 / Zen Headbutt, Fake Out, Body Slam, Thunder Wave
GARDEVOIR (Lv. 77) @ Leftovers / Modest / Synchronize / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Calm Mind, Focus Blast, Hypnosis

Galactic Grunt :
NINJASK (Lv. 78) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Speed Boost / IVs: 29 / X-Scissor, Protect, Baton Pass, DualWingbeat
EXPLOUD (Lv. 78) @ Silk Scarf / Quiet / Scrappy / IVs: 30 / Hyper Beam, Shadow Ball, Focus Blast, Fire Blast
STEELIX (Lv. 78) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Rock Head / IVs: 29 / Earthquake, Thunder Fang, Stone Edge, Explosion
GENGAR (Lv. 78) @ Black Sludge / Naive / Levitate / IVs: 31 / Shadow Ball, Explosion, Will-O-Wisp, Substitute


Galactic Grunt :
CROBAT (Lv. 78) @ Sharp Beak / Adamant / Inner Focus / IVs: 29 / Brave Bird, Roost, U-turn, X-Scissor
UMBREON (Lv. 78) @ Leftovers / Calm / Synchronize / IVs: 30 / Dark Pulse, Protect, Wish, Toxic
NINETALES (Lv. 78) @ Focus Sash / Modest / Flash Fire / IVs: 28 / Fire Blast, Extrasensory, Energy Ball, Nasty Plot
ALTARIA (Lv. 78) @ Lum Berry / Hasty / Natural Cure / IVs: 30 / Outrage, Earthquake, Dragon Dance, Fire Blast
STARMIE (Lv. 78) @ Expert Belt / Timid / Natural Cure / IVs: 30 / Hydro Pump, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Shadow Ball
DUSKNOIR (Lv. 78) @ Muscle Band / Impish / Pressure / IVs: 30 / Shadow Sneak, Ice Punch, Earthquake, Will-O-Wisp


Galactic Grunt :
ARMALDO (Lv. 77) @ Sitrus Berry / Adamant / Swift Swim / IVs: 29 / Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Liquidation, Earthquake
HITMONTOP (Lv. 77) @ Muscle Band / Lonely / Technician / IVs: 29 / Close Combat, Stone Edge, Fake Out, Bullet Punch
QWILFISH (Lv. 77) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Swift Swim / IVs: 31 / Liquidation, Swords Dance, Poison Jab, Aqua Jet
LICKILICKY (Lv. 77) @ Wise Glasses / Modest / Own Tempo / IVs: 30 / Hyper Beam, Focus Blast, Shadow Ball, Flamethrower

Galactic Grunt :
TORTERRA (Lv. 78) @ Muscle Band / Brave / Overgrow / IVs: 30 / Wood Hammer, Stealth Rock, Earthquake, Superpower
FERALIGATR (Lv. 78) @ Life Orb / Jolly / Torrent / IVs: 29 / Liquidation, Earthquake, Dragon Dance, Icicle Crash
CHARIZARD (Lv. 78) @ Focus Sash / Rash / Solar Power / IVs: 31 / Fire Blast, Dragon Pulse, Focus Blast, Earthquake

Galactic Grunt :
BASTIODON (Lv. 75) @ Focus Sash / Naughty / Soundproof / IVs: 29 / Metal Burst, Stealth Rock, Earthquake, Toxic
VILEPLUME (Lv. 75) @ Black Sludge / Lax / Chlorophyll / IVs: 30 / Drain Punch, Sleep Powder, Swords Dance, Substitute
GASTRODON (Lv. 75) @ Rindo Berry / Calm / Storm Drain / IVs: 28 / Earth Power, Toxic, Scald, Ice Beam
VESPIQUEN (Lv. 75) @ Charti Berry / Calm / Pressure / IVs: 29 / Attack Order, Roost, Defend Order, Toxic
MISMAGIUS (Lv. 75) @ Leftovers / Timid / Levitate / IVs: 28 / Shadow Ball, Thunder Wave, Nasty Plot, Substitute


Galactic Grunt :
AMBIPOM (Lv. 79) @ Silk Scarf / Jolly / Technician / IVs: 29 / Giga Impact, Knock Off, Seed Bomb, Fake Out
PINSIR (Lv. 79) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Hyper Cutter / IVs: 30 / X-Scissor, Guillotine, Stone Edge, Superpower
ELECTIVIRE (Lv. 79) @ Life Orb / Adamant / Motor Drive / IVs: 31 / Wild Charge, Cross Chop, Ice Punch, Giga Impact
Galactic Grunt :
ESPEON (Lv. 79) @ Light Clay / Calm / Synchronize / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Light Screen, Grass Knot, Reflect
DRIFBLIM (Lv. 79) @ Sitrus Berry / Modest / Unburden / IVs: 30 / Shadow Ball, Stockpile, Thunderbolt, Psychic
MEGANIUM (Lv. 79) @ Leftovers / Bold / Overgrow / IVs: 29 / Energy Ball, Protect, AncientPower, Toxic

[PK][MN] Trainer Rival (ally – if TURTWIG is chosen) :
STARAPTOR (Lv. 80) @ Shell Bell / Jolly / Reckless / IVs: 31 / Brave Bird, U-turn, Giga Impact, Roost
LUCARIO (Lv. 80) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Inner Focus / IVs: 30 / Close Combat, Swords Dance, ExtremeSpeed, Ice Punch
ALAKAZAM (Lv. 80) @ Expert Belt / Mild / Magic Guard / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Shadow Ball, Focus Blast, Energy Ball
FLYGON (Lv. 80) @ Yache Berry / Naive / Levitate / IVs: 31 / Draco Meteor, Fire Blast, Earth Power, U-turn
SNORLAX (Lv. 80) @ Lum Berry / Adamant / Thick Fat / IVs: 29 / Giga Impact, Rest, Curse, Crunch
INFERNAPE (Lv. 80) @ Life Orb / Hasty / Blaze / IVs: 30 / Blast Burn, Stone Edge, Close Combat, Grass Knot

[PK][MN] Trainer Rival (ally – if CHIMCHAR is chosen) :
STARAPTOR (Lv. 80) @ Shell Bell / Jolly / Reckless / IVs: 30 / Brave Bird, U-turn, Giga Impact, Roost
LUCARIO (Lv. 80) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Inner Focus / IVs: 30 / Close Combat, Swords Dance, ExtremeSpeed, Ice Punch
ALAKAZAM (Lv. 80) @ Expert Belt / Mild / Magic Guard / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Shadow Ball, Focus Blast, Energy Ball
FLYGON (Lv. 80) @ Yache Berry / Naive / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Draco Meteor, Fire Blast, Earth Power, U-turn
SNORLAX (Lv. 80) @ Lum Berry / Adamant / Thick Fat / IVs: 29 / Giga Impact, Rest, Curse, Crunch
EMPOLEON (Lv. 80) @ Life Orb / Hasty / Torrent / IVs: 30 / Hydro Cannon, Ice Beam, Flash Cannon, Grass Knot

[PK][MN] Trainer Rival (ally – if PIPLUP is chosen) :
STARAPTOR (Lv. 80) @ Shell Bell / Jolly / Reckless / IVs: 31 / Brave Bird, U-turn, Giga Impact, Roost
LUCARIO (Lv. 80) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Inner Focus / IVs: 30 / Close Combat, Swords Dance, ExtremeSpeed, Ice Punch
ALAKAZAM (Lv. 80) @ Expert Belt / Mild / Magic Guard / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Shadow Ball, Focus Blast, Energy Ball
FLYGON (Lv. 80) @ Yache Berry / Naive / Levitate / IVs: 31 / Draco Meteor, Fire Blast, Earth Power, U-turn
SNORLAX (Lv. 80) @ Lum Berry / Adamant / Thick Fat / IVs: 29 / Giga Impact, Rest, Curse, Crunch
TORTERRA (Lv. 80) @ Life Orb / Adamant / Overgrow / IVs: 30 / Wood Hammer, Stone Edge, Horsepower, Superpower

Commander Mars :
YANMEGA (Lv. 80) @ Focus Sash / Mild / Speed Boost / IVs: 30 / Bug Buzz, Protect, Air Slash, AncientPower
MEDICHAM (Lv. 80) @ Expert Belt / Naughty / Pure Power / IVs: 30 / Hi Jump Kick, Ice Punch, Zen Headbutt, ThunderPunch
GLISCOR (Lv. 80) @ Toxic Orb / Adamant / Poison Heal / IVs: 30 / DualWingbeat, Substitute, Fire Fang, Swords Dance
TANGROWTH (Lv. 80) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Chlorophyll / IVs: 31 / Power Whip, Rock Slide, Swords Dance, Knock Off
CHARIZARD (Lv. 80) @ Life Orb / Rash / Solar Power / IVs: 30 / Blast Burn, Dragon Pulse, Focus Blast, Air Slash
PURUGLY (Lv. 80) @ Silk Scarf / Adamant / Thick Fat / IVs: 31 / Giga Impact, Horsepower, Fake Out, Knock Off
Commander Jupiter :
CLEFABLE (Lv. 80) @ Chople Berry / Bold / Magic Guard / IVs: 29 / Seismic Toss, Thunder Wave, Softboiled, Grass Knot
MISMAGIUS (Lv. 80) @ Colbur Berry / Modest / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt, Energy Ball, Calm Mind
GARDEVOIR (Lv. 80) @ Life Orb / Modest / Synchronize / IVs: 29 / Psychic, Shadow Ball, Focus Blast, Hypnosis
MILOTIC (Lv. 80) @ Leftovers / Sassy / Marvel Scale / IVs: 30 / Hydro Pump, Recover, Icy Wind, Toxic
VENUSAUR (Lv. 80) @ Black Sludge / Calm / Chlorophyll / IVs: 29 / Frenzy Plant, Sludge Bomb, Sleep Powder, Protect
SKUNTANK (Lv. 80) @ Shuca Berry / Modest / Aftermath / IVs: 29 / Sludge Bomb, Flamethrower, Dark Pulse, Shadow Ball

Galactic Boss Cyrus (Double Battle) :
DIALGA (Lv. 85) @ Adamant Orb / Modest / Pressure / IVs: 29 / Roar of Time, Flash Cannon, Fire Blast, Thunder
PALKIA (Lv. 85) @ Lustrous Orb / Modest / Pressure / IVs: 29 / Spacial Rend, Hydro Pump, Fire Blast, Thunder

The level cap increases to 82.


Galactic Boss Cyrus :
METAGROSS (Lv. 82) @ Lum Berry / Adamant / Clear Body / IVs: 30 / Meteor Mash, Explosion, Earthquake, Stealth Rock
MAGNEZONE (Lv. 82) @ Leftovers / Quiet / Magnet Pull / IVs: 30 / Thunder, Signal Beam, Flash Cannon, Explosion
GENGAR (Lv. 82) @ Black Sludge / Modest / Levitate / IVs: 29 / Shadow Ball, Explosion, Focus Blast, Thunderbolt
GYARADOS (Lv. 82) @ Wacan Berry / Jolly / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Waterfall, Earthquake, Dragon Dance, Stone Edge
SALAMENCE (Lv. 82) @ Life Orb / Lonely / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Outrage, Dragon Dance, Fire Blast, Earthquake
WEAVILE (Lv. 82) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Pressure / IVs: 28 / Icicle Crash, Night Slash, Swords Dance, Low Kick

The level cap increases to 85.

—-ROUTE 222—-

Rich Boy Trey :
PIDGEOT (Lv. 78) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Keen Eye / IVs: 29 / Brave Bird, Roost, Giga Impact, U-turn
FLYGON (Lv. 78) @ Life Orb / Adamant / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Outrage, Stone Edge, Dragon Dance, U-turn
BRELOOM (Lv. 78) @ Toxic Orb / Adamant / Poison Heal / IVs: 28 / Seed Bomb, Spore, Stone Edge, Focus Punch
SWAMPERT (Lv. 78) @ Leftovers / Impish / Torrent / IVs: 30 / Earthquake, Icicle Crash, Liquidation, Mirror Coat
LUXRAY (Lv. 78) @ Shell Bell / Adamant / Guts / IVs: 29 / Wild Charge, Superpower, PsychicFangs, Ice Fang

Fisherman Alec :
EXEGGUTOR (Lv. 78) @ Life Orb / Hasty / Chlorophyll / IVs: 28 / Leaf Storm, Sleep Powder, Psychic, Explosion
MUK (Lv. 78) @ Black Sludge / Adamant / Sticky Hold / IVs: 30 / Gunk Shot, Ice Punch, Explosion, Shadow Sneak
RAICHU (Lv. 78) @ Focus Sash / Timid / Lightningrod / IVs: 30 / Thunder, Surf, Focus Blast, Grass Knot
GLISCOR (Lv. 78) @ Toxic Orb / Impish / Poison Heal / IVs: 30 / Earthquake, Fire Fang, Swords Dance, Roost
GYARADOS (Lv. 78) @ Rindo Berry / Adamant / Intimidate / IVs: 31 / Waterfall, Ice Fang, Earthquake, Stone Edge

Fisherman George :
SPIRITOMB (Lv. 78) @ Leftovers / Modest / Pressure / IVs: 29 / Dark Pulse, Hypnosis, Nasty Plot, Dream Eater
CROBAT (Lv. 78) @ Muscle Band / Jolly / Inner Focus / IVs: 30 / Brave Bird, Roost, U-turn, Super Fang
MACHAMP (Lv. 78) @ Lum Berry / Adamant / No Guard / IVs: 29 / DynamicPunch, Stone Edge, Earthquake, Ice Punch
JOLTEON (Lv. 78) @ Wise Glasses / Modest / Volt Absorb / IVs: 30 / Thunder, Shadow Ball, Signal Beam, Hyper Beam
FERALIGATR (Lv. 78) @ Life Orb / Adamant / Torrent / IVs: 30 / Liquidation, Earthquake, Dragon Dance, Icicle Crash

Beauty Nicola :
LOPUNNY (Lv. 79) @ Silk Scarf / Adamant / Limber / IVs: 30 / Giga Impact, Ice Punch, Sky Uppercut, Fake Out
AMPHAROS (Lv. 79) @ Shuca Berry / Modest / Static / IVs: 31 / Thunder, Signal Beam, Focus Blast, Hyper Beam
JYNX (Lv. 79) @ Life Orb / Modest / Dry Skin / IVs: 30 / Blizzard, Psychic, Focus Blast, Nasty Plot
VILEPLUME (Lv. 79) @ Black Sludge / Jolly / Chlorophyll / IVs: 30 / Seed Bomb, Sleep Powder, Drain Punch, Swords Dance
MILOTIC (Lv. 79) @ Leftovers / Calm / Marvel Scale / IVs: 29 / Scald, Recover, Toxic, Mirror Coat

Policeman Thomas :
FORRETRESS (Lv. 79) @ Occa Berry / Sassy / Shell Armor / IVs: 29 / Volt Switch, Stealth Rock, Explosion, Toxic Spikes
KINGDRA (Lv. 79) @ Haban Berry / Modest / Swift Swim / IVs: 30 / Draco Meteor, Ice Beam, Hydro Pump, Hyper Beam
URSARING (Lv. 79) @ Flame Orb / Adamant / Guts / IVs: 29 / Facade, Close Combat, Crunch, Swords Dance
HONCHKROW (Lv. 79) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Super Luck / IVs: 28 / Brave Bird, U-turn, Night Slash, Superpower
ARCANINE (Lv. 79) @ Life Orb / Adamant / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Flare Blitz, ExtremeSpeed, Wild Charge, Morning Sun

Poké Kid Janet :
PIKACHU (Lv. 100) @ Light Ball / Timid / Lightningrod / IVs: 29 / Thunder, Grass Knot, Surf, Signal Beam

Tuber Holly :
CLEFABLE (Lv. 79) @ Lum Berry / Impish / Magic Guard / IVs: 30 / Seismic Toss, Stealth Rock, Softboiled, Toxic
DUGTRIO (Lv. 79) @ Muscle Band / Jolly / Arena Trap / IVs: 28 / Fissure, Stone Edge, Night Slash, Aerial Ace
VESPIQUEN (Lv. 79) @ Leftovers / Impish / Pressure / IVs: 31 / Attack Order, Defend Order, Toxic, Roost
ALTARIA (Lv. 79) @ Yache Berry / Hasty / Natural Cure / IVs: 30 / Outrage, Earthquake, Dragon Dance, Fire Blast
STARMIE (Lv. 79) @ Expert Belt / Modest / Natural Cure / IVs: 30 / Hydro Pump, Psychic, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam

Fisherman Cole :
PELIPPER (Lv. 79) @ Focus Sash / Hasty / Rain Dish / IVs: 28 / Hydro Pump, Roost, Knock Off, U-turn
SHUCKLE (Lv. 79) @ Leftovers / Bold / Gluttony / IVs: 30 / Infestation, Toxic, Knock Off, Protect
SLAKING (Lv. 79) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Truant / IVs: 30 / Giga Impact, Night Slash, Earthquake, Fire Punch
CAMERUPT (Lv. 79) @ Sitrus Berry / Relaxed / Solid Rock / IVs: 29 / Overheat, AncientPower, Earth Power, Explosion
CRAWDAUNT (Lv. 79) @ Life Orb / Adamant / Adaptability / IVs: 29 / Liquidation, Guillotine, Dragon Dance, X-Scissor

Sailor Luther :
HIPPOWDON (Lv. 80) @ Leftovers / Impish / Battle Armor / IVs: 30 / Fissure, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Roar
HARIYAMA (Lv. 80) @ Sitrus Berry / Brave / Guts / IVs: 28 / Cross Chop, Belly Drum, Payback, Ice Punch
STARAPTOR (Lv. 80) @ Muscle Band / Lonely / Reckless / IVs: 30 / Giga Impact, Brave Bird, Close Combat, U-turn
MANECTRIC (Lv. 80) @ Life Orb / Modest / Lightningrod / IVs: 29 / Thunder, Hyper Beam, Signal Beam, Overheat
ABSOL (Lv. 80) @ Scope Lens / Jolly / Super Luck / IVs: 28 / Night Slash, Superpower, Psycho Cut, Swords Dance
BLASTOISE (Lv. 80) @ Life Orb / Modest / Rain Dish / IVs: 28 / Hydro Cannon, Ice Beam, Focus Blast, Flash Cannon

Fisherman Brett :
CRADILY (Lv. 80) @ Leftovers / Relaxed / Storm Drain / IVs: 30 / Stone Edge, Recover, Seed Bomb, Protect
NIDOKING (Lv. 80) @ Black Sludge / Modest / Poison Point / IVs: 29 / Sludge Bomb, Thunderbolt, Earth Power, Flamethrower
POLIWRATH (Lv. 80) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Water Absorb / IVs: 30 / Liquidation, Ice Punch, Horsepower, PowerUpPunch
Sailor Marc :
ARMALDO (Lv. 80) @ Life Orb / Adamant / Swift Swim / IVs: 27 / Stone Edge, X-Scissor, Liquidation, Swords Dance
DUSKNOIR (Lv. 80) @ Expert Belt / Adamant / Pressure / IVs: 30 / Shadow Sneak, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, ThunderPunch
PORYGON-Z (Lv. 80) @ Wise Glasses / Timid / Adaptability / IVs: 30 / Hyper Beam, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Shadow Ball

Tuber Conner :
DONPHAN (Lv. 80) @ Wide Lens / Brave / Rock Head / IVs: 29 / Fissure, Stealth Rock, Stone Edge, Ice Shard
SWELLOW (Lv. 80) @ Flame Orb / Naive / Guts / IVs: 30 / Facade, Roost, U-turn, Brave Bird
TOXICROAK (Lv. 80) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Dry Skin / IVs: 31 / Gunk Shot, Swords Dance, Cross Chop, Knock Off
MAGMORTAR (Lv. 80) @ Life Orb / Rash / Flame Body / IVs: 28 / Fire Blast, Thunderbolt, Focus Blast, Psychic
SNORLAX (Lv. 80) @ Leftovers / Quirky / Thick Fat / IVs: 30 / Giga Impact, Curse, Crunch, Rest
WALREIN (Lv. 80) @ Lum Berry / Brave / Ice Body / IVs: 30 / Icicle Crash, Curse, Earthquake, Rest

—-ROUTE 223—-

Swimmer♀ Miranda :
LUMINEON (Lv. 80) @ Expert Belt / Naive / Swift Swim / IVs: 29 / Scald, U-turn, Ice Beam, Ominous Wind
CHATOT (Lv. 80) @ Life Orb / Timid / Keen Eye / IVs: 29 / Hyper Voice, Heat Wave, Nasty Plot, Roost
PURUGLY (Lv. 80) @ Scope Lens / Adamant / Thick Fat / IVs: 29 / Giga Impact, Horsepower, Shadow Claw, Fake Out
NINETALES (Lv. 80) @ Focus Sash / Timid / Flash Fire / IVs: 29 / Fire Blast, Nasty Plot, Energy Ball, Extrasensory
SHIFTRY (Lv. 80) @ Wise Glasses / Timid / Chlorophyll / IVs: 30 / Leaf Storm, Dark Pulse, Nasty Plot, Shadow Ball

Swimmer♀ Aubree :
MR. MIME (Lv. 80) @ Life Orb / Modest / Filter / IVs: 29 / Psychic, Shadow Ball, Focus Blast, Thunderbolt
SUNFLORA (Lv. 80) @ Wide Lens / Jolly / Chlorophyll / IVs: 30 / Seed Bomb, Swords Dance, GrassWhistle, Giga Impact
MILTANK (Lv. 80) @ Lum Berry / Impish / Thick Fat / IVs: 30 / Giga Impact, Curse, Milk Drink, Earthquake
HOUNDOOM (Lv. 80) @ Focus Sash / Mild / Flash Fire / IVs: 29 / Fire Blast, Dark Pulse, Nasty Plot, Sludge Bomb
AZUMARILL (Lv. 80) @ Sitrus Berry / Jolly / Huge Power / IVs: 30 / Liquidation, Ice Punch, Belly Drum, Superpower

Swimmer♂ Colton :
DUSTOX (Lv. 81) @ Black Sludge / Calm / Shield Dust / IVs: 29 / Bug Buzz, Protect, Toxic, Roost
GLALIE (Lv. 81) @ Leftovers / Adamant / Ice Body / IVs: 29 / Icicle Crash, Earthquake, Explosion, Spikes
BIBAREL (Lv. 81) @ Rindo Berry / Adamant / Unaware / IVs: 29 / Liquidation, Super Fang, Giga Impact, Superpower
WOBBUFFET (Lv. 81) @ Sitrus Berry / Bold / Shadow Tag / IVs: 30 / Counter, Encore, Mirror Coat, Destiny Bond
HITMONLEE (Lv. 81) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Reckless / IVs: 30 / Close Combat, Bullet Punch, Knock Off, Stone Edge

Swimmer♂ Ricardo :
DRAPION (Lv. 81) @ Black Sludge / Impish / Sniper / IVs: 29 / Poison Jab, Toxic Spikes, Knock Off, Ice Fang
WAILORD (Lv. 81) @ Leftovers / Careful / Pressure / IVs: 29 / Dive, Toxic, Protect, Fissure
RAMPARDOS (Lv. 81) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Mold Breaker / IVs: 28 / Head Smash, Superpower, Earthquake, ThunderPunch
ZANGOOSE (Lv. 81) @ Scope Lens / Adamant / Immunity / IVs: 29 / Crush Claw, Close Combat, Night Slash, Swords Dance
MAGNEZONE (Lv. 81) @ Wise Glasses / Quiet / Magnet Pull / IVs: 28 / Thunder, Hyper Beam, Flash Cannon, Signal Beam

Swimmer♂ Oscar :
QUAGSIRE (Lv. 81) @ Rindo Berry / Impish / Water Absorb / IVs: 29 / Liquidation, Earthquake, Ice Punch, Stone Edge
SLOWKING (Lv. 81) @ Expert Belt / Quiet / Own Tempo / IVs: 29 / Hydro Pump, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Psychic
TANGROWTH (Lv. 81) @ Leftovers / Adamant / Chlorophyll / IVs: 28 / Power Whip, Knock Off, Earthquake, Sleep Powder
TAUROS (Lv. 81) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Giga Impact, Zen Headbutt, Earthquake, Stone Edge
HERACROSS (Lv. 81) @ Flame Orb / Adamant / Guts / IVs: 28 / Megahorn, Stone Edge, Close Combat, Night Slash
TYPHLOSION (Lv. 81) @ Life Orb / Rash / Blaze / IVs: 31 / Blast Burn, Extrasensory, Focus Blast, ThunderPunch

Swimmer♀ Paige :
MAWILE (Lv. 81) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Intimidate / IVs: 28 / Iron Head, Swords Dance, Fire Fang, Ice Fang
POLITOED (Lv. 81) @ Wide Lens / Timid / Water Absorb / IVs: 31 / Hydro Pump, Focus Blast, Ice Beam, Hypnosis
NIDOQUEEN (Lv. 81) @ Expert Belt / Modest / Poison Point / IVs: 29 / Sludge Wave, Ice Beam, Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt
FLAREON (Lv. 81) @ Life Orb / Naughty / Flash Fire / IVs: 28 / Fire Blast, Superpower, Giga Impact, Iron Tail
GRANBULL (Lv. 81) @ Chople Berry / Jolly / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Giga Impact, Crunch, Close Combat, ThunderPunch

Sailor Zachariah :
YANMEGA (Lv. 81) @ Focus Sash / Timid / Speed Boost / IVs: 30 / Bug Buzz, Air Slash, AncientPower, Protect
FLOATZEL (Lv. 81) @ Life Orb / Naughty / Swift Swim / IVs: 31 / Liquidation, Bulk Up, Icicle Crash, Crunch
AGGRON (Lv. 81) @ Muscle Band / Brave / Rock Head / IVs: 28 / Stone Edge, Earthquake, Iron Head, Dragon Claw
CACTURNE (Lv. 81) @ Wise Glasses / Timid / Water Absorb / IVs: 29 / Dark Pulse, Nasty Plot, Energy Ball, Focus Blast
HIPPOWDON (Lv. 81) @ Leftovers / Careful / Battle Armor / IVs: 29 / Fissure, Ice Fang, Stone Edge, Thunder Fang
LICKILICKY (Lv. 81) @ Chople Berry / Rash / Own Tempo / IVs: 30 / Hyper Beam, Fire Blast, Shadow Ball, Focus Blast

Swimmer♀ Crystal :
BUTTERFREE (Lv. 81) @ Wide Lens / Timid / Compoundeyes / IVs: 30 / Bug Buzz, Sleep Powder, Energy Ball, Psychic
ALTARIA (Lv. 81) @ Yache Berry / Naive / Natural Cure / IVs: 29 / Outrage, Earthquake, Dragon Dance, Fire Blast
MEDICHAM (Lv. 81) @ Muscle Band / Naive / Pure Power / IVs: 30 / Zen Headbutt, ThunderPunch, Hi Jump Kick, Ice Punch
DITTO (Lv. 81) @ Quick Powder / Hasty / Limber / IVs: 30 / Transform, -, -, –
FROSLASS (Lv. 81) @ Sitrus Berry / Bold / Ice Body / IVs: 30 / Ice Beam, Thunder Wave, Shadow Ball, Substitute
VAPOREON (Lv. 81) @ Leftovers / Calm / Water Absorb / IVs: 29 / Scald, Wish, Ice Beam, Protect

Swimmer♀ Gabrielle :
VILEPLUME (Lv. 82) @ Black Sludge / Jolly / Chlorophyll / IVs: 29 / Seed Bomb, Swords Dance, Drain Punch, Sleep Powder
GLACEON (Lv. 82) @ Leftovers / Bold / Ice Body / IVs: 29 / Blizzard, Water Pulse, Shadow Ball, Signal Beam
GARDEVOIR (Lv. 82) @ Expert Belt / Timid / Synchronize / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Shadow Ball, Focus Blast, Thunderbolt
Swimmer♂ Wesley :
CRAWDAUNT (Lv. 82) @ Scope Lens / Adamant / Adaptability / IVs: 28 / Liquidation, Guillotine, Superpower, X-Scissor
EXPLOUD (Lv. 82) @ Life Orb / Quiet / Scrappy / IVs: 29 / Hyper Voice, Shadow Ball, Focus Blast, Fire Blast
RHYPERIOR (Lv. 82) @ Muscle Band / Brave / Solid Rock / IVs: 29 / Rock Wrecker, Horsepower, Megahorn, Avalanche

Swimmer♂ Francisco :
URSARING (Lv. 81) @ Flame Orb / Adamant / Guts / IVs: 28 / Facade, Close Combat, Swords Dance, Crunch
LEDIAN (Lv. 81) @ Focus Sash / Hasty / Swarm / IVs: 30 / Bug Buzz, Knock Off, Roost, ThunderPunch
LUNATONE (Lv. 81) @ Wise Glasses / Modest / Levitate / IVs: 30 / AncientPower, Ice Beam, Psychic, Grass Knot
TORKOAL (Lv. 81) @ Leftovers / Relaxed / Shell Armor / IVs: 29 / Heat Wave, Scorch Sands, Will-O-Wisp, Explosion
DRIFBLIM (Lv. 81) @ Life Orb / Timid / Unburden / IVs: 29 / Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt, Calm Mind, Psychic

Swimmer♂ Troy :
SMEARGLE (Lv. 82) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Own Tempo / IVs: 30 / Seismic Toss, Spore, Fake Out, Encore
GLISCOR (Lv. 82) @ Toxic Orb / Impish / Poison Heal / IVs: 30 / DualWingbeat, Swords Dance, Fire Fang, Substitute
GYARADOS (Lv. 82) @ Wacan Berry / Adamant / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Waterfall, Stone Edge, Dragon Dance, Ice Fang
Swimmer♀ Cassandra :
ROTOM-MOW (Lv. 82) @ Leftovers / Timid / Levitate / IVs: 27 / Leaf Storm, Ominous Wind, Volt Switch, Substitute
BLAZIKEN (Lv. 82) @ Life Orb / Adamant / Speed Boost / IVs: 30 / Flare Blitz, Protect, Stone Edge, Superpower
AZUMARILL (Lv. 82) @ Sitrus Berry / Jolly / Huge Power / IVs: 29 / Liquidation, Belly Drum, Ice Punch, Superpower


School Kid Tiera :
PARASECT (Lv. 80) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Dry Skin / IVs: 28 / Seed Bomb, Spore, X-Scissor, Swords Dance
RAICHU (Lv. 80) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Lightningrod / IVs: 30 / Volt Tackle, Fake Out, Knock Off, Brick Break
GOREBYSS (Lv. 80) @ Expert Belt / Timid / Swift Swim / IVs: 29 / Hydro Pump, Shadow Ball, Ice Beam, Psychic
MILOTIC (Lv. 80) @ Leftovers / Bold / Marvel Scale / IVs: 28 / Hydro Pump, Toxic, Ice Beam, Protect
TOGEKISS (Lv. 80) @ King’s Rock / Modest / Serene Grace / IVs: 30 / Air Slash, Thunder Wave, Aura Sphere, Roost
GARDEVOIR (Lv. 80) @ Life Orb / Calm / Synchronize / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Focus Blast, Calm Mind, Shadow Ball

Guitarist Jerry :
ARMALDO (Lv. 81) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Swift Swim / IVs: 30 / Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Liquidation, Earthquake
MANECTRIC (Lv. 81) @ Wise Glasses / Rash / Lightningrod / IVs: 31 / Thunder, Hyper Beam, Signal Beam, Magnet Rise
QWILFISH (Lv. 81) @ Focus Sash / Adamant / Swift Swim / IVs: 30 / Liquidation, Poison Jab, Swords Dance, Explosion
STARMIE (Lv. 81) @ Expert Belt / Modest / Natural Cure / IVs: 30 / Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Thunder, Shadow Ball
ROSERADE (Lv. 81) @ Black Sludge / Timid / Poison Point / IVs: 28 / Energy Ball, Weather Ball, Sleep Powder, Shadow Ball
MAMOSWINE (Lv. 81) @ Life Orb / Jolly / Thick Fat / IVs: 29 / Icicle Crash, Superpower, Earthquake, Stone Edge

Poké Kid Meghan :
MINUN (Lv. 81) @ Sitrus Berry / Timid / Volt Absorb / IVs: 30 / Thunder, Encore, Thunder Wave, Charm
PACHIRISU (Lv. 81) @ Leftovers / Careful / Volt Absorb / IVs: 29 / Wild Charge, Charm, Thunder Wave, Super Fang
BLASTOISE (Lv. 81) @ Expert Belt / Modest / Rain Dish / IVs: 28 / Hydro Cannon, Ice Beam, Focus Blast, Flash Cannon
School Kid Forrest :
PLUSLE (Lv. 81) @ Focus Sash / Bold / Lightningrod / IVs: 30 / Thunder, Magnet Rise, Signal Beam, Grass Knot
MISMAGIUS (Lv. 81) @ Life Orb / Timid / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Shadow Ball, Icy Wind, Thunder, Energy Ball
VENUSAUR (Lv. 81) @ Black Sludge / Calm / Chlorophyll / IVs: 28 / Frenzy Plant, Weather Ball, Sleep Powder, Sludge Bomb

Ace Trainer Destiny :
FORRETRESS (Lv. 82) @ Occa Berry / Sassy / Shell Armor / IVs: 29 / Volt Switch, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, Explosion
BLISSEY (Lv. 82) @ Leftovers / Calm / Natural Cure / IVs: 29 / Seismic Toss, Toxic, Softboiled, Protect
FROSLASS (Lv. 82) @ Sitrus Berry / Timid / Ice Body / IVs: 29 / Ice Beam, Substitute, Thunder Wave, Shadow Ball
ELECTRODE (Lv. 82) @ Wise Glasses / Modest / Static / IVs: 30 / Thunder, Signal Beam, Hyper Beam, Magnet Rise
KABUTOPS (Lv. 82) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Swift Swim / IVs: 30 / Stone Edge, Swords Dance, Liquidation, X-Scissor
SALAMENCE (Lv. 82) @ Life Orb / Naive / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Draco Meteor, Earthquake, Dragon Dance, Brick Break

Guitarist Preston :
LANTURN (Lv. 82) @ Lum Berry / Calm / Volt Absorb / IVs: 28 / Thunder, Scald, Icy Wind, Rest
TOXICROAK (Lv. 82) @ Black Sludge / Naughty / Dry Skin / IVs: 29 / Poison Jab, Cross Chop, Ice Punch, Stone Edge
SCIZOR (Lv. 82) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Technician / IVs: 30 / Bullet Punch, Superpower, Swords Dance, Bug Bite
Guitarist Lonnie :
AMPHAROS (Lv. 82) @ Expert Belt / Quiet / Static / IVs: 29 / Discharge, Focus Blast, Hyper Beam, Signal Beam
FLOATZEL (Lv. 82) @ Life Orb / Adamant / Swift Swim / IVs: 28 / Liquidation, Crunch, Icicle Crash, Low Kick
ALAKAZAM (Lv. 82) @ Focus Sash / Timid / Magic Guard / IVs: 31 / Psychic, Shadow Ball, Focus Blast, Energy Ball

Ace Trainer Zachery :
BRONZONG (Lv. 82) @ Light Clay / Sassy / Levitate / IVs: 29 / Weather Ball, Explosion, Reflect, Light Screen
JOLTEON (Lv. 82) @ Focus Sash / Timid / Volt Absorb / IVs: 29 / Thunder, Signal Beam, Shadow Ball, Magnet Rise
KINGDRA (Lv. 82) @ Haban Berry / Modest / Swift Swim / IVs: 30 / Draco Meteor, Ice Beam, Hydro Pump, Hurricane
BRELOOM (Lv. 82) @ Toxic Orb / Adamant / Poison Heal / IVs: 29 / Seed Bomb, Spore, Sky Uppercut, Stone Edge
GENGAR (Lv. 82) @ Expert Belt / Modest / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Shadow Ball, Thunder, Focus Blast, Sludge Bomb
LUXRAY (Lv. 82) @ Life Orb / Adamant / Guts / IVs: 29 / Wild Charge, Ice Fang, PsychicFangs, Superpower

Leader Volkner (Double Battle) :
ROTOM-WASH (Lv. 85) @ Rindo Berry / Calm / Levitate / IVs: 29 / Hydro Pump, Thunderbolt, Will-O-Wisp, Dark Pulse
HERACROSS (Lv. 85) @ Focus Sash / Adamant / Guts / IVs: 30 / Megahorn, Night Slash, Close Combat, Stone Edge
LUDICOLO (Lv. 85) @ Life Orb / Timid / Swift Swim / IVs: 30 / Hydro Pump, Energy Ball, Ice Beam, Focus Blast
MAGNEZONE (Lv. 85) @ Wise Glasses / Quiet / Magnet Pull / IVs: 28 / Thunder, Hyper Beam, Flash Cannon, Signal Beam
DRAGONITE (Lv. 85) @ Yache Berry / Naive / Inner Focus / IVs: 30 / Draco Meteor, Superpower, Hurricane, ExtremeSpeed
ELECTIVIRE (Lv. 85) @ Shuca Berry / Jolly / Motor Drive / IVs: 28 / Wild Charge, Cross Chop, Ice Punch, Giga Impact


[PK][MN] Trainer Jasmine (Double Battle) :
BRONZONG (Lv. 85) @ Light Clay / Sassy / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Gyro Ball, Reflect, Zen Headbutt, Light Screen
STARMIE (Lv. 85) @ Expert Belt / Modest / Natural Cure / IVs: 29 / Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Psychic
AMPHAROS (Lv. 85) @ Magnet / Modest / Static / IVs: 28 / Thunder, Hyper Beam, Focus Blast, Signal Beam
SKARMORY (Lv. 85) @ Leftovers / Impish / Keen Eye / IVs: 30 / Brave Bird, Roost, Toxic, Protect
EMPOLEON (Lv. 85) @ Salac Berry / Timid / Torrent / IVs: 30 / Hydro Cannon, Ice Beam, Flash Cannon, Grass Knot
METAGROSS (Lv. 85) @ Life Orb / Adamant / Clear Body / IVs: 28 / Meteor Mash, Ice Punch, Zen Headbutt, Bullet Punch

The level cap increases to 90.


[PK][MN] Trainer Lucas (if TURTWIG is chosen – if the player is a girl) :
CLEFABLE (Lv. 85) @ Leftovers / Hasty / Magic Guard / IVs: 31 / Seismic Toss, Stealth Rock, Softboiled, Toxic
MOTHIM (Lv. 85) @ Wise Glasses / Hasty / Swarm / IVs: 31 / Bug Buzz, Air Slash, Psychic, Shadow Ball
ABSOL (Lv. 85) @ Scope Lens / Hasty / Super Luck / IVs: 31 / Night Slash, Swords Dance, Psycho Cut, Megahorn
MAMOSWINE (Lv. 85) @ Choice Band / Hasty / Thick Fat / IVs: 31 / Earthquake, Icicle Crash, Stone Edge, Ice Shard
GALLADE (Lv. 85) @ Focus Sash / Hasty / Steadfast / IVs: 31 / Zen Headbutt, Swords Dance, Close Combat, Shadow Sneak
EMPOLEON (Lv. 85) @ Life Orb / Hasty / Torrent / IVs: 31 / Hydro Cannon, Ice Beam, Flash Cannon, Grass Knot

[PK][MN] Trainer Lucas (if CHIMCHAR is chosen – if the player is a girl) :
CLEFABLE (Lv. 85) @ Leftovers / Hasty / Magic Guard / IVs: 31 / Seismic Toss, Stealth Rock, Softboiled, Toxic
MOTHIM (Lv. 85) @ Wise Glasses / Hasty / Swarm / IVs: 31 / Bug Buzz, Air Slash, Psychic, Shadow Ball
ABSOL (Lv. 85) @ Scope Lens / Hasty / Super Luck / IVs: 31 / Night Slash, Swords Dance, Psycho Cut, Megahorn
MAMOSWINE (Lv. 85) @ Choice Band / Hasty / Thick Fat / IVs: 31 / Earthquake, Icicle Crash, Stone Edge, Ice Shard
GALLADE (Lv. 85) @ Focus Sash / Hasty / Steadfast / IVs: 31 / Zen Headbutt, Swords Dance, Close Combat, Shadow Sneak
TORTERRA (Lv. 85) @ Life Orb / Hasty / Overgrow / IVs: 31 / Wood Hammer, Stone Edge, Earthquake, Superpower

[PK][MN] Trainer Lucas (if PIPLUP is chosen – if the player is a girl) :
CLEFABLE (Lv. 85) @ Leftovers / Hasty / Magic Guard / IVs: 31 / Seismic Toss, Stealth Rock, Softboiled, Toxic
MOTHIM (Lv. 85) @ Wise Glasses / Hasty / Swarm / IVs: 31 / Bug Buzz, Air Slash, Psychic, Shadow Ball
ABSOL (Lv. 85) @ Scope Lens / Hasty / Super Luck / IVs: 31 / Night Slash, Swords Dance, Psycho Cut, Megahorn
MAMOSWINE (Lv. 85) @ Choice Band / Hasty / Thick Fat / IVs: 31 / Earthquake, Icicle Crash, Stone Edge, Ice Shard
GALLADE (Lv. 85) @ Focus Sash / Hasty / Steadfast / IVs: 31 / Zen Headbutt, Swords Dance, Close Combat, Shadow Sneak
INFERNAPE (Lv. 85) @ Life Orb / Hasty / Blaze / IVs: 31 / Flare Blitz, Stone Edge, Close Combat, U-turn

[PK][MN] Trainer Dawn (if TURTWIG is chosen – if the player is a boy) :
WORMADAM (Lv. 85) @ Wise Glasses / Timid / Anticipation / IVs: 30 / Leaf Storm, Psychic, Signal Beam, Shadow Ball
TOGEKISS (Lv. 85) @ King’s Rock / Timid / Serene Grace / IVs: 28 / Air Slash, Roost, Thunder Wave, Aura Sphere
UMBREON (Lv. 85) @ Leftovers / Calm / Synchronize / IVs: 29 / Dark Pulse, Toxic, Wish, Protect
FROSLASS (Lv. 85) @ Sitrus Berry / Bold / Ice Body / IVs: 29 / Shadow Ball, Thunder Wave, Substitute, Ice Beam
GARDEVOIR (Lv. 85) @ Focus Sash / Calm / Synchronize / IVs: 31 / Psychic, Shadow Ball, Focus Blast, Calm Mind
EMPOLEON (Lv. 85) @ Life Orb / Modest / Torrent / IVs: 29 / Hydro Cannon, Ice Beam, Flash Cannon, Grass Knot

[PK][MN] Trainer Dawn (if CHIMCHAR is chosen – if the player is a boy) :
WORMADAM (Lv. 85) @ Wise Glasses / Timid / Anticipation / IVs: 30 / Leaf Storm, Psychic, Signal Beam, Shadow Ball
TOGEKISS (Lv. 85) @ King’s Rock / Timid / Serene Grace / IVs: 28 / Air Slash, Roost, Thunder Wave, Aura Sphere
UMBREON (Lv. 85) @ Leftovers / Calm / Synchronize / IVs: 29 / Dark Pulse, Toxic, Wish, Protect
FROSLASS (Lv. 85) @ Sitrus Berry / Bold / Ice Body / IVs: 31 / Shadow Ball, Thunder Wave, Substitute, Ice Beam
GARDEVOIR (Lv. 85) @ Focus Sash / Calm / Synchronize / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Shadow Ball, Focus Blast, Calm Mind
TORTERRA (Lv. 85) @ Life Orb / Adamant / Overgrow / IVs: 28 / Wood Hammer, Stone Edge, Earthquake, Superpower

[PK][MN] Trainer Dawn (if PIPLUP is chosen – if the player is a boy) :
WORMADAM (Lv. 85) @ Wise Glasses / Timid / Anticipation / IVs: 30 / Leaf Storm, Psychic, Signal Beam, Shadow Ball
TOGEKISS (Lv. 85) @ King’s Rock / Timid / Serene Grace / IVs: 28 / Air Slash, Roost, Thunder Wave, Aura Sphere
UMBREON (Lv. 85) @ Leftovers / Calm / Synchronize / IVs: 29 / Dark Pulse, Toxic, Wish, Protect
FROSLASS (Lv. 85) @ Sitrus Berry / Bold / Ice Body / IVs: 30 / Shadow Ball, Thunder Wave, Substitute, Ice Beam
GARDEVOIR (Lv. 85) @ Focus Sash / Calm / Synchronize / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Shadow Ball, Focus Blast, Calm Mind
INFERNAPE (Lv. 85) @ Life Orb / Adamant / Blaze / IVs: 28 / Flare Blitz, Stone Edge, Close Combat, U-turn

[PK][MN] Trainer Nando :
CLEFABLE (Lv. 86) @ Damp Rock / Relaxed / Magic Guard / IVs: 30 / Thunder, Rain Dance, Stealth Rock, Psychic
ROSERADE (Lv. 86) @ Black Sludge / Timid / Poison Point / IVs: 28 / Energy Ball, Weather Ball, Sludge Bomb, Extrasensory
VAPOREON (Lv. 86) @ Leftovers / Calm / Water Absorb / IVs: 31 / Scald, Wish, Ice Beam, Rain Dance
ALTARIA (Lv. 86) @ Lum Berry / Jolly / Natural Cure / IVs: 30 / Outrage, Earthquake, Dragon Dance, DualWingbeat
GARDEVOIR (Lv. 86) @ Life Orb / Modest / Synchronize / IVs: 29 / Psychic, Energy Ball, Focus Blast, Calm Mind
KRICKETUNE (Lv. 86) @ Focus Sash / Lonely / Technician / IVs: 30 / Bug Bite, Swords Dance, Knock Off, Night Slash

[PK][MN] Trainer Mira :
ROSERADE (Lv. 86) @ Black Sludge / Timid / Poison Point / IVs: 30 / Leaf Storm, Toxic Spikes, Extrasensory, Sleep Powder
EMPOLEON (Lv. 86) @ Salac Berry / Modest / Torrent / IVs: 29 / Hydro Cannon, Grass Knot, Ice Beam, Flash Cannon
MAGMORTAR (Lv. 86) @ Expert Belt / Modest / Flame Body / IVs: 29 / Fire Blast, Thunderbolt, Psychic, Focus Blast
TOGEKISS (Lv. 86) @ King’s Rock / Timid / Serene Grace / IVs: 28 / Air Slash, Roost, Thunder Wave, Aura Sphere
GENGAR (Lv. 86) @ Life Orb / Naive / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Shadow Ball, Hypnosis, Focus Blast, Explosion
ALAKAZAM (Lv. 86) @ Focus Sash / Modest / Magic Guard / IVs: 29 / Psychic, Energy Ball, Focus Blast, Shadow Ball

[PK][MN] Trainer Conway :
SLOWKING (Lv. 87) @ Expert Belt / Quiet / Own Tempo / IVs: 30 / Scald, Ice Beam, Focus Blast, Trick Room
AMPHAROS (Lv. 87) @ Wise Glasses / Impish / Static / IVs: 30 / Thunder, Hyper Beam, Focus Blast, Signal Beam
LICKILICKY (Lv. 87) @ Life Orb / Modest / Own Tempo / IVs: 29 / Hyper Beam, Fire Blast, Shadow Ball, Focus Blast
AGGRON (Lv. 87) @ Muscle Band / Brave / Rock Head / IVs: 29 / Head Smash, Earthquake, Superpower, Dragon Claw
TANGROWTH (Lv. 87) @ Sitrus Berry / Lax / Chlorophyll / IVs: 30 / Power Whip, Knock Off, Rock Slide, Swords Dance
DUSKNOIR (Lv. 87) @ Leftovers / Jolly / Pressure / IVs: 31 / Shadow Sneak, Ice Punch, Earthquake, Trick Room

[PK][MN] Trainer Riley :
TYRANITAR (Lv. 87) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Intimidate / IVs: 31 / Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Pursuit, Outrage
URSARING (Lv. 87) @ Flame Orb / Hardy / Guts / IVs: 31 / Facade, Crunch, Close Combat, Earthquake
ABSOL (Lv. 87) @ Scope Lens / Lonely / Super Luck / IVs: 30 / Night Slash, Psycho Cut, Megahorn, Superpower
DRAGONITE (Lv. 87) @ Yache Berry / Rash / Inner Focus / IVs: 30 / Draco Meteor, ExtremeSpeed, Fire Blast, Earthquake
MAMOSWINE (Lv. 87) @ Life Orb / Jolly / Thick Fat / IVs: 29 / Icicle Crash, Stone Edge, Earthquake, Ice Shard
LUCARIO (Lv. 87) @ Focus Sash / Adamant / Inner Focus / IVs: 29 / Close Combat, Ice Punch, Swords Dance, ExtremeSpeed

[PK][MN] Trainer Rival (if TURTWIG is chosen) :
STARAPTOR (Lv. 88) @ Muscle Band / Naughty / Reckless / IVs: 30 / Brave Bird, Giga Impact, Close Combat, Roost
LUCARIO (Lv. 88) @ Focus Sash / Naughty / Inner Focus / IVs: 29 / Close Combat, Ice Punch, Swords Dance, ExtremeSpeed
FLYGON (Lv. 88) @ Yache Berry / Jolly / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Outrage, Stone Edge, Earthquake, U-turn
ALAKAZAM (Lv. 88) @ Expert Belt / Modest / Magic Guard / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Calm Mind, Focus Blast, Energy Ball
SNORLAX (Lv. 88) @ Lum Berry / Impish / Thick Fat / IVs: 30 / Giga Impact, Curse, Crunch, Rest
INFERNAPE (Lv. 88) @ Life Orb / Naughty / Blaze / IVs: 30 / Blast Burn, Stone Edge, Close Combat, U-turn

[PK][MN] Trainer Rival (if CHIMCHAR is chosen) :
STARAPTOR (Lv. 88) @ Muscle Band / Naughty / Reckless / IVs: 29 / Brave Bird, Giga Impact, Close Combat, Roost
LUCARIO (Lv. 88) @ Focus Sash / Naughty / Inner Focus / IVs: 29 / Close Combat, Ice Punch, Swords Dance, ExtremeSpeed
FLYGON (Lv. 88) @ Yache Berry / Jolly / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Outrage, Stone Edge, Earthquake, U-turn
ALAKAZAM (Lv. 88) @ Expert Belt / Modest / Magic Guard / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Calm Mind, Focus Blast, Energy Ball
SNORLAX (Lv. 88) @ Lum Berry / Impish / Thick Fat / IVs: 30 / Giga Impact, Curse, Crunch, Rest
EMPOLEON (Lv. 88) @ Life Orb / Modest / Torrent / IVs: 28 / Hydro Cannon, Grass Knot, Ice Beam, Flash Cannon

[PK][MN] Trainer Rival (if PIPLUP is chosen) :
STARAPTOR (Lv. 88) @ Muscle Band / Naughty / Reckless / IVs: 29 / Brave Bird, Giga Impact, Close Combat, Roost
LUCARIO (Lv. 88) @ Focus Sash / Naughty / Inner Focus / IVs: 31 / Close Combat, Ice Punch, Swords Dance, ExtremeSpeed
FLYGON (Lv. 88) @ Yache Berry / Jolly / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Outrage, Stone Edge, Earthquake, U-turn
ALAKAZAM (Lv. 88) @ Expert Belt / Modest / Magic Guard / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Calm Mind, Focus Blast, Energy Ball
SNORLAX (Lv. 88) @ Lum Berry / Impish / Thick Fat / IVs: 30 / Giga Impact, Curse, Crunch, Rest
TORTERRA (Lv. 88) @ Life Orb / Brave / Overgrow / IVs: 29 / Wood Hammer, Stone Edge, Earthquake, Superpower

[PK][MN] Trainer Paul :
DRAPION (Lv. 90) @ Black Sludge / Adamant / Sniper / IVs: 28 / Poison Jab, Toxic Spikes, Ice Fang, Earthquake
GYARADOS (Lv. 90) @ Wacan Berry / Adamant / Intimidate / IVs: 29 / Waterfall, Ice Fang, Dragon Dance, Stone Edge
MACHAMP (Lv. 90) @ Muscle Band / Brave / No Guard / IVs: 29 / DynamicPunch, Stone Edge, Earthquake, Payback
SALAMENCE (Lv. 90) @ Lum Berry / Naive / Intimidate / IVs: 31 / Outrage, Fire Blast, Earthquake, Dragon Dance
METAGROSS (Lv. 90) @ Focus Sash / Naughty / Clear Body / IVs: 29 / Meteor Mash, Ice Punch, Earthquake, Zen Headbutt
ELECTIVIRE (Lv. 90) @ Life Orb / Adamant / Motor Drive / IVs: 29 / Wild Charge, Earthquake, Ice Punch, Cross Chop

—-ROUTE 208—-

Fisherman Cody :
QUAGSIRE (Lv. 85) @ Rindo Berry / Calm / Water Absorb / IVs: 29 / Scald, Toxic, Ice Beam, Recover
SHUCKLE (Lv. 85) @ Leftovers / Impish / Gluttony / IVs: 30 / Knock Off, Protect, Stealth Rock, Toxic
OMASTAR (Lv. 85) @ Expert Belt / Naive / Swift Swim / IVs: 30 / Scald, Ice Beam, AncientPower, Earth Power
MIGHTYENA (Lv. 85) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Intimidate / IVs: 29 / Crunch, Super Fang, Ice Fang, Fire Fang


[PK][MN] Trainer Reggie :
JOLTEON (Lv. 90) @ Wise Glasses / Mild / Volt Absorb / IVs: 30 / Thunderbolt, Signal Beam, Shadow Ball, Hyper Beam
BRELOOM (Lv. 90) @ Toxic Orb / Adamant / Poison Heal / IVs: 30 / Spore, Seed Bomb, Superpower, Stone Edge
DRAGONITE (Lv. 90) @ Yache Berry / Jolly / Inner Focus / IVs: 30 / Outrage, Dragon Dance, Earthquake, Fire Punch
STARMIE (Lv. 90) @ Life Orb / Mild / Natural Cure / IVs: 30 / Hydro Pump, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Psychic
ARCANINE (Lv. 90) @ Leftovers / Adamant / Intimidate / IVs: 29 / Flare Blitz, Wild Charge, ExtremeSpeed, Morning Sun
STARAPTOR (Lv. 90) @ Muscle Band / Naive / Reckless / IVs: 30 / Brave Bird, Giga Impact, Close Combat, U-turn

The level cap increases to 94.

Psychic Bryce :
SPIRITOMB (Lv. 87) @ Wise Glasses / Modest / Pressure / IVs: 30 / Shadow Ball, Nasty Plot, Dark Pulse, Hypnosis
ROTOM-FAN (Lv. 87) @ Leftovers / Calm / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Air Slash, Will-O-Wisp, Volt Switch, Substitute
VENOMOTH (Lv. 87) @ Expert Belt / Modest / Tinted Lens / IVs: 30 / Bug Buzz, Energy Ball, Psychic, Shadow Ball
WOBBUFFET (Lv. 87) @ Sitrus Berry / Sassy / Shadow Tag / IVs: 30 / Counter, Encore, Mirror Coat, Safeguard
EXPLOUD (Lv. 87) @ Life Orb / Adamant / Scrappy / IVs: 29 / Giga Impact, Fire Punch, Earthquake, Crunch
DUSKNOIR (Lv. 87) @ Muscle Band / Impish / Pressure / IVs: 29 / Shadow Sneak, Ice Punch, Earthquake, Fire Punch

Bird Keeper Hana :
SWELLOW (Lv. 87) @ Flame Orb / Adamant / Guts / IVs: 30 / Facade, U-turn, Brave Bird, Roost
XATU (Lv. 87) @ Light Clay / Calm / Synchronize / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Reflect, U-turn, Light Screen
BEEDRILL (Lv. 87) @ Focus Sash / Lonely / Swarm / IVs: 30 / Poison Jab, Knock Off, X-Scissor, Swords Dance
GYARADOS (Lv. 87) @ Wacan Berry / Jolly / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Waterfall, Dragon Dance, Earthquake, Stone Edge
SKARMORY (Lv. 87) @ Leftovers / Impish / Keen Eye / IVs: 29 / Brave Bird, Whirlwind, Stealth Rock, Roost
BLAZIKEN (Lv. 87) @ Life Orb / Adamant / Speed Boost / IVs: 30 / Flare Blitz, Swords Dance, Protect, Sky Uppercut

Ace Trainer Mariah :
DRIFBLIM (Lv. 88) @ Salac Berry / Quiet / Unburden / IVs: 29 / Shadow Ball, Calm Mind, Thunderbolt, Explosion
ESPEON (Lv. 88) @ TwistedSpoon / Sassy / Synchronize / IVs: 28 / Psychic, Signal Beam, Wish, Calm Mind
NIDOQUEEN (Lv. 88) @ Expert Belt / Adamant / Poison Point / IVs: 28 / Earthquake, Toxic Spikes, Ice Punch, ThunderPunch
NINETALES (Lv. 88) @ Focus Sash / Timid / Flash Fire / IVs: 28 / Fire Blast, Nasty Plot, Extrasensory, Energy Ball
MILTANK (Lv. 88) @ Lum Berry / Sassy / Thick Fat / IVs: 28 / Giga Impact, Milk Drink, Zen Headbutt, Earthquake
MILOTIC (Lv. 88) @ Leftovers / Calm / Marvel Scale / IVs: 28 / Hydro Pump, Recover, Ice Beam, Toxic

Ace Trainer Omar :
TENTACRUEL (Lv. 88) @ Black Sludge / Sassy / Clear Body / IVs: 28 / Scald, Toxic Spikes, Ice Beam, Knock Off
PINSIR (Lv. 88) @ Muscle Band / Jolly / Hyper Cutter / IVs: 28 / Close Combat, Guillotine, Swords Dance, X-Scissor
URSARING (Lv. 88) @ Flame Orb / Adamant / Guts / IVs: 30 / Facade, Cross Chop, Earthquake, Fire Punch
HOUNDOOM (Lv. 88) @ Focus Sash / Timid / Flash Fire / IVs: 29 / Dark Pulse, Sludge Bomb, Fire Blast, Nasty Plot
MAGNEZONE (Lv. 88) @ Wise Glasses / Quiet / Magnet Pull / IVs: 31 / Thunder, Signal Beam, Flash Cannon, Explosion
MAMOSWINE (Lv. 88) @ Life Orb / Adamant / Thick Fat / IVs: 29 / Earthquake, Stone Edge, Icicle Crash, Ice Shard

Ace Trainer Sydney :
CLEFABLE (Lv. 88) @ Chople Berry / Calm / Magic Guard / IVs: 30 / Seismic Toss, Stealth Rock, Softboiled, Toxic
ALTARIA (Lv. 88) @ Lum Berry / Naive / Natural Cure / IVs: 29 / Outrage, Earthquake, Dragon Dance, Fire Blast
MISMAGIUS (Lv. 88) @ Colbur Berry / Modest / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt, Calm Mind, Will-O-Wisp
LAPRAS (Lv. 88) @ Expert Belt / Modest / Hydration / IVs: 30 / Hydro Pump, Thunderbolt, Sheer Cold, Psychic
GARDEVOIR (Lv. 88) @ Focus Sash / Timid / Synchronize / IVs: 28 / Psychic, Energy Ball, Shadow Ball, Calm Mind
TORTERRA (Lv. 88) @ Sitrus Berry / Adamant / Overgrow / IVs: 30 / Wood Hammer, Stone Edge, Earthquake, Superpower

Veteran Clayton :
ARIADOS (Lv. 89) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Sniper / IVs: 30 / Poison Jab, Toxic Spikes, Shadow Sneak, Disable
EXEGGUTOR (Lv. 89) @ Leftovers / Rash / Chlorophyll / IVs: 30 / Leaf Storm, Sleep Powder, Psychic, Explosion
MANECTRIC (Lv. 89) @ Wise Glasses / Modest / Lightningrod / IVs: 30 / Thunder, Overheat, Signal Beam, Hyper Beam
TAUROS (Lv. 89) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Giga Impact, Zen Headbutt, Earthquake, Stone Edge
MACHAMP (Lv. 89) @ Lum Berry / Brave / No Guard / IVs: 28 / DynamicPunch, Payback, Ice Punch, Earthquake
FERALIGATR (Lv. 89) @ Life Orb / Naughty / Torrent / IVs: 30 / Liquidation, Earthquake, Dragon Dance, Icicle Crash

Double Team Al & Kay (Double Battle) :
FURRET (Lv. 89) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Keen Eye / IVs: 30 / Giga Impact, Follow Me, Ice Punch, Super Fang
RAMPARDOS (Lv. 89) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Mold Breaker / IVs: 30 / Head Smash, Zen Headbutt, Focus Punch, Outrage
MANTINE (Lv. 89) @ Leftovers / Calm / Swift Swim / IVs: 30 / Scald, Toxic, Icy Wind, Substitute
JYNX (Lv. 89) @ Wide Lens / Timid / Dry Skin / IVs: 30 / Blizzard, Psychic, Ice Beam, Lovely Kiss
TANGROWTH (Lv. 89) @ Sitrus Berry / Impish / Chlorophyll / IVs: 30 / Power Whip, Swords Dance, Rock Slide, Knock Off
CHARIZARD (Lv. 89) @ Life Orb / Modest / Solar Power / IVs: 30 / Blast Burn, Dragon Pulse, Focus Blast, Air Slash

Black Belt Miles :
BRONZONG (Lv. 89) @ Light Clay / Impish / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Zen Headbutt, Reflect, Explosion, Light Screen
SHARPEDO (Lv. 89) @ Muscle Band / Jolly / Speed Boost / IVs: 30 / Liquidation, Protect, Earthquake, PsychicFangs
MAGMORTAR (Lv. 89) @ Life Orb / Modest / Flame Body / IVs: 30 / Fire Blast, Thunderbolt, Focus Blast, Psychic
RHYPERIOR (Lv. 89) @ Expert Belt / Adamant / Solid Rock / IVs: 30 / Rock Wrecker, Avalanche, Earthquake, Megahorn
WEEZING (Lv. 89) @ Black Sludge / Rash / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Sludge Bomb, Dark Pulse, Explosion, Fire Blast
LUCARIO (Lv. 89) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Inner Focus / IVs: 31 / Close Combat, Swords Dance, ExtremeSpeed, Ice Punch

Ace Trainer Henry :
DONPHAN (Lv. 90) @ Sitrus Berry / Adamant / Rock Head / IVs: 30 / Earthquake, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Ice Shard
JOLTEON (Lv. 90) @ Wise Glasses / Timid / Volt Absorb / IVs: 29 / Thunder, Hyper Beam, Shadow Ball, Signal Beam
ARCANINE (Lv. 90) @ Leftovers / Adamant / Intimidate / IVs: 31 / Flare Blitz, ExtremeSpeed, Wild Charge, Morning Sun
WALREIN (Lv. 90) @ Lum Berry / Impish / Ice Body / IVs: 30 / Liquidation, Curse, Icicle Crash, Rest
GALLADE (Lv. 90) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Steadfast / IVs: 29 / Close Combat, Swords Dance, Zen Headbutt, Ice Punch
PORYGON-Z (Lv. 90) @ Life Orb / Modest / Adaptability / IVs: 29 / Hyper Beam, Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, Ice Beam

Psychic Valencia :
CLAYDOL (Lv. 90) @ Light Clay / Relaxed / Levitate / IVs: 31 / Psychic, Light Screen, Reflect, Explosion
CLOYSTER (Lv. 90) @ Leftovers / Careful / Skill Link / IVs: 29 / Icicle Spear, Toxic Spikes, Liquidation, Explosion
DODRIO (Lv. 90) @ Muscle Band / Naughty / Early Bird / IVs: 30 / Brave Bird, Roost, Giga Impact, Pursuit
WEAVILE (Lv. 90) @ Focus Sash / Hasty / Pressure / IVs: 30 / Icicle Crash, Night Slash, Swords Dance, Low Kick
GENGAR (Lv. 90) @ Life Orb / Hasty / Levitate / IVs: 29 / Shadow Ball, Explosion, Focus Blast, Thunderbolt
VENUSAUR (Lv. 90) @ Black Sludge / Sassy / Chlorophyll / IVs: 29 / Frenzy Plant, Sleep Powder, Sludge Bomb, Earthquake

Dragon Tamer Ondrej :
AERODACTYL (Lv. 90) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Rock Head / IVs: 29 / Stone Edge, Earthquake, Thunder Fang, Stone Edge
STEELIX (Lv. 90) @ Muscle Band / Naughty / Rock Head / IVs: 29 / Earthquake, Stone Edge, Iron Tail, Explosion
YANMEGA (Lv. 90) @ Sitrus Berry / Hasty / Speed Boost / IVs: 28 / Bug Buzz, Hypnosis, Air Slash, U-turn
SCEPTILE (Lv. 90) @ Wise Glasses / Mild / Unburden / IVs: 30 / Leaf Storm, Dragon Pulse, Focus Blast, Earthquake
KINGDRA (Lv. 90) @ Haban Berry / Modest / Swift Swim / IVs: 30 / Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Draco Meteor, Hyper Beam
SALAMENCE (Lv. 90) @ Life Orb / Lonely / Intimidate / IVs: 31 / Outrage, Dragon Dance, Earthquake, Fire Blast

Double Team Jo & Pat (Double Battle) :
SWAMPERT (Lv. 91) @ Rindo Berry / Impish / Torrent / IVs: 30 / Liquidation, Icicle Crash, Horsepower, Stone Edge
RAPIDASH (Lv. 91) @ Shell Bell / Naive / Flash Fire / IVs: 29 / Flare Blitz, Drill Run, Horn Drill, Giga Impact
BLISSEY (Lv. 91) @ Leftovers / Calm / Natural Cure / IVs: 31 / Seismic Toss, Toxic, Softboiled, Protect
CRADILY (Lv. 91) @ Lum Berry / Modest / Storm Drain / IVs: 30 / Energy Ball, Sludge Bomb, Earth Power, Recover
LUXRAY (Lv. 91) @ Life Orb / Adamant / Guts / IVs: 31 / Wild Charge, Ice Fang, Superpower, Crunch
STARAPTOR (Lv. 91) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Reckless / IVs: 29 / Brave Bird, Giga Impact, Close Combat, U-turn

Veteran Edgar :
TYRANITAR (Lv. 91) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Stone Edge, Earthquake, Stealth Rock, Pursuit
CROBAT (Lv. 91) @ Black Sludge / Jolly / Inner Focus / IVs: 31 / Brave Bird, Roost, Super Fang, U-turn
ZANGOOSE (Lv. 91) @ Scope Lens / Jolly / Immunity / IVs: 30 / Close Combat, Night Slash, Crush Claw, Swords Dance
ALAKAZAM (Lv. 91) @ Expert Belt / Modest / Magic Guard / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Shadow Ball, Focus Blast, Energy Ball
HERACROSS (Lv. 91) @ Focus Sash / Adamant / Guts / IVs: 30 / Close Combat, Stone Edge, Megahorn, Night Slash
EMPOLEON (Lv. 91) @ Life Orb / Naive / Torrent / IVs: 29 / Hydro Cannon, Ice Beam, Flash Cannon, Grass Knot

Dragon Tamer Clinton :
MEGANIUM (Lv. 92) @ Light Clay / Impish / Overgrow / IVs: 30 / Seed Bomb, Reflect, Earthquake, Light Screen
KANGASKHAN (Lv. 92) @ Muscle Band / Brave / Scrappy / IVs: 28 / Giga Impact, Crunch, Earthquake, Fake Out
OCTILLERY (Lv. 92) @ Expert Belt / Modest / Sniper / IVs: 30 / Water Spout, Energy Ball, Ice Beam, Fire Blast
FLYGON (Lv. 92) @ Life Orb / Hasty / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Draco Meteor, Fire Blast, Earth Power, U-turn
NIDOKING (Lv. 92) @ Black Sludge / Hasty / Poison Point / IVs: 30 / Earthquake, Stone Edge, Ice Punch, Superpower
DRAGONITE (Lv. 92) @ Yache Berry / Jolly / Inner Focus / IVs: 28 / Outrage, Fire Punch, Dragon Dance, ExtremeSpeed

[PK][MN] Trainer Marley :
CROBAT (Lv. 94) @ Sharp Beak / Lonely / Inner Focus / IVs: 30 / Brave Bird, Roost, Super Fang, U-turn
DUGTRIO (Lv. 94) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Arena Trap / IVs: 29 / Fissure, Night Slash, Stone Edge, Aerial Ace
JOLTEON (Lv. 94) @ Wise Glasses / Naive / Volt Absorb / IVs: 28 / Thunder, Signal Beam, Hyper Beam, Shadow Ball
STARMIE (Lv. 94) @ Expert Belt / Timid / Natural Cure / IVs: 29 / Hydro Pump, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Psychic
WEAVILE (Lv. 94) @ Focus Sash / Adamant / Pressure / IVs: 30 / Night Slash, Swords Dance, Icicle Crash, Low Kick
ARCANINE (Lv. 94) @ Life Orb / Adamant / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Flare Blitz, ExtremeSpeed, Wild Charge, Outrage

The level cap increases to 99.

[PK][MN] Trainer Marley (ally) :
ARCANINE (Lv. 94) @ Life Orb / Brave / Intimidate / IVs: 28 / Flare Blitz, Wild Charge, ExtremeSpeed, Outrage
WEAVILE (Lv. 94) @ Focus Sash / Hasty / Pressure / IVs: 30 / Icicle Crash, Low Kick, Night Slash, Swords Dance
STARMIE (Lv. 94) @ Expert Belt / Serious / Natural Cure / IVs: 30 / Hydro Pump, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Psychic

Ace Trainer Micah :
QUAGSIRE (Lv. 90) @ Rindo Berry / Bold / Water Absorb / IVs: 30 / Scald, Icy Wind, Earth Power, Toxic
GRANBULL (Lv. 90) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Giga Impact, Crunch, Close Combat, ThunderPunch
HARIYAMA (Lv. 90) @ Flame Orb / Adamant / Guts / IVs: 31 / Close Combat, Payback, Stone Edge, Ice Punch
Ace Trainer Brandi :
FLAREON (Lv. 90) @ Shell Bell / Adamant / Flash Fire / IVs: 29 / Fire Fang, Giga Impact, Superpower, Iron Tail
UMBREON (Lv. 90) @ Leftovers / Bold / Synchronize / IVs: 30 / Dark Pulse, Toxic, Protect, Wish
ALTARIA (Lv. 90) @ Life Orb / Timid / Natural Cure / IVs: 30 / Draco Meteor, Roost, Fire Blast, Ice Beam

Ace Trainer Arthur :
ARMALDO (Lv. 92) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Swift Swim / IVs: 30 / Stone Edge, Liquidation, X-Scissor, Superpower
EXEGGUTOR (Lv. 92) @ Life Orb / Timid / Chlorophyll / IVs: 29 / Leaf Storm, Sleep Powder, Psychic, Sludge Bomb
ELECTRODE (Lv. 92) @ Magnet / Timid / Static / IVs: 29 / Thunder, Hyper Beam, Signal Beam, Magnet Rise
Ace Trainer Clarice :
GASTRODON (Lv. 92) @ Rindo Berry / Calm / Storm Drain / IVs: 29 / Scald, Toxic, Icy Wind, Earth Power
DODRIO (Lv. 92) @ Sharp Beak / Jolly / Early Bird / IVs: 30 / Brave Bird, Giga Impact, Knock Off, Roost
SUDOWOODO (Lv. 92) @ Expert Belt / Adamant / Rock Head / IVs: 28 / Wood Hammer, Fire Punch, Stone Edge, ThunderPunch

Dragon Tamer Joe :
CHARIZARD (Lv. 92) @ Sitrus Berry / Hasty / Solar Power / IVs: 29 / Flare Blitz, Belly Drum, Dragon Claw, ThunderPunch
BLASTOISE (Lv. 92) @ Life Orb / Modest / Rain Dish / IVs: 31 / Hydro Cannon, Focus Blast, Ice Beam, Flash Cannon
NIDOKING (Lv. 92) @ Expert Belt / Jolly / Poison Point / IVs: 30 / Megahorn, Ice Punch, Horsepower, Superpower
Bird Keeper Autumn :
FLYGON (Lv. 92) @ None / Mild / Levitate / IVs: 28 / Earth Power, U-turn, Draco Meteor, Fire Blast
CHATOT (Lv. 92) @ Wise Glasses / Modest / Keen Eye / IVs: 28 / Hyper Voice, Roost, Heat Wave, Ominous Wind
JUMPLUFF (Lv. 92) @ Big Root / Timid / Chlorophyll / IVs: 28 / Substitute, Giga Drain, Leech Seed, Sleep Powder

Psychic Desiree :
YANMEGA (Lv. 93) @ Wise Glasses / Timid / Speed Boost / IVs: 30 / Bug Buzz, Protect, Air Slash, AncientPower
LUDICOLO (Lv. 93) @ Expert Belt / Timid / Swift Swim / IVs: 30 / Energy Ball, Ice Beam, Hydro Pump, Focus Blast
GARDEVOIR (Lv. 93) @ Life Orb / Timid / Synchronize / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Focus Blast, Energy Ball, Thunderbolt
Psychic Landon :
BANETTE (Lv. 93) @ Sitrus Berry / Adamant / Insomnia / IVs: 30 / Shadow Claw, Will-O-Wisp, Knock Off, Icy Wind
GLALIE (Lv. 93) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Ice Body / IVs: 29 / Icicle Crash, Super Fang, Crunch, Explosion
GALLADE (Lv. 93) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Steadfast / IVs: 29 / Close Combat, Shadow Sneak, Zen Headbutt, Leaf Blade

Black Belt Eddie :
PRIMEAPE (Lv. 93) @ Muscle Band / Jolly / Vital Spirit / IVs: 30 / Close Combat, Ice Punch, ThunderPunch, U-turn
CLOYSTER (Lv. 93) @ Leftovers / Calm / Skill Link / IVs: 29 / Scald, Toxic Spikes, Ice Beam, Spikes
MUK (Lv. 93) @ Black Sludge / Adamant / Sticky Hold / IVs: 30 / Gunk Shot, Ice Punch, Shadow Sneak, PowerUpPunch
Veteran Terrell :
SLOWKING (Lv. 94) @ Expert Belt / Modest / Own Tempo / IVs: 29 / Scald, Focus Blast, Fire Blast, Ice Beam
RHYPERIOR (Lv. 94) @ Life Orb / Adamant / Solid Rock / IVs: 30 / Rock Wrecker, Megahorn, Horsepower, Avalanche
URSARING (Lv. 94) @ Flame Orb / Adamant / Guts / IVs: 30 / Facade, Horsepower, Close Combat, Night Slash

Psychic Kendra :
CHIMECHO (Lv. 94) @ Focus Sash / Bold / Levitate / IVs: 29 / Psychic, Light Screen, Thunder Wave, Reflect
MAWILE (Lv. 94) @ Expert Belt / Impish / Intimidate / IVs: 29 / Iron Head, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang
GENGAR (Lv. 94) @ Life Orb / Timid / Levitate / IVs: 29 / Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt, Focus Blast, Sludge Bomb
Psychic Deandre :
CRAWDAUNT (Lv. 94) @ Muscle Band / Jolly / Adaptability / IVs: 30 / Liquidation, Guillotine, Superpower, Swords Dance
ROTOM-FROST (Lv. 94) @ Leftovers / Modest / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Blizzard, Will-O-Wisp, Thunderbolt, Protect
ROSERADE (Lv. 94) @ Black Sludge / Timid / Poison Point / IVs: 28 / Sludge Bomb, Extrasensory, Energy Ball, Shadow Ball

Black Belt Willie :
PROBOPASS (Lv. 94) @ Sitrus Berry / Modest / Magnet Pull / IVs: 29 / Earth Power, Thunder Wave, Flash Cannon, Stealth Rock
TYPHLOSION (Lv. 94) @ Wise Glasses / Timid / Blaze / IVs: 29 / Eruption, Extrasensory, Focus Blast, Blast Burn
MACHAMP (Lv. 94) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / No Guard / IVs: 30 / DynamicPunch, Stone Edge, Payback, Ice Punch
Veteran Brenden :
KINGDRA (Lv. 94) @ Haban Berry / Timid / Swift Swim / IVs: 29 / Draco Meteor, Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Hyper Beam
TOGEKISS (Lv. 94) @ King’s Rock / Timid / Serene Grace / IVs: 29 / Air Slash, Flamethrower, Aura Sphere, Roost
ELECTIVIRE (Lv. 94) @ Life Orb / Adamant / Motor Drive / IVs: 31 / Wild Charge, Ice Punch, Cross Chop, Giga Impact

—-ROUTE 224—-

Ace Trainer Ruben :
PIDGEOT (Lv. 95) @ Shell Bell / Jolly / Keen Eye / IVs: 30 / Brave Bird, U-turn, Giga Impact, Pursuit
LANTURN (Lv. 95) @ Rindo Berry / Calm / Volt Absorb / IVs: 28 / Hydro Pump, Icy Wind, Thunderbolt, Protect
SCIZOR (Lv. 95) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Technician / IVs: 28 / Bullet Punch, Pursuit, Bug Bite, Superpower
Veteran Armando :
SHIFTRY (Lv. 95) @ Life Orb / Hasty / Chlorophyll / IVs: 30 / Leaf Storm, Shadow Ball, Focus Blast, Icy Wind
HIPPOWDON (Lv. 95) @ Leftovers / Impish / Battle Armor / IVs: 30 / Fissure, Ice Fang, Stone Edge, Fire Fang
TOXICROAK (Lv. 95) @ Focus Sash / Adamant / Dry Skin / IVs: 29 / Poison Jab, Swords Dance, Cross Chop, ThunderPunch

Psychic Brittney :
HYPNO (Lv. 95) @ Life Orb / Timid / Insomnia / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Shadow Ball, Focus Blast, Grass Knot
DRIFBLIM (Lv. 95) @ Salac Berry / Timid / Unburden / IVs: 31 / Shadow Ball, Calm Mind, Thunderbolt, Will-O-Wisp
HONCHKROW (Lv. 95) @ Scope Lens / Hasty / Super Luck / IVs: 30 / Night Slash, Superpower, Brave Bird, Roost
Black Belt Carl :
HITMONTOP (Lv. 95) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Technician / IVs: 30 / Close Combat, Bullet Punch, Stone Edge, Aerial Ace
SLAKING (Lv. 95) @ Chople Berry / Jolly / Truant / IVs: 30 / Giga Impact, Night Slash, Fire Punch, Horsepower
SWALOT (Lv. 95) @ Black Sludge / Adamant / Sticky Hold / IVs: 30 / Gunk Shot, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Explosion

Psychic Maxwell :
MR. MIME (Lv. 96) @ Light Clay / Calm / Filter / IVs: 31 / Psychic, Light Screen, Focus Blast, Reflect
SABLEYE (Lv. 96) @ Lum Berry / Impish / Keen Eye / IVs: 29 / Knock Off, Will-O-Wisp, Recover, Shadow Sneak
ABOMASNOW (Lv. 96) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Soundproof / IVs: 30 / Icicle Crash, Earthquake, Wood Hammer, Swords Dance
SHEDINJA (Lv. 96) @ Focus Sash / Adamant / Wonder Guard / IVs: 29 / Shadow Sneak, Swords Dance, X-Scissor, Will-O-Wisp
ROTOM-HEAT (Lv. 96) @ Leftovers / Modest / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Overheat, Substitute, Thunderbolt, Will-O-Wisp
METAGROSS (Lv. 96) @ Life Orb / Adamant / Clear Body / IVs: 31 / Meteor Mash, Zen Headbutt, Earthquake, Ice Punch

Ruin Maniac Larry :
FORRETRESS (Lv. 96) @ Occa Berry / Relaxed / Shell Armor / IVs: 30 / Volt Switch, Toxic Spikes, Explosion, Stealth Rock
GIRAFARIG (Lv. 96) @ Expert Belt / Modest / Inner Focus / IVs: 29 / Psychic, Thunderbolt, Energy Ball, Signal Beam
KABUTOPS (Lv. 96) @ Focus Sash / Adamant / Swift Swim / IVs: 29 / Liquidation, Swords Dance, Stone Edge, X-Scissor
LEAFEON (Lv. 96) @ Scope Lens / Adamant / Leaf Guard / IVs: 29 / Leaf Blade, Swords Dance, X-Scissor, Giga Impact
FROSLASS (Lv. 96) @ Leftovers / Calm / Ice Body / IVs: 29 / Shadow Ball, Thunder Wave, Blizzard, Substitute
GLISCOR (Lv. 96) @ Toxic Orb / Adamant / Poison Heal / IVs: 31 / Earthquake, Substitute, Swords Dance, Fire Fang

Ace Trainer Jamie :
SMEARGLE (Lv. 97) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Own Tempo / IVs: 30 / Explosion, Spore, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock
MILOTIC (Lv. 97) @ Leftovers / Calm / Marvel Scale / IVs: 30 / Scald, Recover, Ice Beam, Mirror Coat
MAGNEZONE (Lv. 97) @ Wise Glasses / Rash / Magnet Pull / IVs: 30 / Thunder, Explosion, Flash Cannon, Signal Beam
ESPEON (Lv. 97) @ Life Orb / Calm / Synchronize / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Wish, Calm Mind, Signal Beam
INFERNAPE (Lv. 97) @ Expert Belt / Naive / Blaze / IVs: 29 / Close Combat, ThunderPunch, Blast Burn, Stone Edge
DRAGONITE (Lv. 97) @ Lum Berry / Naive / Inner Focus / IVs: 30 / Outrage, Fire Blast, Dragon Dance, ExtremeSpeed

Dragon Tamer Hayden :
GYARADOS (Lv. 97) @ Wacan Berry / Hardy / Intimidate / IVs: 29 / Waterfall, Stone Edge, Earthquake, Ice Fang
WEAVILE (Lv. 97) @ Focus Sash / Hasty / Pressure / IVs: 30 / Night Slash, Swords Dance, Icicle Crash, Aerial Ace
MAGNEZONE (Lv. 97) @ Wise Glasses / Bold / Magnet Pull / IVs: 30 / Thunder, Signal Beam, Flash Cannon, Magnet Rise
GLISCOR (Lv. 97) @ Toxic Orb / Impish / Poison Heal / IVs: 29 / Earthquake, Fire Fang, Substitute, Roost
TYRANITAR (Lv. 97) @ Muscle Band / Brave / Intimidate / IVs: 28 / Stone Edge, Superpower, Crunch, Dragon Claw
SALAMENCE (Lv. 97) @ Lum Berry / Jolly / Intimidate / IVs: 31 / Outrage, Fire Fang, Dragon Dance, Earthquake

Professor Rowan :
STARAPTOR (Lv. 99) @ Shell Bell / Lonely / Reckless / IVs: 30 / Brave Bird, Giga Impact, Close Combat, U-turn
LUXRAY (Lv. 99) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Guts / IVs: 30 / Wild Charge, Ice Fang, Superpower, Crunch
MAMOSWINE (Lv. 99) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Thick Fat / IVs: 29 / Earthquake, Stone Edge, Icicle Crash, Ice Shard
EMPOLEON (Lv. 99) @ Expert Belt / Timid / Torrent / IVs: 29 / Hydro Cannon, Ice Beam, Flash Cannon, Grass Knot
INFERNAPE (Lv. 99) @ Life Orb / Naive / Blaze / IVs: 29 / Blast Burn, Grass Knot, Focus Blast, U-turn
TORTERRA (Lv. 99) @ Leftovers / Brave / Overgrow / IVs: 29 / Wood Hammer, Stone Edge, Earthquake, Superpower

The level cap increases to 100.


Elite Four Aaron (Rain) :
ARMALDO (Lv. 100) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Swift Swim / IVs: 28 / Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Liquidation, Superpower
KABUTOPS (Lv. 100) @ Focus Sash / Adamant / Swift Swim / IVs: 29 / Liquidation, Swords Dance, Stone Edge, X-Scissor
HERACROSS (Lv. 100) @ Flame Orb / Jolly / Guts / IVs: 30 / Megahorn, Stone Edge, Close Combat, Night Slash
LUDICOLO (Lv. 100) @ Expert Belt / Modest / Swift Swim / IVs: 30 / Energy Ball, Ice Beam, Hydro Pump, Focus Blast
SCIZOR (Lv. 100) @ Metal Coat / Adamant / Technician / IVs: 28 / Bullet Punch, Pursuit, Swords Dance, Superpower
DRAPION (Lv. 100) @ Life Orb / Impish / Sniper / IVs: 30 / Crunch, Aqua Tail, Earthquake, Swords Dance

Elite Four Bertha (Sandstorm) :
CLEFABLE (Lv. 100) @ Chople Berry / Bold / Magic Guard / IVs: 30 / Seismic Toss, Stealth Rock, Toxic, Protect
GLISCOR (Lv. 100) @ Toxic Orb / Jolly / Poison Heal / IVs: 30 / Earthquake, Swords Dance, Thunder Fang, Roost
ALAKAZAM (Lv. 100) @ Life Orb / Timid / Magic Guard / IVs: 28 / Psychic, Signal Beam, Focus Blast, Energy Ball
SKARMORY (Lv. 100) @ Leftovers / Careful / Keen Eye / IVs: 29 / Brave Bird, Spikes, Whirlwind, Roost
SWAMPERT (Lv. 100) @ Rindo Berry / Quiet / Torrent / IVs: 30 / Hydro Pump, Stealth Rock, Ice Beam, Earthquake
TYRANITAR (Lv. 100) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Intimidate / IVs: 29 / Stone Edge, Crunch, Earthquake, Dragon Dance

Elite Four Flint (Sun) :
INFERNAPE (Lv. 100) @ Expert Belt / Hasty / Blaze / IVs: 29 / Blast Burn, Stealth Rock, Close Combat, U-turn
RHYPERIOR (Lv. 100) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Solid Rock / IVs: 29 / Earthquake, Horn Drill, Stone Edge, Fire Punch
GENGAR (Lv. 100) @ Focus Sash / Hasty / Levitate / IVs: 29 / Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt, Focus Blast, Explosion
FLYGON (Lv. 100) @ Yache Berry / Naive / Levitate / IVs: 31 / Earthquake, U-turn, Draco Meteor, Fire Blast
VENUSAUR (Lv. 100) @ Life Orb / Modest / Chlorophyll / IVs: 29 / Frenzy Plant, Synthesis, Sludge Bomb, Sleep Powder
BLAZIKEN (Lv. 100) @ Leftovers / Jolly / Speed Boost / IVs: 29 / Flare Blitz, Protect, ThunderPunch, Swords Dance

Elite Four Lucian :
BRONZONG (Lv. 100) @ Light Clay / Relaxed / Levitate / IVs: 31 / Gyro Ball, Reflect, Explosion, Light Screen
ROTOM-WASH (Lv. 100) @ Leftovers / Modest / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Hydro Pump, Will-O-Wisp, Volt Switch, Pain Split
TOGEKISS (Lv. 100) @ King’s Rock / Timid / Serene Grace / IVs: 28 / Air Slash, Nasty Plot, Aura Sphere, Roost
GALLADE (Lv. 100) @ Focus Sash / Adamant / Steadfast / IVs: 29 / Close Combat, Zen Headbutt, Swords Dance, Night Slash
DRAGONITE (Lv. 100) @ Life Orb / Jolly / Inner Focus / IVs: 28 / Outrage, Dragon Dance, ExtremeSpeed, Fire Punch
METAGROSS (Lv. 100) @ Lum Berry / Jolly / Clear Body / IVs: 31 / Meteor Mash, Zen Headbutt, Earthquake, Explosion

Champion Cynthia :
SPIRITOMB (Lv. 100) @ Lum Berry / Bold / Pressure / IVs: 30 / Dark Pulse, Rest, Will-O-Wisp, Shadow Ball
ROSERADE (Lv. 100) @ Black Sludge / Modest / Poison Point / IVs: 31 / Leaf Storm, Toxic Spikes, Spikes, Extrasensory
LUCARIO (Lv. 100) @ Focus Sash / Adamant / Inner Focus / IVs: 30 / Close Combat, Swords Dance, ExtremeSpeed, Ice Punch
MILOTIC (Lv. 100) @ Leftovers / Bold / Marvel Scale / IVs: 29 / Scald, Ice Beam, Recover, Dragon Pulse
GARCHOMP (Lv. 100) @ Life Orb / Adamant / Rough Skin / IVs: 30 / Dragon Claw, Stone Edge, Earthquake, Swords Dance
RAYQUAZA (Lv. 100) @ Yache Berry / Naughty / Air Lock / IVs: 29 / Outrage, Dragon Dance, Earthquake, Overheat

—-POSTGAME (After starting Operation AZURE)—-


Veteran Fuego :
AERODACTYL (Lv. 95) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Rock Head / IVs: 30 / Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Earthquake, DualWingbeat
MACHAMP (Lv. 95) @ Lum Berry / Adamant / No Guard / IVs: 29 / DynamicPunch, Stone Edge, Payback, Ice Punch
MAGMORTAR (Lv. 95) @ Life Orb / Timid / Flame Body / IVs: 30 / Fire Blast, Focus Blast, SolarBeam, Thunderbolt
EXEGGUTOR (Lv. 95) @ Wide Lens / Timid / Chlorophyll / IVs: 29 / SolarBeam, Sleep Powder, Psychic, Synthesis
NIDOKING (Lv. 95) @ Expert Belt / Modest / Poison Point / IVs: 30 / Earth Power, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Shadow Ball
CHARIZARD (Lv. 95) @ Charti Berry / Naughty / Solar Power / IVs: 30 / Flare Blitz, Earthquake, Dragon Dance, ThunderPunch


[PK][MN] Trainer Jasmine (Double Battle) :
BRONZONG (Lv. 100) @ Light Clay / Brave / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Gyro Ball, Reflect, Zen Headbutt, Light Screen
STARMIE (Lv. 100) @ Expert Belt / Timid / Natural Cure / IVs: 30 / Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Psychic
RAIKOU (Lv. 100) @ Focus Sash / Naive / Pressure / IVs: 30 / Thunder, Aura Sphere, Shadow Ball, ExtremeSpeed
SKARMORY (Lv. 100) @ Leftovers / Impish / Keen Eye / IVs: 30 / Brave Bird, Roost, Toxic, Protect
EMPOLEON (Lv. 100) @ Salac Berry / Modest / Torrent / IVs: 28 / Hydro Cannon, Ice Beam, Flash Cannon, Grass Knot
METAGROSS (Lv. 100) @ Life Orb / Jolly / Clear Body / IVs: 30 / Meteor Mash, Ice Punch, Zen Headbutt, Bullet Punch


Commander Saturn :
BRONZONG (Lv. 100) @ Light Clay / Relaxed / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Explosion, Reflect, Light Screen
ROTOM-FROST (Lv. 100) @ Life Orb / Modest / Levitate / IVs: 29 / Blizzard, Will-O-Wisp, Volt Switch, Shadow Ball
MAGNEZONE (Lv. 100) @ Magnet / Quiet / Magnet Pull / IVs: 28 / Thunder, Flash Cannon, Explosion, Signal Beam
PORYGON-Z (Lv. 100) @ Wise Glasses / Modest / Adaptability / IVs: 30 / Hyper Beam, Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam
SUICUNE (Lv. 100) @ Leftovers / Calm / Pressure / IVs: 29 / Hydro Pump, Calm Mind, Ice Beam, Rest
TOXICROAK (Lv. 100) @ Focus Sash / Adamant / Dry Skin / IVs: 30 / Cross Chop, Swords Dance, Knock Off, Ice Punch


[PK][MN] Trainer Brandon :
BRONZONG (Lv. 100) @ Light Clay / Careful / Levitate / IVs: 29 / Gyro Ball, Light Screen, Earthquake, Reflect
DUSKNOIR (Lv. 100) @ Lum Berry / Impish / Pressure / IVs: 31 / Shadow Sneak, Will-O-Wisp, Earthquake, Pain Split
NIDOKING (Lv. 100) @ Expert Belt / Timid / Poison Point / IVs: 30 / Earth Power, Focus Blast, Fire Blast, Ice Beam
FLYGON (Lv. 100) @ Life Orb / Hasty / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Draco Meteor, U-turn, Earthquake, Stone Edge
TYRANITAR (Lv. 100) @ Shuca Berry / Adamant / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Stone Edge, Crunch, Dragon Claw, Superpower
REGICE (Lv. 100) @ Leftovers / Calm / Clear Body / IVs: 30 / Ice Beam, Toxic, Thunderbolt, Protect


[PK][MN] Trainer Memory :
DRAPION (Lv. 100) @ Shuca Berry / Adamant / Sniper / IVs: 29 / Poison Jab, Toxic Spikes, Earthquake, Ice Fang
BRELOOM (Lv. 100) @ Toxic Orb / Lonely / Poison Heal / IVs: 30 / Seed Bomb, Spore, Superpower, Stone Edge
HERACROSS (Lv. 100) @ Flame Orb / Adamant / Guts / IVs: 29 / Close Combat, Facade, Megahorn, Stone Edge
GENGAR (Lv. 100) @ Focus Sash / Rash / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt, Focus Blast, Explosion
TYPHLOSION (Lv. 100) @ Life Orb / Modest / Blaze / IVs: 28 / Eruption, Extrasensory, Focus Blast, Hyper Beam
TORTERRA (Lv. 100) @ Leftovers / Brave / Overgrow / IVs: 30 / Wood Hammer, Stone Edge, Earthquake, Superpower

[PK][MN] Trainer Wallace :
KYOGRE (Lv. 100) @ Lum Berry / Modest / Drizzle / IVs: 31 / Water Spout, Sheer Cold, Thunder, Rest
TENTACRUEL (Lv. 100) @ Black Sludge / Calm / Clear Body / IVs: 30 / Scald, Toxic Spikes, Ice Beam, Protect
GYARADOS (Lv. 100) @ Wacan Berry / Jolly / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Waterfall, Stone Edge, Dragon Dance, Earthquake
LUDICOLO (Lv. 100) @ Expert Belt / Modest / Swift Swim / IVs: 30 / Hydro Pump, Energy Ball, Ice Beam, Focus Blast
SWAMPERT (Lv. 100) @ Rindo Berry / Impish / Torrent / IVs: 30 / Liquidation, Ice Punch, Earthquake, Mirror Coat
MILOTIC (Lv. 100) @ Leftovers / Calm / Marvel Scale / IVs: 30 / Scald, Recover, Ice Beam, Protect


[PK][MN] Trainer Steven :
DEOXYS (Lv. 100) @ Focus Sash / Naive / Pressure / IVs: 29 / Shadow Ball, Stealth Rock, ExtremeSpeed, Spikes
STARMIE (Lv. 100) @ Expert Belt / Timid / Natural Cure / IVs: 31 / Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Recover
AERODACTYL (Lv. 100) @ Life Orb / Adamant / Rock Head / IVs: 30 / Earthquake, Roost, Stone Edge, DualWingbeat
METAGROSS (Lv. 100) @ Lum Berry / Jolly / Clear Body / IVs: 29 / Meteor Mash, Zen Headbutt, Explosion, Earthquake
JIRACHI (Lv. 100) @ King’s Rock / Adamant / Serene Grace / IVs: 30 / Iron Head, U-turn, Thunder Wave, Wish
MEWTWO (Lv. 100) @ Leftovers / Timid / Pressure / IVs: 28 / Aura Sphere, Calm Mind, Ice Beam, Shadow Ball


Galactic Boss Cyrus :
DEOXYS (Lv. 100) @ Focus Sash / Hasty / Pressure / IVs: 29 / Shadow Ball, Stealth Rock, ExtremeSpeed, Spikes
GYARADOS (Lv. 100) @ Wacan Berry / Jolly / Intimidate / IVs: 28 / Waterfall, Earthquake, Dragon Dance, Stone Edge
SALAMENCE (Lv. 100) @ Yache Berry / Rash / Intimidate / IVs: 29 / Draco Meteor, Earthquake, Fire Blast, Thunder Fang
METAGROSS (Lv. 100) @ Life Orb / Jolly / Clear Body / IVs: 30 / Meteor Mash, Zen Headbutt, Earthquake, Explosion
WEAVILE (Lv. 100) @ Muscle Band / Jolly / Pressure / IVs: 29 / Night Slash, Low Kick, Icicle Crash, Ice Shard
GIRATINA (Lv. 100) @ Leftovers / Bold / Pressure / IVs: 30 / Dragon Pulse, Rest, Calm Mind, Sleep Talk


[PK][MN] Trainer Rival (if TURTWIG is chosen) :
STARAPTOR (Lv. 100) @ Muscle Band / Jolly / Reckless / IVs: 29 / Close Combat, Brave Bird, Giga Impact, U-turn
SNORLAX (Lv. 100) @ Lum Berry / Careful / Thick Fat / IVs: 30 / Giga Impact, Rest, Crunch, Curse
INFERNAPE (Lv. 100) @ Life Orb / Hasty / Blaze / IVs: 30 / Blast Burn, ThunderPunch, Close Combat, Stone Edge

[PK][MN] Trainer Rival (if CHIMCHAR is chosen) :
STARAPTOR (Lv. 100) @ Muscle Band / Jolly / Reckless / IVs: 29 / Close Combat, Brave Bird, Giga Impact, U-turn
SNORLAX (Lv. 100) @ Lum Berry / Careful / Thick Fat / IVs: 29 / Giga Impact, Rest, Crunch, Curse
EMPOLEON (Lv. 100) @ Life Orb / Modest / Torrent / IVs: 30 / Hydro Cannon, Ice Beam, Flash Cannon, Grass Knot

[PK][MN] Trainer Rival (if PIPLUP is chosen) :
STARAPTOR (Lv. 100) @ Muscle Band / Jolly / Reckless / IVs: 29 / Close Combat, Brave Bird, Giga Impact, U-turn
SNORLAX (Lv. 100) @ Lum Berry / Careful / Thick Fat / IVs: 30 / Giga Impact, Rest, Crunch, Curse
TORTERRA (Lv. 100) @ Leftovers / Jolly / Overgrow / IVs: 30 / Wood Hammer, Superpower, Stone Edge, Crunch

Leader Volkner :
ELECTIVIRE (Lv. 100) @ Shuca Berry / Jolly / Motor Drive / IVs: 28 / Wild Charge, Cross Chop, Ice Punch, Giga Impact
ROTOM-WASH (Lv. 100) @ Sitrus Berry / Timid / Levitate / IVs: 28 / Hydro Pump, Will-O-Wisp, Thunderbolt, Substitute
ZAPDOS (Lv. 100) @ Leftovers / Quiet / Pressure / IVs: 29 / Thunderbolt, Roost, Heat Wave, Extrasensory
Elite Four Flint :
INFERNAPE (Lv. 100) @ Life Orb / Naive / Blaze / IVs: 30 / Blast Burn, U-turn, Close Combat, Grass Knot
BLAZIKEN (Lv. 100) @ Shell Bell / Adamant / Speed Boost / IVs: 30 / Flare Blitz, ThunderPunch, Superpower, Protect
MOLTRES (Lv. 100) @ Charti Berry / Modest / Pressure / IVs: 30 / Fire Blast, Air Slash, Tailwind, Roost


Tower Tycoon Palmer :
REGIGIGAS (Lv. 100) @ Chople Berry / Impish / Slow Start / IVs: 28 / Giga Impact, Knock Off, Confuse Ray, Toxic
RHYPERIOR (Lv. 100) @ Muscle Band / Brave / Solid Rock / IVs: 30 / Rock Wrecker, Megahorn, Earthquake, Aqua Tail
MILOTIC (Lv. 100) @ Leftovers / Bold / Marvel Scale / IVs: 29 / Hydro Pump, Recover, Ice Beam, Toxic
DRAGONITE (Lv. 100) @ Life Orb / Adamant / Inner Focus / IVs: 29 / Outrage, Fire Punch, Dragon Dance, ExtremeSpeed
CRESSELIA (Lv. 100) @ Lum Berry / Bold / Levitate / IVs: 29 / Ice Beam, Moonlight, Toxic, Psychic
HEATRAN (Lv. 100) @ Focus Sash / Rash / Flash Fire / IVs: 30 / Fire Blast, Earth Power, Explosion, Dragon Pulse

Hall Matron Argenta :
GENGAR (Lv. 100) @ Expert Belt / Naive / Levitate / IVs: 28 / Shadow Ball, Sludge Bomb, Focus Blast, Thunderbolt
TOGEKISS (Lv. 100) @ Life Orb / Timid / Serene Grace / IVs: 28 / Air Slash, Nasty Plot, Aura Sphere, Roost
WEAVILE (Lv. 100) @ Focus Sash / Naughty / Pressure / IVs: 29 / Night Slash, Swords Dance, Icicle Crash, Low Kick
RAIKOU (Lv. 100) @ Wise Glasses / Modest / Pressure / IVs: 30 / Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, Aura Sphere, Hyper Beam
JIRACHI (Lv. 100) @ Leftovers / Impish / Serene Grace / IVs: 28 / Iron Head, Wish, Thunder Wave, Fire Punch
LATIAS (Lv. 100) @ Soul Dew / Timid / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Draco Meteor, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Recover

Factory Head Thorton :
DEOXYS (Lv. 100) @ Light Clay / Timid / Pressure / IVs: 30 / Psycho Boost, Reflect, Ice Beam, Light Screen
ROTOM-WASH (Lv. 100) @ Sitrus Berry / Mild / Levitate / IVs: 31 / Hydro Pump, Will-O-Wisp, Volt Switch, Pain Split
PORYGON-Z (Lv. 100) @ Wise Glasses / Rash / Adaptability / IVs: 29 / Hyper Beam, Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, Dark Pulse
FLYGON (Lv. 100) @ Life Orb / Jolly / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Earthquake, U-turn, Outrage, ThunderPunch
REGISTEEL (Lv. 100) @ Muscle Band / Impish / Clear Body / IVs: 31 / Iron Head, Ice Punch, Earthquake, Explosion
MEWTWO (Lv. 100) @ Leftovers / Timid / Pressure / IVs: 31 / Psychic, Calm Mind, Focus Blast, Recover

Arcade Star Dahlia :
AZELF (Lv. 100) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Levitate / IVs: 28 / Zen Headbutt, Stealth Rock, U-turn, Explosion
ROSERADE (Lv. 100) @ Black Sludge / Timid / Poison Point / IVs: 28 / Leaf Storm, Extrasensory, Sludge Bomb, Shadow Ball
GLISCOR (Lv. 100) @ Toxic Orb / Impish / Poison Heal / IVs: 29 / Earthquake, Swords Dance, Roost, Fire Fang
BLAZIKEN (Lv. 100) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Speed Boost / IVs: 30 / Flare Blitz, Protect, Swords Dance, ThunderPunch
SUICUNE (Lv. 100) @ Leftovers / Bold / Pressure / IVs: 29 / Scald, Rest, Sleep Talk, Calm Mind
ZAPDOS (Lv. 100) @ Life Orb / Bold / Pressure / IVs: 28 / Thunderbolt, Heat Wave, Roost, U-turn

Castle Valet Darach :
STARAPTOR (Lv. 100) @ Shell Bell / Adamant / Reckless / IVs: 29 / Giga Impact, U-turn, Brave Bird, Close Combat
LUCARIO (Lv. 100) @ Wise Glasses / Timid / Inner Focus / IVs: 29 / Aura Sphere, Dragon Pulse, Shadow Ball, Vacuum Wave
SWAMPERT (Lv. 100) @ Rindo Berry / Calm / Torrent / IVs: 29 / Hydro Cannon, Earth Power, Ice Beam, Stealth Rock
DARKRAI (Lv. 100) @ Focus Sash / Timid / Bad Dreams / IVs: 30 / Dark Pulse, Dark Void, Nasty Plot, Focus Blast
LATIOS (Lv. 100) @ Soul Dew / Timid / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Draco Meteor, Recover, Calm Mind, Grass Knot
ENTEI (Lv. 100) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Pressure / IVs: 28 / Flare Blitz, ExtremeSpeed, Stone Edge, Giga Impact

—-ROUTE 225—-

Psychic Daisy :
CLOYSTER (Lv. 90) @ Sitrus Berry / Impish / Skill Link / IVs: 29 / Liquidation, Toxic Spikes, Explosion, Spikes
ELECTRODE (Lv. 90) @ Focus Sash / Hasty / Static / IVs: 29 / Thunder, Light Screen, Signal Beam, Explosion
MUK (Lv. 90) @ Black Sludge / Careful / Sticky Hold / IVs: 31 / Gunk Shot, Shadow Sneak, Ice Punch, Explosion
UMBREON (Lv. 90) @ Leftovers / Calm / Synchronize / IVs: 30 / Dark Pulse, Protect, Wish, Toxic
DUSKNOIR (Lv. 95) @ Muscle Band / Impish / Pressure / IVs: 29 / Shadow Sneak, Ice Punch, Earthquake, Will-O-Wisp
ALAKAZAM (Lv. 95) @ Life Orb / Timid / Magic Guard / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Focus Blast, Calm Mind, Energy Ball

[PK][MN] Ranger Ashlee :
MEGANIUM (Lv. 95) @ Light Clay / Calm / Overgrow / IVs: 28 / Energy Ball, Reflect, Toxic, Light Screen
NINETALES (Lv. 90) @ Focus Sash / Serious / Flash Fire / IVs: 30 / Fire Blast, Nasty Plot, Energy Ball, Extrasensory
AZUMARILL (Lv. 90) @ Sitrus Berry / Brave / Huge Power / IVs: 28 / Liquidation, Superpower, Ice Punch, Belly Drum
Bird Keeper Audrey :
SWELLOW (Lv. 90) @ Flame Orb / Adamant / Guts / IVs: 29 / Facade, U-turn, Brave Bird, Protect
DRIFBLIM (Lv. 90) @ Leftovers / Sassy / Unburden / IVs: 30 / Shadow Ball, Will-O-Wisp, Thunderbolt, Icy Wind
ALTARIA (Lv. 95) @ Yache Berry / Calm / Natural Cure / IVs: 30 / Draco Meteor, Ice Beam, Fire Blast, Roost

[PK][MN] Ranger Dwayne :
LICKILICKY (Lv. 90) @ Chople Berry / Jolly / Own Tempo / IVs: 29 / Giga Impact, Swords Dance, Earthquake, Knock Off
TENTACRUEL (Lv. 90) @ Black Sludge / Calm / Clear Body / IVs: 31 / Scald, Knock Off, Ice Beam, Protect
BRELOOM (Lv. 90) @ Toxic Orb / Adamant / Poison Heal / IVs: 29 / Spore, Stone Edge, Seed Bomb, Superpower
SUDOWOODO (Lv. 90) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Rock Head / IVs: 29 / Stone Edge, Explosion, Earthquake, ThunderPunch
JOLTEON (Lv. 95) @ Wise Glasses / Timid / Volt Absorb / IVs: 30 / Thunder, Hyper Beam, Signal Beam, Shadow Ball
TYPHLOSION (Lv. 95) @ Life Orb / Timid / Blaze / IVs: 29 / Eruption, Extrasensory, Focus Blast, Hyper Beam

Ace Trainer Rodolfo :
FORRETRESS (Lv. 90) @ Occa Berry / Relaxed / Shell Armor / IVs: 30 / Volt Switch, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, Explosion
TOXICROAK (Lv. 90) @ Focus Sash / Timid / Dry Skin / IVs: 30 / Sludge Bomb, Nasty Plot, Vacuum Wave, Dark Pulse
FLAREON (Lv. 90) @ Charcoal / Modest / Flash Fire / IVs: 29 / Fire Blast, Protect, Wish, Toxic
TAUROS (Lv. 90) @ Silk Scarf / Adamant / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Giga Impact, Stone Edge, Zen Headbutt, Earthquake
AMPHAROS (Lv. 95) @ Shuca Berry / Timid / Static / IVs: 28 / Thunder, Signal Beam, Focus Blast, Hyper Beam
FERALIGATR (Lv. 95) @ Life Orb / Adamant / Torrent / IVs: 28 / Liquidation, Superpower, Dragon Dance, Ice Punch

Ace Trainer Deanna :
VILEPLUME (Lv. 90) @ Black Sludge / Bold / Chlorophyll / IVs: 30 / Energy Ball, Protect, Sludge Bomb, Sleep Powder
ABSOL (Lv. 90) @ Scope Lens / Adamant / Super Luck / IVs: 29 / Night Slash, Megahorn, Psycho Cut, Stone Edge
GARDEVOIR (Lv. 95) @ Life Orb / Modest / Synchronize / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Calm Mind, Shadow Ball, Focus Blast
Ace Trainer Quinn :
LANTURN (Lv. 90) @ Rindo Berry / Calm / Volt Absorb / IVs: 30 / Scald, Icy Wind, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave
DODRIO (Lv. 90) @ Muscle Band / Jolly / Early Bird / IVs: 31 / Brave Bird, Roost, Giga Impact, Knock Off
GALLADE (Lv. 95) @ Expert Belt / Adamant / Steadfast / IVs: 30 / Zen Headbutt, Ice Punch, Close Combat, Shadow Sneak

Dragon Tamer Geoffrey :
AERODACTYL (Lv. 90) @ Focus Sash / Hasty / Rock Head / IVs: 28 / Stone Edge, Earthquake, Stealth Rock, DualWingbeat
TROPIUS (Lv. 90) @ Yache Berry / Jolly / Chlorophyll / IVs: 29 / Leaf Blade, Dragon Dance, Outrage, DualWingbeat
AGGRON (Lv. 90) @ Muscle Band / Naughty / Rock Head / IVs: 28 / Stone Edge, Iron Head, Earthquake, Dragon Claw
KINGDRA (Lv. 90) @ Wise Glasses / Mild / Swift Swim / IVs: 29 / Draco Meteor, Ice Beam, Hydro Pump, Hyper Beam
GYARADOS (Lv. 95) @ Wacan Berry / Careful / Intimidate / IVs: 28 / Waterfall, Stone Edge, Dragon Dance, Earthquake
SALAMENCE (Lv. 95) @ Lum Berry / Hasty / Intimidate / IVs: 28 / Outrage, Fire Blast, Dragon Dance, Brick Break

—-ROUTE 230 (Rain when KYOGRE is summoned)—-

Swimmer♀ Sophia :
VAPOREON (Lv. 90) @ Leftovers / Calm / Water Absorb / IVs: 29 / Scald, Toxic, Icy Wind, Protect
GOREBYSS (Lv. 90) @ Focus Sash / Modest / Swift Swim / IVs: 28 / Hydro Pump, Signal Beam, Ice Beam, Shadow Ball
MEGANIUM (Lv. 95) @ Sitrus Berry / Bold / Overgrow / IVs: 29 / Frenzy Plant, Light Screen, AncientPower, Reflect
Swimmer♂ Sam :
FORRETRESS (Lv. 90) @ Occa Berry / Sassy / Shell Armor / IVs: 29 / Gyro Ball, Stealth Rock, Volt Switch, Toxic Spikes
GASTRODON (Lv. 90) @ Rindo Berry / Calm / Storm Drain / IVs: 30 / Scald, Earth Power, Icy Wind, Recover
KINGDRA (Lv. 95) @ Haban Berry / Modest / Swift Swim / IVs: 30 / Hydro Pump, Hyper Beam, Ice Beam, Draco Meteor

Swimmer♂ Kurt :
ARMALDO (Lv. 90) @ Scope Lens / Jolly / Swift Swim / IVs: 28 / Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Swords Dance, X-Scissor
CRAWDAUNT (Lv. 90) @ Muscle Band / Jolly / Adaptability / IVs: 29 / Liquidation, Superpower, Dragon Dance, Guillotine
MANECTRIC (Lv. 90) @ Wise Glasses / Modest / Lightningrod / IVs: 30 / Thunder, Signal Beam, Magnet Rise, Hyper Beam
GLALIE (Lv. 90) @ Sitrus Berry / Relaxed / Ice Body / IVs: 30 / Icicle Crash, Spikes, Explosion, Weather Ball
PORYGON-Z (Lv. 95) @ Silk Scarf / Timid / Adaptability / IVs: 30 / Hyper Beam, Ice Beam, Thunder, Shadow Ball
FERALIGATR (Lv. 95) @ Life Orb / Jolly / Torrent / IVs: 30 / Liquidation, Earthquake, Dragon Dance, Ice Punch

Swimmer♀ Joanna :
ROSERADE (Lv. 90) @ Black Sludge / Timid / Poison Point / IVs: 30 / Energy Ball, Sleep Powder, Extrasensory, Toxic Spikes
BLISSEY (Lv. 90) @ Leftovers / Impish / Natural Cure / IVs: 30 / Seismic Toss, Toxic, Softboiled, Aromatherapy
JUMPLUFF (Lv. 90) @ Big Root / Naive / Chlorophyll / IVs: 30 / Giga Drain, Sleep Powder, Leech Seed, Substitute
MEDICHAM (Lv. 90) @ Expert Belt / Jolly / Pure Power / IVs: 29 / Hi Jump Kick, Ice Punch, Zen Headbutt, ThunderPunch
LAPRAS (Lv. 95) @ Life Orb / Modest / Hydration / IVs: 30 / Hydro Pump, Rest, Sheer Cold, Thunder
DRAGONITE (Lv. 95) @ Yache Berry / Modest / Inner Focus / IVs: 29 / Draco Meteor, ExtremeSpeed, Thunder, Focus Blast

Swimmer♂ Glenn :
YANMEGA (Lv. 90) @ Focus Sash / Modest / Speed Boost / IVs: 30 / Bug Buzz, Protect, Air Slash, AncientPower
MACHAMP (Lv. 90) @ Lum Berry / Brave / No Guard / IVs: 29 / DynamicPunch, Payback, Stone Edge, Ice Punch
EXEGGUTOR (Lv. 90) @ Life Orb / Timid / Chlorophyll / IVs: 29 / Energy Ball, Sleep Powder, Psychic, Explosion
TAUROS (Lv. 90) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Giga Impact, Zen Headbutt, Earthquake, Stone Edge
GYARADOS (Lv. 95) @ Wacan Berry / Jolly / Intimidate / IVs: 31 / Waterfall, Earthquake, Dragon Dance, Ice Fang
ELECTIVIRE (Lv. 95) @ Expert Belt / Jolly / Motor Drive / IVs: 29 / Wild Charge, Cross Chop, Ice Punch, Earthquake

Swimmer♀ Mallory :
MASQUERAIN (Lv. 90) @ Wise Glasses / Timid / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Air Slash, Hydro Pump, Bug Buzz, Ice Beam
RAICHU (Lv. 90) @ Life Orb / Timid / Lightningrod / IVs: 30 / Thunder, Grass Knot, Surf, Focus Blast
LUDICOLO (Lv. 90) @ Expert Belt / Timid / Swift Swim / IVs: 29 / Energy Ball, Ice Beam, Hydro Pump, Focus Blast
MILTANK (Lv. 90) @ Lum Berry / Impish / Thick Fat / IVs: 30 / Body Slam, Milk Drink, Rock Slide, ThunderPunch
MISMAGIUS (Lv. 95) @ Focus Sash / Timid / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Shadow Ball, Nasty Plot, Energy Ball, Thunder
EMPOLEON (Lv. 95) @ Salac Berry / Timid / Torrent / IVs: 30 / Hydro Cannon, Ice Beam, Flash Cannon, Grass Knot

—-ROUTE 226—-

Ace Trainer Graham :
SKARMORY (Lv. 90) @ Leftovers / Impish / Keen Eye / IVs: 28 / Brave Bird, Spikes, Toxic, Roost
URSARING (Lv. 90) @ Flame Orb / Adamant / Guts / IVs: 30 / Facade, Shadow Claw, Fire Punch, Swords Dance
MANECTRIC (Lv. 90) @ Life Orb / Timid / Lightningrod / IVs: 30 / Thunder, Hyper Beam, Overheat, Signal Beam
HOUNDOOM (Lv. 90) @ Focus Sash / Timid / Flash Fire / IVs: 30 / Fire Blast, Nasty Plot, Dark Pulse, Sludge Bomb
WALREIN (Lv. 95) @ Lum Berry / Adamant / Ice Body / IVs: 30 / Liquidation, Rest, Curse, Earthquake
TYRANITAR (Lv. 95) @ Muscle Band / Jolly / Intimidate / IVs: 28 / Stone Edge, Earthquake, Crunch, Superpower

Bird Keeper Geneva :
STARAPTOR (Lv. 95) @ Muscle Band / Serious / Reckless / IVs: 31 / Brave Bird, Close Combat, Giga Impact, U-turn
YANMEGA (Lv. 90) @ Focus Sash / Timid / Speed Boost / IVs: 30 / Air Slash, Protect, Bug Buzz, Psychic
SOLROCK (Lv. 90) @ Sitrus Berry / Careful / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Zen Headbutt, Will-O-Wisp
Dragon Tamer Stanley :
HUNTAIL (Lv. 90) @ Scope Lens / Lonely / Swift Swim / IVs: 28 / Liquidation, PsychicFangs, Crunch, Ice Fang
NIDOQUEEN (Lv. 90) @ Focus Sash / Rash / Poison Point / IVs: 30 / Earthquake, Fire Blast, Superpower, Super Fang
DRAGONITE (Lv. 95) @ None / Rash / Inner Focus / IVs: 31 / Draco Meteor, ExtremeSpeed, Roost, Thunder

Swimmer♀ Lydia :
BUTTERFREE (Lv. 90) @ Expert Belt / Timid / Compoundeyes / IVs: 30 / Bug Buzz, Shadow Ball, Psychic, Energy Ball
RAICHU (Lv. 90) @ Wise Glasses / Modest / Lightningrod / IVs: 30 / Thunder, Surf, Focus Blast, Grass Knot
LEAFEON (Lv. 90) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Leaf Guard / IVs: 31 / Leaf Blade, Knock Off, Swords Dance, X-Scissor
JYNX (Lv. 90) @ Wide Lens / Timid / Dry Skin / IVs: 29 / Blizzard, Lovely Kiss, Focus Blast, Nasty Plot
KANGASKHAN (Lv. 95) @ Silk Scarf / Adamant / Scrappy / IVs: 30 / Giga Impact, Fake Out, Earthquake, Hammer Arm
MILOTIC (Lv. 95) @ Leftovers / Calm / Marvel Scale / IVs: 30 / Scald, Recover, Ice Beam, Toxic

Swimmer♂ Wade :
MASQUERAIN (Lv. 90) @ Expert Belt / Timid / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Air Slash, Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Energy Ball
SWALOT (Lv. 90) @ Black Sludge / Calm / Sticky Hold / IVs: 30 / Sludge Wave, Stockpile, Shadow Ball, Destiny Bond
CRADILY (Lv. 90) @ Leftovers / Impish / Storm Drain / IVs: 30 / Stone Edge, Recover, Seed Bomb, Toxic
ARCANINE (Lv. 90) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Flare Blitz, Wild Charge, ExtremeSpeed, Morning Sun
MACHAMP (Lv. 95) @ Lum Berry / Brave / No Guard / IVs: 28 / DynamicPunch, Ice Punch, Payback, Bullet Punch
BLASTOISE (Lv. 95) @ Life Orb / Modest / Rain Dish / IVs: 30 / Hydro Cannon, Ice Beam, Focus Blast, Flash Cannon

—-ROUTE 228 (Sandstorm)—-

Black Belt Davon :
STEELIX (Lv. 90) @ Focus Sash / Adamant / Rock Head / IVs: 30 / Earthquake, Stealth Rock, Explosion, Stone Edge
EXPLOUD (Lv. 90) @ Wise Glasses / Mild / Scrappy / IVs: 30 / Hyper Beam, Fire Blast, Focus Blast, Extrasensory
HITMONCHAN (Lv. 90) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Iron Fist / IVs: 28 / Close Combat, Bullet Punch, Stone Edge, Fire Punch
PINSIR (Lv. 90) @ Scope Lens / Jolly / Hyper Cutter / IVs: 29 / Guillotine, Swords Dance, Superpower, X-Scissor
ELECTIVIRE (Lv. 95) @ Life Orb / Adamant / Motor Drive / IVs: 29 / Wild Charge, Ice Punch, Cross Chop, Earthquake
MAGMORTAR (Lv. 95) @ Expert Belt / Modest / Flame Body / IVs: 30 / Fire Blast, Thunderbolt, Focus Blast, Psychic

Dragon Tamer Keegan :
DRAPION (Lv. 90) @ Black Sludge / Brave / Sniper / IVs: 28 / Poison Jab, Toxic Spikes, Aqua Tail, Crunch
RAMPARDOS (Lv. 90) @ Muscle Band / Lonely / Mold Breaker / IVs: 30 / Head Smash, Fire Punch, Earthquake, Superpower
GOREBYSS (Lv. 90) @ Expert Belt / Hasty / Swift Swim / IVs: 29 / Hydro Pump, Psychic, Ice Beam, Shadow Ball
ARMALDO (Lv. 90) @ Passho Berry / Jolly / Swift Swim / IVs: 30 / Stone Edge, Liquidation, X-Scissor, Stealth Rock
GLISCOR (Lv. 95) @ Toxic Orb / Careful / Poison Heal / IVs: 30 / Earthquake, Swords Dance, Roost, Fire Fang
GARCHOMP (Lv. 95) @ Yache Berry / Docile / Rough Skin / IVs: 30 / Outrage, Fire Fang, Swords Dance, Earthquake

Ace Trainer Jose :
SANDSLASH (Lv. 90) @ Scope Lens / Adamant / Hyper Cutter / IVs: 28 / Earthquake, X-Scissor, Night Slash, Stone Edge
VICTREEBEL (Lv. 90) @ Muscle Band / Jolly / Chlorophyll / IVs: 30 / Seed Bomb, Swords Dance, Giga Impact, Knock Off
MAGCARGO (Lv. 90) @ Focus Sash / Sassy / Flame Body / IVs: 29 / Fire Blast, Explosion, Scorch Sands, Stealth Rock
SHARPEDO (Lv. 90) @ Life Orb / Adamant / Speed Boost / IVs: 29 / Liquidation, Earthquake, Protect, Ice Fang
SCIZOR (Lv. 95) @ Occa Berry / Adamant / Technician / IVs: 31 / Bullet Punch, Superpower, Swords Dance, Knock Off
ALAKAZAM (Lv. 95) @ Focus Sash / Timid / Magic Guard / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Focus Blast, Energy Ball, Calm Mind

Ace Trainer Moira :
GOLEM (Lv. 90) @ Focus Sash / Impish / Rock Head / IVs: 30 / Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Explosion, ThunderPunch
GASTRODON (Lv. 90) @ Rindo Berry / Calm / Storm Drain / IVs: 30 / Scald, Ice Beam, Earth Power, Recover
CLEFABLE (Lv. 90) @ Leftovers / Careful / Magic Guard / IVs: 30 / Seismic Toss, Protect, Toxic, Softboiled
BRONZONG (Lv. 90) @ Light Clay / Impish / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Gyro Ball, Reflect, Earthquake, Light Screen
GENGAR (Lv. 95) @ Life Orb / Naive / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt, Focus Blast, Explosion
MAMOSWINE (Lv. 95) @ Muscle Band / Jolly / Thick Fat / IVs: 30 / Earthquake, Stone Edge, Icicle Crash, Ice Shard

Psychic Corbin :
CLAYDOL (Lv. 90) @ Light Clay / Careful / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Earthquake, Reflect, Explosion, Light Screen
SABLEYE (Lv. 90) @ Lum Berry / Impish / Keen Eye / IVs: 29 / Knock Off, Will-O-Wisp, Recover, Fake Out
OMASTAR (Lv. 90) @ Expert Belt / Modest / Swift Swim / IVs: 30 / Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Earth Power, AncientPower
HARIYAMA (Lv. 90) @ Flame Orb / Adamant / Guts / IVs: 28 / Close Combat, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Knock Off
SKARMORY (Lv. 95) @ Leftovers / Impish / Keen Eye / IVs: 30 / Brave Bird, Whirlwind, Roost, Stealth Rock
GENGAR (Lv. 95) @ Life Orb / Naive / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Shadow Ball, Sludge Bomb, Focus Blast, Explosion

Ace Trainer Meagan :
LUNATONE (Lv. 90) @ Light Clay / Bold / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Reflect, Ice Beam, Light Screen
STANTLER (Lv. 90) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Intimidate / IVs: 31 / Giga Impact, Megahorn, Zen Headbutt, Hypnosis
TORKOAL (Lv. 90) @ Leftovers / Bold / Shell Armor / IVs: 28 / Flamethrower, Will-O-Wisp, Rest, Protect
MAROWAK (Lv. 90) @ Thick Club / Adamant / Rock Head / IVs: 29 / Earthquake, Stone Edge, Fire Punch, Giga Impact
GYARADOS (Lv. 95) @ Wacan Berry / Jolly / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Waterfall, Earthquake, Dragon Dance, Stone Edge
MAGNEZONE (Lv. 95) @ Focus Sash / Mild / Magnet Pull / IVs: 30 / Flash Cannon, Signal Beam, Thunderbolt, Explosion

[PK][MN] Ranger Krista :
CACTURNE (Lv. 90) @ Life Orb / Modest / Water Absorb / IVs: 30 / Nasty Plot, Energy Ball, Focus Blast, Dark Pulse
TOGEKISS (Lv. 90) @ King’s Rock / Modest / Serene Grace / IVs: 29 / Air Slash, Roost, Aura Sphere, Fire Blast
METAGROSS (Lv. 95) @ Muscle Band / Lonely / Clear Body / IVs: 30 / Meteor Mash, Zen Headbutt, Ice Punch, Bullet Punch
[PK][MN] Ranger Kyler :
HARIYAMA (Lv. 90) @ Flame Orb / Brave / Guts / IVs: 31 / Close Combat, Knock Off, Stone Edge, Fake Out
FROSLASS (Lv. 90) @ Sitrus Berry / Calm / Ice Body / IVs: 30 / Ice Beam, Substitute, Shadow Ball, Thunder Wave
SWAMPERT (Lv. 95) @ Rindo Berry / Impish / Torrent / IVs: 30 / Liquidation, Horsepower, Ice Punch, Stone Edge

—-ROUTE 229—-

Ace Trainer Felix :
WEEZING (Lv. 90) @ Payapa Berry / Hasty / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Sludge Wave, Flamethrower, Will-O-Wisp, Explosion
HONCHKROW (Lv. 90) @ Scope Lens / Jolly / Super Luck / IVs: 29 / Brave Bird, Superpower, U-turn, Roost
ARCANINE (Lv. 90) @ Shell Bell / Adamant / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Flare Blitz, Wild Charge, ExtremeSpeed, Outrage
HYPNO (Lv. 90) @ Wide Lens / Timid / Insomnia / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Hypnosis, Focus Blast, Calm Mind
EXPLOUD (Lv. 95) @ Wise Glasses / Modest / Scrappy / IVs: 30 / Hyper Beam, Flamethrower, Focus Blast, Extrasensory
TORTERRA (Lv. 95) @ Yache Berry / Adamant / Overgrow / IVs: 30 / Wood Hammer, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Superpower

Ace Trainer Sandra :
HIPPOWDON (Lv. 90) @ Sitrus Berry / Careful / Battle Armor / IVs: 29 / Earthquake, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Slack Off
URSARING (Lv. 90) @ Flame Orb / Adamant / Guts / IVs: 30 / Facade, Swords Dance, Close Combat, Night Slash
EXEGGUTOR (Lv. 90) @ Life Orb / Naive / Chlorophyll / IVs: 29 / Leaf Storm, Sleep Powder, Psychic, Explosion
GLACEON (Lv. 90) @ NeverMeltIce / Timid / Ice Body / IVs: 30 / Blizzard, Wish, Shadow Ball, Protect
ALTARIA (Lv. 95) @ Lum Berry / Hasty / Natural Cure / IVs: 29 / Outrage, Earthquake, Dragon Dance, Flamethrower
MILOTIC (Lv. 95) @ Leftovers / Calm / Marvel Scale / IVs: 28 / Scald, Ice Beam, Mirror Coat, Toxic

[PK][MN] Ranger Deshawn :
AMBIPOM (Lv. 90) @ Silk Scarf / Adamant / Technician / IVs: 30 / Giga Impact, U-turn, Knock Off, Fake Out
XATU (Lv. 90) @ Light Clay / Calm / Synchronize / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Reflect, U-turn, Light Screen
CAMERUPT (Lv. 90) @ Leftovers / Relaxed / Solid Rock / IVs: 30 / Scorch Sands, Fire Blast, Protect, Explosion
PINSIR (Lv. 90) @ Scope Lens / Adamant / Hyper Cutter / IVs: 31 / Earthquake, Close Combat, X-Scissor, Stone Edge
WALREIN (Lv. 95) @ Lum Berry / Calm / Ice Body / IVs: 30 / Sheer Cold, Rest, Surf, Signal Beam
VENUSAUR (Lv. 95) @ Black Sludge / Bold / Chlorophyll / IVs: 30 / Giga Drain, Sludge Bomb, Sleep Powder, Leech Seed

Ace Trainer Dana :
LINOONE (Lv. 90) @ Salac Berry / Jolly / Quick Feet / IVs: 28 / Giga Impact, Belly Drum, Shadow Claw, ExtremeSpeed
DONPHAN (Lv. 90) @ Muscle Band / Impish / Rock Head / IVs: 30 / Earthquake, Ice Shard, Stealth Rock, Knock Off
VESPIQUEN (Lv. 90) @ Leftovers / Jolly / Pressure / IVs: 30 / Attack Order, Roost, Defend Order, Toxic
BRELOOM (Lv. 90) @ Focus Sash / Adamant / Poison Heal / IVs: 30 / Focus Punch, Spore, Stone Edge, Seed Bomb
GARDEVOIR (Lv. 95) @ Life Orb / Timid / Synchronize / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Calm Mind, Shadow Ball, Focus Blast
EMPOLEON (Lv. 95) @ Liechi Berry / Adamant / Torrent / IVs: 30 / Liquidation, Aqua Jet, Swords Dance, Earthquake

—-ROUTE 227 (Sun when GROUDON is summoned)—-

Ace Trainer Saul :
ARBOK (Lv. 90) @ Black Sludge / Impish / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Poison Jab, Ice Fang, Glare, Crunch
LUXRAY (Lv. 90) @ Muscle Band / Jolly / Guts / IVs: 30 / Wild Charge, PsychicFangs, Ice Fang, Superpower
HITMONTOP (Lv. 90) @ Coba Berry / Jolly / Technician / IVs: 30 / Close Combat, Stone Edge, Fake Out, Bullet Punch
SLOWKING (Lv. 90) @ Life Orb / Modest / Own Tempo / IVs: 29 / Scald, Focus Blast, Ice Beam, Shadow Ball
PORYGON-Z (Lv. 95) @ Wise Glasses / Timid / Adaptability / IVs: 30 / Hyper Beam, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Shadow Ball
INFERNAPE (Lv. 95) @ Expert Belt / Adamant / Blaze / IVs: 30 / Close Combat, ThunderPunch, Flare Blitz, Stone Edge

[PK][MN] Ranger Felicia :
JUMPLUFF (Lv. 90) @ Big Root / Timid / Chlorophyll / IVs: 30 / Giga Drain, Sleep Powder, Substitute, Leech Seed
ESPEON (Lv. 90) @ Light Clay / Bold / Synchronize / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Light Screen, Signal Beam, Reflect
HERACROSS (Lv. 90) @ Focus Sash / Naughty / Guts / IVs: 30 / Close Combat, Stone Edge, Megahorn, Night Slash
RAPIDASH (Lv. 90) @ Muscle Band / Naive / Flash Fire / IVs: 31 / Flare Blitz, Horsepower, Horn Drill, Giga Impact
BLISSEY (Lv. 95) @ Leftovers / Relaxed / Natural Cure / IVs: 29 / Seismic Toss, Toxic, Softboiled, Protect
LAPRAS (Lv. 95) @ Zoom Lens / Modest / Hydration / IVs: 30 / Hydro Pump, Thunder, Sheer Cold, Psychic

Ace Trainer Mikayla :
SMEARGLE (Lv. 90) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Own Tempo / IVs: 30 / Spore, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, Explosion
SEVIPER (Lv. 90) @ Black Sludge / Adamant / Shed Skin / IVs: 29 / Poison Jab, Glare, Knock Off, Aqua Tail
SHIFTRY (Lv. 90) @ Life Orb / Naive / Chlorophyll / IVs: 30 / Dark Pulse, Nasty Plot, Leaf Storm, Focus Blast
STARMIE (Lv. 90) @ Expert Belt / Naive / Natural Cure / IVs: 30 / Hydro Pump, Shadow Ball, Ice Beam, Psychic
MAGNEZONE (Lv. 95) @ Wise Glasses / Mild / Magnet Pull / IVs: 30 / Thunder, Explosion, Flash Cannon, Signal Beam
BLAZIKEN (Lv. 95) @ Leftovers / Jolly / Speed Boost / IVs: 28 / Flare Blitz, Swords Dance, Protect, Superpower

[PK][MN] Trainer Buck (Sun) :
CLAYDOL (Lv. 100) @ Light Clay / Calm / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Earth Power, Reflect, SolarBeam, Light Screen
TANGROWTH (Lv. 100) @ Leftovers / Adamant / Chlorophyll / IVs: 30 / Solar Blade, Sleep Powder, Earthquake, Knock Off
RHYPERIOR (Lv. 100) @ Muscle Band / Brave / Solid Rock / IVs: 30 / R
ock Wrecker, Horn Drill, Earthquake, Avalanche
SNORLAX (Lv. 100) @ Lum Berry / Careful / Thick Fat / IVs: 30 / Giga Impact, Curse, Crunch, Rest
MAGMORTAR (Lv. 100) @ Expert Belt / Modest / Flame Body / IVs: 30 / Fire Blast, Focus Blast, SolarBeam, Thunderbolt
GROUDON (Lv. 100) @ Life Orb / Adamant / Drought / IVs: 30 / Earthquake, Overheat, Solar Blade, Dragon Claw

Black Belt Griffin :
AMBIPOM (Lv. 90) @ Silk Scarf / Jolly / Technician / IVs: 30 / Giga Impact, Fake Out, Knock Off, Fire Punch
WEEZING (Lv. 90) @ Life Orb / Hasty / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Sludge Bomb, Dark Pulse, Fire Blast, Explosion
EXEGGUTOR (Lv. 90) @ Wide Lens / Rash / Chlorophyll / IVs: 30 / Leaf Storm, Explosion, Psychic, Sleep Powder
SNORLAX (Lv. 90) @ Leftovers / Jolly / Thick Fat / IVs: 29 / Giga Impact, Rest, Curse, Crunch
RHYPERIOR (Lv. 95) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Solid Rock / IVs: 29 / Rock Wrecker, Horn Drill, Earthquake, Avalanche
LUCARIO (Lv. 95) @ Focus Sash / Adamant / Inner Focus / IVs: 29 / Close Combat, Swords Dance, ExtremeSpeed, Ice Punch


Dragon Tamer Darien :
NIDOKING (Lv. 90) @ Expert Belt / Modest / Poison Point / IVs: 29 / Earth Power, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Shadow Ball
CRAWDAUNT (Lv. 90) @ Muscle Band / Jolly / Adaptability / IVs: 30 / Guillotine, Aqua Jet, Swords Dance, Superpower
CARNIVINE (Lv. 90) @ Shell Bell / Brave / Levitate / IVs: 28 / Power Whip, Swords Dance, Knock Off, Giga Impact
DUNSPARCE (Lv. 90) @ King’s Rock / Impish / Serene Grace / IVs: 28 / Headbutt, Glare, Roost, Zen Headbutt
FLYGON (Lv. 95) @ Yache Berry / Hardy / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Outrage, Stone Edge, Earthquake, U-turn
CHARIZARD (Lv. 95) @ Life Orb / Naive / Solar Power / IVs: 29 / Blast Burn, Focus Blast, Air Slash, Dragon Pulse


Commander Mars :
PURUGLY (Lv. 100) @ Silk Scarf / Adamant / Thick Fat / IVs: 30 / Giga Impact, Fake Out, Horsepower, Knock Off
TANGROWTH (Lv. 100) @ Sitrus Berry / Adamant / Chlorophyll / IVs: 30 / Power Whip, Swords Dance, Rock Slide, Knock Off
ENTEI (Lv. 100) @ Muscle Band / Impish / Pressure / IVs: 30 / Flare Blitz, Stone Edge, ExtremeSpeed, Solar Blade
CHARIZARD (Lv. 100) @ Expert Belt / Mild / Solar Power / IVs: 30 / Blast Burn, Focus Blast, SolarBeam, Air Slash

Commander Jupiter :
SKUNTANK (Lv. 100) @ Shuca Berry / Modest / Aftermath / IVs: 31 / Sludge Bomb, Dark Pulse, Flamethrower, Shadow Ball
GARDEVOIR (Lv. 100) @ Life Orb / Modest / Synchronize / IVs: 29 / Psychic, Shadow Ball, Focus Blast, Hypnosis
RAIKOU (Lv. 100) @ Focus Sash / Hasty / Pressure / IVs: 30 / Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, Aura Sphere, ExtremeSpeed
VENUSAUR (Lv. 100) @ Black Sludge / Hasty / Chlorophyll / IVs: 30 / SolarBeam, Earthquake, Synthesis, Sludge Bomb

[PK][MN] Trainer Buck (ally) :
CLAYDOL (Lv. 100) @ Light Clay / Calm / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Earth Power, Reflect, SolarBeam, Light Screen
TANGROWTH (Lv. 100) @ Leftovers / Adamant / Chlorophyll / IVs: 30 / Solar Blade, Sleep Powder, Earthquake, Knock Off
GROUDON (Lv. 100) @ Life Orb / Naughty / Drought / IVs: 30 / Horsepower, Overheat, Solar Blade, Dragon Claw

Ace Trainer Keenan :
ELECTIVIRE (Lv. 95) @ Shuca Berry / Adamant / Motor Drive / IVs: 30 / Wild Charge, Ice Punch, Cross Chop, Giga Impact
KINGDRA (Lv. 95) @ Haban Berry / Timid / Swift Swim / IVs: 29 / Draco Meteor, Signal Beam, Ice Beam, Scald
ARCANINE (Lv. 95) @ Leftovers / Jolly / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Flare Blitz, ExtremeSpeed, Morning Sun, Wild Charge
Ace Trainer Kassandra :
EXEGGUTOR (Lv. 95) @ Life Orb / Timid / Chlorophyll / IVs: 29 / SolarBeam, Sleep Powder, Psychic, Synthesis
STARAPTOR (Lv. 95) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Reckless / IVs: 29 / Giga Impact, U-turn, Brave Bird, Close Combat
NINETALES (Lv. 95) @ Focus Sash / Timid / Flash Fire / IVs: 29 / Fire Blast, Extrasensory, SolarBeam, Dark Pulse

Bird Keeper Krystal :
TROPIUS (Lv. 95) @ Yache Berry / Impish / Chlorophyll / IVs: 30 / SolarBeam, Tailwind, Synthesis, Toxic
DODRIO (Lv. 95) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Early Bird / IVs: 30 / Giga Impact, Knock Off, Brave Bird, Protect
GLISCOR (Lv. 95) @ Toxic Orb / Jolly / Poison Heal / IVs: 28 / DualWingbeat, Substitute, Protect, Fire Fang
Black Belt Ray :
MAMOSWINE (Lv. 95) @ Soft Sand / Adamant / Thick Fat / IVs: 30 / Earthquake, Stone Edge, Icicle Crash, Superpower
MACHAMP (Lv. 95) @ Lum Berry / Adamant / No Guard / IVs: 29 / DynamicPunch, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Payback
SLAKING (Lv. 95) @ Chople Berry / Jolly / Truant / IVs: 30 / Giga Impact, Shadow Claw, Earthquake, Fire Punch

Psychic Chelsey :
LUNATONE (Lv. 95) @ Light Clay / Calm / Levitate / IVs: 29 / Psychic, Light Screen, Icy Wind, Reflect
MAGCARGO (Lv. 95) @ Passho Berry / Calm / Flame Body / IVs: 29 / Fire Blast, SolarBeam, Earth Power, AncientPower
GENGAR (Lv. 95) @ Expert Belt / Timid / Levitate / IVs: 29 / Shadow Ball, Focus Blast, Energy Ball, Thunderbolt
Psychic Sterling :
SOLROCK (Lv. 95) @ Muscle Band / Jolly / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Flare Blitz, Stone Edge, Zen Headbutt, Explosion
PORYGON-Z (Lv. 95) @ Wise Glasses / Timid / Adaptability / IVs: 29 / Hyper Beam, Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, SolarBeam
HONCHKROW (Lv. 95) @ Scope Lens / Jolly / Super Luck / IVs: 30 / Night Slash, Superpower, Brave Bird, Roost

Ace Trainer Stefan :
GOLEM (Lv. 95) @ Focus Sash / Adamant / Rock Head / IVs: 30 / Stone Edge, Fire Punch, Horsepower, ThunderPunch
VICTREEBEL (Lv. 95) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Chlorophyll / IVs: 30 / Solar Blade, Sleep Powder, Synthesis, Knock Off
TYPHLOSION (Lv. 95) @ Life Orb / Modest / Blaze / IVs: 30 / Eruption, Extrasensory, Focus Blast, SolarBeam
Ace Trainer Jasmin :
HOUNDOOM (Lv. 95) @ Expert Belt / Timid / Flash Fire / IVs: 31 / Fire Blast, Dark Pulse, SolarBeam, Sludge Bomb
TOGEKISS (Lv. 95) @ King’s Rock / Timid / Serene Grace / IVs: 29 / Air Slash, Fire Blast, Aura Sphere, Psychic
ESPEON (Lv. 95) @ Leftovers / Calm / Synchronize / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Charm, Shadow Ball, Toxic

Veteran Harlan :
HIPPOWDON (Lv. 95) @ Leftovers / Impish / Battle Armor / IVs: 30 / Earthquake, Fire Fang, Stone Edge, Slack Off
URSARING (Lv. 95) @ Flame Orb / Adamant / Guts / IVs: 28 / Facade, Earthquake, Fire Punch, Close Combat
VENUSAUR (Lv. 95) @ Black Sludge / Bold / Chlorophyll / IVs: 30 / SolarBeam, Sleep Powder, Sludge Bomb, Synthesis
Dragon Tamer Kenny :
CHARIZARD (Lv. 95) @ Life Orb / Hasty / Solar Power / IVs: 29 / Flare Blitz, Rock Slide, Dragon Claw, ThunderPunch
GYARADOS (Lv. 95) @ Wacan Berry / Impish / Intimidate / IVs: 29 / Waterfall, Toxic, Protect, Stone Edge
FLYGON (Lv. 95) @ Yache Berry / Modest / Levitate / IVs: 28 / Draco Meteor, SolarBeam, Earth Power, Fire Blast

Ace Trainer Natasha :
BASTIODON (Lv. 95) @ Leftovers / Calm / Soundproof / IVs: 30 / Metal Burst, Toxic, AncientPower, Magnet Rise
GALLADE (Lv. 95) @ Expert Belt / Adamant / Steadfast / IVs: 30 / Zen Headbutt, Close Combat, Ice Punch, Night Slash
MAGMORTAR (Lv. 95) @ Life Orb / Timid / Flame Body / IVs: 29 / Fire Blast, Thunderbolt, SolarBeam, Focus Blast
Ace Trainer Skylar :
RAMPARDOS (Lv. 95) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Mold Breaker / IVs: 30 / Head Smash, Fire Punch, Zen Headbutt, Superpower
TAUROS (Lv. 95) @ Chople Berry / Adamant / Intimidate / IVs: 28 / Giga Impact, Zen Headbutt, Stone Edge, Pursuit
VILEPLUME (Lv. 95) @ Black Sludge / Modest / Chlorophyll / IVs: 30 / SolarBeam, Synthesis, Sludge Bomb, Sleep Powder

Black Belt Jarrett :
BRELOOM (Lv. 95) @ Toxic Orb / Jolly / Poison Heal / IVs: 30 / Seed Bomb, Sky Uppercut, Stone Edge, Spore
SWAMPERT (Lv. 95) @ Rindo Berry / Timid / Torrent / IVs: 30 / Scald, Earth Power, Ice Beam, Stealth Rock
METAGROSS (Lv. 95) @ Muscle Band / Jolly / Clear Body / IVs: 29 / Meteor Mash, Ice Punch, Earthquake, Zen Headbutt
Dragon Tamer Drake :
SALAMENCE (Lv. 95) @ Lum Berry / Hasty / Intimidate / IVs: 28 / Dragon Claw, Protect, Fire Blast, Dragon Dance
DRAGONITE (Lv. 95) @ Life Orb / Hardy / Inner Focus / IVs: 29 / Outrage, Superpower, Fire Punch, ExtremeSpeed
GARCHOMP (Lv. 95) @ Yache Berry / Rash / Rough Skin / IVs: 31 / Draco Meteor, Stone Edge, Fire Blast, Stealth Rock

Ace Trainer Abel :
AERODACTYL (Lv. 95) @ Power Herb / Adamant / Rock Head / IVs: 29 / Stone Edge, Sky Attack, Stealth Rock, Earthquake
DUSKNOIR (Lv. 95) @ Leftovers / Impish / Pressure / IVs: 30 / Shadow Sneak, Earthquake, Will-O-Wisp, Fire Punch
ALAKAZAM (Lv. 95) @ Wise Glasses / Modest / Magic Guard / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Focus Blast, Shadow Ball, Energy Ball
SHIFTRY (Lv. 95) @ Life Orb / Naive / Chlorophyll / IVs: 30 / SolarBeam, Explosion, Dark Pulse, Focus Blast
BLAZIKEN (Lv. 95) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Speed Boost / IVs: 29 / Blaze Kick, Protect, Sky Uppercut, ThunderPunch
TYRANITAR (Lv. 95) @ Muscle Band / Jolly / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Stone Edge, Earthquake, Pursuit, Fire Punch

Ace Trainer Monique :
NINETALES (Lv. 95) @ Focus Sash / Modest / Flash Fire / IVs: 31 / Fire Blast, SolarBeam, Extrasensory, Nasty Plot
JUMPLUFF (Lv. 95) @ Big Root / Timid / Chlorophyll / IVs: 29 / Giga Drain, Sleep Powder, Substitute, Leech Seed
FLYGON (Lv. 95) @ Yache Berry / Jolly / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Outrage, Earthquake, Fire Punch, U-turn
NIDOQUEEN (Lv. 95) @ Wide Lens / Timid / Poison Point / IVs: 30 / Sludge Wave, Fire Blast, Shadow Ball, Focus Blast
WEAVILE (Lv. 95) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Pressure / IVs: 30 / Night Slash, Aerial Ace, Icicle Crash, Low Kick
INFERNAPE (Lv. 95) @ Life Orb / Hasty / Blaze / IVs: 30 / Close Combat, U-turn, Blast Burn, SolarBeam


[PK][MN] Trainer Paul :
DRAPION (Lv. 100) @ Black Sludge / Impish / Sniper / IVs: 29 / Poison Jab, Toxic Spikes, Ice Fang, Earthquake
GYARADOS (Lv. 100) @ Wacan Berry / Adamant / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Waterfall, Ice Fang, Dragon Dance, Stone Edge
DARKRAI (Lv. 100) @ Focus Sash / Timid / Bad Dreams / IVs: 30 / Dark Pulse, Focus Blast, Dark Void, Nasty Plot
SALAMENCE (Lv. 100) @ Lum Berry / Naive / Intimidate / IVs: 28 / Outrage, Fire Blast, Earthquake, Dragon Dance
METAGROSS (Lv. 100) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Clear Body / IVs: 30 / Meteor Mash, Ice Punch, Earthquake, Zen Headbutt
ELECTIVIRE (Lv. 100) @ Life Orb / Naughty / Motor Drive / IVs: 29 / Wild Charge, Earthquake, Ice Punch, Cross Chop


[PK][MN] Trainer Rival (if TURTWIG is chosen) :
MESPRIT (Lv. 100) @ Leftovers / Modest / Levitate / IVs: 29 / Psychic, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Stealth Rock
LUCARIO (Lv. 100) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Inner Focus / IVs: 29 / Close Combat, Ice Punch, Swords Dance, ExtremeSpeed
FLYGON (Lv. 100) @ Yache Berry / Lonely / Levitate / IVs: 29 / Outrage, Stone Edge, Earthquake, U-turn
STARAPTOR (Lv. 100) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Reckless / IVs: 29 / Brave Bird, Giga Impact, Close Combat, Roost
SNORLAX (Lv. 100) @ Lum Berry / Adamant / Thick Fat / IVs: 30 / Giga Impact, Curse, Crunch, Rest
INFERNAPE (Lv. 100) @ Life Orb / Lonely / Blaze / IVs: 31 / Blast Burn, U-turn, Close Combat, ThunderZPunch

[PK][MN] Trainer Rival (if CHIMCHAR is chosen) :
MESPRIT (Lv. 100) @ Leftovers / Modest / Levitate / IVs: 31 / Psychic, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Stealth Rock
LUCARIO (Lv. 100) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Inner Focus / IVs: 29 / Close Combat, Ice Punch, Swords Dance, ExtremeSpeed
FLYGON (Lv. 100) @ Yache Berry / Lonely / Levitate / IVs: 31 / Outrage, Stone Edge, Earthquake, U-turn
STARAPTOR (Lv. 100) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Reckless / IVs: 31 / Brave Bird, Giga Impact, Close Combat, Roost
SNORLAX (Lv. 100) @ Lum Berry / Adamant / Thick Fat / IVs: 29 / Giga Impact, Curse, Crunch, Rest
EMPOLEON (Lv. 100) @ Life Orb / Hasty / Torrent / IVs: 30 / Hydro Cannon, Grass Knot, Ice Beam, Flash Cannon

[PK][MN] Trainer Rival (if PIPLUP is chosen) :
MESPRIT (Lv. 100) @ Leftovers / Modest / Levitate / IVs: 29 / Psychic, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Stealth Rock
LUCARIO (Lv. 100) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Inner Focus / IVs: 29 / Close Combat, Ice Punch, Swords Dance, ExtremeSpeed
FLYGON (Lv. 100) @ Yache Berry / Lonely / Levitate / IVs: 29 / Outrage, Stone Edge, Earthquake, U-turn
STARAPTOR (Lv. 100) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Reckless / IVs: 29 / Brave Bird, Giga Impact, Close Combat, Roost
SNORLAX (Lv. 100) @ Lum Berry / Adamant / Thick Fat / IVs: 30 / Giga Impact, Curse, Crunch, Rest
TORTERRA (Lv. 100) @ Life Orb / Adamant / Overgrow / IVs: 30 / Wood Hammer, Stone Edge, Earthquake, Superpower


Leader Roark (Double Battle – Sandstorm) :
AERODACTYL (Lv. 100) @ Focus Sash / Adamant / Rock Head / IVs: 30 / Rock Slide, Protect, DualWingbeat, Thunder Fang
HIPPOWDON (Lv. 100) @ Leftovers / Careful / Battle Armor / IVs: 30 / Horsepower, Stealth Rock, Ice Fang, Slack Off
SALAMENCE (Lv. 100) @ Yache Berry / Lonely / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Outrage, Dragon Dance, Fire Blast, Zen Headbutt
MAMOSWINE (Lv. 100) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Thick Fat / IVs: 29 / Horsepower, Stone Edge, Icicle Crash, Ice Shard
REGIROCK (Lv. 100) @ Life Orb / Impish / Clear Body / IVs: 30 / Stone Edge, Superpower, Thunder Wave, Ice Punch
TYRANITAR (Lv. 100) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Stone Edge, Superpower, Crunch, Dragon Claw

Leader Gardenia (Double Battle – Rain) :
ROTOM-MOW (Lv. 100) @ Wise Glasses / Timid / Levitate / IVs: 29 / Thunder, Volt Switch, Leaf Storm, Shadow Ball
TANGROWTH (Lv. 100) @ Sitrus Berry / Adamant / Chlorophyll / IVs: 29 / Power Whip, Rock Slide, Sleep Powder, Knock Off
EMPOLEON (Lv. 100) @ Expert Belt / Modest / Torrent / IVs: 29 / Hydro Cannon, Grass Knot, Ice Beam, Flash Cannon
LUDICOLO (Lv. 100) @ Life Orb / Timid / Swift Swim / IVs: 28 / Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Energy Ball, Focus Blast
CELEBI (Lv. 100) @ Leftovers / Modest / Natural Cure / IVs: 29 / Leaf Storm, Thunder Wave, Psychic, Recover
ROSERADE (Lv. 100) @ Black Sludge / Calm / Poison Point / IVs: 30 / Leaf Storm, Weather Ball, Sludge Bomb, Extrasensory

Leader Fantina (Double Battle) :
GENGAR (Lv. 100) @ Black Sludge / Timid / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt, Focus Blast, Protect
ROTOM-HEAT (Lv. 100) @ Leftovers / Timid / Levitate / IVs: 29 / Thunderbolt, Protect, Overheat, Will-O-Wisp
FROSLASS (Lv. 100) @ Sitrus Berry / Calm / Ice Body / IVs: 30 / Ice Beam, Substitute, Thunder Wave, Shadow Ball
TOGEKISS (Lv. 100) @ Wacan Berry / Naive / Serene Grace / IVs: 30 / Air Slash, Roost, Aura Sphere, Fire Blast
LATIAS (Lv. 100) @ Soul Dew / Timid / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Draco Meteor, Thunderbolt, Psychic, Recover
MISMAGIUS (Lv. 100) @ Life Orb / Modest / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt, Nasty Plot, Energy Ball

Leader Maylene (Double Battle) :
INFERNAPE (Lv. 100) @ Life Orb / Hasty / Blaze / IVs: 29 / Blast Burn, Stealth Rock, Close Combat, U-turn
MACHAMP (Lv. 100) @ Lum Berry / Naughty / No Guard / IVs: 31 / DynamicPunch, Stone Edge, Ice Punch, Payback
WEAVILE (Lv. 100) @ Muscle Band / Lonely / Pressure / IVs: 28 / Icicle Crash, Low Kick, Night Slash, Swords Dance
RAIKOU (Lv. 100) @ Leftovers / Naive / Pressure / IVs: 29 / Thunderbolt, Aura Sphere, Calm Mind, Shadow Ball
BRELOOM (Lv. 100) @ Toxic Orb / Jolly / Poison Heal / IVs: 30 / Stone Edge, Spore, Seed Bomb, Substitute
LUCARIO (Lv. 100) @ Focus Sash / Timid / Inner Focus / IVs: 28 / Focus Blast, Dragon Pulse, Shadow Ball, Psychic

Leader Wake (Double Battle – Rain) :
GYARADOS (Lv. 100) @ Wacan Berry / Adamant / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Waterfall, Ice Fang, Earthquake, Stone Edge
KINGDRA (Lv. 100) @ Haban Berry / Modest / Swift Swim / IVs: 30 / Draco Meteor, Ice Beam, Hydro Pump, Hyper Beam
TOXICROAK (Lv. 100) @ Black Sludge / Jolly / Dry Skin / IVs: 29 / Cross Chop, Ice Punch, Poison Jab, Fake Out
LUDICOLO (Lv. 100) @ Life Orb / Timid / Swift Swim / IVs: 28 / Hydro Pump, Energy Ball, Focus Blast, Ice Beam
SUICUNE (Lv. 100) @ Leftovers / Bold / Pressure / IVs: 28 / Scald, Protect, Ice Beam, Extrasensory
FLOATZEL (Lv. 100) @ Focus Sash / Adamant / Swift Swim / IVs: 29 / Liquidation, Icicle Crash, Crunch, Brick Break

Leader Byron (Double Battle – Sandstorm) :
SWAMPERT (Lv. 100) @ Rindo Berry / Impish / Torrent / IVs: 31 / Liquidation, Icicle Crash, Horsepower, Superpower
SKARMORY (Lv. 100) @ Sharp Beak / Impish / Keen Eye / IVs: 29 / Brave Bird, Rock Slide, Stealth Rock, Pursuit
AERODACTYL (Lv. 100) @ King’s Rock / Adamant / Rock Head / IVs: 29 / Rock Slide, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Iron Head
REGISTEEL (Lv. 100) @ Leftovers / Impish / Clear Body / IVs: 29 / Iron Head, Ice Punch, Thunder Wave, Shadow Claw
FLYGON (Lv. 100) @ Life Orb / Modest / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Draco Meteor, Fire Blast, Earth Power, Giga Drain
METAGROSS (Lv. 100) @ Shuca Berry / Adamant / Clear Body / IVs: 30 / Meteor Mash, Ice Punch, Zen Headbutt, ThunderPunch

Leader Candice (Double Battle – Hail) :
STARMIE (Lv. 100) @ Expert Belt / Modest / Natural Cure / IVs: 31 / Hydro Pump, Blizzard, Psychic, Grass Knot
MAMOSWINE (Lv. 100) @ Life Orb / Jolly / Thick Fat / IVs: 29 / Horsepower, Stone Edge, Icicle Crash, Superpower
CLEFABLE (Lv. 100) @ Chople Berry / Bold / Magic Guard / IVs: 29 / Blizzard, Softboiled, Flamethrower, Psychic
GALLADE (Lv. 100) @ Muscle Band / Jolly / Steadfast / IVs: 29 / Zen Headbutt, Ice Punch, Close Combat, ThunderPunch
ARTICUNO (Lv. 100) @ Leftovers / Calm / Pressure / IVs: 30 / Blizzard, Extrasensory, U-turn, Roost
FROSLASS (Lv. 100) @ Focus Sash / Mild / Ice Body / IVs: 31 / Blizzard, Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, Psychic

Leader Volkner (Double Battle – Rain) :
ROTOM-WASH (Lv. 100) @ Rindo Berry / Timid / Levitate / IVs: 31 / Hydro Pump, Thunderbolt, Will-O-Wisp, Dark Pulse
HERACROSS (Lv. 100) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Guts / IVs: 28 / Megahorn, Night Slash, Close Combat, Stone Edge
LUDICOLO (Lv. 100) @ Life Orb / Naive / Swift Swim / IVs: 29 / Hydro Pump, Energy Ball, Ice Beam, Focus Blast
ZAPDOS (Lv. 100) @ Leftovers / Timid / Pressure / IVs: 29 / Thunder, Roost, Hurricane, U-turn
DRAGONITE (Lv. 100) @ Yache Berry / Jolly / Inner Focus / IVs: 28 / Draco Meteor, Superpower, Hurricane, ExtremeSpeed
ELECTIVIRE (Lv. 100) @ Shuca Berry / Adamant / Motor Drive / IVs: 29 / Wild Charge, Cross Chop, Ice Punch, Giga Impact

[PK][MN] Trainer Cheryl :
ROSERADE (Lv. 100) @ Focus Sash / Timid / Poison Point / IVs: 29 / Energy Ball, Sleep Powder, Shadow Ball, Toxic Spikes
MILOTIC (Lv. 100) @ Life Orb / Sassy / Marvel Scale / IVs: 30 / Scald, Recover, Ice Beam, Mirror Coat
UMBREON (Lv. 100) @ BlackGlasses / Careful / Synchronize / IVs: 30 / Payback, Protect, Wish, Curse
DRAGONITE (Lv. 100) @ Yache Berry / Jolly / Inner Focus / IVs: 30 / Outrage, ExtremeSpeed, Dragon Dance, Fire Punch
CRESSELIA (Lv. 100) @ Lum Berry / Bold / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Moonlight, Ice Beam, Toxic
BLISSEY (Lv. 100) @ Leftovers / Calm / Natural Cure / IVs: 29 / Softboiled, Toxic, Seismic Toss, Ice Beam

[PK][MN] Trainer Riley :
TYRANITAR (Lv. 100) @ Muscle Band / Jolly / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Pursuit, Outrage
URSARING (Lv. 100) @ Flame Orb / Adamant / Guts / IVs: 28 / Facade, Crunch, Close Combat, Earthquake
ENTEI (Lv. 100) @ Leftovers / Jolly / Pressure / IVs: 30 / Flare Blitz, Stone Edge, ExtremeSpeed, Iron Head
SALAMENCE (Lv. 100) @ Yache Berry / Lonely / Intimidate / IVs: 28 / Outrage, Dragon Dance, Fire Blast, Earthquake
MAMOSWINE (Lv. 100) @ Life Orb / Adamant / Thick Fat / IVs: 29 / Icicle Crash, Stone Edge, Earthquake, Ice Shard
LUCARIO (Lv. 100) @ Focus Sash / Naive / Inner Focus / IVs: 30 / Close Combat, Ice Punch, Swords Dance, ExtremeSpeed

[PK][MN] Trainer Mira :
UXIE (Lv. 100) @ Light Clay / Timid / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Reflect, U-turn, Light Screen
EMPOLEON (Lv. 100) @ Salac Berry / Modest / Torrent / IVs: 29 / Hydro Cannon, Grass Knot, Ice Beam, Flash Cannon
MAGMORTAR (Lv. 100) @ Expert Belt / Modest / Flame Body / IVs: 30 / Fire Blast, Thunderbolt, Psychic, Focus Blast
TOGEKISS (Lv. 100) @ King’s Rock / Timid / Serene Grace / IVs: 29 / Air Slash, Roost, Thunder Wave, Aura Sphere
GENGAR (Lv. 100) @ Life Orb / Hasty / Levitate / IVs: 29 / Shadow Ball, Hypnosis, Focus Blast, Explosion
ALAKAZAM (Lv. 100) @ Focus Sash / Modest / Magic Guard / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Energy Ball, Focus Blast, Shadow Ball

[PK][MN] Trainer Marley :
AZELF (Lv. 100) @ Sitrus Berry / Jolly / Levitate / IVs: 31 / Zen Headbutt, Stealth Rock, Explosion, U-turn
DUGTRIO (Lv. 100) @ Muscle Band / Lonely / Arena Trap / IVs: 30 / Fissure, Night Slash, Stone Edge, Aerial Ace
JOLTEON (Lv. 100) @ Wise Glasses / Timid / Volt Absorb / IVs: 30 / Thunder, Signal Beam, Hyper Beam, Shadow Ball
STARMIE (Lv. 100) @ Expert Belt / Quiet / Natural Cure / IVs: 29 / Hydro Pump, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Psychic
WEAVILE (Lv. 100) @ Focus Sash / Lonely / Pressure / IVs: 29 / Night Slash, Swords Dance, Icicle Crash, Low Kick
ARCANINE (Lv. 100) @ Life Orb / Lonely / Intimidate / IVs: 29 / Flare Blitz, ExtremeSpeed, Wild Charge, Outrage

[PK][MN] Trainer Buck (Sun) :
CLAYDOL (Lv. 100) @ Light Clay / Bold / Levitate / IVs: 31 / Earth Power, Reflect, SolarBeam, Light Screen
TANGROWTH (Lv. 100) @ Leftovers / Jolly / Chlorophyll / IVs: 31 / Solar Blade, Sleep Powder, Earthquake, Knock Off
RHYPERIOR (Lv. 100) @ Muscle Band / Lonely / Solid Rock / IVs: 28 / Rock Wrecker, Horn Drill, Earthquake, Avalanche
SNORLAX (Lv. 100) @ Lum Berry / Careful / Thick Fat / IVs: 30 / Giga Impact, Curse, Crunch, Rest
MAGMORTAR (Lv. 100) @ Expert Belt / Mild / Flame Body / IVs: 30 / Fire Blast, Focus Blast, SolarBeam, Thunderbolt
GROUDON (Lv. 100) @ Life Orb / Jolly / Drought / IVs: 30 / Earthquake, Overheat, Solar Blade, Dragon Claw


[PK][MN] Trainer Nando :
CLEFABLE (Lv. 100) @ Damp Rock / Bold / Magic Guard / IVs: 30 / Thunder, Rain Dance, Stealth Rock, Psychic
SHAYMIN (Lv. 100) @ Leftovers / Timid / Natural Cure / IVs: 30 / Seed Flare, Leech Seed, Earth Power, Protect
VAPOREON (Lv. 100) @ Lum Berry / Timid / Water Absorb / IVs: 29 / Scald, Wish, Ice Beam, Rain Dance
ALTARIA (Lv. 100) @ Yache Berry / Lonely / Natural Cure / IVs: 29 / Outrage, Earthquake, Dragon Dance, DualWingbeat
GARDEVOIR (Lv. 100) @ Life Orb / Timid / Synchronize / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Energy Ball, Focus Blast, Calm Mind
KRICKETUNE (Lv. 100) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Technician / IVs: 30 / Bug Bite, Swords Dance, Knock Off, Night Slash

[PK][MN] Trainer Conway :
SLOWKING (Lv. 100) @ Expert Belt / Quiet / Own Tempo / IVs: 30 / Scald, Ice Beam, Focus Blast, Trick Room
AMPHAROS (Lv. 100) @ Wise Glasses / Quiet / Static / IVs: 28 / Thunder, Hyper Beam, Focus Blast, Signal Beam
LICKILICKY (Lv. 100) @ Life Orb / Quiet / Own Tempo / IVs: 29 / Hyper Beam, Fire Blast, Shadow Ball, Focus Blast
HEATRAN (Lv. 100) @ Focus Sash / Quiet / Flash Fire / IVs: 30 / Fire Blast, Explosion, Earth Power, Dragon Pulse
TANGROWTH (Lv. 100) @ Sitrus Berry / Brave / Chlorophyll / IVs: 28 / Power Whip, Knock Off, Rock Slide, Swords Dance
DUSKNOIR (Lv. 100) @ Leftovers / Brave / Pressure / IVs: 30 / Shadow Sneak, Ice Punch, Earthquake, Trick Room

[PK][MN] Trainer Lucas (if TURTWIG is chosen – if the player is a girl) :
CLEFABLE (Lv. 100) @ Leftovers / Hasty / Magic Guard / IVs: 31 / Seismic Toss, Stealth Rock, Softboiled, Toxic
PHIONE (Lv. 100) @ Lum Berry / Hasty / Hydration / IVs: 31 / Scald, Rest, Ice Beam, Grass Knot
ABSOL (Lv. 100) @ Scope Lens / Hasty / Super Luck / IVs: 31 / Night Slash, Swords Dance, Psycho Cut, Megahorn
MAMOSWINE (Lv. 100) @ Choice Band / Hasty / Thick Fat / IVs: 31 / Earthquake, Icicle Crash, Stone Edge, Ice Shard
GALLADE (Lv. 100) @ Focus Sash / Hasty / Steadfast / IVs: 31 / Zen Headbutt, Swords Dance, Close Combat, Shadow Sneak
EMPOLEON (Lv. 100) @ Life Orb / Hasty / Torrent / IVs: 31 / Hydro Cannon, Grass Knot, Ice Beam, Flash Cannon

[PK][MN] Trainer Lucas (if CHIMCHAR is chosen – if the player is a girl) :
CLEFABLE (Lv. 100) @ Leftovers / Hasty / Magic Guard / IVs: 31 / Seismic Toss, Stealth Rock, Softboiled, Toxic
PHIONE (Lv. 100) @ Lum Berry / Hasty / Hydration / IVs: 31 / Scald, Rest, Ice Beam, Grass Knot
ABSOL (Lv. 100) @ Scope Lens / Hasty / Super Luck / IVs: 31 / Night Slash, Swords Dance, Psycho Cut, Megahorn
MAMOSWINE (Lv. 100) @ Choice Band / Hasty / Thick Fat / IVs: 31 / Earthquake, Icicle Crash, Stone Edge, Ice Shard
GALLADE (Lv. 100) @ Focus Sash / Hasty / Steadfast / IVs: 31 / Zen Headbutt, Swords Dance, Close Combat, Shadow Sneak
TORTERRA (Lv. 100) @ Life Orb / Hasty / Overgrow / IVs: 31 / Wood Hammer, Stone Edge, Earthquake, Superpower

[PK][MN] Trainer Lucas (if PIPLUP is chosen – if the player is a girl) :
CLEFABLE (Lv. 100) @ Leftovers / Hasty / Magic Guard / IVs: 31 / Seismic Toss, Stealth Rock, Softboiled, Toxic
PHIONE (Lv. 100) @ Lum Berry / Hasty / Hydration / IVs: 31 / Scald, Rest, Ice Beam, Grass Knot
ABSOL (Lv. 100) @ Scope Lens / Hasty / Super Luck / IVs: 31 / Night Slash, Swords Dance, Psycho Cut, Megahorn
MAMOSWINE (Lv. 100) @ Choice Band / Hasty / Thick Fat / IVs: 31 / Earthquake, Icicle Crash, Stone Edge, Ice Shard
GALLADE (Lv. 100) @ Focus Sash / Hasty / Steadfast / IVs: 31 / Zen Headbutt, Swords Dance, Close Combat, Shadow Sneak
INFERNAPE (Lv. 100) @ Life Orb / Hasty / Blaze / IVs: 31 / Blast Burn, U-turn, Close Combat, Stone Edge

[PK][MN] Trainer Dawn (if TURTWIG is chosen – if the player is a boy) :
TOGEKISS (Lv. 100) @ King’s Rock / Modest / Serene Grace / IVs: 29 / Air Slash, Thunder Wave, Roost, Aura Sphere
PHIONE (Lv. 100) @ Lum Berry / Modest / Hydration / IVs: 31 / Scald, Grass Knot, Ice Beam, Rest
UMBREON (Lv. 100) @ Leftovers / Calm / Synchronize / IVs: 30 / Dark Pulse, Toxic, Wish, Protect
FROSLASS (Lv. 100) @ Sitrus Berry / Bold / Ice Body / IVs: 30 / Shadow Ball, Thunder Wave, Substitute, Ice Beam
GARDEVOIR (Lv. 100) @ Focus Sash / Modest / Synchronize / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Shadow Ball, Focus Blast, Calm Mind
EMPOLEON (Lv. 100) @ Life Orb / Modest / Torrent / IVs: 29 / Hydro Cannon, Grass Knot, Ice Beam, Flash Cannon

[PK][MN] Trainer Dawn (if CHIMCHAR is chosen – if the player is a boy) :
TOGEKISS (Lv. 100) @ King’s Rock / Modest / Serene Grace / IVs: 28 / Air Slash, Thunder Wave, Roost, Aura Sphere
PHIONE (Lv. 100) @ Lum Berry / Modest / Hydration / IVs: 30 / Scald, Grass Knot, Ice Beam, Rest
UMBREON (Lv. 100) @ Leftovers / Calm / Synchronize / IVs: 29 / Dark Pulse, Toxic, Wish, Protect
FROSLASS (Lv. 100) @ Sitrus Berry / Bold / Ice Body / IVs: 30 / Shadow Ball, Thunder Wave, Substitute, Ice Beam
GARDEVOIR (Lv. 100) @ Focus Sash / Bold / Synchronize / IVs: 28 / Psychic, Shadow Ball, Focus Blast, Calm Mind
TORTERRA (Lv. 100) @ Life Orb / Naughty / Overgrow / IVs: 30 / Wood Hammer, Stone Edge, Earthquake, Superpower

[PK][MN] Trainer Dawn (if PIPLUP is chosen – if the player is a boy) :
TOGEKISS (Lv. 100) @ King’s Rock / Modest / Serene Grace / IVs: 28 / Air Slash, Thunder Wave, Roost, Aura Sphere
PHIONE (Lv. 100) @ Lum Berry / Modest / Hydration / IVs: 29 / Scald, Grass Knot, Ice Beam, Rest
UMBREON (Lv. 100) @ Leftovers / Calm / Synchronize / IVs: 28 / Dark Pulse, Toxic, Wish, Protect
FROSLASS (Lv. 100) @ Sitrus Berry / Bold / Ice Body / IVs: 30 / Shadow Ball, Thunder Wave, Substitute, Ice Beam
GARDEVOIR (Lv. 100) @ Focus Sash / Modest / Synchronize / IVs: 29 / Psychic, Shadow Ball, Focus Blast, Calm Mind
INFERNAPE (Lv. 100) @ Life Orb / Naughty / Blaze / IVs: 30 / Flare Blitz, Stone Edge, Close Combat, U-turn

[PK][MN] Trainer Jasmine :
BRONZONG (Lv. 100) @ Light Clay / Sassy / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Gyro Ball, Reflect, Zen Headbutt, Light Screen
STARMIE (Lv. 100) @ Expert Belt / Modest / Natural Cure / IVs: 30 / Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Psychic
RAIKOU (Lv. 100) @ Focus Sash / Naive / Pressure / IVs: 30 / Thunder, Aura Sphere, Shadow Ball, ExtremeSpeed
SKARMORY (Lv. 100) @ Leftovers / Impish / Keen Eye / IVs: 30 / Brave Bird, Roost, Toxic, Protect
EMPOLEON (Lv. 100) @ Salac Berry / Modest / Torrent / IVs: 29 / Hydro Cannon, Ice Beam, Flash Cannon, Grass Knot
METAGROSS (Lv. 100) @ Life Orb / Impish / Clear Body / IVs: 30 / Meteor Mash, Ice Punch, Zen Headbutt, Bullet Punch

Commander Saturn :
BRONZONG (Lv. 100) @ Light Clay / Relaxed / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Explosion, Reflect, Light Screen
ROTOM-FROST (Lv. 100) @ Life Orb / Modest / Levitate / IVs: 29 / Blizzard, Will-O-Wisp, Volt Switch, Shadow Ball
MAGNEZONE (Lv. 100) @ Magnet / Quiet / Magnet Pull / IVs: 28 / Thunder, Flash Cannon, Explosion, Signal Beam
PORYGON-Z (Lv. 100) @ Wise Glasses / Modest / Adaptability / IVs: 30 / Hyper Beam, Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam
SUICUNE (Lv. 100) @ Leftovers / Calm / Pressure / IVs: 29 / Hydro Pump, Calm Mind, Ice Beam, Rest
TOXICROAK (Lv. 100) @ Focus Sash / Adamant / Dry Skin / IVs: 30 / Cross Chop, Swords Dance, Knock Off, Ice Punch

[PK][MN] Trainer Reggie :
JOLTEON (Lv. 100) @ Wise Glasses / Modest / Volt Absorb / IVs: 30 / Thunderbolt, Signal Beam, Shadow Ball, Hyper Beam
BRELOOM (Lv. 100) @ Toxic Orb / Adamant / Poison Heal / IVs: 29 / Spore, Seed Bomb, Superpower, Stone Edge
LATIAS (Lv. 100) @ Soul Dew / Calm / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Draco Meteor, Thunderbolt, Calm Mind, Recover
GENGAR (Lv. 100) @ Wide Lens / Hasty / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Shadow Ball, Hypnosis, Focus Blast, Dream Eater
ARCANINE (Lv. 100) @ Leftovers / Careful / Intimidate / IVs: 29 / Flare Blitz, Wild Charge, ExtremeSpeed, Morning Sun
STARAPTOR (Lv. 100) @ Muscle Band / Jolly / Reckless / IVs: 30 / Brave Bird, Giga Impact, Close Combat, U-turn

[PK][MN] Trainer Rival (if TURTWIG is chosen) :
MESPRIT (Lv. 100) @ Leftovers / Modest / Levitate / IVs: 29 / Psychic, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Stealth Rock
LUCARIO (Lv. 100) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Inner Focus / IVs: 29 / Close Combat, Ice Punch, Swords Dance, ExtremeSpeed
FLYGON (Lv. 100) @ Yache Berry / Lonely / Levitate / IVs: 29 / Outrage, Stone Edge, Earthquake, U-turn
STARAPTOR (Lv. 100) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Reckless / IVs: 29 / Brave Bird, Giga Impact, Close Combat, Roost
SNORLAX (Lv. 100) @ Lum Berry / Adamant / Thick Fat / IVs: 30 / Giga Impact, Curse, Crunch, Rest
INFERNAPE (Lv. 100) @ Life Orb / Lonely / Blaze / IVs: 31 / Blast Burn, U-turn, Close Combat, ThunderPunch

[PK][MN] Trainer Rival (if CHIMCHAR is chosen) :
MESPRIT (Lv. 100) @ Leftovers / Modest / Levitate / IVs: 31 / Psychic, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Stealth Rock
LUCARIO (Lv. 100) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Inner Focus / IVs: 29 / Close Combat, Ice Punch, Swords Dance, ExtremeSpeed
FLYGON (Lv. 100) @ Yache Berry / Lonely / Levitate / IVs: 31 / Outrage, Stone Edge, Earthquake, U-turn
STARAPTOR (Lv. 100) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Reckless / IVs: 31 / Brave Bird, Giga Impact, Close Combat, Roost
SNORLAX (Lv. 100) @ Lum Berry / Adamant / Thick Fat / IVs: 29 / Giga Impact, Curse, Crunch, Rest
EMPOLEON (Lv. 100) @ Life Orb / Hasty / Torrent / IVs: 30 / Hydro Cannon, Grass Knot, Ice Beam, Flash Cannon

[PK][MN] Trainer Rival (if PIPLUP is chosen) :
MESPRIT (Lv. 100) @ Leftovers / Modest / Levitate / IVs: 29 / Psychic, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Stealth Rock
LUCARIO (Lv. 100) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Inner Focus / IVs: 29 / Close Combat, Ice Punch, Swords Dance, ExtremeSpeed
FLYGON (Lv. 100) @ Yache Berry / Lonely / Levitate / IVs: 29 / Outrage, Stone Edge, Earthquake, U-turn
STARAPTOR (Lv. 100) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Reckless / IVs: 29 / Brave Bird, Giga Impact, Close Combat, Roost
SNORLAX (Lv. 100) @ Lum Berry / Adamant / Thick Fat / IVs: 30 / Giga Impact, Curse, Crunch, Rest
TORTERRA (Lv. 100) @ Life Orb / Adamant / Overgrow / IVs: 30 / Wood Hammer, Stone Edge, Earthquake, Superpower

[PK][MN] Trainer Paul :
DRAPION (Lv. 100) @ Black Sludge / Impish / Sniper / IVs: 29 / Poison Jab, Toxic Spikes, Ice Fang, Earthquake
GYARADOS (Lv. 100) @ Wacan Berry / Adamant / Intimidate / IVs: 30 / Waterfall, Ice Fang, Dragon Dance, Stone Edge
DARKRAI (Lv. 100) @ Focus Sash / Timid / Bad Dreams / IVs: 30 / Dark Pulse, Focus Blast, Dark Void, Nasty Plot
SALAMENCE (Lv. 100) @ Lum Berry / Naive / Intimidate / IVs: 28 / Outrage, Fire Blast, Earthquake, Dragon Dance
METAGROSS (Lv. 100) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Clear Body / IVs: 30 / Meteor Mash, Ice Punch, Earthquake, Zen Headbutt
ELECTIVIRE (Lv. 100) @ Life Orb / Naughty / Motor Drive / IVs: 29 / Wild Charge, Earthquake, Ice Punch, Cross Chop

Professor Rowan :
MEW (Lv. 100) @ Lum Berry / Adamant / Synchronize / IVs: 30 / Zen Headbutt, U-turn, Explosion, Stealth Rock
LUCARIO (Lv. 100) @ Focus Sash / Lonely / Inner Focus / IVs: 30 / Close Combat, Ice Punch, Swords Dance, ExtremeSpeed
MAMOSWINE (Lv. 100) @ Muscle Band / Jolly / Thick Fat / IVs: 30 / Earthquake, Stone Edge, Icicle Crash, Superpower
EMPOLEON (Lv. 100) @ Expert Belt / Modest / Torrent / IVs: 30 / Hydro Cannon, Ice Beam, Flash Cannon, Grass Knot
INFERNAPE (Lv. 100) @ Life Orb / Hasty / Blaze / IVs: 30 / Blast Burn, Grass Knot, Focus Blast, U-turn
TORTERRA (Lv. 100) @ Leftovers / Adamant / Overgrow / IVs: 29 / Wood Hammer, Stone Edge, Earthquake, Superpower

[PK][MN] Trainer Tobias :
DARKRAI (Lv. 100) @ Life Orb / Modest / Bad Dreams / IVs: 29 / Dark Pulse, Focus Blast, Dark Void, Nasty Plot
CRESSELIA (Lv. 100) @ Light Clay / Calm / Levitate / IVs: 29 / Ice Beam, Moonlight, Reflect, Light Screen
ZAPDOS (Lv. 100) @ Lum Berry / Modest / Pressure / IVs: 30 / Thunderbolt, Toxic, Heat Wave, Roost
SUICUNE (Lv. 100) @ Leftovers / Calm / Pressure / IVs: 28 / Scald, Rest, Calm Mind, Sleep Talk
HEATRAN (Lv. 100) @ Focus Sash / Rash / Flash Fire / IVs: 28 / Fire Blast, Earth Power, Stealth Rock, Explosion
LATIOS (Lv. 100) @ Soul Dew / Timid / Levitate / IVs: 29 / Draco Meteor, Recover, Calm Mind, Thunderbolt


Elite Four Aaron (Rain) :
ARMALDO (Lv. 100) @ Muscle Band / Impish / Swift Swim / IVs: 28 / Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Liquidation, Superpower
KABUTOPS (Lv. 100) @ Focus Sash / Lonely / Swift Swim / IVs: 30 / Liquidation, Swords Dance, Stone Edge, X-Scissor
MANAPHY (Lv. 100) @ Life Orb / Timid / Hydration / IVs: 30 / Scald, Tail Glow, Ice Beam, Rest
LUDICOLO (Lv. 100) @ Expert Belt / Timid / Swift Swim / IVs: 30 / Energy Ball, Ice Beam, Hydro Pump, Focus Blast
SCIZOR (Lv. 100) @ Metal Coat / Adamant / Technician / IVs: 30 / Bullet Punch, Pursuit, Swords Dance, Superpower
DRAPION (Lv. 100) @ Shuca Berry / Adamant / Sniper / IVs: 29 / Crunch, Aqua Tail, Earthquake, Swords Dance

Elite Four Bertha (Sandstorm) :
CLEFABLE (Lv. 100) @ Chople Berry / Impish / Magic Guard / IVs: 30 / Seismic Toss, Stealth Rock, Toxic, Protect
GLISCOR (Lv. 100) @ Toxic Orb / Adamant / Poison Heal / IVs: 29 / Earthquake, Swords Dance, Thunder Fang, Roost
JIRACHI (Lv. 100) @ Expert Belt / Naive / Serene Grace / IVs: 29 / Iron Head, Fire Punch, Thunderbolt, Grass Knot
SKARMORY (Lv. 100) @ Leftovers / Impish / Keen Eye / IVs: 29 / Brave Bird, Spikes, Whirlwind, Roost
SWAMPERT (Lv. 100) @ Rindo Berry / Brave / Torrent / IVs: 30 / Hydro Pump, Stealth Rock, Ice Beam, Earthquake
TYRANITAR (Lv. 100) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Intimidate / IVs: 29 / Stone Edge, Crunch, Earthquake, Dragon Dance

Elite Four Flint (Sun) :
INFERNAPE (Lv. 100) @ Expert Belt / Hasty / Blaze / IVs: 28 / Blast Burn, Stealth Rock, Close Combat, U-turn
RHYPERIOR (Lv. 100) @ Muscle Band / Adamant / Solid Rock / IVs: 28 / Earthquake, Horn Drill, Stone Edge, Fire Punch
GENGAR (Lv. 100) @ Focus Sash / Hasty / Levitate / IVs: 28 / Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt, Focus Blast, Explosion
FLYGON (Lv. 100) @ Yache Berry / Hasty / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Earthquake, U-turn, Draco Meteor, Fire Blast
VENUSAUR (Lv. 100) @ Life Orb / Modest / Chlorophyll / IVs: 29 / Frenzy Plant, Synthesis, Sludge Bomb, Sleep Powder
MOLTRES (Lv. 100) @ Leftovers / Modest / Pressure / IVs: 30 / Fire Blast, Roost, SolarBeam, Air Slash

Elite Four Lucian :
BRONZONG (Lv. 100) @ Light Clay / Relaxed / Levitate / IVs: 30 / Gyro Ball, Reflect, Explosion, Light Screen
ROTOM-WASH (Lv. 100) @ Leftovers / Timid / Levitate / IVs: 28 / Hydro Pump, Will-O-Wisp, Volt Switch, Pain Split
TOGEKISS (Lv. 100) @ King’s Rock / Timid / Serene Grace / IVs: 29 / Air Slash, Nasty Plot, Aura Sphere, Roost
GALLADE (Lv. 100) @ Focus Sash / Jolly / Steadfast / IVs: 30 / Close Combat, Zen Headbutt, Swords Dance, Night Slash
LATIOS (Lv. 100) @ Soul Dew / Timid / Levitate / IVs: 29 / Draco Meteor, Calm Mind, Thunderbolt, Recover
METAGROSS (Lv. 100) @ Lum Berry / Adamant / Clear Body / IVs: 30 / Meteor Mash, Zen Headbutt, Earthquake, Explosion

Champion Cynthia :
GARCHOMP (Lv. 100) @ Yache Berry / Naughty / Rough Skin / IVs: 29 / Dragon Claw, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Swords Dance
DARKRAI (Lv. 100) @ Focus Sash / Modest / Bad Dreams / IVs: 31 / Dark Pulse, Dark Void, Nasty Plot, Focus Blast
HEATRAN (Lv. 100) @ Passho Berry / Mild / Flash Fire / IVs: 29 / Fire Blast, Earth Power, Explosion, Dragon Pulse
SUICUNE (Lv. 100) @ Leftovers / Modest / Pressure / IVs: 29 / Scald, Calm Mind, Ice Beam, Protect
RAYQUAZA (Lv. 100) @ Life Orb / Hasty / Air Lock / IVs: 30 / Outrage, Earthquake, Dragon Dance, Overheat
ARCEUS (Lv. 100) @ Silk Scarf / Jolly / Multitype / IVs: 31 / ExtremeSpeed, Swords Dance, Shadow Claw, Recover


[PK][MN] Trainer Diamond :
PIKACHU (Lv. 100) @ Light Ball / Naive / Lightningrod / IVs: 30 / Volt Tackle, Surf, Grass Knot, Fake Out
MEW (Lv. 100) @ Leftovers / Jolly / Synchronize / IVs: 30 / Zen Headbutt, Softboiled, Will-O-Wisp, U-turn
DIALGA (Lv. 100) @ Adamant Orb / Modest / Pressure / IVs: 31 / Roar of Time, Fire Blast, Thunderbolt, Stealth Rock
PALKIA (Lv. 100) @ Lustrous Orb / Adamant / Pressure / IVs: 29 / Liquidation, Earthquake, Outrage, Stone Edge
GIRATINA (Lv. 100) @ Griseous Orb / Relaxed / Pressure / IVs: 30 / Draco Meteor, Shadow Sneak, Aura Sphere, Will-O-Wisp
ARCEUS (Lv. 100) @ Silk Scarf / Adamant / Multitype / IVs: 28 / ExtremeSpeed, Shadow Claw, Swords Dance, Recover

—-VALOR LAKEFRONT (After beating Diamond)—-

[PK][MN] Trainer Memory (Double Battle) :
HO-OH (Lv. 100) @ Charti Berry / Quirky / Pressure / IVs: 30 / Sacred Fire, Earthquake, Brave Bird, Roost
LUGIA (Lv. 100) @ Leftovers / Calm / Pressure / IVs: 30 / Psychic, Aeroblast, Roost, Icy Wind
DARKRAI (Lv. 100) @ Focus Sash / Timid / Bad Dreams / IVs: 28 / Dark Pulse, Dark Void, Focus Blast, Ice Beam
MEWTWO (Lv. 100) @ Life Orb / Modest / Pressure / IVs: 28 / Psychic, Aura Sphere, Ice Beam, Shadow Ball
RAYQUAZA (Lv. 100) @ Yache Berry / Docile / Air Lock / IVs: 31 / Outrage, Dragon Dance, Overheat, Stone Edge
ARCEUS (Lv. 100) @ Silk Scarf / Adamant / Multitype / IVs: 30 / ExtremeSpeed, Recover, Shadow Claw, Swords Dance


If you have any questions regarding the game you can ask about them in Pokemon Azure Platinum’s Official Discord Server!